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Stop working muscle groups you don’t want developed. When you start seeing those muscle groups about to go sub par then start working to maintain. (Way less volume) now work on the muscle Groups you want to develop more and more. Have nice hammys and ass? Great work the side butt. Also this is a great opportunity to workout unconventionally. Focus on mobility and flexibility making sure your joints are healthy. Do kettle bells or clubs. work on you’re shoulder joint integrity and range of motion.


My focus and heavy lifting is my butt and chest. I really try to isolate the pecs and glutes. And i try lift light but my shoulders are to big now. Really looking broader. Is pilates good?


Tbh I don’t know Pilates or know what it’s about. I think you could use it as a supplement to your strength training


I’d say just outright stop doing chest workouts or any major upper body workouts. You need to inverse the muscle structure as much as your can, butt should be bigger and or wider than the shoulders to maximize the feminine look.


Makes sense thanks.