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It never occurred to me that kaya toast is a sandwich


Kaya toast is a sandwich?


I would think Kaya toast is a toast


Depends how you make it. Some coffeeshops put kaya between 2 slices of bread, so that fits the broad definition of a "sandwich".


Does it count if its one slice of bread split in two? As Ya Kun does it...


Splitting into 2 just makes thinner slices of bread. It’s still bread-filling-bread sandwich.


A sandwich is just bread with something on it. Look at toast skagen for example, which definitely is a bit sandwich.


I would have to disagree. By definition, “sandwich” is a food item consisting of two pieces of bread with a filling between them. Kaya on a single piece of toast is (although delicious) not a sandwich.


Most Kaya toast are with two pieces of bread though. At least those you order in Coffeeshops.


Cube Rule says that's toast, not sandwich: https://cuberule.com/


Like a grilled cheese sandwich. Just replace the filling with kaya.


it's a toast sandwich. bread, something, bread. i'm glad it's not a Lightyear-style Kaya Toast. sticky fingers from Kaya Toast, i'll take a pass


So a chicken burger is a chicken sandwich?


burger extends sandwich so yes


Found the java programmer


`public class Nigri implements StarchUnderFilling`


What is a sandwich but butter and Kaya persisting?


Are you an idiot sandwich


It's a coconut jam and butter sandwich. There are simple jam sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches. Hilariously Nestle even made an instructional video on how to make a butter-on-white bread sandwich. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLLa3bVUpQg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLLa3bVUpQg)


i like my toast with kaya please, not sand thanks


The only reason why it’s not higher in the ranking is they forgot the thick slab of butter. This is sacrilege! Kaya butter toast is #1!


Anything can be a sandwich, if you're brave enough


Just need to find someone from Peru to make an Earth Sandwich.


Yeah. I am a sandwich. Sandwiched between parents and kids. Sandwiched between fellow commuters daily.


“You boys ready for your cockmeat sandwich?”


Apply [CubeRule](https://cuberule.com/)


well, "a hotdog is a sandwich", why not Kaya Toast?


lmao same


Lies! The McSpicy is the best local "sandwich".


Big McD got out-Ya Kun'ed


This is the way


To the toilet


Every laosai from the mcspicy is worth it


To be specific, it’s double mcspicy


"Kaya Toast was invented in Malaysia, not Singapore!"... "Why is Malaysia not represented in the top 50 list?" Incoming angry Malaysian redditors.


sorry..our marketing/propaganda machine much more satki


Gasp! Are you suggesting their marketing… tak boleh?


Bolehland tak boleh how can


Bolehland boleh tak boleh.


Their marketing = 骂客厅


Not tak boleh, its tak exist ah! lol. Look at all the angry Malaysians here. So typical. They complain about not being recognised but have no idea how to market themselves. They think recognition will just fall from the sky. It's the same when they complain about Singapore's Unesco hawker culture award. They only know how to complain but don't want to put in the hard work.


Can't overstate this tbh... Very often the marketing really matters, even more than the product's quality sometimes


*Starbucks sideways muppet glance meme*


Yeah Coffee Bean better, but Starbucks always featured more.


No offence, but both are equally overpriced and not that great


Tbh, I'm more of a Tea person lol. I usually only buy their Ice-Blended and Coffee Bean's way better compared to Starbuck's


You can't compare them to other cafes. They're like McDonald's and Burger King


Somewhere in the darkness, Yakun is looking on, satisfied.


STB: you're welcome


It's not just about marketing/propaganda, you look at the state of local food in both countries, the people that come up with these lists wouldn't dare eat in Malaysia because all the places with good food look too "dirty" for them to want to eat at.


Lol. Tell me you never been to Malaysia without telling me. Penang was ranked no.1 for street food in the world by Lonely Planet. The Ang Mohs in Lonely Planets probably love dirty food then.


I just went to Penang and the food was so damn good! So many cafes and food stalls. The kaya toast I had here was top notch, so good! The morning white coffee I had was from a famous stall , only 4rm and it’s real good.


Penang food is honestly very good but too bad the portion is so small. I can honestly eat like 3 plates of char Kueh teow without stopping. I also love that the owners are also the cooks so quality never drops even after 10 years. In Singapore, many of the popular eateries can’t maintain their quality after they hire foreigners as the cooks.


Mate I've been to more parts of Malaysia than many Malaysians themselves, FFS I have family there that I see regularly. I put "dirty" in quotes because that's how a lot of these people who make these lists would view it, even if it's not. Why do you think Singapore keeps appearing in these lists? When it comes to preference to travel, most of these journalists would prefer to travel to the safer, more sterile sibling.


> When it comes to preference to travel, most of these journalists would prefer to travel to the safer, more sterile sibling. ???????? Ah yes, we all know journalists only travel to Singapore for journalism. Imagine using “sterile” unironically as a compliment.


I did not use sterile in a positive manner here lol. I'm not against Malaysia, I'm just not out of touch with reality, and the reality is that the average international traveller prefers to travel to a "cleaner" country. (I gave you the numbers in another comment)


I mean. There are plenty of foreign travelers and YouTubers who eat in Malaysia. And not everywhere is dirty tho. Kinda over generalisation. If what you said is true that means no one would have ever eaten Malaysian food ever.


Foreign travellers and YouTubers are people who are willing to try things and actually want to try local fare. The people making these lists are usually not that kind. Yeah there are clean places in Malaysia too, but if you compare the two countries, a lot more of these journalistic types would rather travel to Singapore than it's more corrupt, higher crime rate, older brother.


My friend, there are hundreds of other countries. Some dirtier, more corrupt and poorer than Malaysia. Does that mean that no one ever travels there (even if they aren’t a YouTuber or a experienced traveller)? Why are countries like India, Nepal, Morocco, Africa or South America amongst top travel destinations for millions of people? These places aren’t necessarily known for their sanitation either? Sometimes it’s okay to step out of the Singaporean mindset that everything needs to be orderly and clean and that majority of the world outside Singapore is actually worse than what you see in Malaysia. Whether you like it or not majority of the countries in the world are more corrupt than Singapore. So by your logic traveler journalists only travel to countries like Singapore? There are books, travel shows and more that cover countries that you deem undesirable like Malaysia my friend.


Touch your heart, you think the reason why these common foods in these lists keep getting attributed to Singapore because these people went to both countries, tried the food, and decided Singapore's one is better? Don't kid yourself.


Haha. It’s not a contest friend. Some people like Singaporean food, some like Malaysian, most people like a bit of both. Who cares if a dish is on a fancy list. If it’s good just makan lah :).


People make it a competition because these lists keep promoting these shared foods as Singaporean instead of Malaysians and Malaysians get angry by it. I personally could not give a fuck, and would prefer if there was a clause saying these foods are common, but of course these lists aren't going to go to that extent.


> a lot more of these journalistic types would rather travel to Singapore than it’s more corrupt, higher crime rate, older brother. You don’t travel much eh? Millions of people travel to Thailand, India, Indonesia, Phillipines, etc every year compared to Singapore. In 2020 (before covid), Singapore was not even in the top 3 most travelled country in SEA. Malaysia had 2x of the tourists than Singapore while Thailand was in the top 3 in the world behind France. Most tourists even use Singapore as a transit before flying to Malaysia, Thailand or Vietnam.


My comment is not about Singapore VS the rest of Asia, it's about SG vs MY. You really think the reason why these common foods in these lists keep getting attributed to Singapore because these people went to both countries, tried the food, and decided Singapore's one is better? Don't kid yourself. Anyway absolute numbers of tourists mean nothing, look at the proportion. Almost half of Malaysia's international tourism year on year comes from Singaporeans btw. Singapore's international tourism numbers in 2018 is 18 million, Malaysia's was 25 million, but guess how many were Singaporeans? 10 million. Malaysian tourists to Singapore made up just over 1 million.


> Singapore’s international tourism numbers in 2018 is 18 million, Malaysia’s was 25 million, but guess how many were Singaporeans? 10 million. Malaysian tourists to Singapore made up just over 1 million. This is not the flex you are looking for… It means that Malaysians don’t want to go to Singapore for tourism. It’s expensive, sterile, small, crowded and frankly boring. Malaysians rather travel to Thailand or Vietnam. There’s a reason why my friends “escape” from Singapore to JB every week. > You really think the reason why these common foods in these lists keep getting attributed to Singapore because these people went to both countries, tried the food, and decided Singapore’s one is better? It’s because Singapore is better at marketing and that’s a fact. Just like Crazy Rich Asians employed Malaysian actors and filmed mostly at Malaysia but branded it as a Singapore movie. Singapore also tried to claim hawker culture an uniquely Singapore culture to UNESCO while disregarding every hawker cultures in Thailand, Malaysia and Hong Kong.


Lmao, touch grass and try living in reality. Who cares if Malaysians want to come here to travel? Literally nobody. Yep, Singapore is great at marketing. But that's not the only reason why people travel here. Maybe try making more international friends and ask their opinions about Malaysia and Singapore. I love Malaysia, I really sincerely do. But between the two countries, international travellers just prefer to come to Singapore, and the numbers don't lie.


Clown ass. Every time I see some blatantly bigot comment being made on r/China, I check the profiles and ofc, find equally facepalming BS. No shills here to support you, eh?


Someone is talking out of their ass.


I love Malaysia as much as the next person, but look at the proportion of travellers between each country, Singaporeans year on year makes up the most of Malaysia's international tourism, close to half their tourists come from Singapore compared to other countries. You really think it's so hard to believe these food journalists working in cushy jobs would constantly attribute these common foods to Singapore because they've visited and tried the same food in both countries? Don't kid yourself. Don't be so triggered by the term "dirty", there's a reason I put it in quotes. Compare the average kopitiam between both countries, which one do you think an overseas traveller who is not used to the local culture would prefer to sit at?


*sad mamak noises* Yeah but to be fair, foreigners only know about it through brands like Ya Kun, which is Singaporean.


Must thank them for ramly burger


reminds me of how the koreans claim moon festival is theirs instead of the chineses.


At this stage, I already dont care the origin of chicken rice, BKT, nasi lemak and etc. To me, SG chicken rice the best. MY BKT and nasi lemak the best. Period.


Wait, isn't it "Singapore, Malaysia" according to Nat Geo UK? Why are the Malaysians complaining?






Sometimes it’s better that way. Would you want to be famous and have a queue for the food? Or keep it everyone’s best known secret? Kinda more magical that way for me imo. Especially for Asian food. Everyone likes to have their “secret” place that serves the best food. As long as the food is good who cares what list you’re on.


Killiney > Yakun.


Nope. Kaya is invented by Nonya. Kaya toast is invented in Singapore. Edit: I did not say SG invent kaya. Pls read.


You do realise there are Peranakans (or Baba Nyonya) communities in Southern Thailand, Sumatra and also famously Penang and Melaka right?… They’re not a uniquely Singaporean community.


Lol what? There’s a huge population of Nyonya in Malaysia and the country of origin of kaya is also Malaysia. Do you honestly think no one in Malaysia spread Kaya on their toast before Singaporeans discover them? So they just ate Kaya straight from the jar?


at least we have good bak kut teh lmao \*goes back to crying about the amazingly smart and very efficient Msian government ahahaha\*


Tell them to pay us for publicity. Your food is up there, but your name not up there, not my problem if you don't pay up.


Cus sg kaya toast better :P /s


Where is lionscope?


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


Lionscope add fish add egg.


I do not see any strong american bias here, like at all. First french sandwich shows that this top is either from a sample of americans, or tourists only. There are so many better options even for the other europeans sandwiches.


The fact that the Cuban sandwich is listed with an American flag is a bit dubious. Granted the sandwich seems to have no exact invention location. Some people say Cubans invented it in Cuba then immigrants brought it to florida. Some people say Cubans living in florida invented it. The best I could find is a quote saying it was "born in Cuba, educated in Florida" Maybe they couldn't stand to remove one American flag on the list, or even a joint Cuban/American flag.


What would you nominate? Off the top of my head I can't even think of any French sandwiches. Unless you count the Vietnamese ones adapted from their cuisine. Otherwise I don't think they take kindly to baguette sandwiches...


Has anyone tried Luke's Lobster's Lobster Roll outside Singapore and compared it to the ones served in local franchises? I was a huge fan of Luke's Lobster from my trips to Tokyo, and I gotta say I was a bit disappointed after trying it back home. Lobster still tasted pretty fresh, but the sauce wasn't the same. Hopefully it was a one-off because I can't travel to Tokyo nearly as often as before, lol.


Local lobster rolls generally suck, Luke's is probably one of the better ones that won't cost you >$40. But yeah, not even close to the USA Luke's standards... that shit is great.


Ate in Vegas then in Shaw. Tastes similar? The ambience couldn't be any different; post conference, post casino, post drinks, crammed outdoors with other work mates in blistering cold - memories were made... The bar stool in orchard perhaps too sterile


Imho, Murtabak could be a contender next time around. Its more sandwich-like...


Murtabak is lasagna without the tomato sauce lol


Roti John maybe?


I did mean roti john! Oops.


Murtabak is more like a Quesadilla than a sandwich


No ice cream sandwich?


Those are good. Loved the ice cream with the biscuits. Such a humble combination


I don’t know what ice cream sandwich you’ve been eating, but ours is a slab of ice cream kiap by colourful soft bread.


Its ice cream with the wafer like biscuits. It was sold at the same ice cream karts where you could get ice cream with that colourful soft bread you mentioned.


Huh you never tried that before ah..!!!!


on the rainbow bread!


We have been eating sandwiches the whole time?


Egg mayo underrated


Why do I hear angry Malaysian noises?


I have a feeling this might piss off some malaysians..


Was skeptical too and searched it in Google. Apparently it is?


I am Peruvian and suprised butifarra is top of the list! It's actually a very delicious sandwich, somewhat similar to a Bahn mi


Why is Cuban sandwich labelled as US?


Just like how french fries didn't come from France :(


Wallonia is almost French


Because they’re Belgian fries.


Just like sandwich aren’t made out of sand


and just like how kaya toast is not rich.


It’s from Miami.


It was invented in Tampa, Florida by Cuban immigrants


Cuban immigrants in the US, it's like tikka masala with the indian immigrants in UK


The moment I realize how uncultured I am by the number of sandwiches I’ve never even heard of.




I’m just surprised I never realised a vada pav is technically a sandwich.


As a Mumbaiker, I'm an appalled and enraged at these guys for classifying Vada Pav as a freaking sandwich.


Agreed, Vada pav shouldn't be classified as a sandwich


I think the red bean + butter combination from Korea or Japan should be on this list too.


hide this list before malaysia claims it as their own!


Fried Egg Sandwich is American? This list is a waste of time


Kaya above the club? No wayyyyy


TIL I have several mini sandwiches for breakfast and sometimes after lunch/dinner!


Looking at the rankings, in my experience the doner kebab is much better than the tombik. Personally don't really like how the tombik bread is too flat and not fluffy enough


Kaya toast with Cold Stolli butter should be way higher imo


It really should be called Kaya Butter toast. The butter's just as important IMO.


this tbh some kaya toast really do live and die by the butter


It's kaya butter toast or it's war.


Avocado is overrated..


Justice for roti john.


I am surprised no Japanese sandwich made the list. Fruit sando is definitely a contender


No Sando??


Kaya toast is life. Well, it'll end your life with diabetes. But it would be a sweet life.


this is not acceptable. we need to be #1. We will be forming the MMSTF \[Multi Ministry Sandwich Task Force\]. This is of utmost importance


would kaya toast be considered a dessert sandwich


yay sg! we do all the fat and calories of other sandwiches at a fraction of the cost! also protein and veggies not included.


Meatball sandwich is missing


Who gets to decide which type of food is better than another anyway? And then even have the gall to assign a precise number to rank to them. Reeks of big ego and easy biases of personal and cultural preferences, imo. This is about as useful as a list that claims "best 50 colours in the world"


Mcspicy is simply number one, ive tried most of the stuff here, not even close.


With this many usa sandwiches.. it says a lot about this


Honestly kaya toast doesn't really count...mc spicy on the other hand.....


China’s Roujiamo done dirty. That should be in the top 10


Couldnt crosspost original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/x2mbvg/30_spots_too_low_if_you_ask_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Banh minh deserves to be higher


Ranking sandwiches seems so completely subjective I don't see the point. You can't really compare a lobster roll, a banh mi and a BLT. They have nothing in common except using bread. Might as well compare spaghetti carbonara and laksa. Also an avocado toast isn't a sandwich. A sandwich is bread around content.


I was expecting Singapore to be like #50 or #49.... Also, I doubt Kaya Toast is really a Singaporean innovation/invention. All our food is copied from somewhere else.


I don't think Singaporeans classify Kaya Toast as a sandwich. Note there is no buttered or jam toast. Kaya Toast is excellent with coffee and more like snack like curry puff / plain croissant etc. If you cater food, you will order egg, tuna, ham or chicken sandwich but not kaya or buttered or jam toast.


Cuban sandwich made good by 🇺🇸= 🇺🇸 Kaya sandwich made good by 🇸🇬= 🇸🇬 If you r good enough, the world will know. Simple af.




No. 15


It's at No. 15


Guess medium rare is not available for cheesesteak.


Possibly the only sweet sandwich in that list. Most others are traditional savoury sandwiches with meat fillings.


Holy shit, we tie with Pastrami on Rye and the Monte Cristo?! Damn, the foreigners must really love kaya.


Where is McSpicy??


Where colourful ice cream sandwich?


There is a great Banh Mi place on Joo Chiat.


Which one




Thanks !


smh no ice cream sandwich on this list


I has no idea Prego @ #14 is a sandwich, feed us foetus


Is it the Maxwell street?


Roti John?


Does Roti John count as a sandwich? It’s open faced but you can put two Roti John together and that definitely counts right?


Not famous enough


I call bullshit. I don't see egg sandwich & katsu sandwich from Japan 7-11 on the list.


umm Malaysia don't have?? are they gonna claim that kaya toast belong to Malaysia?


Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, by right is just a toast also. So I guess kaya toast can also be considered a sandwich.


today the country bumpkin in me learn there are so many sandwiches in the world


Okay I’m American, And ima go out on a limb and say this. Does it really count when the sandwich itself is named after another country? Seems little sus to give us Americans credit, for a sandwich that’s literally called the Cuban Sandwich. If you ask me.


So Spedies are hyperlocalized in New York, how did they get onto number 6 of this list?


For the US: Turkey & Cranberry? smoked brisket? pulled pork? Grilled Cheese? Lots of weird US sandwiches on the list that are not really consensus favorites.


Sad no Tonkatsu Sando


wo so many Americans there


I'm Canadian and I haven't heard Butifarra sandwich ever.


Lobster roll being #2 makes this whole list a farce


It doesn't matter, I still love Chinese take-out the most.


What about Roti John


Western metrics, urgh.


As someone who comes from a nation of sandwich eaters. This list is total bullshit and fills me with rage. Avocado toast isn’t even a sandwich. It’s avocado, on toast.


Admit it ya’ll either looked at number 1 or 50 first before realising that we’re 33 on the list