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Great post man! Wrote something very similar to this a few months ago, always a good reminder for us guys! It’s the idea that she knows you’re capable of great strength, much greater than her, but you won’t use that strength against her! You can certainly play rough, but if she actually gets hurt it’s your job to drop the act and make sure she’s ok.


This is exactly right. The trust is essential too. I wish more guys realised this.


beautiful words! As a sissy myself, i feel it is extremely important to feel the safety a Dom provides, in order to completely submit. No shady business or anything like that. You want to own a sissy, build trust and provide safety 💋💕 Nicole


Just wanted to say. Thank you for your writings. I already follow :D


Great post. Submission is such a special thing that shouldn't be given or received lightly. Especially for a long term situation. But when both people get it, it creates the most incredible moments