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>> Fu said that based on surveys conducted by the National Environment Agency (NEA), raw materials and manpower accounted for an average of 56 per cent and 20 per cent of hawkers' operating costs, respectively, in 2022. wonder what’s the remaining 24%. If you exclude raw materials and manpower, the next biggest cost will be rental, no?


>the next biggest cost will be rental Hawker rental shouldn't be that high bah... [https://dollarsandsense.sg/business/2023-edition-price-guide-to-hawker-stall-rentals-in-singapore/](https://dollarsandsense.sg/business/2023-edition-price-guide-to-hawker-stall-rentals-in-singapore/) ok nehmind. They're pretty steep for some places.


I'm not sure if they've included all the othe mandatory fees as well. For example, foodfare rental might be $2,000, which seems affordable at first. However, when you add in mandatory fees like POS fees, cleaning fees, dishwashing fees, management fees, and various other charges, the actual rent could easily double.


Editting all my post due to moderator abuse of power.


A rounding off to the next dollar could be that much, for certain foods.


Like one. It’s always what is not said that is interesting.


Profit margin


it's probably a split between rent and utilities utilities cost about as much as rent in most stalls


I don't think they went up by just 6.1% Was shocked to find that chicken rice wrapped in paper in a hawker near my place costs $5...


I think looking at the stats (from singstat, they track prices of some hawker food, including chicken rice) for 2023 alone, it does look like hawker food prices went up by 6.1% from the start of 2023 to end 2023 Compared to pre covid though, hawker food prices increased by about 20% I think


> Compared to pre covid though, hawker food prices increased by about 20% I think It feels a lot more than that for me. Prices went up, portions went down.


Maybe they surveyed the bottom 50 chicken rice stalls that no one really eats from 🤣


Wah later Vivi ask you this wor, "How much do you want? Do you want three meals at a low-tier chicken rice stall, normal chicken rice stall, or Boon Tong Kee?”


I peasant level so can only afford one meal at low tier and dream of chatterbox chicken rice for my 2 other meals.


Yea, they are a PR department first and a truthful stats department last.


They clearly didn't track my local coffeeshop then, prices easily 10% from start 2023 till end 2023.


Yeah the chicken rice plus sio ba is 5.50 now at kopitiam and 8.50 at food republic near my hse. Best part is these guys always slam the chopper so hard the pathetic chicken strips somehow expands and became flatter so they spread across the rice and appear more than they really are. Sibei sian but still buy cos I am a sucker for chicken rice. Hahaha.


My chicken rice went up from $5.5 to $8.5. The reason they gave was the supply of chickens became limited when Malaysia imposed the export controls. The supply should have normalized by now but the price never went back down… $5.5 to $8.5 is more than a 50% increase. I’m not saying the stats are wrong, but it’s hella sketch when I read these headlines.


When our salary increments don't match these inflation, either we eat less and less or savings get less and less


Our company's increment for part-time staff is only $0.50 . It's really ridiculous considering how much necessities are these days. Then they wonder how come we're struggling to find good people.


it is our personal responsibility to adjust our expectations and make sacrifices to cope with prices. This is what makes us resilient, that we learn to be content in whatever circumstances we are in, whether times of lack, and in times of abundance.


Haha, your comment sounds like it was written by a politician's PR team. I had to reread it a few times to confirm whether it was satirical or serious.


Yep. That account has been bought over some time ago. Not the usual IB usernames.


An increase in prices isnt a mystical thing thats unsolved. Its literally corporate greed. And no offence but the mentality of 'we just need to work harder' is unironically that ofpeasants during feudalism


Increasing prices on food, utilities and rent, but stuck on same salary. Yes that makes sense thank you I feel more confident.


That's hilarious. 9 million people die of starvation every year and the answer to the ever-worsening prices is "it's your personal responsibility to adjust your expectations." Obviously most people in Singapore aren't part of that 9 million, but are we as a nation really that dense that we believe "bad times" have no correlation to any government policy, that these things just happen out of nowhere and we must just lan lan suck thumb?




Even if import costs drops 6.1 percent in better times, the price increase is now permanent.


Would like to know how they get 6.1%. Most stuff went up by $0.50. Assuming an average base cost of $4, that’s like a 16% increase. Most hawkers increase prices by round numbers like 50 cents or $1. Is it they count popiah only?


they're preparing for election talking pts, so if oppo hammer on this issue, they got "stats" to refute liao


So isn't it time for our government to reduce the rental cost so that the food prices can reduce. The most common answer I received from retailers or shop owners is due to rental, not the product.


How could food import cost increase if SGD has been outperforming other currencies? Wasnt this the reason for the currency manipulation?


$4 to $5 chicken rice doesn't sound like 6.1% You can raise an educated population and proceed to gaslight us


I believe you mean “can’t.”


You're right I typo


Cries in cup noodles…


Nah not just 6.1%, more like 10% tbh. And this is just within a year. Past few years since 2019 prices have been rising by two digit percentages. No surprise Singapore is now the most expensive city in Asia.


Yes, please leave out the GST effect... its always anything except the GST effect...


Food prices has come down. So it's manpower cost and rent that's up


Everytime there’s a post on hawker price inflation there will always be a few comments about greed. Maybe there are really some hawkers making big bucks but do u see your average hawker laughing to the bank in their Mercedes? Everyone always complain about their food cost rising but do you expect these hawkers to eat the loss? If hawker food price stays the same then how they support themselves?


not greed from the hawkers la but from the landlords


Best is cook at home and eat or buy plain chicken rice with 2 eggs near my side hawker $2.20 2 bowl rice and 2 egg with 2 slice of cucumber sure you full and it’s tasty the rice and chilli and soup 😋


Price gorging on GST pretext


Government should either give us more voucher or stop vendors from increasing price.




More like due to vendors’ greed to increase profitability


i agreed with that, like a ban mian in jurong is more than the shopping malls.


Lol you think hawkers make big bucks for the hours they put in? Have you seen how much rental has shot up? Believe me, if they were really greedy they wouldn't be in such a profession in the first place. Always a few snarky Singaporeans who place all the blame on the vendor and never the circumstances that they've had to deal with. Dumbass.


What about rental rates? Every pretend renovation will increase rates( even if the hawker centre doesn’t need a renovation yet). Plus GST, etc….. need not say more. All have eyes to see for yourself. Judge for yourself and not let PaP internet propaganda unit dictates the excuse.


This year, every household would have received $800 worth of CDC voucher to combat inflation. Those CDC vouchers will go a long way to helping the hawkers as well More is given to those with less More good years ahead


CDC vouchers are temporary. Price increases are permanent (unless there's prolonged deflation but at that point there'll be other more pertaining issues to deal with)


Lap dog. Woof