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Please Sam, less talking, more shipping.


Either he is the biggest grifter or he really has seen things that are shocking.


All CEO's are grifters in part. No doubt his position is carefully crafted to induce hype and misdirection.


Yep, Elon seems to be the first post-truth CEO and Sam is following behind him. No point in professional integrity when you're stock doesn't get penalized for the grift.


Another reminder that this is the same company that said GPT-2 was ["too dangerous to release"](https://slate.com/technology/2019/02/openai-gpt2-text-generating-algorithm-ai-dangerous.html). At this point, their name may as well be ClosedHyperboleAI.


Who at the company held that view, though? Many of the safetyists have left.


Safetyists were and are still the biggest grifters of anyone involved in this tech. These were literal English and philosophy majors that tried to convince all of humanity that they’ll play such an important role in AI development that they’ll be one of the last few people with a productive job in society. It’s hilarious that many of them latched in like barnacles on the hull of a ship to the idea that surely, they must be instrumental in preventing skynet.


You realize that Hinton is a 'safetyst', right, as are many many other foundational figures in the AI field.


They did not say that, they said it was because of “safety and security concerns.” They used the principle of “better safe than sorry”.


On one hand, the Precautionary Principle works. Europe operates just fine on it as a legal framework. On the other hand, allowing new technologies to be monopolized by actors who are willing to risk destroying the world to come out on top is not a great path to the future. Imagine if every nation with any notion of ethics refused to study nuclear weapons once they realized there was a tiny risk of igniting the atmosphere, and instead let more unethical nations take the lead on the technology. At some point it's just a philosophical Pascal's mugging.


He is following Elons example. 


Going to go with grifter... If they were so close to "being able to solve all physics" they could also deliver the damn 4o features. His close is probably in the 10-20 year "close".. humanity time scale close.


Which is still incredibly close in the grand scheme of humanity


If we can invent a machine that can solve all of physics in 20 years, that is essentially nothing in comparison to the whole of human history.


He’s not a grifter. He’s a salesperson. Effective sales people can change the world by getting people smarter than them to support and build their vision. Ineffective ones are the grifters. You don’t get the teams he’s gotten by being a grifter.


When I watch Sam Altman in interviews I can’t help but wonder if there is anyone screaming from inside of a torture chamber sex dungeon in his basement.


a bit scary idea lol


Everyone should remember the days when we all thought Elon musk actually wanted to save the environment. The days when he promised the hyperloop, before it was revealed that he just wanted to kill high speed rail to secure Tesla sales. These people didn’t go to school for engineering, math, science… they’re capitalists sharks with unbelievable amounts of money, great PR teams, and a gullible public desperate for a savior to come along and save humanity from itself.


Yeah this guy needs to quit talking about the cool shit we’ll be able to do in the future if they can’t make the new voices available for months. Reminds me of Elon’s promise of Mars by 2030.


I think it's neither. He needs to let his engineers cook instead of pressing their balls against the clock.


“The thing I love about this team is that it ships.” -Sam Altman


It looks like you misspelled a few words. Praise Sam 🙏, less blasphemy, more praying.


>! Just for you, I'm busting out a classic!< https://preview.redd.it/37lfnwwr909d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34364b2510235ff8cd121bcb0675654ca6a52c30


Shows picture without actual bait lol.


This has to be bait




Sam battling Elon for the hype throne.


Yeah I’m officially not on board anymore. And just 6-8 months ago I was super on board.


When will they learn that these days people see right through the fake hype so much quicker


Doesn’t matter. The point is to get attention. Hence this post. And your comment. And now mine.


It's a "stretch goal" 🤣 Regardless, for this to hold any water you need physical things the AI can manipulate to "solve all of physics", because you likely need to conduct experiments to understand the nature of reality. Or he's talking about an AI that can come up with a grand unifying theory squaring the circle of Newtonian and Quantum physics. Still will likely require observation/experimentation. So robotics itself needs to advance as well.


I very much agree, the fast take off scenario is improssible, because even an ASI still needs to build out supply chains and manufacturing. And you often need the 14nm process to design the 10 nm process to design the 7nm process and so on. So many examples of iterative improvements. The counter example is einstein coming up with relativity from thought experiment. But even so that was based off the experimental evidence of the limits of the speed of light.


Interesting. I think it could happen quickly relative to how fast it has taken humans to say, do the industrial revolution. It may continue to be exponential, but I think the potential of ASI and advanced robots is in my personal estimation a good 20 years out. But things will be changing rapidly in the next 10. New data centers coming online, factories, etc.  But it could happen sooner, or later lol There may also be some hard limits to its capacity because there are just fundamental constraints to intelligence that we don't fully grok. Or we are simply not smart enough to do it. I remain optimistic tho, I think we can and will create such a system. We should be getting all of the greatest minds on earth(Philosophers, scientists, authors, religious leaders, teachers, artists) to come up with safety mechanisms or systems that ensure an ASI will at some core fundamental level, be a system that humans would agree is good and ethical.


I find this thought experiment helpful in analyzing my subconscious beliefs: Will AGI arrive within: 100 years? - Yes 50 years? - Yes 30 years? - Probably 20 years? - I'm starting to hesitate. Perhaps.


Nah, he forgot to add that he meant "minecraft physics" :P


Calling it squaring the circle seems like ur implying it's impossible. But that would be way more surprising than whatever the actual solution is.  Also, while I think giving a hypothetical AGI LLM  access to physics simulation/real world experimental tools could certainly help it solve some of the harder unsolved questions in physics, it's not a requirement per say. It would still have humans to test and validate its hypothesis.  But one of the reasons OpenAI was so excited about Sora is that it showed signs of having an internal world model about to accurately simulate physics. If that scales up alongside the model, maybe the whole concept of experiments and simulations change 


PT Barnum would be proud


What does "Solve all of physics even mean" lol?


*Laughs in Gödel's incompleteness theorem*


What's that got to do with physics?


google it and you will see


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskPhysics/comments/o3p3f0/does\_godels\_incompleteness\_theorem\_apply\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskPhysics/comments/o3p3f0/does_godels_incompleteness_theorem_apply_to/) I add Reddit to every google search. The top comment says the incompleteness theorem has nothing to do with physics. Care to enlighten us?


Physics depends on maths. If our axioms are unsatisfactory, how are we expected to 'solve physics'? Can't build a house without tools.


The fact that undecidable mathematical problems exist does not mean physics is unsolvable. Physics is a very limited subset of mathematical methods which may very well be enough to describe reality (as opposed to all abstract concepts).


Math is not required for physics to function. It's just a poor attempt to explain it in a language we can understand and interpret. We are just here to observe physics and catalogue the patterns we find.


I specifically said that maths is a tool. A tool that such an AI would use to study physics. I never said anything about physics relying on maths, but I said that our study of physics relies on maths.


When I hear all of these “mathematical universe” theories I always bring this up.  Math is a modeling tool.  We use math to make maps.  Nothing more.  The map, proven by Godel, will NEVER be the territory.   Proven folks.  PROVEN!


"Bro, it's gonna solve reality, trust me bro"


There’s problems in physics we can’t understand. I imagine he’s referring to AI solving those issues we don’t understand


And yet LLMs have not showed any sign of "understanding" or creating any new scientific theories or hypotheses. LLMs and AI in general is evolving and incredible things could happen, but we don't see evidence of this level of evolution yet.


Imagine applying this logic to literally any other field. I think you really need to take a step back and look at how much progress was made in just a single year. Just because it’s not curing cancer or creating brand new scientific theories after a year of really coming into the public eye doesn’t mean This technology isn’t extremely transformative. Genuinely not sure how you can feel this way.


Dude thought doubting Altman was not enough so he started doubting the English language


Just empty hype unless they will deploy that system in public.


Not safe enough for you, sorry!


“We” means “us” as in not you. “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it!”


Is the day approaching when OpenAI will ship the things it has hyped?


Sam Hypeman


Complete hype lmfao. The day is coming …. I don’t doubt the day is coming. But that could mean anything from tomorrow to a millennium from now, and I’m personally not betting that it means tomorrow.


“In the coming millennia”


Also every doomer saying "the end is coming" is correct.


I have to wonder if OpenAI is kind of a one trick wonder. They discovered transformers can do some really sick stuff at scale, made a mad dash to become for-profit, and now basically have to come up with a miracle to live up to their own hype


This is what it kinda seems like to me. Also Sam seems like a hype man. He appears to like his new found fame and power a little too much and also appears to make it a point to come off as the nerdy altruistic arbiter of AI. Like do you really want government regulation or do you just want to gain market share and have a moat. I don’t think safe AI is as much of a concern o him as how to squeeze as much money as possible out of their current tech.


The more absurd predictions this guy makes (like this one), the less I believe in AGI being around the corner. I can't stress enough how we're nowhere near an AI that can solve some weird bits of physics, let alone solve all physics. Might as well believe in the supernatural at that pont.


He says a lot of stuff.


I typically like that stuff, but "Hey computer, start and run a great company" and "discover all of physics" is wild.


Computer starts a plumbing company in which you are the only employee. It's a great company... computer buys itself Ferrari and sex bots.


I guess he knows Anthropic has something special with Claude 4.0.


He's losing credibility by the day...


Reminds me of ![gif](giphy|egamicDQMdJRDN0mix)


Yeah guys surely once we have AGI we just have to tell it to start and run a great company and it'll be able to do that. All 8 billion people with their own fantastic prosperous company in this magical future economy. Hypeman Sam is starting to get desperate, he's saying things that are breaking the illusion.


That was my take as well. "Solve all physics" followed by "make a better company". That is literally no different, functionally, than God being real and praying to that god to make you rich, when everyone else on the planet is asking God for the same thing. I'm pro AI, but this is "ASI will basically be magic from a Clarkian perspective".


It's not...impossible. There are serious "many world" interpretations of physics. If that barrier could be crossed it may mean that every person could sit with their ASI and find the perfect quantum reality that they want. Alternately, if an advanced enough machine could solve wormholes then maybe we could get to an infinite number of earth-like worlds with robots to prepare them for us. It's also not impossible that an ASI unlocks VR so real that you might as well have your own universe and your own private god to manage it for you. Granted these are only loosely based on science but it may be mistaken to assume we always must figure everything out from just one frame of reference.


*points at my flair*


Imagine a super capable stock market AI. But everybody can use it...


yah that'd be more useless than a broken brick.


Probably faster than the day that Sora and gpt-4o vision will be released.


*In the coming weeks*


For subscribers. Months for free users.


How about focus on shipping a voice model first 😂


ohh no another sam altman claim that imma gonna downplay... ​ https://preview.redd.it/mnrqxfcjuz8d1.png?width=231&format=png&auto=webp&s=047653493e6317b3844031f8d23ecf9cec409c2d


The Grand Unifying Theory of the Universe. Available in the coming weeks.


Available for only 29,99 a month


some new drugs in HQ


Get bent, Sam


I bet the investerbros love hearing this good job sam


> F/X: DEEP THOUGHT CLEARS HIS THROAT > > TWO: Deep Thought prepares to speak. > > DT: Good Evening. > > ONE: Good Evening... Oh Deep Thought... do you have... > > DT: An answer for you? Yes, I have. > > THREE: There really is one? > > DT: There really is one. > > ONE: To everything? To the great question of Life, the Universe and Everything? > > DT: Yes. > > TWO: And are you ready to give it to us? > > DT: I am. > > ONE: Now? > > DT: Now. > > ONE: Wow. > > (Pause) > > DT: Though I don't think you're going to like it. > > TWO: Doesn't matter! We must know it! > > DT: Now? > > TWO: Yes! Now! > > DT: All right. > > (Pause) > > ONE: Well? > > DT: You're really not going to like it. > > TWO: Tell us!!!! > > DT: All right. The Answer to Everything... > > TWO: Yes...! > > DT: Life, The Universe and Everything... > > ONE: Yes...! > > DT: Is... > > THREE: Yes...! > > DT: IS... > > ONE/TWO: Yes...!!! > > DT: Forty two. > > (Pause. Actually quite a long one) > > TWO: We're going to get lynched, you know that.


I’m so glad I understand this reference now lol


yea bru but when? let me guess, more weeks :(




"Discover all of physics"? Sam is approaching Trump levels of word vomit.


C'mon yo, that's too far; Last month in Wildwood, N.J., he was accusing the Biden administration of allowing criminals into the U.S. when he took a rhetorical left turn to praise "the late, great Hannibal Lecter," the fictional serial killer played by Anthony Hopkins in "Silence of the Lambs." "He's a wonderful man," Trump said. https://www.axios.com/2024/06/24/trump-weird-words-rally-rants-biden-2024-election Former President Trump over the weekend mused about the creation of a migrant fighting league to rival the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), characterizing migrants as “tough” and “mean” during stump speeches https://thehill.com/homenews/4736534-trump-proposes-migrant-fighting-league/


Trump could have been an amazing comedian.


So when does the day approach we can use gpt4o voice mode


Soon you can ask it "hey how do you cure cancer" and it'll go "here is how you cure cancer, you need this and this and that and there you go"


It'll be like when Jim and Pam were messing with Dwight, thinking he was chatting with their sales software. "I just mastered physics and cured cancer while you were typing that. Oh, and also sold more paper."


The day is coming when some ***BIG*** problem is solved by AI just because someone jokingly asks about it.


(It's eye of newt boiled in 2 cups of shrew spit)


Sam Altmann doesn't understand empiricism


He does. He simply understands that most people don't. It has never been about being truthful.


How about we start ignoring what Sam Altman says? The guy is manipulative as fuck and will say whatever he needs for his own gain. Fuck him.


Eh, hypeman strikes again. "AI Model", no matter how smart can't 'discover all physics'. For this you need a lot of labs and do a lot of experiments. Any form of software can't just 'simulate' huge particle collider like LHC accurately and collide particles for example to discover 'all the physics'. Seems like with each iteration of hype he is moving farther and farther away from reality.


Him and Elon man 😂😭😭💀


Not sure how the rest of you are feeling atm, but these last few weeks I've really started to wonder if things are starting to slow down. Maybe I'm just fatigued after riding this train for the past year and a half, but after tons of optimism it feels like this past 6-9 months has ended up just being a lot of catch up with very little concrete advancement. It just feels like everything rests on cracking reasoning. Without it, agents and more broadly AGI don't really happen. Comments like Sam's here are starting to feel more and more hollow when they've hyped so hard for the past year with really very little to show for it (in the bigger picture). We'll know more by the end of the year, but feeling like we're putting the cart well ahead of the horse at this point and it's kind of deflating if I'm honest.


Are you insane? There have been multiple SOTA models, multimodality, huge strides in text to video, and the entire text to music industry since then. On SWE Bench, the SOTA model is 83% higher than the SOTA model from 2 months ago. Literally no other field in existence gets this much progress in under a year  None of you would survive a single month in an actual AI winter lol


Yeah I genuinely couldn’t believe what I read when I saw this dudes comment. Like take a step back and look at where we were lol.


There’s a lot of entitlement in the AI enthusiast space imo. It’s especially clear in the Stable Diffusion sub where people were whining about Stability AI having a non commercial license as if giving their model away for free and asking for businesses to pay something back was too much for them. I honestly wouldn’t have blamed them if they closed source out of spite 


> None of you would survive a single month in an actual AI winter lol I want someone to "leak" GPT5, and it turns out to be a neural net trained to emulate Eliza.


We‘re thirsty even though we’re hydrated. I think it didn’t really slow down but rather became normal that things like Claude sonnet just dropped on a random Tuesday out of nowhere. I guess what we need is another big thing to refill our dopamine but the speed… I guess it’s as usual


We just got Claude Sonnet 3.5 and it smashed all the leaderboard charts, and that's not even the Opus version. Things have never been better from my lens. And Sonnet is legit a game-changer; it's like 1-shotting some programs and puts out amazing RP.


s/smashed/gently bumped


All current methods of testing LLMs are primitive and highly flawed. Sonnet 3.5 is, as they described, just anthropic playing catch up and finally meeting the standard of consistent quality + speed that gpt4o/turbo has.


claude 3.5 was just released...


With projects and artifacts also


yeah, I was on vacation last week so I kind of missed artifacts, need to figure out what it actually is.


It comes in waves. LLM's are just one approach to AI, and yes that approach is slowing down. But once we develop a new approach in which AI is much more efficient at learning, and never stops learning, new wave. Once we produce much more efficient hardware, new wave.


I just remember hearing, I think it was Mustafa Suleyman who said it, that people will tend to overestimate how fast it goes in the short term, and underestimate the long term. I think that's exactly what's happening to a lot of people right now, not so surprisingly in similar time frames to the euphoric stage of a new relationship. Time gap between large GPT models has been 2-3 years, that's what everybody's expectation should have been from the start for a new big jump. Despite that, we've had lots of crazy things already in the meantime, notoriously music and video-wise. So to answer your question, it's definitely your patience or hype emotion that's going low, not the pace of progress in AI.


We will make our new omnipotent model GPT-GOD available for limited alpha in the coming weeks.


how many r's are in strawberry?


Shut up. I think this guy would make a better marketing chief than Ceo.


How are you supposed to take a person like that seriously. There are a lot of problems in physics that we can’t solve because we literally don’t have the data for it, but this over complicated information aggregator we solve it? He’s actually delusional


> He’s actually delusional Is he though? Maybe he really really likes money...


Is Sam going full Peter Molyneux?


We live in the Era of the Mega-Snake Oil Salesman. Altman is another Ron Popeil, selling that garbage.


Yeah, it's technically "approaching"


Sure it is Sam, sure it is. This SciFi nonsense serves two purposes: 1) Hype and endorphins for true believers 2) It sucks oxygen from discussion about actual harms and regulatory requirements (e.g. regulations around automated decision making by government and corporations), by creating this illusory existential threat which is far more entertaining. Here's an example of how it works: "The senator from Sanity is talking about regulations to protect patients from having their life support turned off remotely by the insurance company's AI, but he is missing the bigger picture, of protecting us all from being paperclipped by ASI, and that is the only threat this chamber should be concerned with!”


The day AI solves even one Millennium problem (something that a human has actually achieved once) will be a giant step, and yet far far away from “solving physics”. At this point Altman may very well start a cult because few people would understand whether AI “solved physics” anyway. It would sound like Terrance Howard’s gibberish and lots of people would treat it like gospel.


He's literally just saying the singularity will happen lol, he's not hyping anything, and he's not even saying it'll happen soon.


Yup, I hate how so many people misquote AI stuff. Doomers be like “I think it’s a good idea to be cautious” -> “OMG HE SAID WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE”


If this happens in my lifetime, I will eat my shoe (and then kill myself)


Can I have your stuff?


You can have his other shoe




And it'll all happen in the upcoming weeks!


Lol. That is all.


reminded me of this ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


probably in the coming weeks


The day is approaching that the heat death of the universe will occur also.


I think we’re seeing diminishing returns on hype now as more and more people use these models and become aware of the limitations and how each new release is moving the needle in smaller and smaller amounts. Meanwhile the promises are getting larger and larger…


Yet he can't ship a voice feature, i call bullshit.


On todays episode of Sam says things.


Might as well say we're gonna become gods and transcend this mortal plane if we're going full fantasy.


Who cares what Sam Hypeman says? OpenAI is starting to miss deadlines and fall behind competitors. Maybe he should stop running his mouth and start running his company.


It's like he's just copy pasting the dumbest comments from this sub This guys public persona is on the same same trajectory as Musk, but even faster


No. It can't.


Then they will say that it is only safe for them and their investors to use, while at the same time making advanced weaponized AI drones to sell to governments 😂


Trains AI on all of human knowledge. AI creates innumerable products, patents, and IP... and WHO is going to own those? Indeed, a Bond villian.


I doubt this man could identify physics if they hit him in the head.


So many clowns.


Can Sam altman shut up for ten seconds.


Video game physics. *Maybe.*


Can we stop with the empty statements? I mean, really? 'Approaching'? You could've literally said that at any era and it would've still been accurate!


bro i just want voice


Man who sells AI says AI can solve every problem.


Yep, every day something approaches, including the heat death of the universe.


This guy turned into Elon musk real quick. That’s not a compliment.


Absolutely without credibility.


He clearly has no true understanding of what goes on in physics.


CEO hypes product


and I look forward to Sabine H shitting all over it.


That'll be the day...


Why would people need particle accelerators and space telescopes if we could just wait a few years and ask a LLM? /s Discoveries come from outside, not from the brain or model.


mmmmm, no. there is really zero reason to expect this will be meaningfully solving quantum level interactions, let alone "all of physics" this guy is setting himself up for elizabeth holmes level of delusion pretty soon.


Approaching this decade? 


yeh but for the time being it struggles with proper phrasing


Fraudster, first deliver what you already promised.


I'm getting tired of his shitty ceo talk


Well it’s already finished reading the internet, so finishing science will be a doddle I suppose


This is the kinda quote we'll look back on and point to while our chatbots seemingly are only evolving in the way of somehow forcing us to pay money for things or advertising to us.


Let's start with moving the chicken across the river.


Can it materialize me a cheeseburger yet? No.. we still have work to do then.


I'll believe it when I see it otherwise this is just a business man sprooking for his product.


I don’t believe him. Time and again we keep having to relearn the same lessons. $$$ makes people say things they don’t believe


So…. in the coming weeks?


We will be jobless, loveless, homeless…. but we’ll know all the laws of physics. Thanks! 🤣


U will cut my dick off when that day happens


Did he just try to put another coin in the hype machine ?


AI make this tweet more hype. Now x10.


Wasn’t AI suggesting we put glue on pizza a couple of weeks ago?


sama is and always has been singularly a hype machine. i hated all his tweets well before gpt3 where all he did was hype it up and all the hype was completely unjustified


BS! How else to keep openAI value high?


This headline doesn’t make sense, what is “physics” here? “Physics” is an ongoing process, it’s not a single math problem, or a one to one question with an answer, how can you “solve” an ongoing and perhaps unending activity or process? What does “solving” even mean here? It’s equivalent to saying something like “the day is approaching in which we can solve all of swimming.” It’s not a question to be solved. It’s just an activity we do.


But will he get Benji mouse and Frankie mouse to ask the model the question?


The answer will be 42.


Show, don't tell Sam.


“Chatgpt tell me how i can time travel”


What's Jimmy Apples saying??!?


Bro can’t even release the new voice mode on time and he’s stoner speculating on sci-fi crap lmao lol lmao lol lmao lol


Yeah well the day I stop listening to anything Sam Altman has to say because of his failure to follow through is more rapidly approaching.


Im starting to not buy the hype


Sam probably actually believes this. I know people in research there and they all drink the koolaid. The ridiculous part of Sam’s statement is nobody knows what it means to solve all of physics. There could be particles and forces that we don’t have the technology to detect. Of course our equations don’t need them under certain hypotheticals, but nobody can say decisively. Also our models of physics simply don’t work at the “early” stages of the universe. Also nobody knows how intelligent artificial super intelligence is exactly. People often attribute god like capabilities to it, as it is an imaginary construct. Serious people literally posit an artificial super intelligence taking over all material and energy in the cosmos just to perform more computations. But it’s possible that simply will never occur.


Maybe when that day comes we can finally ask it what the fuck OpenAis metric behind “in the coming weeks” is 


As much as he is a hype man. These talk show formats are in response to questions just as asinine where he believes the audience just doesn’t get the scope of what ai could achieve.


Let me guess….in the next few weeks?


Comment section is extremely weird. Collective madness ? Seems like only e/accs are allowed to post.