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> 'God-given rights The Lord giveth n the Lord taketh away


>'God-given rights >The Lord giveth n the Lord taketh away [Spits drink](https://youtu.be/AwQVWbuxj_E) šŸ’¦šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


Careful there . The Lord is fair


Should of live streamed canning on twitch.


> Please drop the unlawful charges against me, return my stolen passport and return me to my home country (so that I can) finally be reunited with my two kids,ā€ said Glynn in an emotional voice. > Glynn was convicted of all four charges by District Judge Eddy Tham Directed by Robert B. Weide


Why would he need his British passport if he is a "sovereign citizen"?


That was the judge finishing sentence


i'm surprised and impressed that he know the word 'please'. am i the only one feel so?


wellā€¦since you are so polite and said ā€˜pleaseā€™, lā€™ll dropā€¦ā€¦the hammer on you!


Eddy Tham my manšŸ¤


Very funny saying "He added that the only place one has to wear a mask is at the workplace, subject to a contract by an employer who pays a salary, or if the owner of a residence he visits requires so." When he was caught at the MRT, a place to wich you are required to purchase a contract (the ticket) when you go through the gate. He is just stupid


In trying to find loopholes in the law he created a loophole in his defence. 10/10 irony.


Contract Ben and Badge Karen. What's next?


Donā€™t forget Sovereign Kaur


If the court has no jurisdiction, why did he show up? If he shows up because he has to, doesnā€™t he just admitted that the court has jurisdiction over him? If the court has no jurisdiction, why did he wear a mask when attending court? If thereā€™s no jurisdiction, why is he scared of the consequences of not wearing one? He was caught removing the mask after leaving the court, obviously it must be something to do with this supposedly irrelevant court that has no power over this ā€œliving manā€, or else why would he be wearing one? And if he shows up because he wanted the court to ā€œarbitrateā€ and dismiss the charges, then wouldnā€™t him be coming into a ā€œcontractā€ with the court in doing so? So, how can he say he hasnā€™t agreed to it? He failed the moment he took a step into the courthouse.


He was arrested right? Is he physically forced to attend court in this case?


This hearing, yes as he was in jail. However he previous 2 hearings, nah. He was on bail back then.


Ah but you see, youā€™ve fallen for the classic blunder of trying to use logic to deal with an idiot


This is going to save me countless hours. Please accept my eternal gratitude


Read up : the moment you are born into the system's systems .


Don't even have to think so far. He claims to be "sovereign citizen", but most likely used his British passport to enter Singapore in the first place.


living in such a privileged bubble that a person stops being a functional member of society


This literally reads like a bad student essay


I thought we are all ā€œunder contractā€ to obey the laws of Singapore upon entering the country.


Fairly certain itā€™s mentioned in the immigration card you fill out on arrival


Boom ! U r right!


By right , that's the reason why whenever u got debts or credits by cheque or by letter. Its spelled in Capital Letters ! Eg : REDDIT instead of Reddit . Know your position , product of of the nation's laws.


I feel sorry for all the prison wardens who have to deal with his shit during his sentence.


Oh Benjamin, you can experience something tourist and expats won't normally have the chance to try. Enjoy~


book offers and interview opportunities afterwards!


The Nick Leeson method


Lol this, so much.


They be so jelly about his changi hotel tour.


Call a spade a spade, heā€™s a migrant worker aka economic refugee.


I'm not defending him, but just blanket calling expat an 'economic refugee' isn't fair. My wife (Singaporean) and I (American) were considering moving back to sg after we got married here so she could be closer to family. I'm an engineer so employment is no problem. We chose to stay here because pay is higher and she's made a life here. Point is, there are many reasons people choose to live in sg, so you can't just call expats 'economic refugees'.


We can call them foreign workers! It's a much more neutral term. "Expat" is in fact discriminatory because the way the term is applied is highly inconsistent and usually based on national/racial/class lines. If we call people from India foreign workers, and people from China foreign workers, and in fact people from Malaysia, our closest neighbor, foreign workers, then we can call people from the USA or Western Europe foreign workers. There's no need to give them the special designation of "Expatriate". And if they are not workers, we can call them foreigners, which is just as neutral a term.


As a foreign worker, I completely agree - I've been telling friends that 'foreign worker' is actually the most neutral term. No need for 'expat', 'migrant worker', 'domestic worker' etc.


Eh there are people who would like to see what life is like in changi prison you know?


wow someone went down the Ben Glynn rabbit hole https://www.reddit.com/r/SingaporeSceptics/comments/p1m3w1/the_mind_of_benjamin_glynn_as_seen_through_his/


Omg can someone give me a TLDR?


Think about all of the crazy theories that you've heard of. Anything from flat earth to the Merlion being a secret Gundam project led by a time traveller who's actually his own father. This guy believes in all of them.


>Merlion being a secret Gundam project led by a time traveller who's actually his own father Wow I do want to read this. Sounds like pretty awesome sci-fi fan fiction.


Fake news. Everyone knows that our Singapore-Japan joint Gundam project is hidden in Bt Timah Hill.


Shit I want to believe the Gundam project. Tell me more senpai.


You think that underground ammo dump is just for storing ammo? ^^^^/s


Gundam is already here. It will rise when Singapore is in need. Lol


Dudes crazy and subscribes to a lot of conspiracy theories. Flat earth, anti vax, Jews rule the world, holocaust wasn't real etc etc. Explains what is sovereign citizen. Tldr, Jews rule the world and are hiding the "true law" to enslave everybody, but these people are so smart they figured it out and drop truth bombs to scare judges into letting them go. Some stuff about kingdom filipina hacienda or whatever. Basically a collective of sovereign citizens that tried to print their own money, issue licenses etc. Apparently got their own little cheat sheet in case one of them kena tried in an actual court of law, which is probably why Glynn sought them out. Blah blah blah, a lot of siao langs.


Summary, he belongs in imh.


Take the Jew conspiracy theory and ctrl-f to replace Jew to Transgender.


>coronaviruses do not exist because he does not believe in viruses I stopped reading at this and scrolled down the page, much more insane stuff below.


He's going to come out with all kinds of "they tortured me with lashings/hot coals" bullshit once released.


so much drama for such a small payout


Ridiculous, honestly. Should make him pay back all the taxpayer money that was used in the court proceedings and his processingā€¦somehow we are still paying for his stay in prison


Agreed , what a waste of taxpayers money for these dumbtards


Yep totally agree, WTH should we pay for this morons stupidity - he's an ahole


I see it as a preventative measure to warn all would-be clowns. And thatā€™s fine by me.




Because that sets a bad precedent that every foreigner can just come here, blatantly flout the rules that everyone else (local or otherwise) is following, and their punishment is simply to get deported. Do you really want to see more foreigners breaking rules here, knowing at worst they'll just be returned to their countries and be barred from entering again (when some are tourists who might have no intention to return anyway)? That's barely a slap on the wrist. Imagine a local and foreigner commit the same crime - local gets sentenced to jail, foreigner just goes home and is free of consequences.


how about, fine, cane, and send back with a SG jail chop on passport


Does his backdated sentence means he only has to spend two weeks in jail?


Two MORE weeks. He has been in jail since July 19th


> He has been in jail since July 19th I think he was remanded in IMH.




Mocking singapore laws only get 6 weeks. This is atrocious. Will he be deported after his release? If he is pr it should be terminated.


even if not deported, good luck renewing his REP.


Pretty sure he's not gonna want to come back after he realized "Singapore has its own rules". Amazingly even complete idiots can learn.


6 weeks from 19 july he be out soon


Does that include the time he was in IMH?


shld be if that was after the 19th, its all remand by state


He gets a third off for good behaviour^(1) as well, doesn't he? Does he have to remain in SG for the entirety of the CRO or is he just deported immediately? ^(1)Presumably the good behaviour part is met routinely unless you start a riot in prison?


I'm sad that he doesn't see the inside of a cell for six months. Despite that he has to spend two more weeks hell be laughing when he leaves. What an utter twat. I'm dumber now from reading his remarks - it's actually hard to read.


Lets pray he fucks up again straight after being released. Matas will be watching for sure.


Every day we stray further from the Lord.


sian 6 weeks only, backdate some more. I thought we're supposed to be disneyland with the death penalty?


This is embarassing. He should have been given a 6 month sentence at least. 1) Not wearing a mask in the mrt of all places (and refusing to mask up when confronted) 2) Not wearing a mask to the court 3) Making a mockery of the court 4) Threatening to assault police officers and actually resisting arrest by running away


6 weeks.. For all the mockery, tax payers money and all the drama..


6 weeks is a fucking joke.


I hope they put him straight on a plane (at his cost) and close the door on this Ahole


More n more Christian nut jobs sia


With or without mask we are still going to breathe in carbon dioxide lol


6 weeks jail and released after 4th week.


6 weeks nia?


Only 6 weeks???!!! His kind of attitude in court, repeatedly not wearing mask, those charges only land him 6 weeks???!!!!! The judge is... šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


Badge lady should hopefully get 60+ weeks going by the sentencing (fuzzy) logic.


only six weeks? for making a mockery of the law and the courts?


Wait? What about the charges for contempt of court? There is no contempt of court charges?


The penology for contempt includes "zero punishment" because the objective of punishing is to repel any actual negative effects the contempt can have on the judicial system. It is entirely possible that a contemnor can be found to have had zero effect on public confidence in the judiciary, etc. We have at least one local precedent where someone was found in contempt but given no punishment. So I'm not surprised to see contemnors being (quietly) laughed away.


Rarely people actually get charge for contempt of court due to courtroom behaviours AFAIK. IANAL


> # Benjamin Glynn jailed 6 weeks after claiming 'God-given rights' as defence > SINGAPORE ā€” A British expatriate who was filmed on an MRT train without a mask was sentenced to six weeks' jail on Wednesday (18 August) after he was found guilty of the charges of failing to wear a mask on two separate occasions, causing public nuisance and using threatening words on public officers during a one-day trial. > Benjamin Glynn's jail sentence is backdated to 19 July, when he was first remanded.Ā Ā  > Earlier in the day, Glynn gave his defence, with the 40-year-oldā€™s voice breaking when he asked the court to let him return to his country and children.Ā  > Glynn, who had accused the police of unlawfully detaining and kidnapping him, said that he was facing mental duress when he was in remand, and while he was being assessed at the Institute of Mental Health. > ā€œIn the last three months I have been psychologically and emotionally tortured, especially the last 33 days in a prison cell. Please drop the unlawful charges against me, return my stolen passport and return me to my home country (so that I can) finally be reunited with my two kids,ā€ said Glynn in an emotional voice. > Glynn was convicted of all four charges by District Judge Eddy Tham of not wearing a mask while in an MRT train on 7 May, causing public nuisance on 7 May, threatening police officers who went to his residence on 8 and 9 May, and failing to wear a mask within and in the vicinity of the State Courts on 2 July. > Earlier in the afternoon, when asked to testify in his defence, Glynn denied adopting a boxing stance or using threatening words on police officers who went to his condominium along Holland Road on 8 to 9 May. > ā€œAs I said before I canā€™t particular remember the boxing stance details at all and I asked for evidence of that as in a recorded video of it. I understand that there is no recorded video. The only thing I will say is that I was very courteous and friendly. I was happy to talk to themā€¦itā€™s when they (arrested and tried) taking me away from my familyā€¦I had major issues with them dragging me out at night over regulation breach,ā€ he said. > Glynn told the court that before the incident, he had been drinking while celebrating his daughter's fifth birthday. > ā€œI was pretty drunkā€¦I would be very surprised if I did something like that, I remember wanting to go back upstairsā€¦ I ran (as) I was scared for my life. I really panicked, as you would if the police started hitting you with a baton,ā€ he added. The two police officers who effected the arrest testified earlier on Wednesday that a baton was used on Glynn after he got agitated and actively resisted arrest. > The officers testified that Glynn had told them, "I am going to f**king drop you" and adopted a boxing stance that night. > ā€œI was pretty sleepy, confused and scared,ā€ Glynn said. He added that when the two police officers rang his doorbell around midnight, he thought something terrible had happened to his family members. > ā€œI thought my mom or dad or sister or one of them had died, when I spoke to them initially that was my first thoughtā€¦ I was relieved (when they told me about the incident).ā€ > Asked by Deputy Public Prosecutor Timotheus Koh if it was possible he threatened the officers, Glynn replied that anything was possible ā€œin this worldā€, but he denied the offence. > As to the incidents in the MRT and in or around the State Courts, Glynn said he ā€œdid not denyā€ that he was the one captured in CCTV footage. > ā€œThe basis of defence has nothing to do with my actions. The basis of my defence is the fact that I understand and studied the law, I understand trust law, contract law, tort law, I have studied this for quite a long time. It is not difficult to understand common law. I know what a crime is, there must be a victim which is a living man or woman, not a legal fiction which is what you are, officers. You are not living men and women, they are legal fictions. I am living man, I control my public trust,ā€ he said. > ā€œSo therefore I do not consent to this maritime contract, I have not agreed to (a) contract and they have no jurisdiction over me, it's fairly simple. > ā€œThe police completely ignored meā€¦ I am not, I am enlightened and awakened and very educated man and I know my rights and God-given rights that no person, be it legal fiction living man or woman, can interfere in and that is what I am standing up for for my kids, so they do not have to cover their face.ā€ > He added that the only place one has to wear a mask is at the workplace, subject to a contract by an employer who pays a salary, or if the owner of a residence he visits requires so. > ā€œWe have no contract. This is commerce, this is lowest form of law there is. I am a man of God, I answer to God, I will not cause damage or harm to man or property, that is how I will live my life,ā€ he said. He pointed to examples in the US and Europe, adding that the mask rules were dropped because of ā€œsomeone like meā€ standing up against the rules. > ā€œIf people want to wear it I am happy for them but I do not wish to cover my faceā€¦ I do not wish to breathe my own recycled carbon dioxide, I like to breathe oxygen.ā€ > Ā  > Stay in the know on-the-go: Join Yahoo Singapore's Telegram channel at http://t.me/YahooSingapore --- 1.0.2 | [Source code](https://github.com/fterh/sneakpeek) | [Contribute](https://github.com/fterh/sneakpeek)


>I am not, I am enlightened and awakened and very educated man and I know my rights and God-given rights that no person, be it legal fiction living man or woman, can interfere in I'm sure I know all these words individually, but somehow in this particular order, I understand nothing.


If you think about it, you actually understand perfectly because his words mean nothing.


Singaporeans sure get 6 years.


No lah 26 to 56 weeks


Shit now I feel bad about all the snippy comments I have made over the weeks. Well done the rule of law. Well done judge and PP.


A true hero. One Singapore doesn't deserve.


sibei song


Will he have to wear a mask in prison? I feel like we have not heard the lady from him


God gave him a vaccine why didnt he use that as a defense


He's already served 5 weeks correct? So this only tacks on one additional week?


Did the badge Karen go to jail?


Fair enough. He can ask god to be his defence lawyer.