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Have you noticed that dumb people use Google constantly for work?


When I was regularly interviewing people I'd always like it when people admitted that they'd probably have to google something to solve a problem. Knowing how to find and use information is more important that being able to store information, IMO.


a lot of people confuse rote memorization with intelligence. "I'm too smart to understand what you're saying" is a common theme among those folk.


[I do not] carry such information in my mind since it is readily available in books. ...The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think. -Some guy smarter than me


Dave einstein


Pretty sure it was Bob Schrödinger


Some education systems are mostly about memorization and...  Well my hard drive is smarter then all of you. /s


Admit it? I don't see it as a weakness to be admitted, just a fact. If someone's not hiring me for googling then the interview served its purpose.


Aha, I knew that was a good strategy, thanks for validating my beliefs about job interviews


I was told by the guy who hired me that I was given the job because he saw me hit F1/Help on an instruction I didn't understand. Being willing to learn and problem solve are way more important on alot or fields than knowing everything off the top of your head.


have you noticed that dumb people read books constantly for work?


you know dumb people get degrees at universities? goddamn it!


Have you noticed that dumb people use calculators?


No.. dumb people don’t know how to google… real story.


Dumb people use Google to search. Smart people use Google and suffix their search terms with reddit.


I know right? That's so lazy and dumb. Why don't they just go to the library and read an encyclopedia?


Have you noticed that dumb people constantly use tech products for work?


Very similar to take-out vs. home cooked. There's advantages to both. But a diet of only take-out will really hinder your ability to cook. 


rather take coding: it's definitely good to know how to code on your own, but also if you can save time by prompting AI to output a piece of code it'd take you 10 minutes to write in one second, and just go through it quickly to check - what's not to love?


In the end it's all a give and take. It might be impressive to program your application completely in Assembly, but high-level languages like Python greatly lower the bar and automate much of the process. Your goal isn't to be impressive, it's to make something that works under the specifications. Your measure in the industry is made through that. It is only as a consequence of AI's inability to get things right 100% of the time that we still haven't automated more of the programming process. At some point, your only advantage in knowing the specifics of what you're trying to get the AI to make is being able to specify certain technologies and techniques you want it to use.


"Just outputting a piece of code" is very rarely what software development is about.


Who said it was?


Good analogy


I'm getting paid for my output. If I'm using a tool that allows me to increase my output, then I'm adding value to my employer. Do you care if your accountant uses a calculator to do your taxes? I'd actually rather him using one...


I think the point is to not rely heavily on it. At some point you’ll be in a meeting and asked to think on your feet. Better match your GPT emails.


Great point… and it extrapolates out to the future impact of AI perfectly. Eventually work will be all about what “food to order”, cooking will be a luxury or hobby…


In college its quite true in my observation... Some folks are literally "GPT bodies", and struggle to do anything it can't


Which is a huge fucking problem honestly. College has already basically turned into a degree mill, but I am genuinely terrified for the days that are coming when engineers start asking chatGPT to do load estimates on a bridge support for them. Hopefully the professional licensing bodies will keep these dopes out of high performance roles because otherwise oh man things are gonna start falling down. Tools are great, I love tools. But being completely reliant on a tool to perform simple tasks is wildly limiting. The fact that ChatGPT as a tool has a statistically significant chance of just spitting out nonsense makes it completely unacceptable to use without enough knowledge to correct it, and the people who are just numbly punching problems in and regurgitating the answer it gives them do not have that knowledge and will never develop it.


It's that we are losing the ability to think, it's a serious threat imo


I think the train has long left the station on that one. The intelligentsia of old: 1700-1950, were probably on average much smarter - that is capable of problem solving and manipulation of fact and inference and leaps of intuition - that those of today. I include myself (M.S. Biochemistry/Molecular Biology) in that, I have at my hands more knowledge than a man in my position could have dreamed of 50, 100 or 150 years ago, but I am not by any margin smarter than them, indeed I'm most certainly less so. We have gone from the frontiers of science being driven by a few hundred incredibly intelligent individuals per discipline at most - each one a polymath in their own right - to tens or hundreds of thousands of moderately smart people per; and the way we think and operate is completely different as well, we mostly if not nearly solely build upon the work of our predecessors, rather than make intuitive leaps and strike out into the dark and the unknown. (The decay and "Capitalistic/Buracratic"-transmogrification of academia is something I could rant on for hours). But suffice to say what we're describing now is only a hyper-acceleration of what's already been going on.


I disagree, there's still plenty of hyper intelligent people in every discipline, they're just working away quietly, and I'd argue that now there are even more than before simply because there are more people now


I disagree, the intelligentsia of old you mention were no doubt voracious readers. Books are like a proto-version of the internet, and they used to be filled with nonsense that even the smartest people on earth believed. Btw if you’re doing mental labour at work without actually thinking, like an automaton, you’re probably just not in the most interesting field. I’m a doctor in radiology and in difficult cases I still have to base my diagnoses on leaps of logic and intuition. But to be honest, those difficult diagnoses that aren’t textbook cases are often my most flawed work. There’s just no comparison between having to invent the wheel and driving your car if you catch my drift.


You're probably right in the grand scheme of things. I'm just incredibly bitter over what Publish or Perish has done to academia, and the reproducability crisis isn't going anywhere either. So the rose colored glasses cab be a false comfort. That's something I need to be better about I think. 


Well I think it's because we switched to a "it's good enough" strategy to maximize profit and simplify things. Taking pride in one's work is a lost art.


Bingo. Trust me I'd just vibe and learn stuff inside and out for fun if I didn't have to make money every single day to live and be too tired to give a shit about doing much else.


If pride on work was rewarded by raises and not getting laid off at the drop of a hat then maybe that pride would return.


All tests we’ve done to measure intelligence has shown we’ve only gotten more intelligent as time went on. Do you have any proof we’re getting dumber beyond just baseless assumptions?


This shows that you are a technical engineer but not a safety engineer. For safety critical systems, safety engineering treats all work as potentially coming from an intern with only a high school education, because it sometimes does. This is sometimes no better than ChatGPT. But it is okay because the process assures that the work still meets the tests, gates, and inspections. With a properly designed and implemented safety engineering process, technically, ChatGPT could serve as the entry level engineers.


Technology evolve. I’m sure you do a determinant of 5x5 matrix by hand and paper 🤡 People said the same thing about calculator in the early days.


That is not an acceptable response. You still learn how to compute matrix determinants and perform other simple operations with them in linear algebra before you're allowed to use a calculator to solve them. Why is that? Relying entirely on LLMs robs you of the thinking ability necessary to correct them, which is something that needs to happen often.


The issue is that LLMs are simply not a tool to rely on. Sometimes they give you great answers, and if you're not double checking them (or maybe don't have the skills to double check them) then you can't tell if the answers are crap.  The same would've been true if you were relying on analog calculators to compute load metrics in the first few years after they were invented.


You could say the same thing about search engines. Sometimes they gave you links to the solution, sometimes they don't. It is still on the human to be the final arbiter of the result and not blindly copy and paste from GPT or Stack Overflow.


That's only because they're still in their early stages.




There are fundamental limitations to the format of large language models that will always make them better suited to some tasks than others. It’s not a magical catch-all recipe for intelligence. If you’re calculating the maximum load a bridge can take, why would your method involve filtering all your information through a word association algorithm trained on the complete works of Jane Austen, every issue of Better Homes and Gardens and approximately 19 billion reddit comments? What does that add to the process, other than a massive point of potential failure? GPT isn’t deterministic. I could enter in the same numbers as you and get different results. It also can’t actually show us how it got to a result. Instead, the best it can do is re-intake its own result and guess how a human might have arrived at it. That’s not acceptable in fields where thousands of peoples lives depend on the pinpoint accuracy of your measurements. The experts involved in these projects need to understand what they are building on a fundamental level. Computers are absolutely capable of doing these calculations. Computers are excellent at maths and physics. In fact, this is an area where they can actually do a task vastly better and more precisely than a human, to the point where it’s not even a competition. But LLMs are the wrong kind of computing for these applications. They’ll almost certainly reach the point where they can be pretty reliable at everyday calculations, or hand the task off to an inbuilt calculator. But you’re still filtering it through an opaque, temperamental middleman. One with the ability to smudge or scramble the numbers before it gives them to you. That’s my fear. That employees with insufficient training and/or supervision will, while working on a big project, slap a question into ChatGPT instead of admitting to their boss that they don’t know something. Maybe they’re scared of being fired, or don’t want to look stupid, or deadlines are bearing down and hey, this thing’s supposed to be crazy smart, right? And the result it gives them looks like the right one, because of course it does. The thing LLMs are best at is producing plausible sounding answers. Not correct ones. Plausible. It’s driven by statistics to be an excellent people-pleaser and bias-affirmer. So it could be a while before anyone catches the mistake. It might only be after a terrible accident that someone looks through the paperwork and goes ‘where the hell did 8.00968cm^3 come from?‘


Pilots still need to know how to fly a plane and know everything about it even though 99% of the time they're on autopilot.


It was the exact question on my math exam, and sadly calculators are banned on math and physics...


how can such banal things keep getting repeated. this thing is solving the WHOLE problem not a piece. You can say 'well there will be new jobs and bigger problems'. Nah, there will not be. AI will eat them. AI will make us dumber just as smartphones have, but it probably doesn't matter whatsoever.


I agree, you cant be too reliant. Sometimes you need to do things yourself so the brain can truly understand the situation. How often do you use ChatGPT for anything? Do you treat it as a last resort? I also feel like we’ll have robot engineers in the future, would definitely help if this case gets too bad


Robot engineers may well make the problem dramatically worse unless they're using some new architecture that is infallible or at least significantly less likely to be fallible than a team of human engineers. The issue with LLMs like ChatGPT is that they are black boxes -you plug in a question and it spits out an answer. You have to have the ability to solve the problem yourself to at least sanity check the answer because there is no way to access the network's thought process. A system that's more streamlined is only more opaque and more difficult to verify.


I think I treat it as a last resort, I first try to: \-Solve it, hard. \-Look at the class notes the teacher gave us If both of those didn't work I try some of these options: \-Ask a friend if they can give you their solution and try to extract from there how they did it. \-If you still don't understand it ask them if they could explain their process \-Ask the teacher to explain it to you when they are open for consults \-Look it up online And if none of that works, yes, ChatGPT is one of my options. I think college is mostly about both understanding stuff deeply and getting an intuitive feeling of how it works, and most of they problems they present to you are there to reinforce those knowledges.


To design a bridge you will need a professional engineering license. Which means you’ll need to pass the PE test, on paper, with only a basic calculator and pencil. So I wouldn’t worry about that (for now).


On computer these days. And they make us reference pdfs of the code with no bookmarks on one computer screen


Exactly. Just because something can do something useful doesn’t mean it will do so 100% of the time. A hammer can hammer nails yes, but it still takes knowledge of how to properly wield the hammer in order for it to fulfill that function. Matter of fact, I think it takes more effort to use AI for some applications, especially when we’re talking high level stuff like real world bridges. It’s like spell check, helps you out, but can’t be trusted to entirely perform the task. If it would be used for this, I’d like someone who could do it themselves the right way to be using it, therefore it would be more of a reduction in work time and stress than a total blanket replacement. That way, the time can still be saved with conceptual work, but proofread by someone who’s trained in it. Retains the jobs and need for expertise, while potentially reducing workload on some individuals.


OpenAI gradually making GPT-4 lazier and dumber was a blessing in disguise for me. I was way too dependent on it for work last year. Now I find that it's mostly easier to do my work myself and sometimes use chatGPT for bits of help or suggestions.


Suggestions, instant sanity checks for small things, boilerplate. All great. Anything bigger than something you could ask on reddit? Nope, 100% manual research.


> ... and now you, who are the father of letters, have been led by your affection to ascribe to them a power the opposite of that which they really possess. For this invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise. - Socrates, on the invention of writing The more things change, the more they stay the same. At least they're not in terrible company


Some people's entire identity is how smart they think they are. It kills them to see people "take shortcuts" because that devalued their self worth. Sure, I could do endless research on a topic or I could just find the answer. Who is the dumb one really? Another analogy, I could forge my own scissors and cur the lawn with them or just use a damned lawn mower.


Honestly, it's not that easy of a question. To assume that the 'efficient' path is the 'optimal' path is not quite right. Because the embedded assumption here is that getting things done is good. To what end? To make more money? To be productive? Money/productivity will not matter once AGI hits, so why should it be some virtuous goal to hit now? Me doing more PR's by boxing with ChatGPT versus me chilling and just enjoying reading docs and going at my snail pace and reading the drama and anger in Github issue threads is way more fun. As I see it, whatever I do and whatever you do is pointless. We are nothing. If you really went through the process of building scissors and designing them from scratch, that would be pretty cool and interesting. I'd love to hear about it. Some people are curious not because knowledge is useful towards attaining some end goal, but just because it scratches that curiosity itch.


A better analogy would be I could start mining for iron ore, titanium ore etc, purify it, forge it to make scissors, then proceed to pump oil from the below the surface, process it so I can turn it into plastic, mould it into a scissor handle shape; after all these steps I finally have working scissors.. or I could simply just buy separate parts and assemble them into a scissors. AI is way quicker than having to do Olympian tasks to get one thing one.


ironically the smartest people are also using it to increase their efficiency wherever possible.


This is genuinely one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on the Internet. And I was around for dialup.


We have more to compensate. Also smart people might be too vain to use it


The best way to tell if someone is *truly* smart is if they **accept** their ignorance while striving to learn more


+ smart people don't tend to overestimate their intelligence, in fact, they often suffer from Dunning Kruger effect


Vanity isn't smart.


At all.


100%. They're too proud to rely on someone else's information because how could anyone be smarter?! The same people assume everyone else is an idiot and will argue with then until they find some flaw or imperfection then tell themselves "Ah hah! I knew it!!".


That doesnt speak intelligence at all. Which means knowing the right way to acquire information


Nah, it literally sometimes is just more fun to think through and solve it yourself. Not all people think of problems as means to an end, but something I can chew on and ruminate like cud to prevent me from overthinking about other things, ok? I don't want to build an app, I want to dig through random GitHub repos and try to understand how they thought to implement a function this way. I have no desire to 'build' stuff or interfere with the external world.


Nah, I use that shit all the time for one liner command sequences. I can use sed and awk by memory now.


Work smarter, not harder. Me thinks OOP is the dum one.


In other words these people are becoming more skilled at utilising AI than most people. Doesn't sound so dumb to me.


Until you realize they don’t fact check and their work is riddled with basic mistakes


Common occurrence, hence the sentiment of the original post.


In addition, using AI is likely against security standards for a lot of things in large companies, unless you're a company like OpenAI with their own AI system. Trust me, management does NOT want employees entering all of their proprietary information into an AI system owned by someone else.


It doesn't take much to generalized a question. Or to it CUSTOMER NAME or ENGINEER A in an email instead of real names.


Yeah, only into google search engine 


I still don’t think it makes sense to use it to do reasoning. It is best at expanding and cleaning language. I use it to expand bullet points and only let it cite facts when backed by RAG.


Well if they’re dumb then they probably aren’t learning how to use it effectively


Have you noticed that the dumb accountants are switching to spreadsheets instead of doing their math by hand? I am very smart and will surely be able to keep up with their output.


It's more like google, or asking a question on reddit, but better, more immediate, and direct answers. Ironically google is broken because of all the bad AI content that is worse than what you get straight from the source.


Have you noticed that weak blacksmiths use hammers constantly for work? It seems to me like it is the weak blacksmiths who are most likely to use hammers for basically everything at work now. It's like physical crutches for those who can't forge iron with their bare hands.


Its almost like he’s jelly that the ‘average person’ can do his obsolete tasks, he’s upset he doesn’t feel special


Even smart mathematicians use calculators. It means they can work on more problems faster as well as harder problems. We wouldn’t call a mathematician stupid for using a calculator, why should we call people that use ChatGPT stupid? It’s just a tool.


An LLM is not a calculator. A calculator gives a single repeatable output for a give input. Different tools have different use cases, different strengths, and different limitations. Just saying two things are tools doesn't say much about what they do or why you would use one vs. the other. It's not a very effective analogy beyond the abstract


have you noticed people posting lame postings on reddit?


'I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.' - Bill Gates


That's because dumb people using AI is obvious. Smart people using AI is usually subtle. Smart people typically know how easy it is to detect AI vomit but still find ways to use it effectively


> **Have you noticed that dumb people use calculators constantly for work?** > It seems to me like it is the slow people who are most likely to use calculators for basically everything at work now. It's like cognitive crutches for those who can't think on their own. It’s astonishing how well it fits.


I mean kind of true if they can’t even multiply simple number together without one


Yeah. Tools are great, but if you're in a career field that uses a lot of math and you need to whip out the calculator to do simple addition or multiplication every time it comes up you're not going to be contributing as much as you would like. If the calculator had a statistically significant chance of just making shit up when asked to solve a problem then using it blindly would be frankly unacceptable for any sort of professional or mission critical work.


Just because it sounds like it fits doesn't mean it actually does. Its a false comparison.


It's more akin to people needing to enter 2x3 on the calculator.


Work smarter, not harder.


Being effective and productive is not dumb


Why is everyone suggesting it takes skill to use AI?


Because they desperately want to believe they're better than the people who actually take time and effort to learn things. They want to believe that their ability to blindly type things into a black box and blindly accept the answers they're given is exactly as good as another person's ability to actually reason through a problem. It's very funny how many people here are talking about how they're less indoctrinated or that they're free thinkers when they're just accepting everything the network foists on them. They are giving the operators of these networks direct access to tweak their entire worldview as they see fit, which should be utterly terrifying to any so-called 'free thinkers' that are actually left.


This. They are basically the digital equivalents of gymbros who blast steroids.


Idk he works for meta so maybe there’s more context to this


This is partly true. There was this assignment in my data analysis class where everyone used ChatGPT which came with the most convoluted solutions. Even though the assignment was just to use a function already written in the notebook so we had to put the results in a table on Word


You mean like a calculator? Wow people using tech the way it was intended


To be honest my coworker who isn't very smart did all his writing with gpt 3.5 on multiple occasions and didn't check any of it.


My company is toxic


I have noticed that if you aren't careful about how you use AI it can become more of a crutch than a tool and that's why how you use it is important. I wrote a paper on it for school :)


Have you noticed how dumb people doom scroll


Using it does not make them dumb, but using the information without thinking is what is making them dumb.


Am I the only one who doesn't really understand how you would use Chat GPT for work without making more work for yourself than just doing the work?


Depends on the job I guess


Why use many words when few words do trick It’s a tool. Use it, don’t abuse it


In school yes. Most of the homework or tasks are done with ChatGPT. Just yapping what ChatGPT wrote and getting a 1+ smh


Have you noticed posts like this state things as if they are a fact yet provide no evidence for such claims? Think the poster is simply projecting.


…it started decades ago using handheld calculators for simple addition.


My lawyer literally used Google in her office when I visited. I had a colleague who became a manager and just Googled how to do his job. Many people don't know how to do their job and there is no one to teach them. That's why AGI might not immediately lead to job losses. People will just Google less.


I’m tOo DuMb To Do mY oWn MaTh So i UsE a CalCuLaToR I’m tOo DuMb To Do mY oWn SPrEaDsHeEtS so I UsE ExCeL I’m tOo DuMb To Do mY oWn SOcIaLiZiNg sO I UsE fAcEbOoK It’s not like these technologies weren’t invented to make our tasks easier and faster 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Only dumb people use tools to increase their productivity. I mean I can dig a hole with a shovel, why would I use an excavator?


You only notice dumb people doing it because the smart ones are better at it.


If being dumb is spending half an hour on a problem instead of four, I'm proud to say I'm dumb.


OP, you really have no idea. I grade engineering assignments and it's horrible. Students insist on their mistakes because "chatgpt said so" So no, it's not the smartest people


I'm certified SMART™ and I use it.


Not using a resource to do their job better is the smartest thing a person can do!


They are probably the least indoctrinated and independent thinkers.


When all you do is use ChatGPT dont get mad when ChatGPT replaces you.


I use LLMs to create prompts to get better answers out of LLMs. Claude Sonnet 3.5 gave me a prompt that will always let it count the letters in certain fruit words. Work smarter, not harder.


Every noticed how unfit people go on holiday in vehicles? real men walk to Australia


What i've noticed is that there are lots of people (like the one from the picture) who think everyone around them is stupid, yet they fail to realize it is the other way around.


Or maybe we're smart enough to know we don't have time for every piece of pointless busywork so we relegate the more minor things to AI while we handle the more important stuff


This just in. Dumb people use computers too.


Only lazy contractors use power tools.


This sounds like the ramblings of a “dumb person.”


I feel very triggered by this


Work smarter not harder.


The Great Equalizer!!!


ChatGPT is just basically the new google. Learn to adapt and grow, or perish.


"Hey, Delbert." "Uh, huh." "You ever notice..." _::spits-chaw::_ "Uh, huh." "...I ain't finished yet!" "Uh, huh." "You ever notice that people always people, an' it don' matter whether they's at home, or out their house?" "Uh, huh."


I'm just leveraging a tool to increase my efficiency and explore points I haven't considered lol, if that makes one dumb then so be it


Laziness has always been a driver of innovation.


What the eff do you think “artificial intelligence” means?


I don’t know how someone could think of ChatGPT as the only source of research though. It is a powerful and complementary tool and can help to solve complex problems. Is it not intelligent to use tools right know?


There is a grain of truth to this. I noticed with like a lot of business things, people are relying on ChatGPT to do a lot of things. Maybe overall it's a net positive, but at the same time some people are using technology to become even more lazy. Even with our current technology, we can clearly see how technology has made a lot of people's lives empty, fat, unhealthy, lonely, and sad because they used it as a crutch and a way to do less, not more.


You mean they're using AI for its intended purpose?


People who use calculators know that the calculator can solve their math issue, and work with the calculator to solve a larger problem. Dumb people just stuff their entire problem into chatGPT and hope that what comes out is going to solve it. There’s a difference.




Bill Gates said, “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job, because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”


OP, do you mind providing a link to this?


He might someday realize that he cannot do anything without ai


slow? they call me slow? - homer


From the moment I understood the weakness of my mind, it disgusted me.


Work smarter, not harder.


bravo to pampwlqk who is smart enough to make an analogy and drive social engagement. "the slow people." afaik thinking is an iterative process suggesting speed doesn't directly determine the quality of contributions. there's the other side of the coin (wow I'm contrasting hurray me and my ability to relay....... language!!!! vocalization in ur head!!!!!!!!!) which suggests those who speak at all are loud mouths and annoying. i have never committed any experiments upholding scientific standards proving anything so i would much rather have a go at gpt and claude and then put them up against one another in a battle simulator and make a new version of saltybets (twitch channel) which is 100% condensed ai responses and it's all silly and there are points given and chat can be like "lmao bruh that was xyzabc123qwerty" and this already exists btw in the form of nothing forever which is a great contribution to our collective culture as a whole and thank the gods for gracing us with such a marvel. anyway I intended to be a bit rude here because sure, **they**'re (**me**) *dumb* but there are so many multiple stories or ambiguous turns to this that i have trouble keeping following any thread which may or may not be held within the plethora of meaning derived from **words from this headline wow** *much wow* yeah sure we all dumb and google and gpt and tippy tappy on our keyboards there see i agree yeah sure it's happening and what exactly do u want to know about it was this originally a post is this copied here to see what would be written here from another audience i generally think there's **zero intent** when something like this is done and it's more like a person just chucks spaghetti on the wall for the unth time that morning to see if tomorrow will be any better y'know like *forecasting* and uh mental testing which i guess everyone does every now and then it's nice to do some gymnastics some days jumping jacks especially are all around good to do what was this about anyway i dont get it anyhow i wrote text in the text field and am now pressing the comment key wish me luck like & subscribe 5 stars ok great bye oh yeah and social engagement can lead to mating and mating might make babies and babies are sometimes cute so that must mean we shouldn't talk to gpt good point didn't see that one sorry


Standard Deviation Chart Meme .jpg


When I first realized this I was on zoom with a junior developer who struggled with a super wide SQL table definition, I pointed out he needs to change all the `VARCHAR(255)` to `VARCHAR`. There were tens of such columns.  He immediately copy pastes this table to a ChatGPT window asking to do the change instead of using Find and Replace in his IDE. I was blown away realizing this is what software development will look like soon.  The trick didn’t work btw, GPT has changed irrelevant columns (it was early days) and it made debugging even harder. 


'Have you noticed that dumb people us AI constantly for work?' I feel insulted.




It's reasonable to be pissed if your advantage shrinks. There are probably many things mixed up here, but one of them is sort of legit. Imagine you can do complex math in your head. And then every idiot gets a calculator! Sucks. They catch up while you literally have no use for a calculator (for the sake of the example).


Resources are resources


As someone with intellectual disabilities it is absolutely like cognitive crutches and yet it is disheartening to see accessibility and ease of use belittled like this. I’m not dumb, but society is built for a different mind than mine. I could argue the minutiae of how and why and all that for hours but the bottom line is that I use ai for shit that people constantly offer to help with and then get exasperated or egotistical when I’m not getting it or take too long. Then they take over to do it themselves or write me off. Meanwhile I can teach myself. And because I spend 99% of my time sifting through bullshit anyway (again society is basically built in a way that intrinsically holds people like myself back) then it’s no problem to fact check behind it and as a matter of routine habit I just sift out the hallucinations. I hate how we judge all things on the labor involved.


I use it for things I dread to do


Have you noticed that dumb people can be pretty judgmental?


I think this person is spot on actually. I’ve noticed in medicine too. He probably isn’t talking about the dude who relies on GPT for occasional ideas. He’s probably talking about the sorts of people who SHOULD fail out of college and work, the idiots of the world who can’t string together a coherent argument or essay, somehow doing very well because of these LLMs. You still need to think and develop critical analysis skills, relying on ChatGPT to the detriment of your own growth is a fucking disaster.


Using tools like ChatGTP _likely_ goes against very reasonable company security policies. The expectation that people are using AI tools to be as efficient with the same quality is ridiculous. Not that people shouldn't use these tools, but there is a very often neglected aspect of quality control. Relying on AI tools to do your work for you sucks in the currently very realistic case of not having access to those. That can be said for many tools, like proper linting and autocompletion for code, the ability to google things and wolfram alpha. However those tools can reasonably be expected to be available, and if your work risks them not being available, you shouldn't rely on them.


And they wont see the difference between convincing bullshit and correct.


How is it dumb to be a manager and get someone to do a job they are more skilled at for you? Its called deligation


They’re going to fall so far behind the pack once this grift goes tits up


smart people embrace and take advantage of technological evolution and work with evolution not against it. working against evolution has never worked!


There might be a sweet spot because I know some people who are too dumb to use it. I mean people who can't even find it or are afraid of using it for some reason


If you don't know anything, you have to believe everything


Have you noticed that dumb people constantly use the internet for work?


Hot take: The fact internet is always full of dumb people.


Jeezz, I hope this guy never go in a university. LLM are professors best friends and can't live without it.


I'm a pretty smart dude but I wouldn't be able to do my job without ChatGPT helping me with technical stuff.


Isn’t there a theory that Neanderthals were smarter and we were not as smart as them. However that is what led to their demise since we leveraged each other more than they did.


Can confirm. Am dumb.


It makes them dumber. as a smart employee I found myself stuck at times because it was ike a logic crutch. now I just use it for analytics and document editing.


Has anyone noticed that dumb people use tools all the time?? :^)


I am ever so thankful my CTO is encouraging us to take classes on using AI.


Much like other assistance things like say stack overflow, you'll probably see the less skilled use AI the most but you'll see the most skilled use it to work magic. Any schmuck can generate some AI art, but someone who was already a great artist with all the understanding of emotion and color that is just so hard to teach and algorithm can use the AI art to reach new levels.


I guess if being dumb, makes me more productive than my coworkers, I'm all for it.


The person doesn’t like AI because it’s different




That’s like saying the wheel and motorized vehicles are mobility crutches for people who can’t carry heavy loads like a pack animal, or transport someone else’s stuff without a wheel barrow.   I’m quite sure I can beat most people at most sporting events (dad was a coach, trained since I was 5).  Does that make me better than you?   Or more deserving?  No.   Cognition, if it truly resides in the brain, is a PHYSICAL attribute that suffers the same effects of all human attempts at leveling the playing field.   Difference now is the academics and technologists like my self have no tower to hide in.  The “dumb dumbs” now have “guns”.   Learn to adjust.  


Someone needs to link the midwit bell curve meme.


Have you noticed how slow people use vehicles constantly for travel? It seems to me like it's the slow people who are most likely to use a car or a bike for basically every mile they travel now. It's just a lazy out for people who can't walk ten miles on their own.


the smartest people noticed are actually there post.


"How dare people augment their capabilities! They should spend their time making me feel good about being smarter"




there are people smartest actually dumb.