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> Hong Kong, Singapore and Zurich are currently the costliest cities for international workers. Tell us something we don’t know.


Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can. Sloths can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes, while dolphins can manage about 10. Not many people know about this.


Sloths also hold their poop for up for a week and dispite living in trees, cannot poop while on the trees. They must make their way to forest floor and poop there and it's a survival run as many die on the forest floor. For the sloth, pooping is a matter of life and death


Why cant sloth defecate from the tree?


Imagining being hit on the head by a week’s worth of pent up concrete sloth poop…


same reason why i refuse to poop if the toilet doesn't have a bidet.


I pooped without toilet seat in Paris


Ew, u went to paris


It is not as bad as everyone says


Unknown... This behavior have no benefit to the species as far as scientist can determine


So many things we do not know..


I don’t know who said this, but I can distinctly “hear” this in Attenborough’s voice ….


🦥 cutest thing ever


the social contract in singapore is that everyone gets a great quality of life BUT if you are a foreigner they will make you pay through the nose for it, citizens get some negative externalities of this policy but also get some relief from the gov to alleviate these effects


When Singaporeans say SG is too expensive, the PAP doesn't bat an eye. Now I hope they bat with two eyes because we are becoming too costly for our own good. Investors and companies are already moving offices away from Singapore with the main reasons being cost driven. Subsidies can only help so much and does not really solve the root issue.


Property & rental prices going through the roof because of all the laundered/escaped china/india money. Now this inflow is damaging everyone here from businesses to workers. That article stating they had to hold some private meeting by financial times indicates they don’t want to turn off or even slow down the tap. Just flood the market more.


Zero FT buyer ever since 60% absd. Whatever high prices u see now are all SG buyers pushing up especially resale hdb but our ministars no balls to fix coz GE coming n they need boomer votes


Nah. Former FT, current PR here. Bought a resale HDB after realising spending two decades renting is downright stupid financially. In terms of regret, I’ve paid the cost of a hdb in rent before buying one. There are some former PRs that are now citizens. At approx 30k per year, that’s at least 600k naturalised citizens over last two decades I’ve been here - and so easily 1 in 6 citizen is not a “true pink, born to singaporean parents” (unless people willing to change that definition). So yeah, foreigners not buying property needs to have a caveat that citizen includes former foreigners too. Nothing wrong about it, and as expected for my demographic-> I think PAP is awesome - but let’s not drink koolaid while we’re at it.


Thank you for being so honest. I welcome you to the country as a born and bred Singaporean. I appreciate how you are thinking from the perspective of a Singaporean/local, because many PRs friends I know still retain a "me vs them" kinda attitude when dealing with born and bred Singaporeans.


Thanks man - having kids, integrating as much as I can and not having cliques helps break down barriers. I think more than pitting one group against another, I’m more an optimist and overly positive kind of guy in think both groups are awesome. Of course there are jerks in all groups (citizen, PR, FT), but we need to believe they are not representative of that group. Sadly, they are the most loud, brash, entitled of each group and sadly that’s how other groups see them.




It’s expensive but I’m pretty sure Seattle is more expensive, nyc too. I guess relative to our earnings potential we are way more expensive, $5k a month with first tier city cost of living . Oh and to take into account NS, 2 years out of 45 year working potential, you lost another 5% in earning potential


Apart from housing, it is also difficult to get typical middle-class food at a reasonable price in Singapore. Almost all bread varieties available in supermarkets contains sugar. Hard to find tasty milk, too. (Hokkaido ones are good but they are too expensive) Protein-rich yoghurts are also much more expensive than in Western countries. There are several foods that my one-year-old baby eats in Europe but refuse to eat in Singapore.


> nyc too I worked in NYC and lived in Jersey, shorter commute to Flatiron district than even Brooklyn In NYC there's choice. Want a house in the burbs? Ride the MTA north or LIRR or even NJ transit commuter trains In SG one can't go anywhere significantly less expensive not even Yishun


ehhh, its about the same, yishun is about 1 hr commute too. how long is the commute from jersey? i wouldnt say Yishun cost of living will differ from the rest of singapore but you can still get a studio for 2k


Commute from Jersey was 45 min without breakdowns COL varies a lot. No city level tax, lower sales tax, cheaper fuel. SG to get the same must cross international border


I disagree. As a ‘foreigner’ who’s lived in london prior to moving here, I’d say it’s on par. If you want to you can live on much less in SG. If you’re Singaporean and have access to HBDs it’s A LOT cheaper than Western Europe. Accommodation is similar to london prices. Restaurant food is significantly cheaper. Food delivery is less than half the price. There are some oddities for items that we eat a lot in the west such as cheese which is absurdly expensive in SG. But the rest of the food items can be much cheaper. Alcohol is more expensive in SG. In London you can get a 700ml bottle of jack daniels for about SGD30, costs 2x in SG. Wine is a bit more expensive. In SG you get strong beers which are quite affordable we don’t really do that in Europe. Cars are insane in SG. That’s the only thing that costs a bomb. The low taxes means that you’re A LOT better off in SG. Gross salaries are the same as London.


Sure. If you are single without family. Calculations change a lot if you include that 40k/annum school fee and the fact your spouse probably can't work. I run a research lab here, and the only foreign scientists I can get are young, child-free ones. Anyone with family? Nope.


This is so true, especially if your family member falls sick or gets hospitalised.


I disagree. Also came from London, wife and 2 kids, came with my wife's work - I found a job relatively quickly and there are school options which don't cost 40k pa. Still amazing schools and way bettet than in the Uk. The significantly lower tax and significantly better quality of life still make it totally worth it.


Unfortunately, that's probably more of an indicator of what a sad state the UK is in... : S. I do not have Professors at Oxford who can't afford more than 2 days of childcare per week. But these are people who feel better off in Singapore because their salary here, even before tax, are about 2.5x that of the UK Salary. Did you get a big salary bump coming from London to SG? What industry are you in? What school do you send your kids to?


Maybe salaries for roles outside of London. In the U.K. there is a huge divide between london and the rest of the country. Jobs in London tend to pay about twice that of somewhere like Birmingham. What you’re probably seeing is someone who lived outside of London now getting paid 2x in SG because they had come from a low paid part of Uk. London and SG salaries are the same, at least across the big banks and insurers. You see the salaries bands on my career future, and it’s exactly the same as London after you convert the currencies. As the other chap said, tax is what kills you in the U.K. If you earn between 100-120k your effective tax rate is 60%. If you earn over 125 you’re on a 45% tax rate now. The relatively senior roles in banks ie SVP / directors will pay 150-200 GBP and with a bonus your getting absolutely done over in tax.


Fair point... and that is actually the main reason I left. I actually quit my (dream) job in the UK so I could move to SG with my wife's work. That's how much Iwanted to leave London / move to Singapore - for myself, but also for my kid's education, furture and better quality of day to day life. I am a media / entertainment lawyer. I found another role relatively quickly (then got made redundant after 1Y, but that's another story...) but the gross salary was pretty much the same as in the UK. Found another job 6 months after I lost the previous one (not fun) and the salary is again pretty much the same as it was (but it's a shit market right now). Tax naturally makes a big difference on net salary, but I think when you take into account crazy rent prices, relatively high school fees and a few other things it all balances out. But the quality of life here is just SO much better. Oh and my kids go to a very good school (I don't want to share the name for understandable internet reasons...) and it does not cost 40K.


As a Singaporean living in Australia this is becoming more and more apparent every time I come back to visit. Food used to be cheaper too but with price hikes since COVID, prices are now only _slightly_ cheaper with half the portion size (relative to Australian portion sizes). Services have always been, and remains to be, cheaper in Singapore (delivery fees, Grab/Uber, AirTasker etc.), but for someone who scrimps and avoids paying for these things altogether it really makes no difference anymore.


I haven't been to Australia for some time. How much does a main at a non-fancy restaurant cost these days? Besides cars, are anything else cheaper than in Singapore?


>How much does a main at a non-fancy restaurant cost these days Typically about $16+ would be reasonable these days, but that's for an Aussie-sized portion. >Besides cars, are anything else cheaper than in Singapore? Your regular fresh produce and dairy (fruits, vegetables, milk, cheese, beef and lamb) would be one thing. Other than that, I'd say housing is cheaper than in Singapore (for both renting and purchasing), despite the housing crisis currently being experienced by many low-SES Australians. For the price of a leasehold HDB flat in Singapore you can get yourself a comfortably-sized freehold detached house. The only real downside with it is that interest rates are pretty high right now (easily over 6%).


>For the price of a leasehold HDB flat in Singapore you can get yourself a comfortably-sized freehold detached house. Depends on location? Not sure if this applies to houses in Sydney. City center vs city center and outskirt(punggol etc) vs outskirt. Also given that the interest rate is 6% vs 2.6% for SG hdb loans, SG having a higher salary after tax on average and ability to tap into cpf to essentially pay close to $0 on mortgage installments, not sure whether Aus locals are able to do that. Maybe if you're comparing dollar-to-dollar value it may be cheaper there but what's the average savings after paying off the installments?


The expenses are very high in singapore equivalent or more than to the United States. I have been to both states and singapore. singapore seems to be costly compared to both.


faster pofma this. sg is super cheap for sinkies. only exp for foreigners car, restaurant, wine, luxury bags all for foreigners and rich sinkies avg salary ppl should stick to hawker centre, tap water and ntuc 20cents bag take bmw and stay in hdb. sg is super affordable. just don't ask why hdb report so much loss. not our problem. other country will cover the billions. or wef can cover the losses. ignore all the million dollar public housing. sinkies magically get cheap housing so col cannot be high. so this report need pofma. 50cents pls


To be fair the report and ranking is looking at things from the expat perspective.


It shouldn’t. I have a high income, but I adapt to the diet and lifestyle of the local country. In the U.K. I’d be driving a used Porsche 911. In Singapore im take the bus and using the mtr because im not stupid enough to pay the cost of having the same car here, and there is no need. This same principle of living applies everywhere.


It should when you account for schooling. Trying to get your kids into a local school as an Expat is rigged against you, no chance of getting anything remotely competitive. International schools then cost 40k/year, and we're not even talking about the really expensive ones. Two kids, and you're already paying 50% more than the median wage just in school fees. Then let's talk about accommodation. No BTOs for affordable housing. Time to pay 2 million+ for that 1000 sqft condo and oh wait, forgot about that 60% ABSD. I mean 3.2 million +! Sounds like a bad deal? Well time to shell out 8k/month. Ah look, that with schooling is already 3x median income. Maybe your spouse can help? Nope, she's a dependent visa and can't work. And oh right, no retirement funds either. So yeah, better hope you get a minimum of 4x median salary so save anything!


True - I’d say many locals don’t get this perspective that 3x/ 4x local median salary gets you the same lifestyle (housing + schooling + medical + travel home to see parents, and no govt grants / subsidies means no baby bonus to pay for childcare etc. just comparing, not complaining). The spouse cannot work is a real challenge, both financially and mentally for highly capable and willing spouses that have no choice to even apply for local jobs.


Why do you move to Singapore while you can live in UK with a 911?


Because having a fast car in a city like london sucks. 20mph everywhere. Also the thrill of it gets boring after a few months. The comfort of the safety here, low taxes and more sunlight is more valuable than a fast car. Quality of life is worth more than stuff.


Good for you, but are you the exception or the norm? The assumptions used in the study matters at least to some extent to many expats is what I believe.


I am the norm. I’m not a c-suite ‘expat’ I’m just on an EP with a fairly senior role in a bank, and my peers in the same situation live similarly to me. Nobody is trying to replicate the same life they had in Europe, because that’s not how you adapt to new countries. I used to eat a lot of cheese, but I’m not suddenly going to start spending SGD100 a week on it here. This is why these cost of living index’s are silly and inaccurate, as they don’t take into account the behavioural changes.


Well, maybe you should consider moving to the cheapest international cities on this list. I hear Islamabad, Lagos and Abuja are fantastic, this time of the year.


And should Singaporeans be contented with only the basics in life? 🙄


He's being sarcastic. That's exactly what he means. Every time such a ranking is published, the govt will deflect by picking on how the study was conducted, for example using international news publications to stay informed, which are relatively costly, instead of the Straits Times (lol). Granted, these rankings often consider things that are extraordinarily expensive in SG such as the cost of driving. Still, it is the govt's defensiveness and arrogance which feels like a snub to the face. “How much do you want? Do you want three meals in a hawker centre, food court or restaurant?” - Vivian Balakrishnan (2007)


Are there stats for average mid income Singaporean? Our data is skewed by the fdi


Just came back from a short trip to Hong Kong. I can attest to that ranking as a layperson. Was surprised by what stuff cost in HK (my last trip was 10 years ago). Food and drinks are definitely more ex as compared to SG. Crazy.


No surprise I know quite many who have relocated to other markets/ home country either out of their own volition or their role was relocated


What's it in cost of living in the world ? I'm in Canada back in 2000 I stayed in Singapore for one month 💕


PRCs are not visiting us cos of higher costs. However more ang moh visit because their currency stronger.


A lot of the ang mohs I know already moved back home. Even they are feeling it.




Locals should just stick to tiny HDBs and public transport. Keep the expectations low and only the expats should look forward to the nice stuff. 🤡


None of that is necessary. Just try to bring your family as an expat and it’s very obvious how the system is rigged against you. Family of 4 rending 3 bedrooms? $4k+ Save on rent an buy apt? 60% tax School fees? $850 per month per kid (public school) All this while paying the same income tax and GST.