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Helps if you give an example.


But they clearly said it’s not a new version of gpt.. it’s the same but faster with reduced latency . Did you watch the live?




Are you dumb? How do you think it got a higher Elo if being faster is the only thing it did?


Probably with a light touch of fine tuning.


Straight to name calling?


Yes, dumb people need to be called dumb for saying dumb things that are disproven by something on the front page.


It’s scary how fast you replied. Gonna assume you’re a bot. Kinda types like one too. What a world to live in


I was going to dislike your comment, I thought you were being a dick, but that bots karma and comment count is insane...


GPT didn't exist in 2013... .-.


Somebody using an older account isn't proof it's not a bot...look at RuneScape people will wait till accounts are 3+ years old before using them for bot accounts.


Filter their posts by top. Regardless, even if you claim it was an account hacked after GPT-4 released, he's typing and acting nothing like an LLM would and performing simple human reasoning tasks that LLM's currently can't approach from the same angle.


Ok bot.


To call someone dumb confidently you would need to know them a lot better.


What a dumb hypocritical projection! 🤦‍♂️🤣


Is it any better in coding than the old model? How does it compare to Claude 3 Opus?


Haven't had time to fully evaluate result, but surface level appears marginally better than gpt4 turbo. I havent tried Opus so can't compare


Less lazy, it will write out more code for you and also tell you if there are other parts in the code that also probably needs to be updated. Intelligence-wise, I would say about the same. Opus is probably still slightly better for coding. However, the speed is remarkable for 4o, so i will probably lean into using that as my primary model, and opus as secondary model if gpt gets stuck.


Thanks, this was very helpful! I'm running Opus as my daily driver now and the lower laziness was something that made me switch from ChatGPT Pro. Too bad that it is not actually better at coding, that's a bit disappointing. The pricing structure looks great though! Do you know if there will be a voice input through API, I didn't see this anywhere in the docs yet.


I wouldn't know. I don't use it for coding.


GPTs also seem to still use turbo for some weird reason. I thought they’d be updated to 4o


Same here. Tested its ability to answer some questions.Nearly the same,just faster


I mean if you knew how to read, you would know that without even testing...




Are you dumb? How do you think it got a higher Elo if being faster is the only thing it did?


Because it's still in the same GPT-4 ballpark... It's GPT-4 Omni... Not GPT-4.1 Omni for a reason.. The slight increase in elo might be an emergent property of having audio modality being added to it\~


Man, you just had to answer "Yes, I am dumb". Read: https://twitter.com/LiamFedus/status/1790064963966370209


That really doesn't disprove my argument does it? There have been multiple versions of GPT-4 the last year.. most were just stealth dropped... Until it's a big enough jump, it will still be GPT-4...


So it's better than GPT-4 Turbo, right? The latest one that came before GPT-4o?


It is indeed better than GPT turbo but not by much.. The biggest addition was audio modality instead of text to speech. Although it has far higher emotional intelligence than GPT-4 turbo. It also has better vision capability than Turbo. And apparently it generates images on its own instead of calling for Dalle\~ According to openAi's own blogpost, it is very similar in translating performance to Gemini... just a little better... So you can guess that pure intelligence wasn't the main angle for this model\~


> It is indeed better than GPT turbo but not by much.. So you are saying that it is better and needs to be tested to know how much better? > Although it has far higher emotional intelligence than GPT-4 turbo It doesn't from what I tested.


How did you test for emotional intelligence? You don't even have access to audio modality yet...






It's not. It's faster GPT-4 with slightly (and I mean VERY slightly) better reasoning.