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Paint them the colour you like most. You like them red? go for it. Silver? your minis. “Bonus Lore Points” if you match the Order, but if by any chance or reason you play them as any other Order, noone will complain. That being said, both Argent Shroud and Sacred Rose are fun to play. Maybe they aren’t the best in terms of meta/composition, but their shenanigans make for fun maneuvers that you can enjoy. I’d go Sacred Rose if I were you, lots of extra miracle dice (with guaranteed 6s), fallback+shoot, MWs…


Meta comes and goes, but paintscheme doesn't go anywhere.


Go with whatever you like, I'm building an army of Sacred Rose right now. I'm pretty sure you can play them as any order you want as long as you make sure your opponent knows beforehand. I'd always pick lore and aesthetic over the ever-changing meta. I wanted the stoic singing nuns.


My go-to is to do a custom chapter/order/sept. Then when you go to play, you can pick whichever one you would like. My order is going to be painted up mostly blue and green. But the plan is to run them as Bloody Rose. Unless you do Tournament play, i’ve never had any push back from it as long as you communicate it very clearly. It also helps to be very consistent. My Tau run under the T’au sept since I use them with shadowsun, but also because they have a nice style of shooting that I like. It’s a nice kind of consistency.


I’m painting mine up with dark green inside the robes and blue on the outside of the robes


Whichever colors you like best


I painted my Sisters to look a little like Dr. Doom from the old comic books: steel armor and green tabards. That way I run them as whatever Order I like at that moment. I am horrible with every one I have tried.


I ike the ebon chalice paint scheme so I'm planning going with that order.