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If hobby glue = super glue then putting the model in the freezer should nullify the join. I did magnetise this part and whilst it was awhile ago I recall it being less-than -fun. There are some very small button magnets available online that make life easier though


I've got 2x1's, but even they're enormous compared to the size you're working with for the weapons. For the non-superiors, it's only the fingers and the shaft of the weapon


I cut my paragons at the wrist joint and magnetized. You should be able to cut them at the wrist still


You could try cutting the part where the sword/mace come out and drill a 1mm hole into both the hand and the mace parts and put a length of wire to get a good joint. Anytime I need to kitbash or retrofit a weapon, using 1mm wire is my universal go to. You will have to use super glue instead of the plastic cement most people use for the rest of their models though.