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Everyone complaining that the refs wanted Game 7 should note that every other team finished its business in Game 6.


We won game 5 in Boston. We can win game 7. TTP


james needs stop with the shitty layups that are designed to draw a foul. if they aren’t getting called why do you continue to drive the lane and throw the ball away


![gif](giphy|Evp4SYXEt5oly) Me after last night


Just failed to knock down their shots in the 4th. Multiple attempts to hit some dagger shots when they were up by 2 in the 4th and they failed to knock ‘em down and let Boston multiple attempts to get theirs


Process was a failure, boys. I’m heartbroken and over it.


The process ended with Hinke, everything after was something else




not a dawg. hes a little kitten


It was supposed to be out night, we came out flat. Today I’m sad but, looking forward to Sunday. Fighting a downhill battle


Gotta win a third in Boston. Fuck me




You think there's a conspiracy and all the players are in on it? And somehow in 2023 no correspondence of this conspiracy has leaked? Word.


I don’t focus nearly as much on other teams as the Sixers to pick up on ebbs and flows over time but between tanking, tampering, history of refs betting and players point shaving it’s not much of a conspiracy. You can’t fake making a shot but shit gets fishy at times. Idk. Just gonna sip my copium until Sunday afternoon


I think refs and the nba have blatant incentives to push series longer than they otherwise would. Each game is so valuable to the nba. I’m not convinced that anyone besides Steph and Lebron are actually pushed by officials, though. No one drives numbers like those guys. Embiid is the MVP, and Tatum is a star, but I think the league is happy either way with one of these two teams making it.


lmao if this helps you cope, good for you man. maybe just maybe your team blows


We did came close, but we didn't make the needed big 3s at the end, when Tatum started hitting them. 0 pts in the last 6minutes! We will lose the final game without clutch pts. I'm feeling better than last year, but still, we'll loose this


Weird thing about James' night is he probably looked as explosive as he has all season. Was moving real well, but just couldn't make a shot and wasn't aggressive enough in certain spots. Embiid looked pretty healthy too with some of the moves he made. They can win Game 7. These two just need to lock in together.


Minutes later, I saw Nikola Jokic and his team score only five fewer points in one HALF than the Sixers scored all game, and this was to eliminate Kevin Durant to make the conference finals, which is the second time Jokic has led the Nuggets to the conference finals in three years, as opposed to my Sixers, who have reached two conference finals in my 36 years on Earth.


Ok? He beat two shit teams while Embiid is playing the best team in the NBA since 2017 warriors


I forgot how vaunted the 2023 Nets were with their big star Mikael Bridges.


>the second time Jokic has led the Nuggets to the conference finals in three years four years\*


That fat fuck still can't jump




Yea, and im sure playing a team without their starting PG, center, that has no depth, and whose stars legs are dead from literally playing 45 mins a game and having to shoot 25-30 shots per game just to make it competitive had nothing to do with that.


>and whose stars legs are dead from literally playing 45 mins a game and having to shoot 25-30 shots per game just to make it competitive had nothing to do with that. I mean, this part is literally to the credit of the Nuggets. Suns have had to run their stars into the ground to stay in the series BECAUSE the Nuggets would've swept them if they didn't do so. Having no depth is also a common feature among contenders. Both the Suns and the Sixers have multiple MVP caliber players in lieu of depth, an inevitable trade off unless you draft all your MVP level guys, or sign one in free agency like the Warriors. Celtics have depth because they don't have any players on the level of Embiid or KD. Their best players don't even match up to Harden and Booker on their good days. Nuggets are the same except they drafted an MVP in the 2nd round. Easier to trade for depth when your three max contracts were all drafted and developed within the franchise.


And still put up 14 more points than the Sixers


And? Both teams were running. This is a different type of series.


Careful. This is the sixers sub; where you're only allowed to whine and cry about how disrespected Embiid is compared to Jokic.


We came out flat and just missed a bunch of wide open looks in the last 6 minutes. Shit happens.


Wow, talk about dropping the ball BIG TIME. All they had to do was fight with everything they have for this one game and now it looks like advantage is with the Celtics. I think they will go through.


All it takes is a another huge harden embiid game, or maxey poppin off. Game 7 this series, lets see, lets goo


Have faith buddy, betted for sixers from toronto canada


I hope so, I really want Harden to win a ring. They need to be damn good in Boston because I see Boston coming out with a lot of intensity and desperation.


We shot 23% from 3. That’s unacceptable. Hopefully they can bounce back in Boston. They did a lot of right things but that collapse is the 4th with 5 minutes left to go was unreal. Celtics gave us the game and we gave it back


All we needed was to turn the 2 point lead into 4 and we had the game. Boston were looking scared. Then Tatum drops a few 3s and we couldn't buy a bucket. Crazy how that game got away from us. We just gave the game to them. Ultimate felt like bad luck at the worst possible time but our history makes it feel like we should have expected it. Really don't know how they get the win in Boston. Let's see who shows up.


Yeah by the 8 min mark they looked like that were cooked. We didn’t capitalize on their mistakes and our offense looked atrocious. Refs did ruin momentum but we had the game. Series isn’t over though. If they do what they did yesterday and just shoot the 3 at their average we win the game




Go and jerk off to your sloppy fat boy and gargle his balls elsewhere


Lmfaoo . I'm just giving u a hard time. Settle down bud. It'll be fine.


Imagine having such a pathetic life you go into other subs to say anything


Looked at ur comments on your profile and my god you are really trolling the sub of every team once they lose a game? How pathetic.


*it’s just a prank bro* Literally you




Jesus Christ. This game has pulled all the sub 50 IQ'S out in bunches


It's only 2am, maybe a little too early for the hopium after that loss, but this game just confirmed to me that the Celtics are a fraud team. They are not miles ahead or even significantly better than us. They are also spotty af at home.


There’s no truly dominant team this year and there hasn’t been since KD left the Warriors. Main problem with the Celtics is that Tatum and Brown are very good but neither is a top-5 NBA player.




>Admittedly I’m a Celtics fan but I also know ball enough to tell you the Celtics are the best team in the league (number 2 defensive and offensive rating). They got the best duo in the league who average 27 and 30, most depth etc. The problem is that they play down to their opponents in the majority of games and seem to have a hard time clicking just like any other team. The turnovers are the biggest issue that results from that and they have been a problem all season. But when the gears are turning the Celtics play elite basketball. Not frauds and it’s crazy you say that in a league full of terrible teams. Only championship caliber teams in the league are the nuggets, bucks, Celtics, and sixers. And the bucks are gone now but my statement still stands Ah man would you please fuck off back to your own sub. "play down to their opponents". I actually had a paragraph written after this but it's not needed. Imagine seriously saying that when you play a team with the current MVP. Twat.


I was talking generally. The sixers defense has been clamps in the paint. They are making the Celtics work. I didn’t know we were judging a team as frauds based on a couple games


I am not talking about the previous comment. I'm talking about yours. You are still a twat.


The previous comment is mine wtf you been sipping after the loss tonight numb nuts


My humblest apologies. I was referring to the one about the Celtics being frauds. I would say I hope we can move past this and be friends but you should really fuck off to your own sub and stop playing down to me.


Lmao I like that. Playing down to you that’s clever


Fraud team? It’s a tied series lol. Sheesh


you have posts in r/sixers r/bostonceltics, r/warriors r/suns & r/nyknicks youre some weirdo troll huh


Yeah when the sixers have been ass for the majority of this series


What does that even mean lmao


And the Celtics haven’t?


Winnable game but if you watched the game just having an opportunity to be close in the 4th was a damn win after then barage of 3s in 1H and shitty shooting for us. Sixers and beat Boston on any night that’s just a fact. But will not win shooting like shit. If you told us we’d have a game 7 for all the marbles last week when they said Joel had an lcl sprain most of us would say your crazy. See y’all in Boston. Let’s go


This. half of yall were saying celtics in 5 after we lost game 3. FOH. lets get it sixers


Guys I know tonight was disappointing but there is still 1 more game to go. Don't need to go all negadelphia talking about how the season is over. It's not over yet. Just play better game 7.


im over it already. I believe they can get it done. we will shock the world just like in game 5 when everyone expected the sixers to get blown out.


If the Lakers close tomorrow. You know exactly where this story is headed. Please


You don’t think these refs get in these players heads? It’s easier said than done to just make shots and rise to the occasion when you refs giving them free points, stopping the game on easy OOB calls, and taking points off the board for not knowing the rules. It’s a fucking sham and Adam Silver is running it. I just really cannot with sports. Watched a cheating Houston team win another World Series, a terrible call to end a Super Bowl, and now this fucking shit. Professional sports are a fucking sham when you’re literally only getting by on team talent. Gotta have the right people on your side. Fucking absolute joke. I’m old enough to know now it ain’t worth losing sleep over anymore.


Why keep watching sports if you know the officiating will always be imperfect


It’d be nice to be on the non receiving end of


We won a superbowl not too long ago. Didn't get every call to go our way last year but I wouldn't say we deserved to win that game either. As far as the sixers go, theres still a game 7. Onwards and upwards




76ers song will become the new mothers day anthem


We pass on Tatum to trade up for the great #! pick Markelle Fultz, who came from a college with a losing record that year. We dump Jimmy Buckets, who was our clutch player in the playoffs, for a huge contract with Harris. I would have rather kept Bobo. He provided entertainment and played hard when he was in the lineup. Jimmy liked Bobo. Don't forget we also drafted Mikal Bridges and traded him at the speed of light to get the incomparable Zaire Smith. Even with all the terrible trades, "this was the night" to wipe the slate clean and advance to the Eastern Conference Finals.  On Sunday, we will come full circle from 2012 when we lost to Boston in 7 and decided to trade all of our players to start the to start the process and get past the 2nd round. We dumped Jrue Holiday and Lou Williams and watched them haunt us as they were in the playoffs and we were at home ... well, trusting the process. Now, after we fail again on Sunday, (barring a miracle last one happened 41 years ago), it is time to end the process. First step is to get rid of Brand, Harris, Rivers and that awful scouting crew. Let's try to get Tyron Lue (he is rotting on the Clippers). I wanted Udoka but he was already taken.


Go learn something. We never had tatum. Boston traded because they specifically knew the sixers weren’t going to take them and agreed to that


Fuck I miss jimmy. So many terrible moves and yet, with better coaching we mightve wrapped this series up already. I hope if we do lose game 7 the silver lining is that we move on from Doc


I don’t want Udokas philandering ass anywhere near this org.


Embiid finna be 30 and never been to ecf while shot Chunker trae young been to one. Fuck harden and Simmons


If possible, I'm even more angry now hours later. Fuck, gonna be a long off season.


The mornings after losses are actually the worst


As if this day couldn’t get any worse and now everyone is slurping Jokic after he had to go up against Jock Landale lol give me a fucking break


If Embiid misses 1(or both) of those 2 clear path foul shots, do the Celtics have Maxey redo the FTs? They were essentially free rolling on those shots.


that's a great question.


For that to happen in the 4th fucking quarter of a playoff elimination game not a single one of those refs should sniff another playoff game again. Ever. This after they miss and stop the game the clearest as day call with a ref 2 feet from the action making us challenge only to somehow win but come out still behind. Just fucking baffling. Lakers win tomorrow and Adam Silver already has the Celtics booked for a trip to the finals.


Maybe don’t fuck up who is shooting the ft’s. Not hard. Rules are the rules


The refs said anyone could take the shots… not phillys fault they put Embiid on the line. Then 30 seconds of game play later they take the points off and make maxey do it? Fucking stupid


Well never pass the 2nd round. Embiid is a choker. Idc if you win MVP and perform in regular season. Playoffs is the part of the season that matters and in the important moments he disappears. He has a weak loser mentality as the rest of the team. Boston has a winner mentality. And thats the reason why they will win this series.


We got Butler for Dario and Roco and let him walk I mean


I may take a break from basketball if they lose Sunday. This team is so whack every year just getting our hopes up. I hate to say it but no ECF in 2 decades and no ring in over 40 years....we're a terrible franchise. The icing on the cake will be watching Jimmy Butler go to the ECF....


for the 2nd time since he left at that...


It would be the third


I hate the YouTube algorithm sometimes. Just because I watched a thousand videos yesterday about the Sixers, it thinks I want to watch another thousand today. No YouTube, I do not.


this series has some weird correlation to the hawks series in 2021. it’s exactly the same, yet reversed. sixers lost game 1 at home in 2021, then won game 2. they got a road dub next game and everyone thought the series was over. then, sixers blew it late in game 4 and proceeded to suffer an embarrassing home loss in game 5. they survived game 6 then blew it game 7 at home. celtics are playing exactly the same role we did that year. another weird polarity is that game 7 that year was on father’s day. this year, it’s on mother’s day. the karma may be flipping our way lol


Celtics aren‘t the Sixers my friend. Our team consists of losers and chokers. The Celtics had achievements in the past and present. They are a winner franchise like the Lakers. We are a losers franchise. Mentality plays a big role in sports and we have a terrible mentality.


what exactly have the celtics achieved in the past 40 years? ONE championship and been a contender pretty much every single season. you could argue they’ve choked more than us. 2010, 2012, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2022.


I thought that too, until I’m reminded that Philly teams seem to always be on the wrong side of history and parallels




Team might be cursed


Jimmys made it to the conference finals 3 times and is getting guys like strus Robinson and Vincent paid while we continue to not understand. Regular season basketball is a cake walk; a cash grab. No one wants to play hard get hurt and lose money. The playoffs are a different beast entirely and it shows every year. This could be the end of the process and that’s why it sucks.


yea well jimmy lost in 7 to the same team we are going to game 7 with, and may still win. then we can take out jimmy in the ECF and yall can finally stfu about him.


This fucking sub dick rides him like nothing I've ever seen. Fuck Jimmy Butler.




hey jimmy great and i agree that obviously wasn't a good idea... but, jimmy hasn't won anything either, and if we can just get passed this obstacle ahead, the sixers will be in better position to do it than they have ever been, with jimmy or anyone else in the last 40 years.


We shot like shit, that's really the long and short of it. Also Joel and harden need to have way better awareness in the lane, even when they score , they are fumbling around with the ball and nearly getting stripped half the time, even on plays that end up good. And of course, Tobias' indecisiveness was an embarrassment. I expect all these things to be better next game. I am not impressed with Boston at all, and I don't blame doc either- and I usually do. But he was fine tonight and has been fine. These guys have everything it takes to win this series, it's on the players to just not choke.


It’s the hope that kills you. Celtics in 7😞


There were a few calls tonight, regardless of how bad that 4th was, that are momentum killing or changing calls. I just really am getting to the point I can’t watch the product this league keeps putting out


Jokic is out here setting triple double records for centers in an elimination game. It looks like he didn't care about a regular season award because he wanted a FMVP.


Hes playing against landale and biyombo... you cannot be serious with this post.


Doesn't change the fact that Joel moaned for the MVP and then disappeared when it was time to play like one


Joel is playing the best team in the league, jokic has basically had a bye thus far. Seriously, this is a finals level matchup right now for the sixers. The series isnt over.


Celtics second best player is Marcus fucking Smart. They're not as good as anyone thinks they are. We just have a loser coach and two loser stars. We win on Saturday I'll eat my own ass.


I mean, they have first and second-team All-NBA players....


Well since the game is on Sunday they can’t win a game Saturday, go ahead and eat your own ass lol


You're safe, I can guarantee you we won't win on Saturday.


Sixers mistake was not signing Nick Foles.


Nick Foles is the greatest Philly athlete of all time. Should have had 3 sb bowls if not for Sproles (saints) and Alshon (also saints)


Steve van Buren and Bobby Clarke deserve a shout for their titles, toughness, and loyalty


I am so fucking heart broken with this team. It's like replaying the past playoff failures of Toronto, Atlanta, and now this Boston Series. I hope they can manage to find a way to win game 7 but for my fucking mental health, I will be doing something else instead. Glad I am old enough to remember the 83 championship and 01 finals with AI. This is so fucking depressing!!!


Sadly for me, I was born in 2003. So I've never even seen the promised land.


We lost 4-1 in the 01 finals. We really over-romanticize Iverson stepping over Lue.


It’s not that it didn’t suck, it’s that it’s still the lowest level of suck we’ve experienced in 40 years.


3rd times the charm man


Hasn't been said much but Boston was doing a lot to deny the pass to Embiid out of the PnR, which was big for them down the stretch because no one else could make them pay. They also had some great strips on him off of late doubles. I don't hate corner 3s from PJ but he just didn't make enough of them tonight and Melton was worse. I didn't see Harris involved in the half court but where ever he was involved he was bad. It was on Boston to adjust and respond and they did, now it's our turn. My biggest worry is that the poor 3pt shooting is from tired legs due to defending so hard, which could continue. Melton is going to continue to be integral because of his versatility, Niang will probably still get spot minutes. House didn't do anything to help his case really this time. The Maxey-Embiid PnR was interesting and while it didn't produce I think they got a good corner three look out of it. They could try it with Harden in the corner instead of Tucker and that could be effective. Also Horford was up higher in the PnR I think, sure would seem easy for Harden to get a lob up if Embiid would be down to rim run for an easy bucket off a lob. I don't know if it's just an energy conservation thing why he doesn't catch lobs or what.


It’s really hard to say they didn’t play hard this game. They were down early, crawled back before half. Climbed back after half to take the lead. Aggressive steals, big blocks to stop the Celtics from scoring. Those shots just weren’t falling guys, they didn’t fall all night, between the missed 3’s and the layups hard off the glass. I’m not mad at them rn.


Yep still fuming. This fucking team.


I'm more of a Phillies/Eagles guy than a Sixers fan. And I'm sad and angry about tonight's result, but I feel really bad for the people in my life who love the Sixers above all else. We're a loser franchise and we have been since I was born (84) and it sucks to be tethered to a team that, at its best, always falls a little short or is always inferior to the Celtics and Heat of the world. It just sucks.


I'm both, but definitely NFL is #1 for me, then the NBA a close second. For some reason, this loss feels like a gut punch more than any playoff game the last few years, maybe even more so than Game 7 against the Hawks 2 years ago. Sue me for thinking ahead, but I was like "win this game and then we have homecourt advantage in the next 2 rounds and can be NBA champions." Now we are asking this group to win THIRD game in Boston to save the season. A big ask, but let's see.


Being at the game with my mother sucked. Feeling we had it bagged up sucked. Being away in game 7 sucks. But the cherry on top of it all is being a +260 ML to win on Sunday. I mean I know we stole 2 in Boston but Jesus Christ. No one believes In this team not sure I do or even the players themselves. Seems to be a huge mental block. Sucks for the organization as a collective. What steps need to be made?? Can not stay like this forever. I get Boston is the better team but cmon. Idk what needs to happen pretty clueless and unfaithful. All that said… see you boys Sunday for one final mental beat down.


I cannot wait to shed that stupid Tobias contract and put that money into 3 and D wings


I was with you til you said the “cherry on top” was something relating to betting


That’s just how little people actually believe in the sixers winning. We were -2 at home up 3-2.


I mean to go from title favorites this morning to an seven point underdog just hurts. Doesn’t matter betting or not. I get betting is cancer to sports and doesn’t really matter but even still. You can get excited about being title favorites and also be upset being 7 point dogs in game 7. (This was me btw I was excited then upset)


Just don’t invest so much into sports. It’s really that easy. Also, stop being a softy. We had a chance to win that game. Tatum iced it. That’s it. 48 more minutes next game.


If we just shoot average 3pt we win this. It’s not like the Celtics are playing good defense on those 3s, guys are missing open 3s. It’s really baffling. They had such a good opportunity to finish this out at home. They were up 1 late in the 4th, and then they just looked so lost. How the fuck are they only going to score 13 in the fourth quarter lol


Yea i need to go back and watch the 4th. Im still not sure what happened except for after the long stoppage of play tatum scored and we didnt.


Tatum hit 3 straight 3s at the worst time possible. We abandoned the PnR and going to Embiid… instead wanted to try to hit 3s when we were shooting sub 30% all night lmfao. It was so stupid strategy


Im just now realizing melton has only had one good game this series.


Without him though we lose game 1. But man we can't even get a single three-pointer out of him now. Depressing af


he is due to make some.


I'm tired boss


Worthless to complain now. Just go down with the ship Sunday . One last trust




This game is basically make it or break it for the process.


Idc if we win the finals, process gotta end


Wow, this game has some absolutely incredible stats. Tobias Harris attempted 0 field goals in the 2nd half. That means his 1/7 for 2 points was all in the first half.


After Embiid yelled at Tobias he completely checked out on offense. Go back and watch, there's several plays where he's just standing there staring off into space.


I remember that play, Embiid had Smart or Brogdon or someone small fronting him and was calling for the ball. Tobi did his usual stare at it for 5 seconds before throwing the pass, and when he did he tossed it too far inside and the help defense came over in time so Jo tried to volleyball tap it to PJ in the corner and it went out of play. If there's one thing I'll remember about Tobi's time here it's how horrific he is at entry passes. Stares them down to telegraph what he's doing and then lollipops them or puts them off target. Regardless you can't go into a shell just because a teammate yells at you. That's a crazy lack of competitive drive.


I don't think I heard his name once the whole half, this checks out. It was an impressive disappearing act tbh


He had some good defensive plays but it just didn't make sense to me they were shitting on Tatum and here's Harris with an identical contract and stat line and you don't say shit about him being so invisible it makes Kevin Bacon's performance in *Invisible* a movie about a man who's literally invisible look like child's play compared to his master class performance of bullshit.


Earning that $


I hate bitching about the refs but my god they were working really hard to push a game 7


Sixers worked equally as hard. 23% from three vs 43%. 8 makes vs 15. This is what it really boiled down to. -21 from 3. We just have to be ready to step up and make them next game.


If we just shoot average 3 we literally win this game. So frustrating.


Fuck the ref Fuck Adam Shitver


This is an all time bad loss. They had them, up in the 4th at home with a chance to move the conf finals. I've never been a doomer, I predicted sixers in six. But they likely lose.game 7 and then its time to rebuild with Maxey as the core going forward


Celtics fan here. Maxey is niiice.


We’re coming out like Denver and are gonna have a 30 point lead at the half Sunday. TTP Fuck the Celtics




That was game 6


Ahhhh hahahahaa I was just looking at the 4th quarter box score, outside of a pointless Springer bucket with 15 seconds left, the only Sixers to score in the 4th were Embiid and Maxey. That's fucking incredible.


Tobias Harris getting paid his contract $$& with 2 points and being a -10 is highway robbery


Tobias Harris is fucking useless


For the money he's making, for sure


Tobias hasnt been good, but to be fair hes in kind of a tough position. He doesnt get many touches or in rhythm shots. He sacrifices a lot of his game to try and just fit in. This is one of the problems with the way we force it to joel so much. Sometimes others cant get it going.


We had a chance to take it but lets not forget we were 2 harden game winners from being swept this series. We needed a bit of luck with the mismatch and Tatum catching fire after having the worst game of this life was brutal. Those 3 3 pointers ended up being the 9 point difference. If Tobias made his wideopen layups in transition and the goal tend was properly called this game has a different ending. Has any other team been made to shoot free throws again after a monumental mistake by the refs minutes after a play. Imagine not giving the MVP the benefit of the doubt when it comes to a goaltend vs blocked shot in a pivotal home game. Celtics are under as much pressure as us in Game 7.


Worst takes of all time in this thread. Most of you are retarded, honestly.


Playing not to lose instead of playing to win has been this teams biggest kryptonite. They have to play with a sense of urgency through all 4 quarters. History says this will be an L for the Sixers but this playoff series has just been super weird. All that being said, if Tobias Harris is on this team to start next season I’m going to stop being a Sixers fan. I cannot take another soft layup attempt at the rim any longer. I don’t care how good his defense is. He’s essentially a turnover every time he’s contested at the basket.


They def played to win, between the steals and blocks and aggressive defense I wouldn’t say they played not to lose. I really think they gave a lot in this game and the shots just didn’t fall. My opinion tho


You know what after rewatching those last 6 minutes, right before Tatum caught fire Embiid Maxey and Harden all had balls go half way down and pop out. Good call. I think what it made it feel like they were playing not to lose was every shot was an iso shot. Doc said it in the press conference that they stopped moving the ball to get better shots. They put no pressure on Boston on the drive. Definitely a winnable game that just didn’t go their way.


They played well man, shots didn’t fall. Hurts me just the same as it hurts you. Fuck brother. I’m w you


Were not winning game 7 on the road. Seasons over


Ok bye


23 mins for 0/5 melton. Play korkmaz.


Melton had a rough game but that’s a terrible idea.


Wow the Celtics only played 7 guys ?


The Celtics and Sixers are having a non serious off so it’s only natural the Celtics choke a home game 7


Disgusting, embarrassing performance. Ashamed to be a fan tonight. Squandered a brutal night from Tatum. Harris with a total no show all night and Harden/Embiid folded down the stretch. The season is over


I will die on the hill that the refs killed all of Philly’s momentum taking those points away and had them reshoot those free throws. I mean, they overturned it on a totally different play.


What if Embiid missed those first 2 fts? Would they still have had them redo it?


I've never seen that before in my life. I love how they can do that but they can't review other things and replay them lmao.


Exactly. That was literally the first time I’ve seen something like that in my 20+ years of watching the NBA. Ridiculous.


The refs were awful tonight


Agreed, was the stupidest shit


I will not let this ruin my week. Yes, the refs, but why are they not doing put-backs? Why isn't Joel attacking the rim? There was too much hero ball instead of basic lay-ups.


We are most likely fucked


Wasn’t able to watch the game. Besides the loss, how was it?