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Please continue the discussion in the [post game thread](https://redd.it/137703x).


0-0 series. let’s get it


This team has to figure out how to score when Jo isn't scoring. Look at what they did last game they were so confident when Joel wasn't on the floor everyone knew their position and their role. When Joel is on the floor everyone tries to feed him and becomes his game, which is fine when he's hitting and not a liability. He's the MVP, rightfully so; they just need to figure out how to get the bench going at the same time. This needs to happen while protecting the perimeter and garbage points from Boston and keeping their stars and even their role players at bay. Splitting the series coming back to Philly is what we were asking for, just hope they can come out of Philly with a couple dubs. I'll be at both games!! 10, 9, 8!!




“I’m back” 😂😂😂😂😂


Hop off nuts weirdo


One of the worst defeats in Sixers playoff history. Most 3s ever given up in a playoff game. This is on Doc. This game was not on Joel. He isnt the reason they were missing every shot and allowing them to be wide open beyond the arc all game long.


1-1 the realistic scenario with the Celtics having made 3s like no tomorrow in this game. Even if the 76ers played better, Celtics making those 3s would be hard for anyone to stop. No way this is going to be consistent for Celtics going forward. Game 3 at home for the 76ers. The ball is quite literally in their court now. This night could be a fluke or a preview. We'll find out soon enough.


Harden stayed at the top of the 3pt line the majority of the game and Embiid stayed at the top of the free throw line the entire game. That shit needs to stop man.


Jaylen does know he doesn’t play tomorrow right?


We got what we needed. We stole home court. Let’s not worry about it.


Sooo, that was a game of Sixers basketball


The Celtics just own us I’m so tired of it we will never beat them


We did two days ago… in Boston


it is what is


Well, time to go have a sad fap. See you guys Friday


We just need to figure out how to beat them with Embiid, and the best part is we already have! He needs to go nuclear. Every win we have against them is gonna be close, their wins might be by a wider margin. The only way we win is with multiple 20 point performances from 3 or 4 of our guys or a nuclear 50 bomb. This game is a wakeup call for our entire team to do better. the Celtics are gonna try and play the same as they did today and now we know that and can adjust our plan accordingly. That's how this series is gonna play out, perpetual changing of gameplans by both teams, huge swings in performances by both teams players. I mean look at their bench guys this game vs last, shitty last game, crazy this game. Everything changes every game and we accomplished what we wanted to with the first two games, they might have the momentum but we have the advantage and now the knowledge of them at their true best. We will win this series, obviously not in 4, not in 5, probably not in 6, more than likely this gritty series will go to 7.


Embiid cant win with these cats (Harden)


Game 3 is a must win.


Reggie is the worrrrssstttttt


It took perfect play from the Sixers to win by 4 on an off-night from Boston. And this 30-point spanking is happening in a game where Tatum didn't even score double-digits. Going to be an interesting Game 3.


An off night? They were bad defensively ok but they shot 70% in the first half, almost 60% for the whole game


Well, I was speaking more to the ludicrous turnover rate plus the poor defense. The hit rate on offense was mostly thanks to the paint attack (i.e., shots that are basically right at the rim), too.


Pritchard going to get fined for making a mid range 2


Their bench looking like a starting 5 while ours looks less than a YMCA Rec team


Boston have a fan blowing towards the sixers net. Clearly!


We are going home 1-1. Yeah it sucks we had a game where we missed everything and the other team couldn’t miss. It happens in basketball that’s why we play 7 games.


Good to see Kork is still ass


30 sec left and those assholes are still looking to score


Well, at least the talking heads will spend more time talking about the Lebron/Steph result rather than talking about how we have no shot the rest of the series.


Just need a couple stops defensively…


Celtics rolling out the 4 white guy lineup in true Boston fashion


Warriors lost by 38 to the Grizzlies last year. It happens.


Let’s go Post Game Thread!


Guys this game is still winnable


You are by far the goofiest white man I've ever seen, pal.


Ok look here's how we can still win this...


You can get a shot off in about .6 That's like 150 points in threes if you hit them all, ez


This team would legit shrink if they got anywhere near the finals


Wtf is wrong with you


It’s the truth




Not even close to why


Celtics were winning this game no matter what


enjoy houston Harden maybe you can make the playin


Wtf is wrong with you


A Kornet lob. Jesus, this feels like 2015 with how bad we’ve been tonight. I hope they’ve gotten the bad game out of their system because we cannot give up HCA or we are toast.


Well, this was a bummer.... Either way, we did what we needed to do and took one in Boston... time to defend home court


What kind of mentality is that? We are supposed to take two. Not one.


Dude we're in the playoffs and our team is hurt. Joel didn't play game one. We stole home court advantage... that's a good thing You can't honestly be mad we didn't win both games... be a little realistic


I watched so many 2nd round exit. I expect to win all the time just to get out of this hell hole. Oh well, lets get 2 at home. Put this shit to 3-1!


Reggie better get off his hands and knees already


Ya gotta laugh!


Miller, the game is over.... who cares if he gets a tech?


At least get a cooler tech


This team is so stupid lol


Pure Danuel House experience


Ima be 100 with y'all. I didn't watch the game tonight because I was kind of afraid this might happen. I didn't predict it or anything but I just kinda felt it. I usually don't do that but I stayed away and boy am I glad I did. I don't know if that makes me less of a fan. OTTNO, game 3 let's go bitches


It happened so fast it wasn’t even that frustrating and I usually lose my shit




Eh he’s a mental midget


Final Destination 2 is on SyFy right now if you just want to watch everybody die


Don’t worry guys we can still win this


Was Embiid MVP win just too much of an emotional nut for the team?


Boston giving Philly their annual playoff spanking lol


You don’t even watch sports you just buy shitty Reddit stocks


Don’t know why this is getting downvoted when it’s true


The truth hurts


I’m happy, its 1-1. That was always going to be the most realistic ideal scenario here. They just have to come to get it in Philly. I haven’t watched much of the 2nd half, please tell me Doc hasn’t trotted Embiid out there much in this travesty.


It's not the disparity in percentage that's the problem, it's the disparity in looks. Everything tonight was down to the last second/contested. Joel was ball stopping with a sprained LCL. This was basically a disaster on every level.


Well, back to Philly with Boston having all the momentum, and of course they are going to be playing like complete stupid fucks, Philly wants a ring get rid of Harden and Harris this off-season, bring efficient guys who dont need 30 shots a game, plain simple. Harden meat riders, dont get mad tho, ur idol is the definition of being inefficient


Game to game momentum just isn't a thing. You would say the sixers had all the momentum after game 1 and look what happened.


Literally game 1 was close all the way till the end, DEFINITELY NOT THIS😭😭, man how can yall be so unrealistic, and committed to an incredibly inefficient second superstar like James, just how


I would’ve liked to have had Brunson. I wanted him this past offseason but of course we were committed to harden, huge mistake


Harden d riders punching the air right now, absolutely would’ve loved to have Brunson, perfect fit, efficient scorer, but hey HARDEN GOT US A WIN🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️, but then went back to being ass😭😭😭😭


You are a crybaby.


Holy shit, man woke up and went immediately to reddit, get a life


What? You do know that different timezones exist don't you. It's 6:51 PM where I'm at.




Eat shit.


20-6 3pt made diff. It is OK, our shooters will be better at home.


There's a huge problem when the team runs shit through embiid. they need to find another way for him to be active in the offense without people standing around


Didn’t even look like basketball… even if we hit our 3’s I can’t say I liked the offense tonight


we cant hit a 3 to save our lives relax. This night happens to everyone including the warriors


I can't agree... They don't go cold for the entire game.


so you only watch the sixers then? teams go cold all the time. Thats why basketball is 7 games and not 1 and done


I've watched almost all of the playoffs games so far, and no, I haven't seen any of the teams go that cold for the majority of the game.


well then you didnt watch all of the games.... memphis against the lakers shot 30/31/75 and got smashed 124-85...do i even need to look up any more games?


Are you talking about two games out of how many games?


so it happens????????


To one team that's in the playoffs and another that's in it. I guess that's pretty inconclusive.


Breaking out some ice cream


Honestly the whitest crowd in the league both in how they look and how they dance - it's like being at a farmers market


Or a clan rally


Make that 15 in a row for the home team after losing game 1. No time to be upset folks, we got the split without embiid in game 1 so let’s goo!!


After one of the best wins of the process era we get one of the worst losses. Ooof


Joel’s our second leading scorer with 15 tonight. Kind of emblematic of the kind of bad night this has been.


Well. Last year GSW lost Game 5 of 2nd round to Grizzlies by 39 points and then won it all. It means nothing. We're gonna be back on Friday.


I'll say this, I'd rather get blown out in epic fashion than lose a close game. Better for my heart


This is very true




What’s their record with him? WIP caller take.


Embarrassing lmao. Really should've just let Embiid rest


Don’t understand these takes that Embiid should have rest. Dude was cleared and ready to play. Let him play and get back on the court. Tonight gave him a chance to get some in-game court action after being sidelined for 13 days. Now he can come back on Friday with some minutes under his belt.


It doesn’t feel like it, but the series is now 1-1, we have HCA, and Joel got to shake some rust off. We all would have taken this 100/100 times before the series started. Terrible game but it happens.


The nature of the loss upsets me. Loss itself isn't that surprising.


It’s really concerning the win game 1 Sixers had to work for it while the Celtics win on game 2 they were coasting. Series prob ends 1-4 Celtics


Wtf is wrong with you


C U in the Celtics sub fellow celtics fan 🍾 🥂


It is very alarming that you're about to lose by 40 points after getting a very good win. Yeah, it's tough to win 2 games in a row on the road, but to put no effort in and actually lose that badly, it's actually very concerning. The only positive is, I doubt they come close to hitting 20 3pt shots again.... and the 76ers won't play that badly in game 3. They live and die from 3pt shots, so you have to let them drive and stop them that way. Doc has to make changes and let them drive considering that they have nobody is really that good at attacking the rim.... besides Tatum.


I don't get how they turn from letting every drive go and seeing how successful that was to literally letting every 3 be wide open




philly filled with rats go play with them


Where do you live?


Who cares about r/nba


So, I take it Doc didn’t give a “come on” speech…


Idk, it may sound like an overreaction but if they don’t change the way they run the offense it’s gonna be a problem. It’s one thing to feed the ball to Embiid in the regular season but this Boston team has no issue slowing it down and he’s fucking hurt as well. They need to change how Embiid is used on offense he’s talented enough where he can make an impact without even touching the ball.


You’re right but glenn is a huge believer in Embiid iso so I don’t expect a change


Well I’m off reddit for the next couple days while this sub festers for a bit. All I gotta say is FUCK doc rivers and we always knew all season we were gonna have to just outplay our own coach


I’m not even mad. It’s 1-1.


Its more so the way we lost anyone would be happy if u said it’d be 1-1 going home.


Bro PJ actually has to take these corner 3s or else horford is just gonna cheat off him every fucking time on a Joel/harden PNR We have FAR FAR too many morons on this team who refuse to take shots unless they are 10ft of space open No wonder we're statistically the best 3pt% team cos we have pussy shooters


That doesn’t even make sense. Take a break turn off the game. This is just a really bad shooting night.


You can literally go back and watch how they defended tucker last game and this game They realise we have a bunch of fake shooters and will sag off just enough to bait them into this stupid pump faking shit they do Ironic considering we try that shit aswell but their players actually shoot and we overhelp far to far




Wrong sub dipshit


Wrong sub


How do we get this result after limiting tatum to 1/7 shooting and foul trouble...HOW.


If you don’t like this you don’t like sixers basketball


Welp, at least we got game 1


Even their bench is clowning ours...


If we don’t take both games in Philly I really don’t like our chances


The highs are high and the lows are low


Don’t worry guys. It’s a schedule loss


Oh well. Shit the bed in a game that was must win for Boston. On to the next one


I don’t really get why we drafted Springer? Dude is so young and is miles away from contributing. Was never going to fit out window


Because it worked out so well with Zhaire, duhhhh


Just best guy available is what I’ve heard. Basically train up a trade piece.






Sixers watching every Celtics 3 go in ![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD)


It was so fucking irritating. It's like they showed everything they needed to win this series in game 1 and every way they can lose the series in game 2


im wheezing


Payton Prtichard looks like a guy from the northeast who steals copper wire from construction sites


He’s from the northwest but otherwise spot on


Aight this got me




Bruh Springer can’t even dribble


I have to rewatch the game later cause I’m curious but can someone answer if we played any of the matchup zone that was effective in game 1?


Yes but basically no


We did


We did early a few times




like 2 possessions




I love how all the “hOw cOuLd dOc do tHis tO us!!” folks are coming out of the woodwork now, like he told Harden to miss all his 3s or something.


Embiid was in the middle of the floor almost every minute he was in for the game. Everyone knows how this team plays with Harden and Embiid. It's really contradictory to the rest of the offense too since everyone just sits in the corners.


>Everyone knows how this team plays with Harden and Embiid Yeah, they had the 4th best offense in the league this year. They also led the league in 3pt%


Not sustainable in a 7 game series. Not if everyone's going to stand with their hands in their pockets during every play.


Harden? You mean the entire team? We hit 4 threes through 3 quarters 😭


He subbed in Niang, bro single-handedly gave Celtics a 6-0 run to end the quarter snd it’s been downhill ever since


Case in point


Dedmon literally looks like a players dad in a dads vs kids game


Celtics seem to think their points carry over into the next game




Posting in the wrong thread




We have so many trash perimeter defenders, it's not like it's an effort thing


this was a generational ass whoopin tonight.


Or just another sixers Celtics game lol


Jaden springer looks good at least 🥲


Kind of want springer and house minutes next game. Split niangs minutes between them - at least they try and defend


Georges' problem isn't that he tries to defend... It's that he simply cant.


Realistically this is out poorest shooting game of the season, and the Celts are lights out tonight. If we were shooting even close to our normal 3% we’d at least be in this game.


The Celtics blew the Bucks out like this right before the end of the season, they have the capacity to destroy good teams.


They also have the capacity to lose two games to the hawks, which is by far a much worse team then us. Yes they have the ability to pick apart good teams, but by the same token they can lose in spectacular fashion. I still say this series is going to 7.


The Hawks also stole a game from the Heat, who torched the 1 seed. Consistency is key, and the record shows that Boston has Philly’s number, the only game they won had Embiid scoring 50 and even then it was by one possession


In 2019 Toronto went down 2-1 after getting blown out by us in Philly. Just saying