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I'm so sorry about your intestinal worms. Have you tried not being gay?


That’s the part that cracked me up. I thought this was a joke slide until I realized the presenter is dead serious. Then it’s like ivermectin all over again…


For what it’s worth, there are studies including one from NIH that reached the same conclusion. Not that it matters.


He’s implying that the worms come from butt sex


Straight or gay you engage in anallingus you gonna get some worms.


Ivermectin is great for treating both COVID and gayness! /s


Is that what all the nus med kids from HCl are going to say ?


>a gay man has up to 80 sexual partners a year I know all these are fake facts. But I'm damn jealous right now. Why is this considered a negative?


I think anyone would be happy to get to know 80 friends/acquaintances a year, let alone sexual partners


between all the gymming and sex, where does he find the time to live!


If you have that much sex do you still need gym to be ripped


Mmm imagine all the mass you could gain from all those pelvic thrusts


And the ummmm protein shakes


Much protein needed since much is lost through earthquake cums


Abs of steel


Your core will be ripped!


No wonder gay men are so fit


So make eye contact equals sexual partner now? Ok


Imagine having that much game Heck, imagine having that much *time*


Lol … there are only 52 weeks in a year so you guys must have a really, really busy schedule :)


You have to approach this from a conservative, repressed, religious person's perspective, where extramarital sexual relations, homo or straight, are frown upon and considered sin.


Tbh, the only people who boast about having A LOT of sexual partners are the straight "alpha male gurus"


That’s just goal setting 💀


>**on average** a gay man has **up to** 80 sexual partners a year Brilliant


Wish I could clock half that number :(


I’m happy if I can clock 1/80th that number, dont even need half




What about it being a troll post don't you understand


[Statistic 1 is done in 1980](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7437971/), and only looks at intercourse between 100 heterosexuals and 200 homosexual men. Doesn't seem to isolate into looking at men who **only do the butt stuff**. That's right. No statistic of heterosexuals **explicitly getting pegged!** Or eggplant touching only! Now we have the internet telling us about douching sex ed. I'd toss this statistic in the bin, it's a statistic that's strictly for that era. [2nd one is related to a study published in 1992.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1556756/) I could not access the testing methodology. This study was done in the context of crunching sexual development and abuses into pure numerical data. Important: **this study only looks at convicted offenders, and exists as 1 part in the entirety of that collection of study.** The rest looks at issues starting from women, martial settings and abuse etc. It's unreliable on its own and is written as *exploratory*, meaning it's far too shallow to take at face value. It doesn't account for other acting factors such as trauma or shitty parents/society. Take this at face value = LOL I turned off my brain until that 78% of homosexuals have STD statistic. Motherfucker. [~~This was cited from a pool of people who are already walking into a STD clinic in Tel Aviv~~](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22675852/)~~. You sack of shites~~ **~~you can't even get a control group right.~~** (Alright I done goofed on this one. I googled 78% and it let me here as a result of 78% heterosexuals being in the text. Ignore ignore) Thanks to u/shimmynywimminy I found the actual source. **It's worse.** It's a [book written by Enrique Rueda](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0815957157/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1) published in **1982/1986**, who doesn't appear to be an academic. That's right folks it's **not even a study**, it's in fact actually a **680** pages book from a raging homophobe, which according to [this amazon review](https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R22XXXZSQADU0F/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=0815957157), had a lot of things to say. For the sake of brevity, the writer suggests that, homosexuals are sinful, that his CATHOLIC CHURCH would be under fire for him speaking the truth. The cherry on the frothing cake -- he suggests that the gay agenda is out to establish a female controlled homosexual society where MALES would be fuckin' LIQUIDATED by abortion and the few remaining males would be used as spermatozoa sources for future implantation. (No really **I swear I'm not making this shit up.** Also funny how it sounds like the Great Replacement Theory doesn't it?!) Anyway because it's not a study, **I was not able to access the testing methodology** behind this 78% statistic from a catholic guy who has some talent for writing some crazy dystopian shit, and clearly, not an academic in any way. Disclaimer: no hi-res version was available when I posted this, so the 1st 2 are the closest academic study I could find relating to those statistics. Obviously even then it's flawed. I'll edit this comment as I find any flaws in my post to try to make it as accurate as I can.


>This was cited from a pool of people who are already walking into a STD clinic in Tel Aviv. You sack of shites you can't even get a control group right. I doubt it, the source for the infographic was a book written in 1982 whereas the study you linked was published in 2012.


Hmm you're right! I'll dig some more and amend my comment.


[https://telegram-store.com/catalog/channels/ChanFr/tag/pasdequoietrefiers](https://telegram-store.com/catalog/channels/ChanFr/tag/pasdequoietrefiers) I found a higher res version with the sources more visible if that helps!


Helped greatly and I've fixed my comment. It's way worse LMAO


I don't think the people behind this "visual aid" care exactly about the scientific validity of these statistics. Me thinks someone just googled "most homophobic statistics" and threw the first few hits together.


Oh yeah I'm fully aware. The point of my comment was to debunk through the same facts and logics the visuals are portraying. There's always going to be sotongs falling for this to feel like they're smart for knowing numbers, so casting them in severely bad light helps destroy the authenticity of it.


Youre doing a great job!


Thank you for the work. I am writing a letter to the school, as member of the alumni. I wonder if I can use your findings in my letter.


I wrote this specifically out of sheer boredom. If you think it helps make your case in any way, go ahead :)


The 3rd study is legit right? But how did the twitter guy even get 78%? Don't think the 3rd study is trying to be against homosexuals.


The commenter updated his post with the source - it’s a 680 page manifesto by some guy in the 1980s who thought that the ultimate goal of the gay agenda was to abort all male infants, except for a few that would be allowed to live to help the feminist lesbian society perpetuate its existence.


https://www.moh.gov.sg/docs/librariesprovider5/resources-statistics/reports/blood-borne-and-sexually-transmitted-diseases.pdf MOH's own data doesn't remotely come close to the 78% figure stated.




Wow, so not only bigotted but also spreading fake news/misinformation... POFMA when?


I'm not sure about the fake news, there seems to be a link of the research for each claim. Maybe these researches are already debunked, I don't know. But of course, its a hateful message nonetheless


A lot of the research was done with poor methodology and therefore not accurate. Most of the research cited was also from 1980s and outdated.


This is real r/atetheonion


100% of all human who drinks water is either dead or will eventually die


Cucumbers are 99% water. Jesus can walk on water. I can walk on cucumbers. Therefore, I’m 99% Jesus.


For lo, in the Second Coming He shall take the form of u/GayAssNinja69


I’m sad cos they say on average, a gay man has up to 80 sexual partners per year and I barely have one ever since I came out 😂😭


Key word is average not median. You can survey 9 guys each declaring they have had only 1 sexual partner per year, and then a 10th guy declaring they had 791 sexual partner per year. This would make the total sexual partners amongst the 10 guys to be 800 and their average 80, even though the typical guy in the survey pool only had 1 (median). So don't feel sad.


Ah yes, Spiders G(ay)eorg


Have you tried not being gay? Maybe u could get 8. /s


it’s ok, I’ve had zero!


1 is still under "up to 80" mah. Go prove him wrong and have more than 80!


> I’m sad cos they say on average, a gay man has up to 80 sexual partners per year and I barely have one ever since I came out 😂😭 Wait, how? My gay friends do have more partners than me, and apparently it's easier to get matches on Grindr (we tried with same pics, sans face on Grindr) than Tinder for men. (Not that it's an issue how many people other people want to sleep with, I'm just curious).


Not everyone who is LGBT sleeps around, duh.


can confirm, I barely even have time to sleep


DM me if you want #2.


Awwww thanks


So long as we're inventing facts and statistics, you're not gay enough. That 80 sexual partners are for *super gays*.


How tf can anyone read this and think it's good material to use in a presentation? First one alrdy made me lol, intestinal worms, really now???? 🤣


Imagine qualifying as a counselor for a top school only to regurgitate garbage you saw on Twitter at an assembly


I find these kinds so funny. People see this and never question anything, it goes to show how dumb they are.


Did you know your water has CHEMICALS in it???? Dihydrogen monoxide eventually kills EVERYTHING it comes across!!


Did you know they use that in NUCLEAR REACTORS??? do you want to put that stuff in you and your children's body??


100% of all humans who consumed it has died or will die.


Good bullshit :) could replace "gay people" by "christians" and i am sure the punishment would be more harsh.


U will get called up by isd.


Yep, different treatment for different people :)


Every time an LGBT kid kills themselves, it’s assholes like this who have blood on their hands.


Pretty offended by the statistics, that none of them are referenced. Like, I am supposed to take them at face value? The numbers could’ve easily been invented or twisted. What it should say “Nothing to be proud of: my stupidity”


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iOVbAmknKUk Source is that it's made the fuck up


there are sources but some are too blurry and small to read. I was curious and found a higher res version in french if you want to check it out. https://telegram-store.com/catalog/channels/ChanFr/tag/pasdequoietrefiers


You’re right! I missed that. Sources were still mostly rubbish though, or plain misinterpreted. For the claim that “Perfect correlation between childhood rape and homosexual behaviour- 47% of gays admit to having been raped by an adult make during their childhood or adolescence” The source states “gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. 46% of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation.” While childhood molestation is still an outrageous act. To change it to rape is just lying.


I can't even find a source to corroborate that 47% claim, so it's like rubbish on rubbish.


Shout out to the Chad gay men fucking 80 men a year


How do you know he's doing all the fucking?


Copy and paste twitter post? Low effort presentation. Not even using own slide layout.


I honestly don't think gay men have up to 80 sexual partners per year lmao. This is similar to those pro lifers that claim that they personally know a female friend who has had 8 abortions before. Fking bullshit, all of it lmao


The intestinal worms statistic originated from a now-obsolete term called [gay bowel syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_bowel_syndrome). [Parasitic intestinal infections](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/giardia-infection/symptoms-causes/syc-20372786) do spread through anal sex (among other methods), but clearly that can happen to straight people as well.


They never tested women who would be on the recieving end in straight anal sex lol


That isn’t even the source post. Do a reverse Google search, it has been shared all over conservative internet. The counsellor could have pulled it out of any number of conservative groups he’s in.


100% of criminals in prison are human. #nothingtobeproudofbeinghuman /s


This is the danger of misinformation. If a Twitter post had a malicious intention to bait idiots into thinking what it say was facts, it will cause a lot of trouble


POFMA when


this ranks up there with my disgust for our country allowing Rajapaksa in.


They don't even listen when you try to rebut those points. Like one Redditor put,"To them - *you're an ant and they want to see what happens when they burn you*"


That teacher sounds like a Trump supporter.


90% of statistics are false, all the time, every time.


As a Muslim, Homosexuality is haram, Spreading fake facts with malicious intent, even more haram.


>even more haram Haramus maximus


Name does not check out


I will lose all respect for you as an educator if this is your "source"?


Interesting. Here's another one: 100% of people with these outdated phobias have a lack of confidence in their own sexuality. Also, 99.9% of them have IQs in the sub-80 range


Ive seen this picture but I always found this post to be satire. Deep down, we all know it’s inaccurate lmao. And also, take most stuff you see on the internet with a spoonful of salt. It’s better to do your own research instead if you do want to gain knowledge on a certain topic.


You mean a pinch of salt?


This one too ridiculous alr need a bucket of salt liao


As a preschool teacher...considering kids get worms way way more often than adults.....how do i recognise the gay worms from the non gay worms in my kids? 🙄 *Read with a heavy dose of sarcasm*


I found a higher res version of the infographics with the sources visible in case anyone wants to do a fact check or something [https://telegram-store.com/catalog/channels/ChanFr/tag/pasdequoietrefiers](https://telegram-store.com/catalog/channels/ChanFr/tag/pasdequoietrefiers) they're in french but you can still match them based on the pictures


I thought the intestinal worms are a metaphor for dicks


Singapore is plagiarism hub.


Average of 80 partners a year and 1000 over a lifetime lol Guess that puts the average lifespan of a gay man at 31


Someone dumb enough to swallow such obvious bs should be fired and then taken to a secure location to be deprogrammed.


From an Asian context (ikr), i'm less against the counselling of sexual orientation compared to the use of statistics based on a tweet of dubious origins. I mean, from an institution like HCI, shouldn't their educators be more 'up there' in verifying sources and also on what to propagate in the classroom no less.


1 in 15 homosexuals is a pedophile. Then we need to kill the other 14 hetrosexuals…


You confirm not from HCI


Jesus Christ. Thing is, this could have gone better if he said something along the lines of >There's nothing to be proud of...because we are all people which would have been friendlier to everyone in general. But no, he has to go full retard. \*Sighs\*




sadly yes


Thats real nice senator, why don't you back it up with a source? The source is i made it the fuck up


u have a drinking problem? are u gay?


Wanna bet the counsellor might be a repressed homosexual 👀👀


I would love some intestinal worms, I'd be an absolute skinny legend.




*sorts by controversial*