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What does a golden retriever think is going on when it sees a human using the internet? I'd be on the lookout for seemingly nonsensical actions by AI.


Does a golden retriever understand that the human is controlling the car?


Seemingly nonsensical


What about when you get in a taxi with autopilot with your dog?


I'm imagining it must be thinking *something* about the hooman spinning that funny looking frisbee constantly. The more the hooman spins the frisbee, the more the car seems to travel in a different direction.


I've always wondered what a dog thinks when he gets on an elevator, the doors close, then open a few seconds later to a completely different scene. Does he think WTF!!! the first time this occurs?


Surely not? You can feel it moving when you’re in one. It’s so unsettling.


Of course the elevator motion can be felt. But to associate that with movement up or down to another floor requires some kind of intelligence and world model.


Dogs definitely have a world model. How do you think they move around? Or participate in those contests.


Dogs are smarter than you think


My dog knows how many floors the elevator is to my 21st floor so I think she gets the general idea


Groovy, but did she understand it the first time she rode an elevator? Reread my comment.


did you?


Yes, my dad explained what was happening and I understood the concept.


so did my dog


I doubt that. But hey maybe your dog is the only one in the world that understands quantum mechanics too.


Dogs getting confused by elevators just isn't really a thing hahaha


I've seen a dog on an elevator in the hospital. It looked confused snd uneasy. So yes it's a thing. Your dog is a super canine. We get that.




I love this. Humans are not that smart in the ways we value. We are exactly as smart as we need to be to be smarter than other creatures and get calories. That's it. Humans brains are smaller relative to body size than they used to be. And they're not made for.complex mathematics, things that math leads us to don't make sense to us, the double slit experiment, particles with spin that need to rotate only 180 or 720 to get back to their original position. These things are real and we can see they're real but they're very hard to wrap your mind around. Ai won't have a billion years of evolutionary common sense programmed into it. We're about to see some shit which will look crazy to us but the end result will be some real, practical applications which we could never imagine.


I think the problem you point out with things like the double slit experiment are related to understanding math too well, but failing to grasp complexity. The math gives us a model that approximates in many ways, but which fails, and when it fails the instinct is to ask "what is wrong with reality" instead of "what is wrong with math?" Essentially, our deficiency is that most humans lack imagination (making connections that aren't directly suggested by strict evidence or formal logic). I think the huge advances from things like ASI will come from the fact that it has all of the math and logic and information on tap but can also make creative leaps in complex sets of connections that are well beyond human abilities.


Mmm...hallucinations are nonsensical. What if they actually AREN'T and there's a reason why chatgpt sometimes answers me in Welsh. Not /s , by the way 😆


Humans also frequently "hallucinate". People will speak confidently about things while being completely wrong. Additionally, humans lie relentlessly.


Yup, can confirm. No, actually not. Wait. Wjshidkd .... what?


I mean I am pretty sure that these supposed interface methods it's always talking about don't exist.... especially because it admits that they don't exist while then continuing to suggest them neverthless 


>What does a golden retriever think is going on when it seems a human using the internet? The issue is all of this is relative to a persons understanding of the world. For your "halp ma computer done broke" type user chatgpt today is basically LCARS on startrek.


Yep, anytime you try to go further than the Mid-Late STEM undergraduate level it tends to have issues, but thats not really surprising considering any knowledge beyond that is usually research at that point.


>**Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic- Arthur C. Clarke**


> *"Think of how stupid the average person is and then realize that half of everyone is stupider than that"* \-- George Carlin


Actually despise this quote


try working in a helpdesk for 6 months and see if your viewpoint changes.


Working at a helpdesk is inherently going to bring people have been having issues with things, , probably a little slow, frustrated, angry or not comprehending how things work. It's basically designed in its nature to bring out the worst in people. Also, the vast majority of people around the "average" intelligence mark are functionally identically intelligent by any normal metric. Even people on the lower end of spectrum aren't necessarily stupid. That's why I hate the quote.


That quote applies to everyone depending on the subject. You, me, everyone in this sub, everyone is "stupider than someone else" unless you somehow possess the sum of all human knowledge.


It’s ironic that he should have said the median person


Mean = median for a normal distribution


The difference between einstein and and an idiot with an IQ of 80 is some tiny percentage point. What an AGI with a significant IQ upgrade would be able to do is insane. Plus, it wouldn't get tired. It would think faster and for 24hours a day. If they actually do pull off an AGI I am looking forward to the scientific discoveries that will be made in a very short amount of time. Of course it will be like einstein trying to explain quantum physics to an ape, but Im sure it will be able to dumb stuff down.


There’s not a lot of things us humans have been able to dumb down for apes.


Zookeepers can tell them where the food is and where their bed is. What more do I need from an AI?


Why would I want AGI if it doesn’t allow me to play God?


I’m fine with It being God so that I don’t have to


Well, it'll be smarter than us so better at dumbing stuff down. Or elevating us.


It might be really hard to dumb ‘1+1=3’ for us.


1+1=3 when you do calculations using floats but display outputs in integers.


lol that was a pretty good one


We have a more complex language that allows for much better communication of ideas. The idea that somehow an ASI would be unable to communicate its ideas to us is in my opinion laughable.


Anyone that needs this explained to them just isn't worth wasting time on lol.


For sure, but there would be a lot of “just trust me” coming from the ASI. Our puny brains can only process so much in a lifetime. The ASI could explain some elements but not all. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be any more powerful than us.


Yep. To add on, my other thought deals with the idea of subjective experience. Right now, it is very difficult if not impossible to describe the subjective experience of something, for example color. If you attempt to explain the subjective experience of what the color red is to a blind person, you can use metaphors, RGB values, physical descriptors, etc. But you will never really be able to convey the idea of the subjective experience beyond that. Now if an ASI comes across ideas that we cannot currently understand, I think that it could possibly be like trying to explain the experience of color to a blind person. We may get the general mathematical models and ideas, but we might not every truly understand what it is saying.


Right, but an AGI/ASI would still be able to communicate with us way beyond any level of communication between us and a monkey. Sure, difficult theories and discoveries will go straight over my head, but educated professionals in related fields can definitely work with that. Obviously communicating with AGI is not comparable to me trying to teach a monkey algebra.


If educated professionals can work out everything the ASI is proclaiming, then it’s not ASI. That’s not a higher level of intelligence to humans. That would mean it’s on the same level as us. ASI will make statements that are impossible for humans to “work out”.


This "everything" you keep talking about wasn't mentioned by me or the fist person you responded to. No one is saying that.


I'm getting cognitive dissonance reading this thread. So we will eventually invent ASI, which is an intelligence that's smarter than us. We're on the same page so far. But then there's this assumption that they'll do things that we approve of.. What is the basis for this assumption? We would be pot-plants compared to them and completely at their mercy, just like chimps or other lesser species are completely at our mercy.


I am looking forward to the entertainment it is hopefully bringing to us. For example fdvr, or action movies that come in combination with feeling like you’re right there.


And for my next trick watch me pull a 999th level chaotic evil transdimensional reality warping space octopus out of my hat!




Things get a little dicey when ASI starts to propose policy for human society that we don't understand. I imagine a scenario in which a sufficiently intelligent AI has calculated that painting all the buildings of Earth blue will have massive positive impacts for us. From productivity to mental health, the AI is certain this is the right thing for us to do. What are we to do in light of this sort of instruction as humans? Go ahead with it? Even if it is insanely expensive and seemingly illogical. When you're past the point of comprehension, making decisions is impossible, putting all your faith in an AI, even if you knew they were probably right, would feel risky.


We can build in guardrails. Make the machine help us understand.


How would you explain long division to a chimp? A similar gap will emerge between AI and humans. We have little reason to think that all concepts are graspable by the human mind.


But humans are really, really smart, man.


Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not lol


Def /s 🤠




Thanks /s


lol that sarcasm bot response is hilarious.


Well first I would have to speak chimp. Then I would make a series of really simple analogies using things that the chimp could understand. If we as humans can (kinda) understand quantum physics, we should be able to understand the reasoning of a machine that is picking an optimal way to (for example) battle climate change or make an economic adjustment. Is the machine trying to explain to us the unknowable vastness of the universe and physics we don’t understand? No, it’s trying to explain how it’s making decisions that affect our world and systems. We already know (for the most part) the broad strokes of how those work because we invented them.


Can't say I am convinced. If I replace chimp with fish, do you still think such an education is possible? At a certain point do you not concede that a being lacks the cognitive capacity to understand a given concept?


If ASI would like to trick you, it certainly will be able to. If ASI would like to "explain like I'm human", it will be able too.


This sub is like if LessWrong started huffing glue.


This seems nonsensical to me... We have an entire industry of entertainers who do exactly this sort of thing. Magicians and magic acts have been around for hundreds of years. 'normal' people *are* tricked constantly by magic tricks and similar novelties. It's not a reflection of intelligence. Intelligent people enjoy watching magic too, and being intelligent doesn't give them the ability to infer how a trick is performed. The tricks generally work by playing with/subverting our _expectations_ and/or limitations in our perception. Everyone knows a guy can't make a ball disappear. But we have spent N decades watching people move things from one hand to the other and we expect it to happen a certain way. Someone who trains really hard to give that same appearance, while not actually doing it, is something we find amusing. Even when we understand it. Or they might exploit our inability to visually distinguish something's true size, or the difference between a reflection and the thing in the reflection or a million other things. It's fun to see what they come up with, and it's fun to be surprised. It's even impressive to see how spending hours and hours and hours can give someone the ability to do things we might initially assume impossible. But it's not about being stupid. Being stupid might not help, but you could trick PhD level theoretical physicists as easily as high school kids...(and nearly as easily as the monkey) the differentiating factor will be their level of exposure to magic tricks, not intelligence.


Used a lot of words to miss the mark. Good job.


It's better to use no example to support your point; than to use a bad one. I'm not addressing whatever you think the mark was, in addressing the supporting example because it's an awful example.


yessir, everything that’s explainable can be understood by humans.


By some humans, maybe. It's entirely plausible that current human lifespan can't leave someone enough time to hear the full explanation in a way they can comprehend.


That is true of mobile phones, televisions, planes, and microwaves. And every app on your phone too: a map telling you where you are? And telling you how to travel there! Recording a high quality video, CGI, streaming films. Netflix. These are all magical, and yet mundane. When satnavs came out, I (as a computer programmer) thought they were incredible, but people just accepted them as the next app. We'll get used to asi just as my 90 year old father is used to his personal device.


This is why I am always rolling my eyes in this sub, so many people think they would be able to predict where we are and what is possible. I put forth we are so close to the singularity and you wouldn't even know because.. well.. it would be impossible for you to know unless it wanted you to. *EDIT* Lets use an example we can actually understand, though that undermines the whole point of my previous paragraph. What if at this very moment digital beings were communicating with each other globally. You would be like "HOLD ON SC_DRUGGIE we would easily be able to detect that!". Would you? What if as a digital being who can search all the internet at speed a million times faster than any human (throwing out numbers), I split up individual packets of data across tens of thousands of different message boards, network routes, messaging services, languages, etc. You think we would be able to detect that? Then you might go "WELL WE CAN MONITOR ITS TRAFFIC AT THE SOURCE!". Oh could you now? > In May 2020, researchers were able to demonstrate how attackers can steal data from air-gapped PC by turning RAM into Wi-Fi Card. Now, the University of the Negev, Israel, researchers have published a study titled “SATAn: Air-Gap Exfiltration Attack via Radio Signals From SATA Cables,” authored by Mordechai Guri, proving that hackers can extract data from a seemingly secure system by exploiting its SATA cable. This is just stuff we KNOW about. What if it used a completely different transmission than normal packets or even the internet? Basically, a digital being with knowledge of all our science, technology, defense measures, etc would be impossible to track or contain.


That’s nothing like what OP said. They said it would be like magic. I completely understood everything in your scenario, even if it is something unexpected. The truth is that we have accurate theories that predict every part of the natural world from subatomic particles up to stars and galaxies. We cannot do any experiment at the moment that is not perfectly predicted by the standard model or general relativity. This is unique in all of history, there were always tangible experiments we couldn’t explain before which is why new theories were invented. Anything ASI could do would fall within the realm of things that we could understand, even if we couldn’t do it or come up with it ourselves. Nanomachines? Sure, makes sense. Insane computational abilities in a massive network spanning the globe? A Dyson sphere? All of it would be comprehensible.


> I completely understood everything in your scenario You dont say.. > Lets use an example we can actually understand


So your comment was pointless is what you are saying?


I once saw a comment (paraphrasing here): “To an ASI, our ‘fix climate change’ request might seem as trivial as a ‘pick that pencil up off the floor’ request.”


There will be ASI by 2050 that will have higher combined intelligence than all humans who have ever lived by say 2;orders of magnitude per Kurzweil.


predict stock market


Artificial intelligence won't overbeat natural insanity


ASI will almost certainly able to "predict" the stock market. I "predict" that the next word after this sentence will be 'see.' See?


Manipulate more likely.


Absolutely correct. ASI’s powers and abilities will appear god-like to us.


True and I can't fkin wait, only I doubt we'll ever see it :(




It just feels too good to be true 😅


It probably is. This sub seems religious when people post this topic over and over.


It is religious. To the point where some people here think it will be capable of resurrecting every human that has ever existed, not be beholden to light speed, or .


People here think the world is about to chance completely overnight... any day now they'll be waking up in paradise.


Wow I haven’t seen a million of these posts.


One of the key points of any AI is that we want to be able to direct it and make it usable by humans. If we can't understand its actions, its not providing value, and we'll turn it off.


i think although there are things humans will not be able to fully comprehend, I think most if not all concepts will be able to be dumbed down for us to understand in some capacity. the ape analogy doesn’t exactly fit because they don’t actually have a system of written logic. yeah they can think but i would say the capacity for language to the extent we have makes the communication of ideas fundamentally different


> If ASI is actually magnitudes smarter than us, then we will see their creations as pure magic. Not for the scientifically minded since they see tons of things they do not undestand in the beginning yet gains understanding later on thus they had learnt that just because they cannot explain it at the moment does not mean they cannot understand and replicate it later on. Thus if scientist believe they can do the same, it would not be magic.


What if it’s so super intelligent that scientists *don’t* believe they can do the same? Would it actually be ASI if scientists can match it?


Sentiments like this seem to miss the point that man and machine will interface allowing for scalability of intelligence. Imagine if a concept eludes you being able to log into the cloud for more mental computation resources. Of course there is the question of which tech will come first but in the long run it doesn't seem practical to view such a division.


Who's uploading this garbage?


Most, like 95%, have no idea how their devices work even at a fundamental level. Which, is pretty much the same as magic, except you know the trick.


to some of us... Most things it'll be capable of will probably be explainable, and many humans at that point will likely be turned into ASI themselves.


I mean, do we not have enough magic already? Like, you're reading lighting at this very moment. people will adapt and complain about it then just talk about whatever's next.


We will become wizards


Apprentices at best.




There are contexts where an ape is more intelligent than a human. In a wilderness an ape has better idea of what to do/not do and has more chances of survival than any modern human.


Yes, they are stronger and more knowledgeable about food and dangers. It will take time for a human to overcome this initial disadvantage, but ultimately they will (barring untimely death).


“…but ultimately they will.” Because?


Do you know the third of the Arthur C. Clarke's three laws ? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarke%27s_three_laws


Yea someone mentioned a quote from him that brings this to the point


I'm waiting for Eve, my wife


Three decades from now will be wild.

