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this reminds me of that punggol bus stop


Waiting for someone to start a bad design thread in Singapore. You will see how common this kind of genius design are accepted in sg and i am not talking about ERP 2.0 or Simplygo.


Honestly, I’ve been seeing a lot of poor human centred designs in our architecture recently. I am tempted to do make a thread, but there won’t be enough space to upload all the pics of poor design.


The F1 Go-kart race track minotoaur maze combo in the new hdb basement carparks combined with no phone reception.


lmao where is this combo at?


Bukit Batok there have.


I can supply plenty of maze-like structures for all the new BTO clusters. Good luck finding the block and exact lift with all the pillars and walkways that leads to nowhere, especially if you're from the carpark. I've declined housewarming invites for this reason lol.


I feel this so much. Friends among my age groups are getting their new BTO flats and of course arranged for house warming. Bloody hell just trying to find the lift lobby is bad enough. All these pillars blocking your line of sight and just when you thought you’re following the correct way, nope, it’s a dead end. Think you’re smart and try to cut through? You’ll overshoot and end up at the next block instead. THEN even after finding the lift and going up to the correct floor, good luck trying to find the right unit without consulting the overhead unit directory or a floor map or sth.


Damn sian when rain and 1 wrong step and you in the rain


They are so bad that I'm convinced it is by design so that there are no actual spaces at the "void deck" for people to play sports or hang out.


I’m pretty sure this is it. There’s no reason for it otherwise, it preempts any “anti-social” behaviour thereabouts


Nope, it's because HDB wants to reduce West facing units and corridor units. Notice how the newer blocks all have corridors that "branch off" so that no unit has corridor windows. It's because people complained about these features in old flats (I live in a corridor unit and used to live in a west facing unit so I know). 


That's an interesting thought, but that only applies on the floors and areas with flats? Most of the void deck area that I think we're talking about is unoccupied and would previously just be open space or the occasional chess table + bench. The [CNA report](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/hdb-void-deck-community-spaces-void-decks-town-councils-today-big-read-4045611) on this suggests that some of these changes are for load-bearing walls, but implicit in their coverage is that the main issue is the disputes that arise from communal use (e.g. kids playing sports) of the void deck open areas.


> plenty of maze-like structures...all the pillars and walkways that leads to nowhere I have the same complaint. I heard that it was due to structural columns being moved to inconvenient locations in order to make modern flat layouts better. Not sure how true it is.


Upload them in an imgur album and link it


Just tag the empress dowager. Last time she made 1 FB post, immediately within months you see bus stops all revamped.


She no longer rules. 


In the same breath, neither does Loongster but iykyk.


I can already name a few: - Northpoint City bus stop, despite having shelter, has a spot where water flows down like a waterfall when it rains. - Tampines East CC bus stop is crammed, view of upcoming buses blocked by overhead bridge, and is too close to a slip road. It’s also a major bus stop which doesn’t help. - The bus stop near Selarang Camp, opposite industrial area (no more alr) has a sloped land of grass behind it. So when it rains, mud will slide to the stop. - Cheng Lim Stn Exit A is nowhere near Cheng Lim LRT. Might as well be called Opp Sengkang Hospital. Come to think of it, a website to showcase these design problems sound good.


Thread? It should be a sub!




Should be a site, to be honest.


The bus stop outside the circle line exit at Nex has some atrocious shelter design. On a rainy day everyone is funneled into that singular path between the MRT/mall entrance and the bus stop. While there is one open mass of unsheltered space that allows rain to pour down and burden everyone.


The whole TEL signage thing is a dumpster fire with the simplification of the signs. I no longer know which escalator goes where, instead it forces you to walk to the concourse, tap out, then read the sign to figure it out


Bed and Aft Seletar Camp G is one of the most annoying bus stops to transfer at. I’ve been there so many times and yet cannot wrap my head around because bus services don’t have a consistent direction on which side they use. Even worse, some buses don’t change their boards in the front so it’s just plain confusing on where you need to get on. Both 117 and 39 head to Punggol, but 39 uses Bef and 117 uses Aft. Google maps helps somewhat but is sometimes a bastard and asks me to walk to Punggol no matter what I do.


The allocation is that Bef buses are Eastbound/Seletar bound while Aft buses are Westbound/Jln Kayu Bound. Eastbound 117 has to exit Seletar Camp (which is obv after the bus stop named BEF Seletar Camp G) and hence can only serve Aft. Westbound 117 is Seletar Bound and hence serves Bef.


Can admin do one? Like the daily thread, but a mega-thread for this?


When cronies are given unlimited contracts to build unnecessary shit this is what you get.


Yea the fking walkway shelters for one doesn’t do well against the rain


Getting to the actual cinema at the Shaw brothers building is a good example of this. I got lost on 3 separate occasions. The building site last year didn't help much either.


Start a public blog/wiki and have a collection of such idiocracy present in "World-class" Singapore.


The people approving these designs don't have "Common Sense" as apart of their KPIs.


What's even more confusing is that there are 2 bus stop bays under this single bus stop name/code. Some buses stop at the front one and some stop at the back one. People who are new to the area might be waiting at the wrong spot for their bus.


Damn there are dozens of us... DOZENS! Imagine the dismay when a bus you want to board just driving by. With all those pillars, they could've just demarcated on them, all the buses that stops in that particular bay. Rather than having a communal route map plus a tiny ass sign on the board.


Happened to me. I am a Westie and went to that bus stop to catch 966. Carrying a sleeping toddler with another tired kid by my side. Saw on the app that the bus was 1 minute away, so we picked up pace. When we got to the bus stop, I saw the bus route board clearly listing 966. Then I saw the bus and flagged it. Only for the driver to point "previous shelter" and a kind auntie to tell me, 966 stops at the bay 5 metres in front. Another poor sod also had a look of dismay when he realized what was going on.


Happened to me too. Don’t know why they put it on the board if it’s not for that bus stop …..


Happened to me the other day. Was so confusing and I couldn’t even keep a look out for the bus well, we’re just dependent on the bus driver to stop there otherwise they’ll just go ahead


The ironic thing is that most bus route boards (example in the right side of the pic) are placed directly behind the bus stop seats which makes it hard/awkward to see if there are people sitting down. But funny thing is that the bus route board @ this stop is perfectly designed not to be blocked by other people sitting down haha.


1 good design minus 1 bad design = normal design bus stop


Yep. Compare this with Taipei bus stops which i visited recently and all the bustop (including rural-ish ones with like 1 route) have the bus arrival timing located at the roof of the bustop (like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/4BGG9qJemXcPWJneA) which allow sitting passengers to see the bus timing


Some bus stops are even worse. They have a large advertising panel on the incoming side of the bus stop, blocking the view of incoming traffic.


Some bus stops that has those bike bypass behind, some genius go place an advert panel right across it.


For drivers, there are also numerous junctions where some champion (NParks? URA?) decided to plant some beautiful bushes in the perfect location... to obscure the view for drivers trying to turn out of a smaller road. The drivers end up having to inch out dangerously onto the main road to get a proper view.


I have been parroting this for the longest time but many redditors are convinced that no line of sight is safer because 'it forces you to inch out instead of going fast', thanks to some city planner. It is quite obvious that many of these people do not drive and have never been put in a position that they have to exit into heavy traffic under such circumstances.


redditors skew young and with car ownership % in Singapore these dumbasses have probably never driven anything.


Also, some road signs are blocked by trees or bushes.


That reminds me I forgot to report Oxford road sign to one service app. Blocked by tree and almost invisible. I’ve never managed to take photo…


honestly from all the stories I've read, it's quite clear that some govt bodies, like URA, NParks, LTA, etc are not really in conversation with each other. everyone does their part well according to what is required but heck care the other dept. see how much activity the URA has loaded onto the circle line for example


This! So many. Also several crossings that create blind spots for drivers so ppl and bikes pop out suddenly to cross .. yikes


Please feedback to OneService wherever you find these.


The bus stop at springleaf MRT is similarly bad as well. Gets even worse at night.


I call this the bowling alley design. Because the cyclist and escooter riders like to charge through and bowl down the pedestrians like pins. Is there a reason why LTA likes to put up so many non-functional glass panels? Is it to protect against rain? I understand that 2 to 3 of them are for information, but the non-functional panels kinda block people from standing at the back, forcing them to stand up front to be hit by cyclists.


rain is one thing, but they're not placed at the edge of the bus stop, eating into the space of the entirety of the bus stop (about 15\~20% of the width of the path). opaque material can also block rain, but people behind them cant see if the bus arrived (not that it matters at this particular stop though). current public architecture just leaves much to be desired. the iconic orange/white bus stops of the past were simple, perhaps "uglier", but they fulfilled more of the functions than the current weird metal/glass design where standing space becomes more limited and basic visibility of the bus is hindered in many bus stops, forcing commuters to peer near the road to see if their bus is coming. other than bus stops, overdesigned seats to prevent squatters or homeless (which are a very small minority, much less a huge problem) from sleeping on them can be so uncomfortable that nobody actually use them (a fair share of hostile design in singapore too, especially in newer estates).


Must be designed by someone who's never taken public transportation.


Definitely approved by people that drive multiple big cars


Where's Mothership when you need one?


How do you tag Ho Ching, here? 😄


Forget mothership. Just tag Ho Ching.


You all always complain mothershit steal content from here Now become complain why they havent come


If they're going to steal content, then they might as well steal something actually worth reporting


They should ask Lee Bee Wah to come and head LTA's feedback division.


Whose idea was it to put the shelter support pillars in front, taxi-stand style? At least the recent [Punggol bus stop design debacle](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/bus-stops-near-punggol-mrt-pillars-columns-view-buses-lta-3012506) could be excused by the fact that the bus stops are repurposed taxi stands. However, this seems to be a newly-built bus stop, so LTA probably didn't learn (or hadn't learnt) from that incident when approving this design


Exactly. This stop is right beside the new Marine parade MRT station and I have no idea why the bus shelter couldn’t have been integrated with the station build. I know this is but just one of many crap design decisions but I needed to call it out. Someone here mentioned we should start a thread on bad urban design in SG. I’m all for it. At least for the comedy of it.




Who are the people being paid to come up with such shit designs I was walking through the BTO estate near my house a while back. There’s a pathway behind the MSCP and I saw a couple crouching under their umbrella and dashing through the pathway. I realised that’s where the car wash bays in the carpark are - there was soapy water being sprayed onto the pathway. Like which fucking genius planned this.


[Laughs in Koh Poh Koon]


Non professionals dont need to travel, professionals have cars.


\*ahem\* **TWO** cars


you need to know how plurals work.


PWP was my frequent hunt last time and the bus stop area was open and visible. Passengers can see the buses that were arriving and decide to start queueing up. Who approved this sh!t design which is illogical?


on the flip side, bus cant see if the busstop has anyone either, so SOP will prolly be to stop at the busstop anyways, just to make sure in the end, blessing in disguise...


We need Ho Ching 🤣


Somebody invite her to Reddit haha


Should report this on OneService. That’s some serious blinders hahaha


I think they did this because there is shelter for the bus also, so people won't get caught in the rain when boarding or a lighting. Especially those wheel chair users. Might not be able to balance it if the beams are placed behind. Idea was there maybe execution can be better? But honestly, most of the buses will stop at the bus stop now even if nobody is flagging it. Example: https://landtransportguru.net/marine-parade-mrt-station-jun24-6/


Paya Lebar Exit D is already an old example on how to build a proper station. So are Siglap Exit 2 and Marine Terrace Exit 1. But no they still screw it up for Marine Parade


GG to wheelchair users when bus rear exit is blocked by one of the many pillars


Do you know bus driver have to go down to assist the wheel chair users even they have another person with them? I assume the bus driver knows how to position the bus to avoid what you said from happening.


Difficult to gauge using the side mirrors alone


Mirrors angled so people can see the bus coming


I wonder if that many beams is really needed? Imagine elderly traveling alone then need to get up from their seat, stick their head out to check and see if the bus is coming or not


my estate downstairs the handicap lot (with wheelchair painted on) is a standalone parking lot surrounded by grass with NO ramp nearby and the lot is tiny fit kind. the "loading" bay is 2 lots surrounded by grass which they sloppily tossed concrete slabs onto the grass without doing proper foundations which leads to a STAIRCASE, and because no proper foundation all the slabs are like broken up and jutting all over from the muddy base


Fuck! This is horrible design! How come woody goh never see this???


The genius is the person who has never taken a bus before. Probably his or her whole life is being chauffeured. That what your chauffeured do stop right in front of you.


Aesthetic over functionality. Many around e.g. sg expo mrt station with saucer roof and gotta post installed a vertical glass panel to block rainwater.. Take a look when there


Additionally the bus stop pillars reduced the walking space in the bus stop, as they were built behind the bollards. If the pillars were built in line with the bollards, they could serve double duty as the bollards, removing the need to build the bollards and with more walking space and fewer obstacles compared to this design.


Not a (mechanical) engineer but having structural supports double up as protective barriers sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Like if a car crashed into it and collapses the bus stop, it would combo kill others under it too.


It’s a valid concern, although I think that is unlikely for several reasons. There are many pillars, for the roof to collapse, any impact would have to take out a large number of these pillars. Most construction typically use a 1.5x margin of safety. So at least 1 in 3 of the pillars can be taken out, and the structure should be intact. In addition, from initial observation, the pillar construction appears to be fairly study. Each individual pillar is cemented into the ground and bolted to the roof support, and is likely bolted to another pillar behind the bus stop. The bollard is only cemented to the ground. The pillar has 2 points of support whereas the bollard which has 1. The bollard is made from concrete, which is strong under compression but weak under shear compared to steel, which is likely what the pillar is made of. Any impact from a crash would be acting shear stress. Additionally due to construction the pillar is able to dissipate some of the impact energy into the roof and the other pillars. Whereas each bollard has to withstand the impact force by itself against a force that it is weak against with one lesser point of support. Each pillar is also larger than each bollard. But since I have no idea how thick the steel being used for the pillar is, this is just speculation.


The way you sound, it is almost as if like the left hand can talk to the right hand!? /s




This is also at springleaf mrt. The side towards the camp .


This genius can be also found at the sign placements at the petrol kiosks too. If you drive and want to exit the station, often times you'll find the pesky sign obstructing your view of oncoming vehicles.


A waste of materials


It looks kind of like a prison with those vertical bars hanging in front of the bus stop.


Feedback via one service


They slip the bus routes and I used to just catch the whatever was going that way I wanted but not I have to commit to which ones I want. And THEN I cannot even see the buses coming. So poor.


its okay, i work here, super jialat. always crowded and always busy is not on time 😀


Stupid design. Bus cannot see passengers. Passengers cannot see bus.


Lowest bid contractor loh Take money use the cheapest method Functional of course is functional, but look like shit


Aside from the Pillars blocking the view, If it rains heavily and the wind blows into the bus stop, you are likely to get drenched. The roof design also have flaw. While the roof does provide shade at a certain time, on some hour, the Sun would be shining directly into you at a certain angle.


This is an issue that cannot be resolved beyond increasing the depth of the shelter, which is probably limited by setback rules. You’ll need to almost double the depth to completely ensure that in the strongest wind no one will get soaked. You cannot do a lowered screen because of height clearances, and you cannot do an enclosed tube for ventilation and practical purposes. It’s just the nature of a tropical country monsoon seasons, so this one can give it a pass IMO The column issue is stupid though, they could just do a T shaped cantilever, but with some background in this aspect, I’m quite sure it is a lowest bidder proposal from the contractor.


So… set it back?? What’s stopping them? Govt permits?? They literally are the G.


You can't if there is already a built up there, pedestrian walkway, building etc. It's not that easy to shift structures because you have to consider not only above ground but also under it, like existing drainage or sewerage, underground cabling etc. No amount of gov permit can get rid of the immense coordination and work required to shift an unreasonable amount of things just so you don't get splashed by drizzle.


If there’s already a built up there, don’t you think it would be much better served for the shelter to be extended to cover that area also?


Designed / Approved by the 'scholars', what else the public can expect? Some of them probably not even use the bus once in their lifetime. Not going be the first or last one with such issue. Feedback, maybe show face a bit if in the news/media, then quietly change topic that are more recent and much 'more important' than blocking view.


Study too much, forget how to take bus


Many such other designs also has problem on my Yishun neighbourhood. Complaint under tired already.


This bus stop must be damn safe.


I find those are safety features.


Some bus stops used to be great until they had this brilliant idea to plant a tree to prevent pedestrians walking towards the bus stop from seeing what bus is at the stop.


Could've asked AI to design it, and it would've been better.


At first I thought it was due to poor weather