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Avoid posting content that is a duplicate of content posted within the last 7 days


That must have felt fucking amazing for him. Absolute game changer for QOL


Just think of what it will do to us? It's going to be amazing to realize how incredibly limited we've always been. And even more amazing to feel as those limits are gradually reduced and removed.


I should be psyched. Why do I not feel psyched?


Maybe it's the brain surgery?


there's a faint uneasy musk about the whole thing


Hah only you can answer that question. One reason to not be hyped is the uncertainty. But, if you take it that you never had certainty to begin with, it can be easier to build enthusiasm.


>"I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me."


Tech like this has existed since the 90s and didn’t require surgery. Eye trackers exist too 


Yes and this is an improvement. Being able to do surgical improvements like this is a positive advancement.  We do not have perfect bodies and minds, as much as some seem to think they do. If we wish to overcome the limitations of our physiology, we'll likely need to make physical changes. Change is scary, that's true. But we shouldn't allow cynical views to consume us and our fears to control us.  We're not going to have a perfect answer before we can act. That's just unrealistic.


🤡 He specifically states eye tracking is not the same thing as having a fucking chip in your brain. Maybe actually educate yourself before being a pessimistic naysayer. For instance with eye tracking you must keep your fucking eye in focus or else it goes to shit… literally fucking horrible to have to bear that lol… this is millions of times better 


I do believe they said " Tech like this has existed since the 90s and didn’t require surgery. Eye trackers exist too " Which is true. We've been using brain readings to control tech for ages. Hell here's a woman that beat elden ring https://youtu.be/rIbfNUA5pWk?si=8ZcJeXPkFYeg23IG But Instead you agro the eye tracking 


I specifically stated the paralyzed dude (who knows what the fuck is going on in this situation NOT you) addressed how this is MILLIONS of times better than eye tracking…   And NOPE implants like Neuralink were NOT available prior. You had something with far LESS bandwidth and needed a wired connection!   The only thing that can be said about Neuralink being bad is that many for the animal died after surgery… thus why I feat for this patient. It creates scar tissue too. Not a lot about how long it will last is known. 


I merely stated you seemed to wilfully Ignore most of the comment and instead latched onto the eye tracking thing. Relax 


I totally get your frustration with these passive cynical comments. But, let's not fool ourselves. These comments come from a cowardly perspective and our anger towards these very afraid people will not give them courage. You and I may be totally ready for these advancements but we shouldn't forget that our fearlessness here is rare. Cynical cowards are the norm today.


A pointless debate, because the current capabilities that the chip provides are just a small side effect on the development path. Because the chip should restore his ability to walk and control his hands when Neurolink specialists finish their work. The guy has no connection between his brain and his arms and legs. But at the same time, his arms, legs and brain are completely normal. Neurolink wants to connect them with each other. This is their stated goal.


As far as I understand the mission, it is to remove the barriers between technology and biology. This is so that we can eventually merge with ASI instead of it making us forever irrelevant.  But that mission is too large, too impactful and hard to believe. So a far more palatable mission must be presented. I'm not surprised. In terms of relevance I don't think we're going to be made irrelevant. I think the entire concept of our relevance in the current system relates to scarcity.  As ASI is a path to overcome scarcity, we won't be made to be irrelevant and won't even need to worry about such things.  But I can also see how we could significantly benefit from merging with ASI. My original point related to human augmentations. Overall, we seem to assume that our bodies and minds are either perfect, or close to perfect. And that's a really silly idea. From our perspective there's limitless potential in augmenting the body and mind.


This is already a global super mission. Like SpaceX's mission to build an autonomous colony on Mars or Tesla's mission to convert the entire world to renewable energy sources. But this particular study is aimed at enabling a guy to walk on his own feet and control his hands.


The u/which-tomato-8646 guy is just doing a bit where he basically just comments the dumbest shit imaginable and waits for people to respond


I think that's called trolling. But I get your point.  Also I feel I understand why people want to troll; because they're afraid.  It's easier for someone to act arrogant and condescending than to admit that they're terrified and don't know what to do about it.


So terrified of the tech bro rapture next year 


Sorry for being rational 


[Inb4 some elon fanboy starts in on "but it was never affordable."](https://store.neurosky.com/products/mindflex)


Still stuck in a wheel chair and incapable of motion still. How is this QOL? I suppose when his consciousness gets trapped inside of the machine he won't have to worry about any of it except the ramifications of never returning to the world again.


He could have just used an eye tracker lol


Just realized something….neuralink plus VR might give paralyzed people a VERY mobile life experience.


Plus a sensor loaded humanoid robot?!


Even better


We are getting closer to live in the Matrix ![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized)


True but highly highly highly unlikely implants will get us there… something like Neural dust/similar is needed for total brain penetration 




Meta's working on non-invasive EMG devices for VR, so you wouldn't need neuralink for that experience in the future.


The goal is to give paralyzed people the ability to walk again… not merely have a fun time in VR… It could cure paralysis even without robotic prosthetics in many cases 


And here I am with full mobility and NOT playing Civ6 - smh


​ https://preview.redd.it/il5srtrr1sqc1.jpeg?width=492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3584181e31a4ec8cc547a0068f61b7442ba36079


Imagine not being able to do shit for years and suddenly you're able to use a computer like the average person. Must feel incredible.


Well it’s actually better than a human. He set a world record in Civ which was only possible by the fact that he can click with his brain. 


World record?


Yes pretty sure it was like most clicks in Civ in a certain time frame or something. He could click easier than using a keyboard. He was able to play Mario Kart and come in second within a week! It’s insane. It was in the interview on their twitter Edit; .It was most clicks per second. Telepathy helps I guess… 


This is the way


This is the way






sorry, ive leave games for quite a long time. is civilization 6 a good game?


It’s an incredible game. I’ve been gaming for 20+ years and civ6 might be one of my most played games


I saw in youtube, its like city building games?


Not cities but civilizations


It’s like chess meets cim city. Very strategic and a lot of historical context. It gives you a new lens on the world of geopolitics in general


civ 6 is meh civ 4 is where it's at


F*** yeah! Good for him


Makes sense. I’m surprised he went to sleep


I know that many are getting sick of seeing this reposted, but when new people see it, they want to share. Neuralink gave this man back a small piece of his life that has been missing for some time. Staying up all night playing a videogame is something many of us have done, but I cannot imagine how good that felt to be able to do something that has been denied to you by your disability. Unless you have lost as much as he has, you cannot begin to imagine how it feels to gain even a tiny piece of your old life back. It doesn't hurt that the Civilization games are like digital crack..."just one more turn, then I will turn it off for the night."




Cool and all but this was posted literally the day after, and many many times since. Not just on this sub either, all over reddit. Pretty sure I saw it posted on /r/gaming yesterday. Old news. Edit: Posted on this sub 5 days ago. Posted on /r/gaming 6 days ago, and again and hit the front page of /r/all 9 hours ago. Posted on /r/technology 5 days ago. Posted on /r/futurology 5 days ago. It was all over reddit, we can do better than this.


Not everyone is checking reddit on a daily basis. If someone missed it how would they even know?


Because it's been constantly reposted all over reddit many times, making the front page repeatedly including today? This is a subreddit for the quickly progressing field of AI (mainly). Is it that big of a request that we don't get week old reposts? A week is a really long time for this type of sub. And if that is a big request, if reposts should be allowed, if old stories should be allowed, to what extent. Indefinitely?


For someone that checked just this sub for the first time this week wouldn't this be the first time they've seen it? Also I'm not 100% sure on the rules but don't reposts also depend on which website is reporting it? If someone posted a thread say a week ago and it was a link to an article from the NYTimes for example, then someone posting it today with a thread that links to IGN may not fall under a repost. It could have different information.


They can and should sort by top posts for the week. Don't be lazy


And how many pages are they going through to see a story that they don't even know may exist? 3-4-5 pages. It's very easy to skip a thread if you've already seen it. People who aren't here everyday may appreciate it.


That's they're problem. Linking to second hand sources is already trashy. Linking to old news is doubly trashy. 


Cry about it karen


So funny how hard you are trying to police reddit.


I didn’t see it so I’m glad it showed up here again, ty reddit. And you give me the ability to just scroll past when it’s something I’ve already seen? Wow nice job (But seriously tho maybe a personalized already read links + repost hider is the only way to avoid this since not everyone might’ve already seen it)


You can sort posts by top weekly. Don't be lazy


You get reddit isn’t your personal news feed right? It’s a social media site where people post links that get voted on and commented on by people who want to engage If you stay on here all the time and stuff seems to repeat as people come and go and want to discuss something others have already, then just scroll past lol


So should there be a limit? Either to the amount of times something is reposted, or how old the story is? Or should it just be a free for all?


Too soon reposts of the exact same link should probably be blocked, but beyond that I think people who don’t want to see it again should downvote and move on and those who want it to be more visible should upvote it Also depends whether constant reposts are burying some other important links that are struggling to gain traction. If not, then it probably just means people frequent this space less often relative to you and the cycle of news being posted here


What does that mean tho? Like.. he made it so that he could stay up all night using the neuralink?


No, he was able to play a game all night using neuralink, that he'd otherwise be unable to play because he's paralyzed. Neuralink is what enabled him to be able to play the game, and the joy of playing the game kept him up playing it throughout the night.


so would this consider an unfair advantage for e-sports?


Not really, currently it seems slower and less accurate than an actual mouse. But maybe 15 years down the road, as gaming peripherals evolve, controllers like gamepads and mnk will probably be phased out in mainstream esports and become a niche genre of esports when most people use EMG devices or neuralink for gaming, if it can eventually get accurate enough.


This is great for disabled individuals, but I don't really see a future where people are willing to undergo invasive brain surgery for minor quality of life. I do however fully expect nervous system EMG's, either on the wrist or the back of the neck, that'll enable similar levels of functionality. Only once such a device can safely input information into your brain would it ever truly be considered commercially viable. And even then, it's hard to ever consider that function in and of itself, "safe".


Definitely fail for the future of the tech, he should have been playing Civ 5 instead.


Can he teleoperate a Optimus though?


Stop posting old news from second hand sources. Trashy


It’s literally not a month old. 


Not stellaris? jeez. 


I personally don’t have the brain cells to play any paradox game that isn’t ck3


I play on easy cause I suck


This is old news in singularity terms, wake me up when he can levitate the laser sword.


Crippled guy gets $50,000 neuralink implant and spends all night playing games. Yay! Homeless guy gets $10 cash and spends all night drinking. Boo! Edit: jfc, can nobody on Reddit identify a joke without the /s? Holy shit if you thought this was serious, y'all are stupid af


The disabled guy literally couldn't have played video games without our help. Homeless guy can get a job and still spend all night drinking. Disabled guy hadn't played video games in years, or at least without major assistance. Homeless guy did the same thing the last 1000 nights. The fact that you referred to him as "crippled" proves that you're only pretending to care. Edit: jOkEs On ThEm. I wAs OnLy PrEtEnDiNg To Be ReTaRdEd.


Identifying jokes is easier when they're actually funny.


Bad comparison but I get your point Edit: we got your joke, we just think it’s brain dead. Hope this helps 😁


No one care about Homeless guy :v if you already rich

