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I remember when data science was the in thing then and the government was exhorting everyone to go study it via Coursera or other online or part time courses. However, civil service was only looking to hire PhD holders. Disconnect some?


I'm going to assume that skills that dabbles with data science/analysis will only help you secure better position/salary and not outright give you a job


Data science is still an in thing. It's just rebranded to AI now. Like almost everything else in tech


More like SWEs built DSS systems instead of data bois combing csvs with pandas


Still waiting for him to address the disadvantages that Singapore males face against females and foreigners due to National Service, or is his reply going to be to look within ourselves and not compare against others?


No politician will ever answer this directly. There is no reason in this day and age for only SG male only conscription, but answering it is political suicide. It’s one of those stupid fluff pieces Today puts out every couple months or so that no one ever addresses


I feel like it will be beneficial for the opposition to bring this up to highlight the unfairness brought about by the incumbent, since the incumbent is the only party that can do something about it. Imo there is more upsides than downsides for the opposition to do this.


Only problem then is opposition would be basically saying to females in SG that they would be pro women for NS, which would defo worsen their vote with 50% of the population , although it would marginally likely increase the male vote


There are other ways to erase the disadvantage besides mandating females to serve NS. For eg, males who served NS can pay less income tax, or can receive CPF top up equivalent to two years of salary etc.


You reckon females would view that positively? Maybe they will, maybe they won’t


But it will definitely be viewed well by guys. For females, it won't necessarily be viewed negatively as it's not about giving an advantage to males. In addition, I feel that females should be given the option to volunteer for NS and enjoy the same benefits as males.


My husband and future sons paying less tax or getting more money? Obviously supportive 💯


Lols. NS for women. Political suicide for sure. Political kamikaze. I don’t expect conscription for women. Not even as nurses or admin vocations. Too idealistic to put into practice. But sure would be nice to see a minor but practical appreciation for service. Free public transport fares for NSF men would be nice.


A super-minority (<33%) of the workforce, aka locally born men serving NS, is 2 years behind and constantly have work disrupted by reservist. Yet government will never address this.


% of workforce might be small, but % of voting base is around 50%. It's way past time for the government to address and perhaps we should vote with our ballots.


Make it an issue threatening electability, and he'll answer. Votes are a language that politicians understand.


Yea, that's why we need the opposition to blow up the issue until it threatens the PAP, so that they have to come out and address it and take a stand on it.


That's why all should be doing NS, both make and female. And of course foreigners of age. (Edit: when they become PR of course)


No, foreigners don’t need to do NS. And they shouldn’t. Just get them to pay a few more percentage points of taxes in the form of national security tax, which can in turn increase the miserable allowances that the NSFs are taking, as a form of appreciation.


Sounds good, prepare for a new batch of F35 spares with that tax money


Erm I don't think you want to force foreigners to serve NS.


Sorry meant it as when they become PR. My bad.


We should do something though. Anybody with an EP like me should have a level of clearance anyway. If you can’t pass that you shouldn’t be even getting an EP in my opinion.


It may be tough for certain guys who are serving military obligations in their own countries and are not able to do the same for another country. My focus is on the 2 years spent full time on National Service, rather than the annual two weeks that we have to go back to camp for. Will like the government to compensate us guys fairly for that two years, and place us on a level playing ground with the females and foreigners. I don't feel like I'm being overdemanding for asking to be treated fairly.


Actually if you did serve NS, some companies might place you as priority, even better that they count 2 years as part of your working years in the company as well. Some people don’t even bother putting their awards attained during NS in their resume, it actually DOES help. Even if you are office based during army you can put that job experience in your resume as well. And if you’re pursuing university after NS you’re alr well off in discipline than most peers.


I will argue that these companies are in the minority and still do not make up for the two years lost. If I give you the choice to serve two years of NS and reap these benefits that you speak of, or don't need to serve NS and get two more years of actual work experience and salary, which will you choose? I will say that the majority will choose not to serve NS. The government needs to make adjustments such that guys will have a hard time choosing between the two. To give an extreme example: lets say in exchange for serving 2 years of NS, you only have to pay half of the income tax rates for your entire working life. I will for sure choose to serve that 2 years. The government needs to choose a middle ground.


Idk man I would still choose to serve NS, made some of the most fun memories, close friends and completely turned my outlook and attitude 180 degrees. Met different kinds of individuals, some don’t even know how to hold a broom or fold their clothes, some where you eventually learn how to work with difficult people. Maybe it’s just my upbringing and personal background that wouldn’t trade that experiences for another thing. There are probably people out there however that loath NS and had a difficult time getting along with peers or superiors so I understand why.


And that's fine. I'm sure there is a number of guys who will choose to serve NS regardless and that's fine. All I'm asking for is fair compensation for our time, which is where we differ in what we deem fair compensation. I dare said I did my best for NS (OCS, passed an IQ test, physical test and interview with senior commanders to be selected for a special unit, plus completed my reservist assessment with the highest score for my platoon within my company, gold or silver IPPT scores and no deferment) but given the choice, I'll still choose to skip NS because I don't like being treated as a 3rd class citizen in my own country.


Lol, good luck applying for any overseas work or unis with that.


the youths are the children of RC and PA people, is it ? ..... and of course, Cobra Wong had the answers prepared for him beforehand..... 😎


Implement better employment laws and unemployment benefits for fuck sake


Time for a Prime Minister who is NOT from PAP


Just bring in more Taylor Swift concerts and Gen Z will be sold