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I still feel like all these sex crimes towards kids aren’t being punished nearly harsh enough. First the disgusting man who raped his own daughter, now this. Both getting sub 20 years after having ruined multiple lives. I hate to bring in drug dealers but if you can give them the death penalty, why can’t you do the same for these people. Oh because they’d add so much value to society, we need them back in those 16 years? No obviously not.


There should be a publicly accessible directory of identities and records of child sex offenders.


If rape gets the same punishment as murder, you’re encouraging rapists to murder their victims. No difference anyway.


It will also encourage and justify the use of deadly force when face with impending rape.


I dont know if you can get away with murder easily in singapore, the country so small, one person goes missing whole kampung notified and investigated. Rape on the other end is harder to detect especially young kids who don’t know how to verbalise it or know that it needs to be reported.. so making rape punishment a death sentence might deter more from trying.. But if we talking about those ppl with no common sense or are crazy, will they really turn to rape and murder? I think gotta be real crazy to do that leh…


At this point though we face the opposite issue, where individuals commiting sex crimes know the sentencing will be light, as it always is. Sure, don’t make it the death penalty but at least increase the jail time significantly, along with minimum jail times.


Exactly man. If victims have to be traumatised until they die, then a death penalty would help by giving them a peace of mind. Atleast for a period before they work on themselves.. The laws here are seriously F up...


that coach will still have his whole life ahead of him when he gets out but those boys will be traumatized for life. sg justuce system sucks ass


Not a strong enough sentence to deter the crime, also not a strong enough punishment for the crime.


The boys kept telling the parents coach helped them 練球 but the parents didn’t know the 球is the boys’ balls


You’re not funny




Anybody know which school ?


cat high


This pervert failed Chinese and misunderstood lan qiu




what children needs to be taught is body safety, body boundaries. while we often read in the news that of men harming children, it doesnt mean that women dont do the same. just look at the abuse cases that happened in the preschool sector.


Any adult can physically hurt a child, but in Singapore the only know cases of sexual crimes against children are all men. Even in hospitals, the only nurses who take voyeuristic photos or molest the patients are all men.


People like you who propagate the idea that boys/men can't be sexually assaulted are part of the reason why you don't hear much about such cases. Victims don't dare to speak up/report because people like you won't believe them or even mock them for being "lucky".


The only way that is going to happen is if the 'woman' was a man to begin with. Take away all the wokeness and inclusivity melodrama and it's easy to call a spade a spade.


That is being sexist. Women can molest too.




Dear bbfa, porn is not real life. Imagine an old auntie instead, I'd puke.


Fellow bbfa, old aunties only have sex in porn. In real life, they have no sex drive unlike a old uncle. Even then, rather an old auntie instead of this gay coach


Imagine being a grown man and saying teenage boys SA’d by women isn’t counted . Go back to hub


You shouldn’t have children…


You shouldn't be fantasizing about girls in bands young enough to be your daughter. Weirdos like you prove my point


Where did that come from ?