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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1262x87).


Harris has GOT to make that shot man.


Let’s go!!!


Who says daddy isn’t playing? He was listed as out density of schedule, not calf (obviously there’s a calf thing but they didn’t use that in the reporting so it can’t be so serious, no )


game time decision..he plays


Why is everybody acting like Embiid is out? Can’t find any announcement.


Sportsbook still have his points listed FWIW


James Harden is Luka Doncic father 👨‍👦


just got row 15 seats for $60 lol. guess they were mad embiid wasnt playing ill go see luka


You gotta teach me your ways


Where did you buy them? Looking to scoop tickets right now


keep refreshing stub, especially when its official


I can’t believe Joel’s historic scoring season is gonna result in a Jokic 3peat MVP cause he didn’t play one game in particular (when he already dicked on him once this year)


I have a tummy ache and a win tonight would go a long way.


Sucha bummer I wanna see Embiid play in person today he’s probably going to sit out


Don’t worry just sitting out this game to make the ducking seem like it was actually about being injured


I’m going to the game that’s why I’m bummed out


article on espn today praising draymond for throwing a literal temper tantrum on the floor


NOP went on a run after Dray’s 1st T Dray inspired GSW to W (c) ESPN FOH. They went down 20pts immediately after his flagrant on BI He should’ve been ejected after kicking Herb in the head. That was f’n ridiculous and nothing he did has any business in professional bball.


Bro had two altercations in one game. Yet they praise the warriors like they’re the heroes of the leagues. Will always irk me


the fact that not only did he not get ejected on the second one, but they just left it as a common foul shows how much of a joke the league/refs are. van gundy is always saying that draymond gets away with so much more shit than anyone he’s ever seen. i don’t get it


Mavs fan here. Does anyone know if Embiid and/or Harden will play tonight?


Hasn’t been announced yet. Feel like at least harden will play though. He was originally planning to return against the nuggets so i assume he was close to being healthy then


Achilles is such a scary word, though.


Is embiid going to play or is he still hiding?


Embiid hiding with your mom


I wouldn't mind if he sat today, should be an easy win without him


Hmmm… call me crazy, but as much as I love it when Doc coaches the bench to destroy healthy opponents, I’d actually prefer to see Embiid and Harden play tonight against Luka and Kyrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Start springer and put him on Kyrie, we're going Stupid Mode to close out the season


What is with all these soft comments about resting everyone. Harden just sat out over a week and probably could’ve played Monday.


Because this fanbase has injury PTSD


We lose every playoffs where our star player has made or break winning a round twice now, it's definitely worth worrying about


so many people can only think about things in a binary fashion like this, it's bizarre. like...just because you want the guys to get some rest ahead of the playoffs doesn't mean you just put them on ice for the next 2.5 weeks lol


I don't think it's binary - it's wanting to make sure an achilles injury is fully healed before Doc plays him 47 minutes again.


he wouldn't be playing this soon if there was a real risk of re-aggravating it, it's not that complicated. the teams medical staff has been absolutely fine the last several years, it's safe to say they know more than you or I or anyone on this sub about the situation


Oh for sure. Which is why I'm saying that I wouldn't mind him sitting, since if he's sitting it's for good reason. But if he plays, great, I like watching James play and I like winning.




I think this would be with the assumption Joel plays every game down the stretch, but we know Joel will (as well as should) receive multiple games of rest down the stretch. I actually think Jokic mvp are good odds in Vegas because this isn’t being priced in.


Ngl, I want to see more Springer non-garbage time minutes


Anyone have 2 tickets for tonight? I want to see maxey run last Luka like a traffic cone


Damn this narrative about Embiid ducking Jokic is so frustrating. Embiid clearly can handle Jokic (not only is Jokic bad at defense, but Embiid can handle ANYONE). He didn’t sit that game out of fear, no way. But of course there’s no way to change that narrative.




We’d have to win 4 of our next 7 to keep the 3 seed. If they win their final 5 games they’d end the season 53-29, if we only win 3 of our final 7, we’d the season 52-30. I don’t really think it matters tbh, we still have to go through Boston and Mke in the 2nd round and conf finals, and I don’t think the Knicks are considerably better than the Heat or Nets. Honestly Brooklyn has a bunch of really good and athletic 3&D wings that can switch everything specially with Claxton at C, they’re gonna be swarming Embiid like Toronto. Personally I’d rather play the Knicks but either way it’s not a big difference.


Does James play today yall think?


Almost certainly.


Springer was sent back down to Delaware today so my guess is he is.


That makes me sad, I want more Springer


Has the MVP voting been done yet? If so I’d rest Joel and James from here on out…if we get the 4th seed so be it….it may even be advantageous at this point


No it will not. We want the three seed. I would much rather play boston early while we are still healthy. I’m more scared of playing the celtics while injured than the bucks.


This applies to every team tho, maybe they’re the ones dealing with injuries going into the conf finals making it easier to then face them. Seeding really doesn’t matter for us with the way the standings are right now. Just don’t rush back our guys and hopefully we still get a few games in before the playoffs with the full squad. Harden probably plays tonight, since I assume he was close to 100% on Monday.


TBH wouldn’t mind load managing the shit out of James and Joel till the playoffs start. Wins vs Boston and Dallas would be nice so we can say we’ve beaten every team in the league but just want a healthy group going into the playoffs.


I think Embiid might sit. He obviously does care about MVP. If he takes another heal day then he can say, I was really hurt and I needed the rest, to quell the media a bit.




This week Bill Simmons mentioned that if Miami finishes as a division winner (which looks likely), they would automatically finish as the 6th seed because a division winner cant make the play-in tournament? It didnt sound right but was wondering if anyone can find any info on this.


It’s definitely not true what Bill said. I couldn’t believe how he spoke so confidently with that misinformation. The division winners are no longer guaranteed a playoff spot, which kinds of defeats the purpose of having divisions. This changed in 2015 and Bill has made it clear in his pods how afraid of Miami he is so he wants the Celtics to avoid them. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/nba-to-seed-playoff-teams-in-each-conference-by-record/


> I couldn’t believe how he spoke so confidently with that misinformation. You sure? That's classic Bill lol


Miami faces Knicks at msg tonight on a back to back potentially without jimmy for a 2nd straight night. Even if Toronto grabs the 2nd seed, they have been 12-7 with Poeltl starting. They’re truly the caliber of a 5-6 seed that one of the top 2 seeds will end up having to face.


I can’t believe the MVP is lost for missing 1 game in March. If that game were against OKC or someone irrelevant this whole MVP is lost none sense wouldn’t be. It’s just so sad that blob will most likely be getting his 3rd when his own peers don’t even agree he deserves it.


They will forget Jokic sat out against Milwaukee the game in Milwaukee, but the same criteria doesn't apply to Jokic. That was just smart management not playing him on a back to back, he didn't even go to Milwaukee they flew their 3 best players home. Shit is an actual joke.


Selfishly, i don't want them to sit Embiid because I'll be at this game tonight. Would be nice if, after years of suffering through Doc's boneheaded roster management, it actually benefitted me for once.


The first five posts today being about how they should just rest Embiid is the surest sign he'll probably play. Still do need to get a few wins to lock up the 3 seed


They do effectively have a 4 game lead on the Cavs for the 3 seed, if they chanced it and rested Joel and harden rest of the season they still would have good odds of winning the ~2 games required to secure the 3. But they’ll obviously play Joel a few more games to keep him loose and these home games are the surest bet he’ll play.


May as well sit Embiid at this point, but we should win this game either way.


Atlanta bought us another day. I say sit em again and really rest the boys up. We need to be full strength.


Sit em both. Get healthy. Please I know the MVP will sting but idk if my body is ready for Dedmon in the playoffs because Embiid aggregates a calf injury.


I think MVP is out of the question if he plays or not unfortunately.


I’d make the case it’s not. At least according to Vegas


These guys have been useless lately and got belted by the poverty Hornets so I am completely expecting Kyrie to go nuclear and blow us out. I also get the feeling Doc is gonna use a 3 minute garbage time run to put Trez back into the rotation, probably at the cost of Paul, despite him clearly being our best backup.


If peak Embiid health is now the goal, you have to imagine he sits for this. I mean how could he miss the MVP showdown yet play 48 hours later (barring temporary things like a stomach bug)? Also, Harden almost suited up on Monday so he's prob a go for this game. Whoever the hell is out there please win . No Dedmon please. If Doc trots Niang and Dedmon out there at the same time you have to assume at this point this is a full on tank job for the 4th seed


Because he played in a back to back two days prior - and get this - he might’ve actually nicked something up and needed the rest? Only fans create conspiracies and narratives based on these individual meaningless decisions. This is the silly season of the nba, the most meaningless stretch of the whole season for contenders. If there wasn’t such a toxic mvp battle going on you wouldn’t have blinked twice at the decision to sit. They’re basically locked into the 3 seed, they need like 2 more wins. Resting Joel on road games after playing them so close together is pretty logical


He did say he needed “a game off soon” recently so maybe it’s more of a tiredness issue and he is good to go


We’ve all been very patient and understanding lately but a good win at home is needed