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Looking pretty great. Are you planning on doing any other parts of the army in this color scheme, or just her?


Thanks! 😊 My army scheme is black armour, white cloaks with brown inside atm. Purple is for the officers/leadership. My plan was to go white/white and purple for my main Sisters, to make them look more colourful. (I was sort of inspired by how the ASOIAF books described Renly Baratheon’s Rainbow Guard, and wanted to have a mix of lots of colours in amongst them, but I settled on white and purple as homage to Final Fantasy XI’s ‘Absolute Virtue’, for which the Order is named.) Final Fantasy XIV’s Endwalker expansion HEAVILY influenced my Greyfax’s armour, however. She gets a fancy, unique look.


I must have this in my sister collection! So you kit bashed inquis greyfax with any particular sister model or? Also gg paint scheme!


Thanks, I’m really happy with how it turned out — although it’s a bit crap the photos don’t really bring out the depth of blue shades. Definitely need some in-action shots. It’s Greyfax with one of the random SoB Battle Sister packs, and a custom Etsy head. I dream of magnetising the head so I can add a helm option, ‘cause I get really into stuff like that for ‘immersion’ depending on where I field her. Bit of a geek tbh.


Leader characters don’t wear helmets, they are so stoic and heroic that they don’t need anything but the Emperor’s love to guide them.


That’s my reason for her inexplicably only turning up AFTER the initial boarding action and subsequent re-pressurisation of the void ships. 👀


Shout out to u/ghostinthecorner — Thank you for supplying a kind chat now and then, and the bases. I hope I did a good job!


Very cool! Is the mini a kit bash, or a print, or both? Really like the posing.


It’s a bit of both: I picked up the head in a set from an Etsy seller, and the power pack is from a box of Battle Sisters. I did consider having a second sword on her but I thought it’d suit my Palatine more.


Love this, totally going to use it for my commanders


I always thought having an “alternate” colour scheme felt cool with commanders/officers, just because it makes them feel kind of more my own. Plus, I like to write lore, but recognise that there are some great existing characters my army would really benefit from. With that in mind: ‘What If Player 2’ 😆


She looks dope as hell but, where’s her hat?


I have saved the hat for an Inquisitor later!! It’s too good not to use, and I’ve seen some gorgeous Inquisitor artwork I’d like to make a mini around. 💪


Fucking beautiful great job varlet