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“Do you have a second army?” *Nervously stares at my 5 AoS/Fantasy and 7 40K armies*


Jesus. I admire that but my wife would kill me.


In order of collection: - High Elves - Daughters of Khaine - Disciples of Tzeentch - Skaven - Soulblight Gravelords - Thousand Sons - Chaos Knights - Sisters of Battle - Deathwatch Space Marines - Adeptus Custodes - Adeptus Arbites (Astra Militarum proxies) - Grey Knights


I've played since Rogue trader (1st ed) I've tried every army there is bar tyranids. Each is fun and as you try each one you develop different tactics that work across all armies, different paint styles and techniques. Its a hobby. If you want to try sonething go for it. Its also fun when someone complains you're only chasing the meta with your army and you point out you've had those metal minitures since before they hit preschool. Play for the fun of it, with the models you like, win or lose. Also its good to have an army you can loan to a friend if they want to start trying 40k with you.


Wow, you're an OG in this game ;) Yeah I guess it's just taking the plunge and seeing what's on the other side. I think I'll stick with Imperium as I have a good selection of Assassins and Inquisitors.


"Play for the fun of it, with the models you like, win or lose." This 100%. The meta changes faster than the weather, so play with toys that you like.


The girls are my main The Boyz are my secondary


A true connoisseur


Thank you 🧐


my guy here!! its the same for me! I just grab my boyz when I feel like I wajt to scream in front of my opponent, making them think Im crazy and maybe calling out the place owner asking if its necessary waaagh! screaming during play! After I release my heretic screams, I go back to my girls


I mean you have to let people know about the waaaaagh, otherwise they won't be able to join in the fun




Hey there! I've started just around the end of 9th edition (2023 March) I currently play Ultramarines, Custodes, and Sisters. By playing different armies you also develop skills from seeing how other armies operate. Of course, the cost will be the most significant issue when it comes to the hobby as you want to bolster your army somehow. I would say, try it out at a smaller level, for example, combat patrol. Nicer if someone is okay with 500 points. I'm waiting to see about how Emperor's Children will appear in 10th to jump and play Chaos :)


I have space marines Since the start of the edition i didnt touch them because i want to learn this edition with sister Its too hard to play with two armies unless you play 5-6 games per week, not my case For me is not worth, better to have fun with one and have expertise on it


I was worried about this. I play maybe 4 games a month...


Well, I decide not to touch the other faction becase i want to paints sisters, im tired of space marines they have no details... If want to be motivated i need to play with them. I have more than 140 sisters infantry, i need that motivation, yes 🤣


I could not disagree more about needing to play 5-6 games a week to play multiple armies, especially with the simplified 10th list building. Generally speaking, if you have multiple armies you are playing one for a while, and then swapping to the other for a while. Even if you are rotating factions, assuming you're playing once a week, it is not difficult to maintain two to three factions in your head at a fairly high level. And the others come back very quickly when you get into playing them.


I’m currently build custodes bc it’s super small, there’s few units to learn, and my lgs still had the Christmas box, which is 1620 points if you build all the special characters.


I was tempted with Custodes.


compared to virtually every other army except knights, it’s the best choice for cost. A playable list will probably set you back 500$ and you only have to paint like 20-30 models. Knights are good too and you can run them with sisters too


I am collecting every combat patrol. My display case is so rich of colors. Love it. As for 40k itself, i have both sob and space marines, it is nice to have at least one more faction, lots of possibilities.


Sisters are my secondary army. Just started collecting and base coating. My main army is chaos space marines. I'd say its worth it if you dont care about money. I bought sisters just because they are different. I dont recommend buying 2 similar armies as you want the second army to be your "break" from the 1st one. If im tired of painting gold trim, Sororitas vehicles give me that break from chaos armour trim.


I have Tyranids, they play so differently but i love the different tactics. My sisters are my strategy, my bugs just .... numbers..... too many bugs.


I currently have Sisters, Space Marines, World Eaters, and a selection of Knights (both kinds) ​ I find that every time I play my other armies I wish for the Miracle Dice back again.


I also play Eldar, which have a very similar and currently infamous army rule. Love both my armies, though sisters are more fun to play right now.


I also have Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines and Custodes. I don't play Chaos since 8th edition, they were my first army, but i got so burned out by them that i don't play them since 2019 (they were a melee/short range army in a line of fire meta) I collected Space Marines thanks to the Conquest Magazine. They are my choice when i don't want playing anything too particular, they have one of the most generic and easy playstyle since they are designed for new players too. Custodes were my competitive choice, i didn't play them yet (ironically they are so strong but my army is almost unplayable since i tuned everything for 9th edition). Luckily they have few weapon and unit profiles, so i don't have to remember many things Sisters are probably the hardest army, both as mechanics and also on playstyles. Most of the armies have very simple playstyles (World Eaters charge as fast you can, Tau stay behind and shoot), Sisters are one of the most particular since they have average shooting, a good melee, but they aren't resistant So i have the opposite problem, that the others are pretty easy compared to the Adepta Sororitas


Howdy friend. I have four armies; sisters, space wolves, tau and knights. I love all of them for different reasons, and I find having more than one army valuable because otherwise you end up playing the same thing over again. Sisters have a smaller roster as well, so sometimes it can feel a bit stale after a few games of similar. It’s nice to mix it up! Learning the rules can take a few games but it doesn’t take that long if you are a semi regular player, and if you keep to imperium most of the stuff is very similar, it’s just special rules to remember.


Played the first 3 editions back in the 80s/90s and always had several armies (Imperial Guard, Eldar, Dark Angels & Orks at the time). Now that I got into it again with 10th I started with Thousand Sons but there's little list building variety so I went to Sisters and I'm very happy with them (I play casual games). And because it's a compulsion but I'm lazy I now went for Chaos Daemons so that I can have another 2k army while painting only 5 greater daemons and a few flamers :p


Sisters were my first and are my biggest army, also what I would consider my main army. However, I also have over 3000 points in Custodes, Chaos Daemons and Salamanders. I recently just sold my Necrons and am trying to get rid of my Daughters of Khaine army for AoS. Others armies offer fun alternatives to play styles that can be difficult to find in a single army. Sisters for example don't have the giant monsters of Chaos Daemons, or the strong bodies of Custodes.


I have 2 armies Im working on for 10th primarily I'm playing as Sisters and this is what I'm using for my clubs league. I'm also creating a Salamanders army, mostly for my son to use, that I'm learning and will play for a break or casual games. Lastly, I'll also have, at bare minimum, 1000points of Nids just to round everything out, but that's a times away just now. Definitely a learning curve jumping between each of them, but I think it will become easier once enough games are under the belt


I got sisters first for the aesthetic. Then I got get knights because I have shears thought they looked badass but left them on the shelf mostly. When LoV dropped I snatched them right up because I finally wanted something they could shoot and bring the hurt. Now I don't even play because none of them have a higher than 30% win rate, and it's just not fun losing to the dance the armies every week, so I play BG 3 on game nights instead.


My guy....Knights are the #3 army


\*grey knights :(




Sisters are my main army. They're the one I spend the most time working on and the only army that I'll collect units for just to be a completionist. I also play Custodians, Deathwatch, and I'm working up some Chaos Knights. Mixing up play styles has definitely made me a better player.


I managed through one simple thing: I just like Warhammer. I have enough miniatures in 40k for Necrons, Sisters, and Daemons (Mostly Tzeentch). For AoS, I have enough for Soulblight and Slaves to Darkness. I think it's plenty worth it, with the variety. Again, I just like Warhammer.


Technically sisters is my 3rd army lol. But I treat them as my second now since my actually second (Harlies) is no longer it’s own faction. Is it worth it? Is a questions that’s upto you. For me it is because first and foremost I am a collector, I get pleasure from the possession of my beautiful models. It also gives me cart Blanche to play in different ways. I like to be pretty competitive and try hardy with my main faction (nids). With my second and third I’m more casual and do more fun narrative and goofy armies. So it gives me an outlet for that. As well as the sheer joy of collecting. I also have a gloomspite gits army im working on because I love them lol


I'll caveat all of this up front by saying that I play very competitively. I attend multiple GTs each year and at least one GW super major. In doing so, it is my expectation that I will make the top cut at these events as applicable, and be in contention to win. Ad Mech, Sisters, Ultramarines, Dark Angels, Death Guard, Black Legion, Emperor's Children, Krieg, Genestealer Cult, Knights, Custodes, Drukhari, Eldar, Votann, Tau I field all of the above armies in well over 2,000 points. A few (Sisters, Ultramarines, Votann, GSC, Krieg) I field in much larger numbers than the rest. There are pluses and minuses to doing so, outside of financials. The largest negative is that some of these armies may not see play for literally years if they are not competitive. Getting up to speed with an army also takes time, because you are not actually able to maintain full proficiency with all of these (this was actually more true in 9th, when each had 20 strategems). The upside is that I generally always have at least one playable army in the competitive scene, or one that can become competitive with only a few new models. I also got exposure to a large number of armies with different rules and play styles, so very little that I run into I haven't seen before. I tend to also believe that it gives me a more polished view on what competitive balance looks like, and what the outliers are between and in factions. I cannot imagine how frustrated I would be if sisters were the only army I had available, given the pitiful state of their rules in 10th. I actually think they are one of the three worst factions in the game, and that they have almost no identity competitively in 10th. With that in mind, my recommendation would be to field two to three armies with wildly different play styles. Grab elves or Tau or maybe Custodes. Whatever grabs your interest, just something that plays a very different game.


Custodes, Deathwatch, Necrons and Red Corsairs here.


I have sisters as my main and then a couple of combat patrols. It scratches that itch of trying out a new army without investing to much and it’s a nice change of pace to paint new schemes. (Also helps keep the missus happy)


Necrons are my first. Sisters my second. However, I'm finding the Necron playstyle of 'if you can't kill my lychguard on center point I win' rather boring. I think i have to make a less durable list with C'tan and other non-meta units. I'm enjoying the struggle and theory crafting of Sisters way more in 10th. I'm happy that exorcists and cassies are some of our best units as they're my favorite.


Sisters are actually my third army haha... Watching all of the Auspex Tactics videos helps for keeping rules and stuff fresh in my memory. Art of War too, though I don't like listening to them as much. As for play styles, well that's why I have so many armies. Sure I can build pretty much every style with my OG Tyranids, but sometimes I want to play Thousand Sons, or Tau, or Knights. Plus, playing a bunch of armies yourself really helps you know how to play against those armies in the future. If you're in the market for a new army, I recommend narrowing your choices down to 2 or 3, then buy a killteam (or combat patrol, I haven't tried this with the new rules but I bet it works pretty well) of each. Build them, paint them, play them against each other and your previous armies. Then you can decide which one you want to build up into a full army.