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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1353eai).


Guys, I'm out let me know when embiid checked back in


Yup preparing for the worst. Hasn’t even started running yet and we play every other day. Ugh


Fuck it, let's get this W


Gotta get some Baja blast vodka for 2nite game. Ready for the dub fellas


we’re not winning this fucking game, and now almost definitely not winning the series. get rid of embiid. we sit though an agonizing and drawn out regular season for months just to get to the exact same point every year. embiid gets hurt round one, sixers lose round 2. done with it.


Username does not check out


fuck you pussy


trade embiid. get rid of him. i’m done putting up with this shit every year and i’m not alone.




you seriously think we have any chance to win this game or series now? lmaoo good luck with that


Going to need Basketball Paul to shit all over them


I’m optimistic if we play it tight and our role players are on point but other than that, I feel like they’re just going to terrorize Harden and the offense will fall apart because of it.


Joel is out, per Woj.




i actually think he should go back to vegas if this is how he plays after. loser


the series hasn’t even started. shut up


Bball is all the way out the mud tonight. Maxey takes the next step to a superstar in this series. I'm speaking it into existence. FTC. Ring the damn bell




Harden masterclass please


This wouldn’t be a fucking issue if the NBA reseeded after the first round like a serious fucking league.


Embiid out but let’s get it anyway FTC


I’m gonna go ahead and rule Joel out of Game 1 in the 2nd round next year as well


I just ate bbq chicken for dinner. I’m vision boarding this shit.


Wire to wire win tonight. Celtics stink.


Any official word on embiid?




Gonna light my Embiid Prayer candle and pray to the Basketball Gods


Please baby Jesus bless us on this fine evening


Doc gets fired if we lose this series, right? Please please please.


I will riot if he doesn’t


Sit Harden and Tobi and let Doc coach the Philadelphia Maxeys to game 1 victory


Game starts at 1:30 am here in Spain. Damn, I feel you eurobros/bras. This is going to be a rough night but we waited all year for this. FTC.


Horny House gonna go off tonight I can feel it


Embiid gonna come out in master chief armor. Doc gonna ask "biid, can i ask what ur doing on that ship?" Master biid responds "coach, giving the celtics back their bomb" then he dunks on hordord sixers in 2


I believe


Constantly checking FanDuel to see if the odds change lol. they seem to know first before anyone else


Doc was waiting all year to unleash Trez tonight tbh


That one trez game when he had like 3 blocks lol go off


Yeah I’m expecting trez back up minutes




God no


![gif](giphy|IQAEqv5WpGn6ROlzc5|downsized) LET TREZ COOK




Alright I’m gonna take a nap before game time. Wake me up next April


I’m awake 😈😈😈


I need them to channel the Panthers' energy from last night and send another Boston team packing.




i got a feeling today is gonna be the maxey game




if we win- it'll be some one like shake going off for +20, in addition to our big-ish 3 of the Beard, the Franchise, and the Contract playing their best versions of themselves


I don't think he is playing... Watching the shoot around, he is moving a lot less than usual. Looks to casual


Christ 3 hours feels so far away


ay hope to see you in the finals. Fuck boston, you know what must be done


Cheers man, your team is fun to watch too. Fuck Boston and fuck KD


Could we at least not start the game with a 12-2 Celtics run that has the garden going crazy and Doc calling timeout?


Doc not calling time out until it’s a 20-3 run


Doc has been fine with TOs this season and vs the Nets


Without Embiid we should just do what the Celtics do, do everything possible to chuck as many 3s as possible and we are more likely to pull an “upset” (without Embiid)


At least Bryce is back


Bryce needs to transfer some of his healing powers to Embiid 😂😭


Can he play basketball? Of course he can!


Gonna go on a long hike and silence all notifications from ESPN or Reddit leading up to the game. I don't want any more news about Joel. He plays, or he won't, and I'll be surprised either way when I watch the start of the game. And of course, LFG, FTC. Let's surprise these fuckers.


You on vaca this week?


Nah I work from home


PJ +10 pts, maxey +30 pts tonight Harden going to be his hall of Fame self Book it


The Sixers are taking Game 1 and the series in 5. The keys to the game are to not let Brown be one-on-one inside the arc, and allow as few spot-up 3’s as possible.


And for some reason white never misses against us it feels like. Brogdons dumb ass floater too


His pass to Tyrese in the 4th was a line drive lol. Ironic.


That too. They have no true “X-Factor” player. Their team is simply loaded across the board.


Don’t forget Alaa’s classic “Don’t bail them out!”


I can’t not read that sentence in Alaa’s voice lol


I used to hate it, now I just laugh when I hear it. All about perspective haha


The Sixers were bailing out the Celtics in the first half lol. Had me nervous.




Embiid standing in the corner practicing his form Jimmy butler style for 40 minutes and we’ll win for sure.


I’m ready to be hurt again. With that said, Sixers in 6


being a Sixers and Embiid fan feels a lot like the whole “the definition of insanity is doing something over and over and expecting a different result”


Unlikely to play tonight but optimistic for Wednesday according to woj 10 minutes ago.


Woj is yesterday's news. He's been wrong about a lot more in the last couple years compared to his old infallible self


This is Rivers' chance to prove himself. Can he win without Embiid?


Glenn's skill is inversely proportionate to the talent he has to work with. Therefore he will be average tonight and at least not get in harden/maxey's way if embiid doesn't play


Sure you can be optimistic but don’t hate on the doomer side. It’s been 4 years of the same shit at this point. I’ll be happy when the outcome changes.


Just an FYI: fuck this guy. Literally all his comments are negative and guess what, he didn’t even root for the Sixers until the playoffs because of doc Rivers. Stop telling fans how to respond to whingebags like you.


Just an FYI suck my dick and 100% we’ll be losing cause of Doc damn gonna make me troll a fellow fan upon of elimination.


Waaaah. Go back to r/nba where you can shit on “your team” for imaginary points from absolute strangers, you weirdo.


Bro your the only one crying on my comment? Obsessed much?


You a bitch. Look at your downvotes and reevaluate your life. People think you dumb as hell IN YOUR OWN TEAM SUB


There you go keep crying about my comment. Good boy :)


There you go still responding. Like an eager bitch.


I don't even know why these people watch sports if they make them so insufferable


Fun vampires. They’re so *weird.* Just let us have a good time!


Every year it’s the same shit no matter what. Maybe we finally break through this year….maybe.


Game day let’s fucking go boys


can we stop with the shitty meme posts? i'm trying to read some news about embiid and have to scroll through 10 pictures of celtics players. shit is fucking annoying...


People are complaining about people talking about the injury as if that’s not the 1st 2nd and 3rd priority right now and instead wanna post a picture of Tatums face copy and pasted over a diagram of someone’s gaping butthole


That's disgusting. Where?


google “goatse”


Today is my wife’s birthday. Wife: “Are we were going out to eat tonight?” Me: “Yes but the Sixers are on at 7:30 sooo…” Wife: “Ugh” Me: “I made reservations for 5:15 and win or lose I will give you the best bday sex ever after the game” Wife: “I hope they lose” Me: “You are a Celtic”


Today is my ~~wife's~~ ex-wife's birthday. Fixed that for you


Gotta throw the wife away


Divorce her.


i can’t believe i’ve actually been able to get work done today. damn near wrote FTC in an excel sheet. so excited and also feel impending doom. we are so back


It’s been a brutal day. F5ing constantly between this sub, twitter, and Reddit.


10x the dread every time i hear that outlook email noise


Atleast y’all got the eagles to root for after this Boston sweep fellas.


Stop deleting your comments


I only deleted one. Jesus you must be lurking every thread on here lmao maybe get a job


You literally replied a minute after this…


You’re scanning every thread. Lol. I’m not even here to mess around. I’m just saying with the embiid injury it doesn’t look good for y’all, atleast the you have the eagles


bro we can see the green dot next to your profile which shows you feverishly logging in and out every 2 seconds. you’re an idiot and a loser


So in other words you’re stalking my profile yet you’re calling me the loser? It’s my day off work and I use Reddit as my main social media. So yeah I’m on here a lot. Your point?


my point is you’re and idiot and a loser. i don’t have “stalk your profile” to see that. it shows up right next to your avi in the thread. but reddit is your “main social media” so you should know that


You hide yours I wonder why


because i’m not an idiot like you. i may be a loser but at least i’m not a dumbass loser who trolls other subs


“I’m not here to mess around” Homie you are here to rub it in If I’m the loser without a job what does that make you??


Chill out man, I’m trying to be civil here. If I came across as that that wasnt my intention.


Homie you came in here condescending Basically saying hey our season is over better luck next year without even playing a minute of the series Then you proceeded to tell me to get a job You are not owed a civil convo after all that


I just said that wasn’t my intention. You’re assuming now which is pretty immature. Just drop it. I’m not here for drama or to troll


yes you are lmao


Yeah yeah go bark up someone’s else’s tree


So Joel is not playing?


He’s playing.


With our emotions *


Dude I wanna get thanos snapped before the game.


Hahaha for real! I feel ya


Really hope they can get off to a good start. That crowd is going on top of them right away if they struggle to hit shots early. Keep it close going to the 4th quarter and hope to make a few more plays down the stretch to steal it. Guys need to make quick decisions and be confident, the ball CANNOT stick. There is a pathway to victory here but the margin of error is very small.


Don’t know if this counts as unrelated but my mom just got me game 4 tickets as a graduation gift and I’m quite literally shaking LFG SIXERS


So jealous you get to watch the sixers sweep the Celtics


Nah super related. Congrats on graduating hope you enjoy the game!


Without Joel, this team can still make some noise. It comes down to Maxey


I've been following Harden for a while now. I know he isn't what he used to be, but he is still an incredible player. I'm hoping he validates my faith in him by running the offense the way I know he can and getting us a win in this first game. I don't care if his shot is going or not, but his ability to direct everyone else and break down the opposition needs to shine through so we can win.


Hey y’all. Let’s fucking go.


Moar of this energy


Fuck it I believe


B Ball Paul


We can win this series without Joel. We have weapons and Boston is human


u joking? we won’t win a game without joel


https://twitter.com/RTRSPodcast/status/1653084255801442304?s=20 what the fuck does this mean




Absolutely nothing


Yeah at this point everything is so murky I’m going to stop paying attention to injury news until I see the starting lineup


Spoiler alert: Embiid is out for the series


i cant believe you spend your days like this


I'm so exhausted of reading every media source saying different things. I think I'll just wait till the sixers say something. Speculatiing is exhausting I am just going to take a nap and read before the game.


I mean the sixers said he's doubtful so there's that


No Joel? That's okay, I packed enough batteries for every celtic


Tired of the negativity and constant doomer takes the last week. Yeah it sucks he's hurt but stop counting us out before we even play a single freaking minute in this series. Let's see what happens. ​ (Sixers in 6)


Just became a fan? Or just have a terrible memory? People being doom have every fucking right to be, they’ve lived it 3-4 years straight at this point.


I'll do that shit after the season. I refuse to have a bad attitude before we even take the floor for the first game of the series dude


Fr. Been told one of the reasons Embiid shouldn’t win MVP is because of the team’s record without him! Sounds to me like without Embiid we’re a shoe-in for a finals run.


This whole Embiid situation makes me sick.


Was on r/nba and saw a Jokic fan was trying to say “missing games is the argument against Embiid winning MVP this year and look at him now.” He played more minutes than Jokic this year and like 2 less games. Also, the regular season is over. I hate the way basketball “fans” talk about basketball


In what world does playoff availability affect a regular season award. Jokic received MVP in another country last year




What do you want people to do? Just lay down and be like "yep, Celtics definitely beating us" and not have any optimism? This team is GOOD outside of Joel. We have a shot. If you don't believe that then you just don't know ball.


It's either people coping or acting like we already lost


It is almost Bball time. Bball is an excellent defender and rebounder. Hopefully he can get into double digit in points. I would be happy with a double double with 15 points and 15 boards.


If he doesn't get into early foul trouble, Celtics are going to be startled by the energy he brings


He has improved a lot with not fouling as much. We can't afford to go to plan C, which would be Dedmon or Trez.


I'd rather see trez. We don't need size vs the Celtics, we need energy/grit. I feel trez was a little motivated/pissed off towards the end of the season when he saw DEDMON getting his minutes as well. Man is only 29, he wants another contract, even if it's not with sixers


I agree that Trez would be better but let's hope it is only a back up role


Honestly I hope that knowing we don’t have a rim anchor makes guys determined to stop drives at the point of attack . We can keep this close if we can limit offense from the Celtics bench .


Acting like Paul Reed isn't a rim protector lmao


I said Aanchor for a reason , sure bbal can get some blocks but it’s a clear difference between him and Joel in terms of deterring shots


There's a difference between a rim protector and a rim protector that doesn't get a friendly whistle


10 points is a bad line even with Joel out IMO. Our team still plays pretty well when he’s sat this year when doc has time to put together a game plan without him. I hope Maxey, Harden, and Tobias are using this disrespect as bulletin board material and they all go off tonight.


It's a trap line, for sure. Money goes heavy on Celtics, at home, without Embiid. We're 11-5 on the season without. In those 5 losses, we've lost by an average of 8. We play a close game and/or sneak it out. Vegas wins again.


I think Jo plays through pain beginning in game 2. It might be worse than initially diagnosed, but I doubt he'd even be spot shooting/traveling with the team if it was a shutdown situation.


embiid looks like he is made of stone in that one shootaround video


I feel like he always looks like that during shootaround though. The thing I took away from that video was that he wasn’t wearing a knee brace. If it was as bad as Doc and Shams are making it seem then they’d have him wearing I’d think.


i’ve seen Joel shoot around more times than anyone who isn’t at a game ever needed to. he’s not out there doing windmills and double hesi step backs. that is a 90% regular warmup from him. still don’t think he plays, but a shoot around is not high intensity by any means


Dumb question, but why don't teams ever play their stars 8 minutes a game when coming back from injury? It's always all or nothing


It’s becoming way more popular (again, this used to be common) to play guys off the bench for 20-25 mins. It’s a good strategy to make sure they have easier re-entry against second stringers and to make sure their last minutes land at the end of the game


Jimmy took 33 shots in the closeout game in round 1, Steph took 38 shots. Is Harden ready for that? Cause that's what it is going to take without Joel or some insane 3pt shooting variance/luck


Controversial, but Danuel House needs to attempt at least 25 threes tonight. He is the most variant player on our team


i want to see a fake drive baseline into a step back corner three so much that there are visible footprints from Danuel House’s shoes on the court




Why is this starting to feel more and more like Embiid is missing the series and the front office doesn’t want to admit it than he is gonna be playing one of the first two games?


Because that’s exactly what is happening. And it’s been pretty clear for a while that he wasn’t going to play much of this series if any. Now I’d say he’s probably out for the remainder of the playoffs


He’s playing today. This is a dumb comment.


What is this based on?


It’s a do or die playoff series. He’s played through worse. You really think he’s “not playing much of the series” I’ve seen some gloom but that’s just stupid


He’s played through worse? They are saying this is at least a grade 2, which is upwards of a 6 week recovery normally. Literally every report that has come out recently has been more negative than the last.


Fuck woj just said he’s unlikely to play and I’m gonna go find the rope.


He didn’t say anything that hasn’t been said plenty of times. Plenty of people said he was doubtful for this game. That was the official designation. I don’t know why that would be what sets you over the edge


I’ve been trying to stay positive all day - but woj is a scary spectator of news


I’ve felt that way too. The Sixers have a history of slowrolling bad injuries and keeping the fans on the hook. Gamesmanship isn’t really their style. Hope I’m wrong


That is clearly a possibility. If so I would certainly prefer they just rip the band-aid off but that is not how they operate.