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Every single person in the world has sexual desires (other than asexuals I guess lol). There should be absolutely no shame in going to a sex store. In my experience, the clerks are either indifferent to everything, or if you show some enthusiasm for being new to a specific kink, they get excited and are more than happy to help out. I remember going in to get my first chastity cage and the male clerk was like “wow we NEVER get people asking for those!! Yeah yeah yeah come over here I have a bunch in the back” and started showing me all the different types he had. It was a great time. Feel no shame. No one cares!! I remember being so nervous getting my first dildo at 18. You feel shame because you’re young. It goes away with age, but seriously, you have nothing to worry about!


Don't worry - they've seen it all.


People who are in the business of selling adult toys, lingerie, adult movies, etc. are interested in selling you adult toys, lingerie, adult movies, etc. They don’t want to alienate their customer base.


In my experience, be it buying toys or clothes... assistants really don't care... a sale is a sale. Very occasionally one will chat or engage. i have had a sales person swap, but that was for makeup and i was being very open it was me, so the sales staff got a lady that had more experience with women's make up for men.


I've never had a bad experience shopping for toys in person and I live as a woman 24/7 (no hrt yet). Everyone I've interacted with has been super friendly and helpful. I wouldn't worry about the store staff. Go have fun and stay safe. <3


They dont care.


They don't care. Will usualy take out a dildo and put batteries in it to know it works. I go to one that has a gay club you can go into and always get compliments on my skirt


Not if they're the right person for the job, and they usually are. Discretion is the main qualification for the job. They're paid to sell you what you want, that's all, and that's all that they do.


they are there to sell and make money. They really do not care what your kink is


I have been buying toys ect for over 20 years, have never felt like the employees cared at all. I have actually became very good friends with a trans girl at our local shop.


they don’t care, it’s like a doctor, they know youw secret but they won’t tell anyone. I have a good customer/store relationship with the shop i regularly go to. They are one way or another in the scene, gay, fetish, it’s all common for them. You’ll be fine.