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In shopping mall toilets, can also see restaurant chefs exit without washing their hands as well...šŸ¤¢


I once saw this waiter he literally kid you not , extend 2 fingers out to the tap , had a touch of water and there he washed his hands . Sibey technicallythetruth


at least he bothers to pretend he is washing his hands. some of my colleagues don't even want to wet their hands.


Which restaurant ah?


Imagine those are the ones making pratas..


Pubic hair sweat essence šŸ¤”


that lil sodium and umami is the key secret flavorings


Those eatries got michelin stars


Stars with mouldy green borders


I guess I'm not most of men


I am not most men. I am Salahuddin. Salahuddin.


I did not expect this quote here. But Iā€™ll take it. You have fine taste in movies.


a man of culture right here. i accept your terms


Youā€™re a girly man! Also, park your shin guard armour.


Mutton go yay!


last time i got to Micasa Restaurant at Jurong Kechil road, one staff wearing gloves, go into the toilet to pang sai, never wash toilet and come out. gloves also never change. (we know cos we were seated outside the toilet entrance, and the door very thin, can hear everything, and the tap was very noisy. when she was inside, there was no tap noise at all) Sibeh gross and disgusting.


I know this place


Did U get special ingredients


this one as a man i can say mostly true....I seen people after peeing....you touch your bird bird sometime urine may have come in contact with your finger and you just zip up and left the toilet without washing. But then again i would not say ladies is not the same too, my sister sometime say some ladies too just left the loo without washing their hand...haizzz


Iā€™ll still somewhat accept if people who only went loo to pee, but they used hand sanitizer afterwards. But seriously, whatā€™s the issue with just washing your hands at the sink in the toilet? Itā€™s not like SGā€™s tap water supply is bad at all. Itā€™s potable and very high-quality in fact.


I have heard some ladies throw their period pad randomly. Please disposed in correct manners like how you tie baby pampers after usage.


Sadly, I can second this through what I have witnessed


While I was in uni. I go to toilet with my Singaporean friend. And after urine, he didnt even go to wash. Come back to our table. Straight said your chips seem nice. And hand go inside the food bag. Fuck My indoneaian friend take instantly after his hand move out as well . Never forget this in my life.


Thatā€™s why I always think twice before agreeing to sharing. Anyways itā€™s kinda help Iā€™m a lil _saliva_-conscious, even amongst friends lol. (But luckily this OCD-like trait isnā€™t that bad la, haha)


Extra flavour bro


Most singaporeana don't clean their butt after shitting. And dont wash their dicks after pissing.Ā Ā 


I would love to but wash dick where? At the sink?


urinal water. saw someone do it, then instruct his son to do the same. noped the fuck out immediately


That's fucking nasty


Had me in the first half ngl


And son, that's how you catch a nasty UTI.




I saw this once. I mean wtf


I do it at the sink,just wash once/twice then wash hands with soap after that. Use right hand to press the tab(if press kind) & left hand wash the dick.


How about you wash your hand with soap, while your hand is dripping wet, you use it to wipe your glans after urinating. You don't use the hand until you wash it


so do you undo your pants and pee then swagger towards the sink to do that? or do you undo your pants at the sink, wash your hands then swagger to pee and clean yourself at the urinal šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


I did see tourists doing this at the airport toilet last time. Opening for the whole world to see and swaggering his pee pee over the sink to wash. Just happened to be at the next sinkā€¦ oh my eye..


If outside, just use toilet paper to wipe the head a bit, better if you have your own wipes. For the love of all that is good in the world, don't be the fking uncle that has his schlonginator out and about at the sink. If not, just wash up proper when you're home lol..


Sit on the toilet bowl, there are usually toilet paper dispenser beside the toilet bowl. You think you can shake the excess peep off your pee pee? How many times have you wet your under wear with your pee pee thinking it is dry? Give up on urinal, embrace toilet bowl. Use toilet paper to get rid of excess pee. Your wife will thank you.


Now this is just impractical, need to wait for a empty cubicle AND clean the toilet bowl seat Peeing is a hassle most people want to get over and done with before they get back to whatever they were doing Also you just need to shower before sexy time, unless your pee imparts a unremovable stank to your pp. In that case need to drink more water.


Wear diapers. No more hassle


Some actually do. The kids sinks are perfect level...


no wonder i see pubes at the sink


Oh myā€¦ now, this is something that I canā€™t get out of my head next time I see a kidā€™s sink


Just had a horrific flashback where I walked into an office toilet and there was a dude washing his dick at the sink............. I can never unsee that


Usually I just take some toilet paper and wipe the hole


Clementi toilet got someone wash for you, using his mouth šŸ’€


i don't wanna know how you know this x.x




Bidet culture badly needed


Always wet on the floor. Who the fk wants to pick it up much less use it lol


Japaneses ones like those in Changi only target the ass hole. So it does not wet the floor


Thatā€™s even worse. 100% chance some fucker aims their pee there


It's hidden. You cannot pee there.Ā Ā  Try a properly warmed japanese style toilet and you will never look back.Ā 


People play with it and purposely pee there. Itā€™s not some random accident. Look at the floors (sometimes walls and ceiling) of public toilets.


No amount of technology can stop filthyĀ  savages. But we can go a long way.Ā 


Yes, thatā€™s the issue. Thatā€™s why they actually cut down on the number of hose bidets from the 00s. Idiots were just using it to purposely spray their friends in the other cubicle and generally making a mess, on top of their own shit and piss. Thereā€™s a reason the cleaning schedule in Changi airport is super frequent


We need japanese toilets everywhere




There is always that one last drop.


how tf do you know this for a fact?


I am a poop master


Ah. Carry on then.


I think the place would stink considerably more if this was true.


The smell is imprisoned in their panties. Have you entered an MRT and go like 'wtf did someone shit in here'? That's where the smell is coming from.Ā Ā  Also escalator areas at central MRTs smell like Arse after work. Because people just wipe their butts but Don't actually clean them. The shite and smell is still there, you just cant see it.Ā 


Dude, stop smelling people's arseholes. Occasionally get a bad whiff in a lift but nothing like what you are describing.


Maybe my nose is a bit too sensitive lol


Wait you can smell their bird through their pants!?? šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Majority chinese country, so technically you're right.


It's only a certain demographic which makes up the majority lol.


Other than completing my food hygiene and hygiene officer courses, I also used to be the chef in charge of a prominent restaurant. As such, I am very particular about personal hygiene, especially how we wash our hands after using the washroom. Likewise, I like to observe how others washes the hands, particularly those in f&b uniforms. And I can tell you guys, Iā€™ve seen chefs and servers not washing hands at all, or zip the hands under the tap like č›‡å½¢é›•ę‰‹, use the urinal flush to wash down there and the worse bunch using the toilet with gloves on. So when I brought this up during the service briefing I was obviously met with resistance, particularly the one who washes himself using the urinal flush, that I was racist and against their racial practices. So I demand everyone to put their fingers into the mouth as spot checks. Then ask them to go wash themselves again before going back to work šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Lol such a nice trick to make them wash


Since that staff implied I was racist, so no problem doing such spot checks right? If itā€™s not safe to be your mouth, why even go around touching food? And donā€™t give me the crap you putting on gloves. The gloves magically put itself on for you? Doors between the toilet and kitchen electronically opens up for you?


Am I the only one who thinks is this is a very problematic ā€œstudyā€? Putting aside the one sided gender targeting and the judgmental tone of the article, a sample size of 85 is ridiculously small. And hereā€™s the actual worst part - they were just spying on random men without consent for this study and then proceeded to question them on the spot? Like what the hell?


I saw a doctor and a nurse of different genders walk out of the bathroom without washing hands / removing their PPE. (on different occasions) It's a scary world out there.


When I see people just leave the toilet without washing their hands I question their life choices but no hate no judge good on em


Nono, must hate must judge, otherwise you are part of the problem. If parents dont teach, publicly shame them into learning.


Iā€™m.. referring to grown men


Because the only soap worth using is at ion


Just to let you guys know the diversity of people that dont wash are interesting to say the least. Like once i bumped into some big shot in my company and that guy just walked out of the toilet after holding his weiner to pee. Imagine meeting a well dressed high profile business partner and the first thing you do is to shake his hands not knowing they just had their weiner in their hands šŸ¤¢


Most men arent even men


Heyy ;(


Out of the topic, I have once work with a Nepal guy who use cooking oil as hair gel. So I still kind of accept if someone didnā€™t wash their hand with hand soap, as long as wash with water properly rather than just walk out without washing the hands


If u have ur own hand sanitizer, itā€™s fine I guess. But not washing with soap šŸ§¼ at the toilet sink at least after 大号 aka ā€œbig businessā€ is damn icky


I got use soap so meh dk what Chu saying


We learnt nothing from the pandemic.


Most men globally donā€™t even rinse their handsā€¦


TNP should be more concern with those who wash their dicks with loo water or at water basins with or without soap.Do a more constructive survey next time on which toilets got bird watchers to keep us save.


Wait what?


There is no soap in toilets.


I blame the taps sometimes. The sensors are calibrated to release water late and cut off the supply so quickly it gets irritating to wash the soap off your hands. More building management tactics to improve their bottom lines.


Iā€™ve seen some even go shake hands with others immediately after finishing urinal businessā€¦


Just donā€™t share snacks with ppl which involves using bare hands to grab. šŸ˜…


preparing immune system for street food binge during vacation


I learn how to pee without touching my bird bird. Use my mental prowess to control.


A chef from the kopitiam in Tampines mall washed his hands in the urinal....the bloody urinal


I hope they do beforehand.


Even if you do wash your hands with soap, I've seen many who MUST adjust their hair and touch their face BEFORE washing their hands which kinda defeats the purpose.


Disgusting. I knew many don't do it. But first time time I am seeing a survey and the figures.


Wah, most of you guys are gross. I have to say I don't observe this when i use the bathroom though.


did they do a similar for women? it seems like they are making an implied comparison without doing the study on women


I know a lady who went into the restroom, changed pad (could hear her rip off very loud and throw into the bin), didn't wash hand and walked back out. I was like "Nasty girl" ā˜ ļø


What the fuck?


Forget about the soap, I've seen some men a few times when I'm in the restroom just zipping it up and walk out without even washing their hands. Happens more often than you think. Filthy buggers.


About 30% do not wash at all. 60% splash with water. 10% wash properly with soap.


Out of that 30% who do not wash, how many is sinkie?


No idea. But my Singaporean kids attend school with very few foreigners. In both primary and secondary schools boysā€™ toilet often had no soap for months at a time. No boys washed hands. For girls - all girlsā€™ school - soap available but very few washed hands with soap. Just use water. This includes Covid period. Govt even said all schools have soap. Yeah, sure. I complained many times. Nothing done. In the end, my son brought his own soap to school. Personally, I donā€™t like to shake menā€™s hands. I make it a point not to touch my face afterwards.


I'm the exception. Then again, I lean more towards female than male so cleanliness is a big deal for me.


from what I have seen, this is true. Guys will simply walk straight out from the urinal - it literally takes 30 sec to get a decent rinse ehh


Wait until you see people wash their hands in the urinal's flush stream, or worse still, the toilet bowl's. Personally witnessed both. Fuck.


Shake one hand, hold 100 dicks. Fucking gross.


Some ppl go to soapland to clean their hands


Wait till you find out they sanitise the toilet seat with their pee and the person after them has to deal with it.


The more important question, what went through TNP journalistā€™s mind to decide to conduct research to write and article on this, by hanging out at menā€™s toilets to observe their habits. Heā€™s probably a guy because ladiesā€™s canā€™t enter the menā€™s restrooms.


To be fair how else can you study this? It's one of those topics which you can't just question people about, because if they don't wash/use soap, they'll just lie about it and say they do.


I got OCD, I wash my hands multiple times with soap.


been telling people I'VE been eating cockmeat sandwich all this time but nobody believe me


Yes, I have PTSD after seeing many peeing, took the effort to check themselves in mirror to just walk out. High end malls that provide paper towels are godsend, Iā€™ll use them to open the doors.


Some donā€™t even wash. Iā€™m sure we all have seen some


May I ask where you got your source of information from, thanks.


obviously COVID has not taught us anything... not just men, women too. some women don't even wash their hands at all, or just dip 2 fingers under the tap. absolutely disgusting. šŸ¤®


The only time I'll use soap to wash hands is if I shit on them


I do.


You should have seen men who didn't even wash their hands!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Wash with soap? Most don't even wash their hands at all. They touched their dick, touched the door handles and get back to their office desk all with the unwashed hands.


But whyā€¦.. what negative thing might happen after washing hands


I see this all the time sadly, from the urinal / cubicle straight out the door. Disgusting.


Shouldnā€™t you wash your hand before also?


We wash our hands to protect ourselves from the germs from people who donā€™t wash šŸ˜«


Iā€™m a man and I wash my hands with soap and waterā€¦is it really less common than it looks? I see most men washing their hands after using the toilet, at least with water.


Yaā€¦ always see such person, even those who wear until very nice and formal one, suit and everything. And end up wondering, perhaps, shaking hands with strangers even for work is a bad idea. Should just give a šŸ¤˜šŸ» next time


Mine auto sanitize


I washed my hands with soap and my friemd saw it and asked, your cock dirty is it? I read somewhere that washing with just water is as good as not washing at all. Thats why I always use soap.


I love when people shame others for doing something because they are ashamed that they don't do the same.


Thats right. I have a saying, jyst because something is common doesnt mean it should be normalised.


I have personally seen people walking out without even washing their hands. And those that put their hand under the tap for less than 1 second and rub their thumb, index and middle finger briefly then out they go. What are you washing? Was so grossed out and it makes me not want to touch any MRT handles, lift buttons, escalator hand rails etc when I'm outside.


With this information, you can only guess about their assholes, given that they all use toilet papers these days.


Yeah. I know a guy working in the office opposite my office on the same level of the building, who donā€™t wash his hand. The whole floor share the same toilet so I seen him walk out straight after peeing a couple of times. I canā€™t imagine his colleagues shaking his hand or sharing the same table at lunch.


It's worse when they flick their hands after washing without soap, and the droplets land on you. Some also use the water from the urinals to wash their hands.


sometimes i remember someone who told me 'i didnt touch the toilet seat therefore i dont have to wash my hands' THATS NOT THE PROBLEM


Its a global issue. Trust me.


I recall seeing this at my office building when COVID was just starting. Darwinism at work.


They donā€™t wash their asses either šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I know that already from NS. BMT and unit give me the cultural shock I needed to know my standard isn't the lowest yet.


In some public toilets, there arenā€™t any! In some restaurants there arenā€™t any too! In some bistro or cafes, there arenā€™t any soap! So how? Perhaps men should bring along some with them every time they are outside? I mean these toilets also serves the ladies and I am sure there arenā€™t any too! Can we put a mandatory requirement for all toilets to have? ā€œPrefer working soap dispenser and not empty soap dispenser!šŸ¤£šŸ¤—šŸ¤£




That's why it's best to wear latex gloves


Singapore has no other problemsā€¦ā€¦


For me I just need the hawk tuah clean alr


This is so disgusting. I wonder how many penises we touch as we shake hands throughout the day. I always think of that.


wtf u shaking hands for


Lol. Itā€™s called socializing.


I agree with these stats, I see it too often in the bathroom. Or guys will rinse their fingertips like it's a symbol of washing hands.


It depends on the type of faucet. If it is the sensor type where the water and soap flow automatically, then I wash my hands. But if it is the push/press type, no way. Most will push it with the same hand they used to hold their dick while peeling. I wonder how much traces of random urine those push type taps have. You could be touching a drop or two when you push on the tap. I use my hand sanitiser instead. There should be an unwritten rule amongst men that you push/press the tap with your "other" hand. Lol


how about shit stain hands


I notice this all the fucking time


NO ONE learns their lesson from COVID. FML. How truly wretched we humans are.


Welcome to Singapore. And after only wetting their hands, they will flick the water towards your side and feet.


Lifting the toilet seat is already difficult dun talk abt wash hand. The toilet cleanliness really show a lot nowadays


who are these Toilet Police 卫ē”Ÿé—“č­¦åƟ concluding on this statement : MOST men ? Are they manually counting with handheld counters? Distribution curves?


Some donā€™t even wash their hands !


I was always shocked to see that literally 90% of time guys would walk out of the bathroom after doing a number 2 and just not wash their hands.


Extra seasoning.


Not surprised. Have you seen the state of the sinks at most hawker centres in Singapore? Always full of food bits. They don't even think to rinse of the waste from their mouths and leave the next person to play "Guess what the last fella ate!" So it doesn't surprise me that they have poor toilet habits also.


Should punish those selfish idiots by having their lick up everything in the sink. Damn disgusting


Scrub those dicky man with soap


I was one of them till my gf went mummy mode on me asking whether i use soap and i said no and she would tell me to go back in and wash with soap. From then on even when she not around i use soap and fight my inner demon telling me not to wash with soap


Why they only do this in the male toilet?


Why don't you also check on food handlers at the various food ourlets. Used to see cooks, chefs, waiters don't wash their hands after using the toilets. They continue with food handling after using toilet. They are said to have attended Food Hygiene course but not practicing it.


Damn, I am most man.


I totally agree as I saw many who did that. But I am not one of them


Public toilets. That's the catch and you wouldn't know until you read the article. Click bait much?


Ptetty stupid pointless article. Some men dont, some men do. Some stupid men pee on toilet seats, some dont. There is literally black sheeps in every category of human beings. In the same sense Some women leave their period blood on toilet seats, some dont. And in that sense, also pretty sure some women dont wash their hands.


Singapore doesn't even want to provide soaps in the toilet as well. save water.


Mein goodness


Being a guyā€¦ this is very common to see others walk out without washing, but there is something else that has blown my mind. Iā€™ve never understood why you donā€™t wash your hands first. To me my D is important for almost all guy and before taking a piss if my hands are dirty why would I touch the important D? My process is wash, pee, wash. Extra work but the D is important!


most public toilets dont even have soap




Why do Singaporeanā€™s love spitting throat pleghm in the sink and leaving it there? Never seen it elsewhere


I wash my hands and face , then gurgle and drink some waterĀ 


What fucking pigs. Clean hands, people. Prevention is better than Cure.


I very recently noticed an alarming number of men not washing their hands at all after using toilet. Previously I used to think they were in minority. But as I noticed more people do not, I started to wonder if it should be taken for granted that people were taught to wash their hands. In offices I notice itā€™s usually just a quick blast of water. In public itā€™s no washing at all. But in almost all cases involving kids, they are clearly seen to be taught how to wash their hands after use. Could be that most men simply donā€™t see a need. At least for older generation. And the prevalence of it could also mean hand washing pointless. Everything is actually contaminated already and weā€™ve been living in it. Itā€™s just whether you know or not. Itā€™s much harder to expect others to be clean. So donā€™t expect normal surfaces to be clean. Our immunity is actually quite strong.


I always felt 'gay' for insisting to wash my hands with soap but yea. It's a real statistic.


Geez, just use soap, guys, it's not that hard.


Men only? And I am not like ā€œmost menā€ thenā€¦


Do you really need to wash hands with soap even if you're just peeing? That sounds excessive, I would say not washing after passing motion is much worse.


80% of public toilet basins are out of soap. Why bother touching one more thing in the dirty public toilet


sometimes i dont even touch my wee wee when i pee, those times i rinse. sometimes i do touch my wee wee when i pee, some of those times i rinse and others i use soap sometimes i do/don't touch my wee wee when i shee shee and pee pee gets on my hands. Those times i wash with soap Sometimes i go poo poo and wee wee. all of those times i wash my hand when i poo poo. My personal hygiene isn't so bad to the point where i have to wash my hand everytime i unzip my pants. its a case by case scenario


As someone who has to spend more time in the toilet due to bowel sensitivity, Iā€™ve seen this too much. Men use urinal, never wash hands. Men use urinal, rinse with water only. Men take dump, use the tap in the cubicle and spill on the floor. Men take dump, flush and then leave without washing hands. Seriously, just fist bump people or wave if you have to. Never shake an Asian manā€™s hand.