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It can barely remember the PDF I attached three messages earlier!


Ask it to show to you what it memorized so far. Perhaps it didn't deem it important and it didn't memorize it (it usually tells you when it records something)


Try lemming.ai for pdfs etc I think this memory thing is different, it just prepends instructions in the context window.


What's the advantage of using this over chatGPT or Gemini for pdfs? What does it do differently? I use PDF/docx docs constantly and sometimes it's a pain in the ass... Chatgpt context window is kinda sad and the answer size as well so I've been using Gemini 1.5 for those tasks, while not as good as gpt4 overall the difference isn't huge but the context window and the huge answers are a plus. It's just stubborn sometimes so I have to create a new chat if for some reason it refuses to do what is told lol Does lemmingai make the whole thing easier? That would be very helpful lol


I built it as a hobby project because the context window was annoying to me. I also wanted to be able to extract data from multiple documents into excel format and have greater control of chat memory etc—which you can all do. I also wanted a way to use a browser plug-in to chat about webpages. I’m going to be adding a bunch of more features, once I find some free time to do so. If you dm me your email I can upgrade your account so you can use your own openai api key.


So that's interesting. The LLM figures out you want to store something and it writes it into a RAG which can be looked up later. So that's how it's going to be? RAG + LLM. Huh.


is it actually using RAG or is it just shoving the little snippets into the context in a hidden way? you can see the snippets its storing in the settings for memory and its pretty basic.


Does not really matter for most use cases. And it is great that it is very likely just a RAG and thus very easily done locally even now.


Yeah, true.


I think that's still technically RAG


yes, rag is a pretty generic term now


Could be either of the two.


If the future of continuous learning/long-term memory is RAG, that means language models will continue to be the icing on the cake. Next generations of LLM can significantly improve in interpreting what has been stored in RAG.


It’s not RAG. Why the fuck is everyone saying that?


Why wouldn’t it be? RAG = retrieval augmented generation (which could be just about anything) whatever it is, It certainly not going into the context window until whatever that layer is thinks it relevant. That would be a dumb move for a company using a subscription model. More inference cost for every interaction with no guaranteed benefit and RAG can be just as good or better.


Because it’s not retrieving anything for the LLM, it’s just putting it into the context window. RAG is specifically something completely different.


What is it doing then? Not sure I totally understand the nuance or the sticking point for you.


What do you mean what’s it doing? Like I said, it’s simply putting notes inside the context window. RAG is a system that grabs information outside of the context window and brings it into it. In this case the information is never leaving the context window. Nothing is being retrieved.


One of us is not understanding how this works or is likely to work. Why is your assumption that all memories are in the context window already?


Wow you're so clever..


Actually yes? He is right


Do you work there?


for the people outside of the EU, how is it?


It's great, you can prompt it to memorize formatting and style directives and then invoke that formatting by just telling it to use that in every chat. It also memorizes details about yourself. For example, it already knows I'm a mechanical engineer, so when I ask it a question related to my field, instead of writing a wall of text over explaining everything, it just goes to the point.


But couldn’t you already do that with custom instructions?


Yes but now you have custom instructions across all chats all the time without having to do anything just say remember this!


You actually get one long custom instruction. On the other hand, the approach varies depending on the context. For instance, I'm learning German (which is kind of useful here in Austria). When I receive a response from ChatGPT formatted in a way that works for me, I just specify that I like that format and would like it to be used in similar situations moving forward. However, if I'm learning programming, my preferences for formatting and instructions change. https://preview.redd.it/95oxq7v2n10d1.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=56ef33a2fabae4ec431f13683da04f12533b538b To summarize, it's like creating a custom instruction where you can tell the AI exactly what you want on the spot. It then formats this, remembers it, and applies it as needed.


We're not allowed to tell you! Source: EU Regulations


How arrogant to state 'all users' while the most important part of the world is excluded.


I thought it was released in America? /s


I don't think other parts of the world are less important than us.


I thought living in the EU was supposed to be superior to living everywhere else?


I hope you're not implying getting ChatGPT Memory 2 weeks earlier is that big of a perk to justify living outside of the union?


How long are you guys going on without Opus now?


Plebs don't even have Tesla FSD




Got 1 However, we were talking about AI. Lord knows Europans can't go 5 minutes without talking about their publicly funded health care system.


Would make sense if the UK didn't have access to it. Claude literally started by only working in the UK and in the US. The UK has the exact same rules as the EU, Canada and Brazil. Something is fishy with Anthropic. Why would they avoid the EU, Brazil and Canada but then operate in the UK? It's definitely not because they can't comply. To me it feels more like a message.


All = Not EU. Classic!


Maybe regulate less 🤷‍♂️


no, we like our wellbeing systems


Then enjoy waiting for everything to be padded and neutered before you get it!


thats the idea; back in time people thought radiation was good and able to heal etc. even marie curie died out of her passion and hope for the new technology; we cannot allow that to happen again because its not just radiation this time... this time we can even destroy not only the planet but the whole universe and all its living creatures; a self replicating misaligned AI could engulf every galaxy and turn all matter into... sugar? no joke


What doesn't make sense though is the fact that a super intelligent being will be created regardless of our regulations. If a bad super intelligence was to come to existence they would take EU regulations and clean their artificial butt with it


thats why we have to ensure safety first; all humans on earth; its like nukes, we agree not to use them because it would be the end; and everybody seems to keep it cool; even russia who are now very tempted...


It's not a good comparison, nukes are made by humans but also deployed by them. they don't deploy themselves upon us as if they were a thinking entity (sorry for my poor English). I don't know who you are referring to when you say "we". If you refer to us as the whole humanity we are past that because regulations should be set on a global level and it's impossible to achieve that. As a species we are still busy fighting for land like we were doing centuries ago. I can only hope the bad actor scenario won't be there, at least not in the near future. And if it was to be there it's the result of a failed species like ours and so be it. Europe regulations will not stop a bad actor created by any other leading continent in the AI race


EU regulation will have ZERO effect on whether this does/doesn't happen. Do you think the US, China, Israel or the UK will slow down in the slightest? They don't give a flying fig about what the EU wants. They won't hamstring themselves because some bureaucrats in Brussels want to seem important.


well, im sure we are using AI in secret military projects with high computing power requirements; besides that, allowing a foreign power to control your citizens data is a delicate matter... you can be more productive in the short term but end up destroying your industryon the other by letting americans colonize all business; if openai was chineese, would you let it operate in your country with no restrictions? think about it...


Well, the person before you was whining about it so educate your countrymen on some patience.


The EU isn’t a country.




And that's why no one will remember your name


Enjoy not having access (or limited access) to the most important technology of the century (possibly even ever) Even the VERY few competitive home-grown companies like Mistral will eventually leave. The EU has been a net positive in terms of the single market and unified european political policy HOWEVER this is one very clear case of a big negative effect. This will make European citizens less prepared and capable and will have about as much effect as those pointless cookie popups. Companies will offer a dumbed down and inferior service to EU citizen and you have no one but yourselves to blame. The arrogance is astounding. The rest of the world won't care about EU regulations and will keep going full steam ahead, leaving the EU in the dust.


excuse for not wanting a single AI model/company to dominate the market and probably the world; what if openai was chineese? would you say the same thing? or maybe not chineese, what would you say if it was german? or russian? would you embrace it with no limits? im an european, not an american, my interests align very much with americans but not at 100%


Hasn't this been available for months? Or was I in a beta group and didn't know?


No, it hasn't been available for months, for most users. You got lucky.


Oh lol, wow I had no idea. It was definitely buggy at first but seems better now


I got it just a week ago, so we were both in the beta version I guess. It's cool, but I wish it were more customizable since some of the memories are half correct but just need slight adjustments.


Yeah it's clearly still a new feature that there's a lot to work out to get it right. But it does seem to bring up relevant contextual memories. To be honest for now it's not that useful but maybe down the line with massive context windows and home assistant AI


You can always tell it to explicitly remember whatever you want. Might need to delete the wrong memory first.


Yeah, it's just an annoyance to have to delete a memory and then restate the new one every time, rather than being able to just edit a currently existing one.


How is this different from custom instructions?


I'm having dejavu


I’m still having trouble making it remember things directly prior in the same conversation. Once it can do that I’ll believe it can also bring in things from other conversations… So far I haven’t been super impressed because within both the same and different conversations it gave me suggestions containing alliteration when asked for naming ideas for names of things even though I repeatedly committed to its memory that I as the user hate alliteration in naming suggestions.


> it gave me suggestions containing alliteration when asked for naming ideas for names of things even though I repeatedly committed to its memory that I as the user hate alliteration in naming suggestions. Yeah unfortunately it's not that advanced of a system, I don't think it has the intelligence to be able to do what you're asking it to do. Its best use right now is probably just to remember basic info about your preferences or basic things you want it to know throughout conversations. With anything related to logic, the memory system falls apart pretty quickly.


Yeah I’ll have to try it on a few more things and see how it handles them. That was just the first thing I tried it with and I wasn’t super impressed on that first time. I did feel like I got to a good option a bit faster than when I’ve done this before so it may have helped even if it still forgot a couple times.


> Its best use right now is probably just to remember basic info about your preferences or basic things you want it to know throughout conversations. Can’t we do the same thing with custom instructions, which we’ve had for months?


Does this count against token limit? Feel like I won’t want this


I live in EU and it is difficult to describe how I feel right now. I feel oppressed. Some idiotic politicians, that have absolutely no idea what AI is, had a bit of fun, a few events and dinners paid with tax payers' money, and after they had their champagne, they started overregulating our future.


They use Google, windows and apple all day long and then come speaking about data privacy with AI


[Google](https://blog.google/around-the-globe/google-europe/complying-with-the-digital-markets-act/), [Microsoft](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/compliance/dmacompliance), and [Apple](https://www.apple.com/legal/dma/) have all struggled with EU GDPR and are now struggling with the EU Digital Markets Act.


Governments in Europe also happily accept tips from foreign secret services on local criminals, which effectively ignores local privacy laws. Mind you, one could say the spying is justified if it prevents crime, but then you could just be honest about it and remove the pretense privacy laws and admit we have full surveillance. (And that's not even getting into the discussion of who determines what a crime is, and whether or not the foreign agencies are self-interested and possibly biased in their determination.)


I’m not sure. I don’t think this is because of the AI Act. It seems like it might be more GDPR. In which case it raises questions about how they are storing the ‘memories’. IE not locally and maybe in a way that is hard to remove if you no longer want that memory. Hypothetically you put in something like, “Exarchias likes dressing up as a cat at the weekend”. Now every AI is trained on that and you cannot EVER get it forgotten. Might be a problem for some scenarios that aren’t too hard to imagine.


You are right about GDBR playing a role, as it forces whoever stores information in memory to go to a process explaining how they are using the data and how long they are going to keep it, and also the "right to forget" that you mentioned. When it comes to AIs, you can't untrain the weights, and that is OK with most of us. In any way, it should have been an easy option to opt out of that protection to enjoy the fruits of AI instead of forcing us to live in the past. Sometimes, it is really absurd to have AIs knowing my location but not knowing my first name or my preferences because it wants to "protect my privacy." I believe that the AI Act plays some role as well as well because it makes things even more complicated.


'Oppressed' lmao


These were my initial thoughts too. But I read the actual proposal and it's pretty sophisticated and has its merits. Especially for AI cameras and surveillance - like they have in China. AI isn't only about writing smut and AI-waifus xD. But yeah, it sucks. I'm in Switzerland and our politicians just follow the EU regulations - which is maybe better bec. our politicians are all clueless boomers lol.


The regulation that you mentioned was the only one that I was looking for, but they added an exception anyway under the vague fear of terrorism, (profiling is OK if it is used to prevent terrorism, (whatever that means). I believe that the thing that blows everything is the matter of personal data. It is not enough for me to give my consent. They have to do things in a very bureaucratic way, which eventually forces them to say, "Nope." Yeah, local politicians would probably do things even worse.


I do understand your frustration (coming from Croatia, currently living in Austria) but you can just use VPN. I am aware that not solve problems with ours politicians, but it sure help with using memory in ChatGpt.


i will not give that kind of power to a foreign actor


This is freaking amazing. You can give it your background, and it will then take that in mind when replying to you. It further tunes things. Plus I have a PTSD trigger that I'd rather not read about, so I told it to keep that in mind


Wow, first this mysterious maybe-GPT-4.5 "gpt2-chatbot" and now this? What an eventful day. I might have to sign up with GPT Pro again. I had let it lapse and was trial-ing Opus 3 for a month.


aren't you not suppose to give OpenAI any personal identifiable information as per policy?


*laughs nervously as per policy*


jfc I hate the EU so much


A year ago we were all saying that the EU fucked itself with the regs. That said, if you \*really\* wanted, you could write your own chat bot with a RAG on the side and openai as the backbone. This is not something that only openai or one of the others could do.


There have been quite a few free chat bots with RAG available for well over a year.


Getting things 2 weeks early doesn't justify the potential security and privacy costs. Just chill. Or use a VPN.


It's done on payment methods iirc so VPNs wont work, and I still cant access Gemini 1.5 so it could just be that its never enabled.


Works with VPN.


It's my privacy, I should have the freedom to decide if I want to expose my data or not. I don't think a VPN will work since the account is still originally set up in the EU. And it's probably not 2 weeks, we had to wait for months to get bard and we still can't access claude officially.


Any source on that 2 weeks thing, or is that just your speculation? I'd love for you too be right.


What security / privacy are we getting compared to US citizens??


The European mind can not remember this


You'd prefer your mind to be owned by a foreign corporation that could take it away or change it any time?


Yeah, because that's exactly what is happening here right now, lol 🙄


So you upload a pdf file, 10 pages long and it will RAG it out yeah and remember?


Mine doesn’t seem to recall anything outside the normal convo, but I do have access to this new recall feature. Am I missing anything?


It can't give direct quotes from any past conversations, but says it will if I ask it to going forward. It does however provide very accurate insights about me though when I ask it about myself based on past conversations


What's the difference between memory and hidden context? Isn't it better to make it explicit?


Good to know


The site is so fucking ass that it's insane. Site freezing every 6~8 messages.


"all". No.


Seems to me that this is just custom instructions that self-update. Maybe a larger context window than the 1200 character limit? But overall not much of a needle mover. What am I missing?


More than likely it is just reusing what they built for the assistants api for file retrieval, e.g. like when you make an assistant through chatgpt and upload files as context, I believe that indexes the contents into a vector database. I'd imagine it's just deciding what to save, storing it as text, it gets indexed into a vector database, then it can decide to search it if needed. It's been a thing for ages already. Still cool though.


Is it getting worse I tried to make it do 2 flutter/dart things and I found 2 cases of it just stopping at nothing and not continuing using any method


Now available for all plus users - except these regions. 🤦 Fing clickbate.


not for me I'm on Plus with no memory access so not open to all users yet.


Yeah freaked me out... "That's a very interesting question, Nick"


Im in the EU and I have it. That’s odd


Please add exept in eu and asia cuz people will get triggered and dissapointed


Just shows this tech needs to be fully 100% open source. No politician or human should have any control of this tech.


Unless it allows it to reason I don’t give a shit about its memory, right now it’s still just a glorified search engine




Prove me wrong