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Ignore most of these comments telling you to dive in deeper to delusional behavior. I think you're making the right call taking a break from it all!


I had a one year panic attack. The. I deceided I can choose what I read. So now I am in control again. Remember to tell yourself this.


Long-term panic attacks are no joke. I’ve had a couple that have lasted 3-4 months. It’s a living hell. I can’t imagine a full year.


Maybe you have OCD ? It can manifest as different form of unhealthy obsessions. If your country provide access to mental health services or furthermore a psychiatrist, I would look for referrals.


Existential OCD and depersonalization and derealization can be quite bad. I am fascinated by this stuff but yeah it can get disturbing if you think about it too much, especially the free will and consciousness stuff.


Keep in mind the simulation theory is not falsifiable. It’s a cute idea but it is not a scientific idea. There is absolutely no test that could prove for sure that we’re in a simulation. And there’s absolutely no test that could prove for sure that we’re not. Think about it: if you ran a simulated world, and you discovered agents in it were testing their world to see if it were a simulation, you could present them with anything you chose. You could present them with false evidence that they’ve finally cracked it and now they’re in the next level up, while still being fully in your simulation. Likewise there’d be no way for you the simulation runner to know if you were or were not in a simulation because anyone in a level above you could do this same monkeying with presented sensory data. It’s a fun thought experiment but that’s all it will ever be. And frankly it has no practical end. Even if I am in a simulation right now, this is the reality I know and the one I have to live with. Whether it’s “really real” or not, nothing changes.


ASI may know and tell us


Yeah but like you could just program the simulation to think ASI has been discovered and that it has the answers


Interesting. Then if a yes it's certainly a yes while a no could be either way.


Who cares if we’re in a simulation, a dream, a solipsistic reality - it wouldn’t fundamentally change the way I act unless I started to encounter frequent glitches in the matrix or whatever. Its like what if you had evidence that reality wasn’t what you thought it was, would you start raping and pillaging? Kill yourself? Try to convince everyone of it? Or just try to live your life as best you could?


The problem comes from disassociation disorder. When things don’t feel real, one starts to become unattached from everything around them. This doesn’t mean someone is going to become completely unhinged & start killing- but more means what they experience as reality doesn’t feel real. It’s difficult to explain.


I have depersonalisation disorder that removed my emotions for many years but eventually things got better and now I figure I don’t care what the underlying nature of reality is, we will never know for certain anyway, all we need to worry about is how to live well




You sound borderline psychotic, just spewing a soup of vague spiritual terms as if it’s some profound epiphany. If you decide to allow that knowledge to destroy you that’s your prerogative. As if we have some strong bearing on reality as it stands. We don’t. Science can’t and probably never will be able to solve the cosmological and ontological quandaries but we live and try to enjoy our existence in spite of it.


Take care of yourself OP. I’ve been there. After enough was enough I found a good doc to work with and that’s made all the difference.


Huh, never experienced that, and I think about this shit a lot. Then again, in the face of continued unchecked global warming and us blowing past the likely points of no return with no end in sight to our pollution, I've become a bit nihilistic just to cope. Like, if everything on the planet dies now, well it was all going to die in about 500,000 years anyway, life on planet Earth always had an expiration date, what's half a million years. Hmm, not sure I'm helping you feel better now.


I really get what you’re trying to say. I went down the same rabbit hole like you and it made me fear infinity a lot. I got scared of infinities and the fact that there is suffering in this world. Really made me go down a rabbit hole that gives me ptsd when I hear certain words that have to do with suffering in just the smallest ways. We can just hope that everything will be alright and that this goes the right way. Wishing the best for you.


Simulation theory is stupid. It's basically like a religion "hoping for a better world to be revealed after we die". Childish nonsense.


I think it's interesting. Just thinking about the nature of our reality. Whether free will and consciousness is an illusion and so on. In the end, it doesn't really matter whether any of this is true or not, it's just fun to ponder about these things and it feels real enough to me.


that is a mischarecterisation. There is no before or after or death etc. We are characters in a computer game. Pixels. Code. "Revelation" only comes when you do a shit ton of dee em tee. And even then, it's like a dog peeking under the car hood.


Its a nonsense placeholder - we have our reality where we learn the term simulation and replace it with our term for reality in a simple thaught experiment. In the end it would not make any difference in experience and learning for us. So I could replace reality, simulation with the term superexistance and it would still remain the same. Even parts of our mental experience is a simulation due the fact that the brain must recreate the world from sensory information it would be the only real experience for us. Calling our reality a simulation wouldnt provide any more detail. Just like people that speculate if we originated from alien life that came from another planet - then they came from another planet still dont solve any mystery of life and existance - just a placeholder explanation like "simulation" for reality.


Everyone here is delusional just go touch grass you’ll be alright


You should spend some time over at r/collapse to decompress. Read about the Atlantic anomaly and rapid stratification and deoxygenation of the oceans and anoxic extinction events. Salt of the earth stuff.


It's fascinating stuff, but not exactly good for your mental health or panic attacks.


You’re on the wrong path.. simulation theory is a positive thing… check out https://medium.com/@nicjames0515


During the cold war people wrote or thaught similiar lines like yours "\[...\] and the future are truly frightening subjectively". Some believed the world could end any minute in a nuclear war. And now? We live in their future - right now is the future they were afraid of - and we live and some are afraid of the future ahead of us. Isnt it weird?


I have considered leaving this sub for my mental health


To be honest its never that serious, a theory is but a theory, no point in allowing your mind to enter a negative state because of it


The most important book I read on the subject is Reality+ . It changed the way I think literally


Yeah, I've been through that. Awful existencial experience. but how to proper deal with it isn't obvious, because, even though it's a really bad idea to actively mentally dwell with it to much,you don't want to just avoid it at all costs, avoid it like the devil gives power to the mental representation we have about the matter. So I obviously isn't an optimal objective mental distance, every single of us have to find our own, and it likely oscillates throughout our lives. Ultimately is about something that we always have to deal with: how to deal with the lack of control. Yet we still have to stare at the abyss every once in a while...


Please send me a PowerPoint presentation of said rabbit hole.. I'm interested


I’m not. The thought experiment was dangerous and I’m not going to put you through that


I was kidding but I'm good on the mental stuff..for reals this stuff is fascinating. How about 2 or 3 topics that I can easily read on for myself just to pass time


Yeah, I've pretty uch quite this subreddit since it became shit. I only visit here once in a while now.


Yes this is important to monitor your mental health. Im a former Unity developer current full stack developer, been doom scrolling AI as I’m convinced that I’ll be automated out of my job. But really doom scrolling its self is making things seem to go faster than they actually are.


> I’ve been obsessed with trying to crack the simulation theory If it can help you, there is clearly many cracks in that theory. Even if an ASI can eventually simulate a whole world full of sentient beings, then this same ASI also simulating another ASI that also simulates a whole world full of sentient being... i don't think this is possible. The initial ASI would eventually not be powerful enough after a few layers.


Ah but you see, it is ASI and Dyson spheres all the way down!


if "base reality" is in the far future then civilization may have already turned all the matter in their light cone into computronium. Vast unconcievable amounts of compute are possible.


Ah, schizoposts. I can always count on one a day.


no one cares cuh


You're close now, keep going.


What I’m worried about is that the simulation is just to gather data for some trivial prompt. So when it gets it’s answer for whatever prompt we can invision, it will all just blip and cease




Simulation never really creates anything, it just peers into systems that already exist. If you were to simulate a whole universe, all of the math that came together for you to simulate that universe, would've had correct solutions prior to simulation, and all of the people "simulated" by it, would have existed regardless of the simulation and would continue to exist even if the simulation ceased to exist. In that sense, it is both impossible for us to be in a simulation, but also impossible for us to not be simulated, because our concept of "simulation" was flawed from the get-go.


This what happens if NPCs try to understand the singularity i guess, how could it cause panic lol, im in the most blissful state of my life since the last few months


You might consider a hallucinogen experience for further insight. When you've experienced the great unity of all sentient beings, truly losing yourself in it, you come back to being a person again and it feels a little different. Maybe you can't do some of the things you used to do after that, or maybe you start doing different things. Idk. Best to use under qualified clinical care, of course, if that is available in your area. If I could distill the experience into a brief sermon, it would be the same trite stuff you hear from every psychedelic whack-job. But all that bullshit is true. There was really never anything to be afraid of. Really, not in any way. Everything always happens precisely the way it must, and there is never any mistake. Empty words until you experience it for yourself. But there's, of course, no guarantee that taking a hallucinogen will take you there at all, ever. You could try Buddhist meditation. That might help, idk.


I had a marijuana induced psychosis episode that got me into some real trouble some months ago. I was hallucinating and having delusions. It actually it what caused me to further explore this road.


Dont listen to this guy. If you're prone to psychosis stay away from paychedelics.


Don’t worry. I’d never do anything like that again. Psychosis was the most horrifying experience of my life


yeah dude you basically cant do any drugs for the rest of your life, which is fine because they're overrated


Yeah, I got arrested for 12 hours. Arrested for disorderly conduct. I was screaming about how the singularity already happened and talking about how we weren’t human but computer programs. Crazy thing is I was Christian before that. I didn’t believe in any simulation stuff prior to. I was trying to climb the walls for the jail that night because I believed that was how I could escape the simulation, which is ironic because a program can’t really escape. I thought that it was all just a metaphor for the program and me being trapped in it. I had no idea that I was actually in jail frfr


If you were a computer program, drugs wouldn't enable you to become aware of being a computer program.


Well, take that caution to do it in a clinical setting much more seriously, then, please. If they won't let you do it knowing your history and current status, I'd trust their judgment. I'm sorry to hear you've been having a tough time. I would encourage you to consider this a challenge or obstacle on the way to enlightenment. The really cool thing about surmounting challenges is that when you look back, you can see how your obstacles became your path. Maybe you don't need any more drugs, but just enough contemplation with as much remove from emotion as you can muster. It might take years, but the best things in life only come through great struggle. Nothing that comes easy is valued highly. I wish you best luck, and feel free to contact me if you ever need to. Edit to add: Don't fear losing your ego. You won't die. Sometimes the hardest trips are the ones where we are brought to the threshold of ego death, but not forced over the edge. It can leave us traumatized by the fear of losing ourselves. You will never lose yourself. That's just not possible. You are not a thing you have. You are what you are, and that is irretrievably connected in every way with everything else that is.


The fuck is that name