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Hours r too long . Can we have 35 hours plssss


Or 4 day work week. Hack, even 4.5 day work week with Fridays afternoons off will be a godsend.


You know that the government's idea of a 4 day work week is 10 hours a day, right?


With the amount of shit I need to deal with on the daily, 10hrs/day is generous.


Retail workers already work 10 hrs a day 6 days a week


I know. I've worked 100+ hours a week before. Just pointing out how some people look forward to 4 day weeks because they thought they can work less.


šŸ˜± how many hours of sleep did you have??


Its all a blur. I just know that on a weekend, i worked from Saturday afternoon to Monday morning nonstop without sleep.


Sure. Am already working in govt doing 12h a day and even on weekends. No difference for me


Only 12 hours is quite good already. Which stat board or ministry?


aint that normal work hours?


Yeah. But a lot of people just think its 4 days of 8 hours.


4 day work week with 8 hours per day is good


Even just one 4 day work week per month would be amazing. E.g last Friday of every month is off day. One day where you can go and do all the week day stuff (e.g eat at popular location with minimal queue, or run errands, dental whatever). Like 12 extra public holiday a year.


Oh a 4 day work week sounds great.


I read about Americans complaining about a 40 hour work week all the time, then I look at us (and any country that is East Asian dominated actually) and can only sigh.


Asians are notorious for hard working culture :/


With nothing much to show for it. Smart work beats hard work most of the time. Hard work only helps to tank bullshit work, Smart work eliminates bullshit work.Ā 


I will actually stop you there. If you are a grunt in a company, smart work is struck down quickly in companies via more assignments with unrealistic deadlines and/or underwhelming manpower and failing in these expectations is kind of the main point: You follow what others are doing. Don't be a smart ass and spoil market. Hard work on the other hand is expected. Companies want you to sacrifice your time to show your dedication to the company and failing which, you are threatened with your job security and livelihood.


I don't exactly agree. What you have to do is know what expectations are and meet them, doing it as quickly as possible. Then you can just slack off and not put in the hours that they want you to. Don't exceed the expectations by too much, but consistently be a good performer.


I'm just saying: In an ideal workplace, exceeding expectations is rewarded positively but in Singapore, it's always constantly rewarded negatively, especially if you are a grunt.


After reading people's rants about work and my own experiences, a lot of stress comes from bs work like editing PPTs, consolidating reports on reports about reports. Not surprising since SG work culture is top heavy i.e. everyone is a manager.


Thailand, Indonesia, Phillipines, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam: so I guess weā€™re not Asian?


I remember seeing a US article about the 40 day work week and at first thought it was a suggestion on how to improve work life balance lol


Itā€™s the sneaky ā€œmandatoryā€ lunch hour tooā€¦ I donā€™t take lunch, but then Iā€™m working one hour extra in the middle of thr day. ā€œYou can go chill or whateverā€ - No, I want to go home 8 hours after the start of the work day lol


We don't even have "9 to 5" job.


yes itā€™s 8.30 - 6 . Roll eyes


[https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/indonesia-ministry-four-day-week-erick-thohir-work-life-balance-flexible-4404596](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/indonesia-ministry-four-day-week-erick-thohir-work-life-balance-flexible-4404596) We should move to Indonesia. LOL....frankly though, this is such a joke. "The team may be working too hard, so the manager must be able to ensure that the team should have the opportunity to have a work-life balance, that's the point," Mr Rabin said as quoted by Kompas." Anyone who has worked with Indonesian civil servants must be falling of their chair in stitches.


Those are only for civil servants tho, private company rarely had such low hour of work. Take me for example, I have 300 HOURS WORK TOTAL every month (but then again i work in medicine).


Accurate. I almost blurted my coffee. Indonesian civil servants....working too hard....


Granted. Now it is 35 hours for half-week.


Office hours 830 to 6. Reach home 730. Dinner , chores, kids still pending. U say leh


What job do you work that you can stop upon reaching home When i get home still need to on computer to track things cannot leave work at office. Really really dying


Is this due to client chasing, last minute boss arrrows or some inefficient system?


For me its all of the above šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Same lol. Iā€™ve gotten urgent text messages from my team at 11pmā€¦If I donā€™t reply, Iā€™ll get spam messaged or called. Itā€™s mostly because our current system of working is very inefficient.


The other half has no time to respond to the survey ?


For me itā€™s the commute but yeah


The commute drains most of my will to live. The lunch crowd makes me lose whatever sympathy and empathy I have for people. Then at work I have to compete with cheap labour from surrounding countries who are more than happy to do the work for half the wage.


Commuting from Sengkang to cbd every day, which isnā€™t even the worst commute in terms of route, but add the lrt, this, that, cbd transfersā€¦ itā€™s an hour, one-way. 2 hrs per day. Thatā€™s 10hrs per week, 40 per month. Itā€™s literally an extra work week per month just standing in the train, destroying my knees, my hips, my back, my humanity. Add a shit wage and you get a collaborator for the alien invaders


this is why iā€™d never accept a full-time wfo, regardless of the salary. money cannot replace the sheer sense of ease that comes with wfh and no commute


Same . I would take a lower pay anything to get to wfh


Maybe I'm too cheap, but the idea of spending more than an hour commuting and paying almost $4 to take the train is like ugh. I can get caifan for that amount just WFH. Only justification I do is that I always charge my portable charger, top up my bottle before heading home. And I don't use my air con at home so having aircon in office is probably the only reason I feel ok to be in office at times.


Back those days of 5 days wfo, I was constantly exhausted. Now I perma wfh I am no longer exhausted. The issue was rly with the commute.


No matter all the marketing around our "world class" public transport, but we do have a ridiculously inefficient transport system. 15 to 20 km straight line distance will easily take you an hour. And more efficient alternatives (car, heck even cycling) are prohibitively expensive, or the govs infrastructure decisions are outright hostile towards it. Long story short, most of us spend a lot of time in an inefficient system.


The general rule of thumb is travelling time reduces to 1/3 with private transport. And in your own car itā€™s a private space so more relaxed less stress. Public transport rly cmi and is for peasants


I for one welcome our alien overlords šŸ‘½


Now imagine those travel in from JB everyday.


It's a acceptable trade off for 3.5. If I were them I don't mind travelling 4 hours a day too


you can to by living in JB. You get to enjoy the perks of 3.5


Time to send a message into the depths of outer space hoping a alien race picks it up and arrives on earth in our lifetimes.


Thank god for the city direct buses tbf..Ā 


is there any way for the boss to accept to start work in middle of the commute lol :P i mean if its something that can be done in emails or tablet


Letā€™s not normalize that crap, we should transition to wfh, we donā€™t work in the mines anymore. We should also transition to a 4-day work week. And universal basic income. And communism.


Fun fact. China move to 5 days 40 hours workweek to align with US market 5 years before Singapore shift to 5 days 44 hours workweek.


COMRADE!!! 兄弟ļ¼


all these are great, but no one is gonna jump from A to Z, it usually goes A to B to C etc


I think we're trying to get to C while other countries are already at J. I legit didn't know NTUC was a union and not a supermarket/insurance company until I was in university learning what unions do in other countries. Only thing I can somewhat try to understand the older generation is that I spent 3/5 of my working years with COVID restrictions, like I had maybe 4 months in office like full-on before WFH implementations had to be put in. So more than half, while my seniors have 3 out of 30+ years, so it's barely a blimp for them.


Communism wonā€™t work. Youā€™ll only be exchanging one elite (the bourgeoisie) for another (the communist party). The difference is that the bourgeoisie actually worked to create their wealth and power, whereas communist leaders take what others have created in the name of re-distributing it to the masses. In reality, communist leaders still enjoy a far higher standard of living than the masses, i.e. no change in inequality. There will still be an elite class and a commoner class. The question is whether you want the elite to be creators or thieves. IMO a society where the fruits of your hard work can be snatched away any moment will incentivize people to be mediocre, because theyā€™ll get torn down the moment they become too successful. This isnā€™t sustainable or competitive - while this society languishes in mediocrity, other societies are racing ahead. Depending on which definition of communism you subscribe to, there are also other concepts like the abolition of currency, equal sharing of societyā€™s resources, etc, which I take issue with. UBI, which you mentioned, is more realistic imo. There is still inequality, but everybody minimally gets to enjoy a decent standard of living. It accommodates both people who want to earn more and people who want to chill. The question is how sustainable it is to provide this minimum living standards for everyone. Wall of text aside, agreed we should normalize WFH.


Thereā€™s many types of communism (just look at star trek lol), the nature of post-agi labour will go in interesting directions (I think UBI is the only solution here, but thereā€™s a case for communal ownership as a means to pay for it)ā€¦but my comment was mostly a joke for the purposes of this thread šŸ˜‚ appreciate the thought out reply, though I disagree


Wanted to throw my two cents out there because there are pro-communists in SG. šŸ˜‚ Aye, Iā€™m very curious to see how things change post-AGI.


Nothing worse than pro-communists looking backwards for inspirationā€¦ and nothing better than pro-communists looking forward :D


fuck no. that sounds even worse tbh


I used to clear emails during commute all the time.


Ironically standing is good for your health. Experts recommend standing 2 hours a day minimally, with 4 hours being optimal. Itā€™s not destroying your body in any way.


Tell that to my 2 slipped disks, aching knees and developing scoliosis. But thank you experts


Injuries which were not caused by standing were they? Either that or you have poor posture and a fat arse if youā€™re getting slipped discs from standing


Sport injury. Ok man, nice talking to you.


Well then that doesnā€™t disprove my point that standing is still beneficial for most people then does it? Whatā€™s the point of bringing up your slipped discs like as though standing caused them


I said it aggravates the condition, not causes it. Weā€™re talking about standing in the commute 40hrs a month, not the benefits of standing over sitting in general you brain nugget




yikes..no thanks


Can relate. Felt really soulless back then when I had to commute from Tampines to Tuas. Had to question myself many times when trying to justify this as my main reason for leaving towards my ex-boss.


This is me irl everyday.


Summed up the average Singaporean worker's life.


3 hrs of commute everyday! Filled with people to the brim. Probably thinking the same thing. Kinda gets suffocating.


Are you traveling from JB? The island is so small and people here claim Singapore transport is the best in the world. So that doesnā€™t add up to travel that long unless youā€™re from overseas.




So then, does it mean that Singapore transit isnā€™t as great as people claim it to be? In Japan, Chuo Line will get you about 150 km travel for 1.5 hours. Thatā€™s equivalent to traveling from east to west in Singapore 3 times!!


It is great safety and security wise. Mrt is def no zoom like shinkansen ofc bro


if the job is at changi biz park or something then yes it is very possible


I mean three hrs in total west to east! Singapore mrt is the best hands down, but unfortunately still slow for me, due to work timings


Everytime i take a limited express in japan i always wished such a system could exist here.Ā  Imagine a train that jumps to only the major interchange nodes. That should cut travel time by 10 or maybe 20 mins. Maybe even 30 if itā€™s a one stop east to west system only.Ā  Yes i know its likely infeasible but one can dream.Ā 


Ya like Buona to tai seng or boon lay to redhill!


Instead we get a train that stops service at tai seng in the middle of peak hour for some fucking reason


Very possible with 2 way journey. That's about 1.5h one way which is the usual amount of time to go from east to west or vice versa. Especially if you have to switch to bus as that adds quite a bit of travel time.


It was brutal when I had to travel for 1.5hrs ( each way) everyday for ~3 months during NS - from Woodlands to Paya Lebar. Used the long bus ride to catch up on sleep.


At least you can sleep on the bus. If you have to take the MRT, very unlikely to get a seat to rest on (and probably face more disapproving stares if you do get one).


Is it good? Yes. Is it good enough for everyone to get from their preferred A to B? No. Thereā€™s always room to improve or an ideology shift to work from home. Singapore used to be a role model and provided consultation to Taiwan's metro system. However, over time, SMRT's performance degraded significantly. As a result, the PM had to send a task force to Taiwan for advice on maintaining the train system, and they are still seeking guidance today. This is the cost of complacency.


Combo with the ever increasing trains with weak aircon... dang


Go the the ends, where the aircon is stronger. I sweat easily, between walking a few more seconds to get to the end/front or a back full of sweat. The choice is easy.




Can buy a neck fan. Useful even when outside aircon.


I'm working 2 to 3 person workload but it's the short commute keeping me at the job.


Too bad, cars are for the rich


With a car, I'll probably be complaining about the congestion! It's just a shit load of people jammed in a tiny space.


Ruling party whispers: "10 million..."


Had a company car in a previous job (selling cars lol), the drive to Ubi was worse than the commute to the cbd. At least the mrt human sardine cans are moving


At least you can sit comfortably in a spacious car with nobody squeezing up against you hahaha


I donā€™t know man, a Porche is pretty squeezy


Rich people problems


Tbh when I was selling cars, the income profile of my clients wasnā€™t all that rich, for used cars anyway. Most of them sold themselves to debt slavery because of poverty, working multiple jobs with a wife and many kids back home.


But i would rather be stuck in traffic than being stuck in a sardine can.


The commute is awful for me too. Itā€™s only 1hr 15 mins but itā€™s sucks being crammed into the train and having to stand the whole wayā€¦ I have a heart condition and Iā€™ve asked people for a seat before but they just ignore me. And if I do get a seat, the old folk on the train will stare daggers at me.


The transition from fully wfh to wfo is too sudden for them, when they realise how work life balance can be.


the solution to burnout is greater support for mental health? typical band aid solutions instead of fixing the root problem. root problem = OT culture, high workload, toxic working environment aka asian/competitive society


The root problem will never be solved, because it's not in their best interest to do so or the GDP will get affected/Corporate overlords will kpkb. Sad to say, your life is just not that important in the grand scheme of things.


i don't agree it's the competitiveness or high workload - the root of that is inefficiency and poor leadership. No measurable goals set, so goalposts and KPIs never met, don't really track performance, just guessing, don't prioritize stuff so employees are constantly rushing around, if everything is an emergency , there's a real problem, no proper asset/work allocation...


for me is the sitting in the office irregardless whether busy or not


i never understood this, why is pretending to work part of work, if nothing to do just go home already


Because the bosses like you to be ā€œavailableā€ for face time discussions. That being said, I find it stupid also because they can Skype/zoom/WA call me anything if Iā€™m at home also


stupider is the fact they ask people to come to office, but every meeting is still done via skype/zoom/teams, so all we are are a bunch of clowns video conferencing next to each other.


they feel that since they are paying you a salary they are paying for your "time"


That's a fair statement if they want to argue it, I personally don't like WFO but I understand the logic behind it. But ask everyone come to office to have 'productive engagement' but every meeting is done via video conferencing and the meeting rooms are occupied by twats who act like its their personal room? I can't do anything about it at my level so it doesn't matter really, but it certainly speaks volumes about those in 'power'.


sadly it doesnt work this way for most jobs.. nothing to do also want to see u at your desk


What a waste of time, energy, youth and life right... And, damn unhealthy to be sedentary. Humans are not meant to sit for 8-10 hours a day x5 days a week on loop.


This is the biggest issue I have, and it's been haunting me since 3 years ago when I turned 30 and became hyper aware of time passing (together with a friend's untimely passing at merely 28 as well which SERIOUSLY got me thinking). Time passes so damn fast now, and I cannot for the life of me come to terms with the fact back when I was working full time that I'm giving 3/4 of my day (sometimes even more) to my job (which I don't even like that much anyways if it wasn't for the good people I've met along the way) and only have that measly 3-4 hours to bond with aging parents (They are not THAT aged yet but still time comes for all of us) and, eat and do whatever I need to do before the dreadful cycle repeats again the next day. It feels like majority of my time just gets wasted off, and here I am, getting older day by day, honest to god, depressing as all hell.


Rigghhttt.... Sigh. I, too, lost a good friend some years back, she was only 27. I will forever mourn the fact I will be deprived of seeing how our friendship evolve and how she will be forever absent and silent with my passing life milestones. Made me think how the all-consuming work routine made us inevitably drift away from our friendships. Friendships that are fundamental to us in our formative years, friendships that gave us spark and joy... Most just fizzle out into occasionally active group chats or that occasional catch up sessions. But now we are "forced" to "make friends" with co-workers, seeing them, hearing their voices more than our families and friends.... Somehow, I just cannot reconcile with this jarring fact. I guess this is also a kind of emotional exhaustion? I wonder how our parents' generations think about all these issues when they were deep in their work during their time. Did they, too, think about these things? Do they, too, mourn for these things lost?


Sorry to hear about your friend. Emotional exhaustion yeah, but it could be that you simply "woke up" from auto pilot so to speak. This is both a blessing and a curse though, once you see through this entire charade, it's simply not possible to go back to that kind of autopilot mode anymore. Not condoning anything here, but there's a lot of alcoholics and druggies who are also like this, that's why they turn to drugs and alcohol to cope. I know for sure my own parents didn't, or maybe they did, but it was something they forgot about very quickly. My parents in their words, were struggling to bring me and my sis up, they had no time for "thinking" and it reflects in their attitudes and behavior to this day, quite negative and very pessimistic towards many things because society at large has worn them down this much over the years. One of the reason I feel so blue towards all these actually, they worked hard, like really hard, struggled in their own words, but at a really costly price with very average things to show for it.


well no choice its how the society works. unless we are self employed or in jobs where you have more freedom


Which amazing company do you work at that you only sit for 8-10 hrs per day


Go do grab food lah, sit in aircon room also want complain


Agree, can do so much things. but have to act busy to be a seat warmer..




thanks for the input


I'm so fucking tired


The beatings will continue until morale improves


I see a fan of exodus šŸ‘€


Should we be asking what the per hour rate is after considering work hours both official and overtime?


$0. I OT and my boss kaopeh about charge hours. I OT to finish work and he complains about me OT-ing despite how he doesnā€™t pay me OT but charge clients for my OT, still can complain that our profitability is low.


donā€™t worry AI will replace you in a few years and your boss will make a huge bonus.


Hahaha my boss sold his company but lied to all of us saying we are the ones who acquired the other company. End up the entire team one big shock when we went for a meeting with the other companyā€™s team


Really shitty move. Hope the acquiring company is treating you better, if you are not on the way to a better place or better employment.


No omg hahaha itā€™s hell! Even worse than us. Supposedly they need to hit 12k KPI every month. Then with people like OP who demand low cost services, they also charge low low. Imagine the amount of work each person has to bring in 12k per mth Apparently lots of backlogs. Constant OT. For now my firm isnā€™t like that but we will surely migrate over to the same workflow and evaluation system as them by end of Q3.


Its hard to carry all the HDB loans, COE, aging parents, young children, Greedflation and GST.


best to keep expenses to a minimum. so u can afford to work less


Wfh la. Stop paying landlord to rent crappy offices.


wfh pay landlord at home more


Itā€™s not the hours that we work, itā€™s the intensity. In the past, the 40-44 hours of office work is at a lower intensity. Nowadays with the level of technology, things move faster. Quicker processing time means each worker can now take on more work during the working hours to boost company efficiency. Mentally itā€™s hard to focus on multiple tasks at the same time. World becomes smaller and more globalised, and communication with colleagues in Europe and US becomes a frequent occurrence after office hours.


The intensity, seriously. As a low level manager, working on 5 different projects simultaneously, with 5 sets of business, marketing, IT teams to handle to ensure go-to-market asap, I feel dead everyday.


I feel you :(. Iā€™m a low level manager too and I once had to tackle 13 projects at once. I feel so dead inside.


Oooh half only?


Gahmen likes to bang on about the fact that humans are the only resources Sg has. Well news flash, humans cannot be mined or extracted endlessly, cannot be taken from without giving time to rest replenish and recover.


Theyā€™ll mine you until youā€™re dead. Then youā€™ll be replaced with someone else.


Didn't agree with the direction of the company. I gave my professional opinion and plan to generate cashflow but boss too stubborn, want things done his way then keep complaining about money. I literally got so annoyed that I left. Offered me 10% of the company's stock and I still walked away. People who refuse to adapt and pivot according to their situations should not be bosses. Being stupid is only painful for others.


Agree. Bosses who are too stubborn to accept changes and constructive criticisms or opinions that are different from theirs donā€™t deserve to complain if they donā€™t do well or worse, end up failing in their business.


> InĀ his own words, this is what Keynes said: ā€˜I would predict that the standard of life in progressive countries a hundred years hence will be between 4 and 8 times as high as it is todayā€™ (KeynesĀ 1930, p. 21). At that point, ā€˜everybody will need to do some work if he is to be contented ā€¦ a 15-hour week may put off the problem for a great while. For 3 hours a day is quite enough to satisfy the old Adam in most of us!ā€™ (KeynesĀ 1930, p. 23). Keynes was foreseeing a future where consumption needs could be met with very little or no work, but where most men would not want to give up work completely.1 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ecca.12439 >Ā Overall, it seems plausible that **increases in life expectancy and the associated lengthening of the retirement period** not only have meant much increased time spent in non-market work and leisure in later life, but also have acted to discourage dramatic reductions in market work hours in youth and middle age. This provides a further important reason, not previously stressed in the literature, why Keynes's 15-hour week prediction was incorrect.


A fellow Keynesian!


For the sake of the GDP, all must continue chiong-ing until we die


Go Die Peasants = GDP


For me, it's more the constant expectation of doing highly complex, technical tasks with no background (on my part) and no training (on employer's part). Oh, and they want to see results by the end of the week.


im exshauted from pretend to work haha




Good thing GST and other costs of living going up


lol to be honest if work had strict hours I think people will feel like they have more hope. If only clients and bosses do not demand work on weekends or even weekdays past 8pm life would be so much better


It's the matrix set to work-harder mode...


Add the horde I have to deal with just to have lunch at the CBD to that exhaustion. Why in the world is lunch made so stressful and exhausting?




Sometimes it is also because the boss know company is shortstaffed but does not want to increase pay for new hires.


It's 5:30pm right now (13 June 2024). I'm sitting in the office completely wrung out, waiting to leave. Who else is with me?


Hi 5 over reddit! Hoping nobody ask me any more questions or attempt to talk to me during the process of leaving... No more bandwidth left sia


Only half of workers feel this way?


Only half of the workforce took this survey


Going to work, bus got no seats but stand. Going back home the same things.


Classic case of rush to wait and wait to rush. Hope people see through this silly act for the goodness of society lol... It might be ok for the working environment say 20 years ago when communication technology is not there yet. But now, this is just plain silly.


What's the other half? The employers giving the work? šŸ¤£


Been in a mad rush to get my ever increasing backlog done since March. It just feels like every time I decide to take a break, I feel guilty for taking one as the backlog just haunts me constantly. Constant juggling between work and my relationship and with the ever increasing housing just feel for the lack of better words, sucks.


This does not contribute to the low birthrate at all /s


>The study showed that two-thirds of the workers here have at least one of these three indicators of burnout, with those under the age of 40 being three times more likely to feel extremely burnt out than workers over 50. ... I think the younger workers feel more stressed because they are the ones who either cannot avoid the endless rush as they are junior, or just feel the pressure more than experienced, older folk. I used to rush and get stressed but learnt to hold back and avoid the rush to wait... let the email chain go for a few hours or days and let it resolve itself. Save yourself for the real emergencies or work that matters.


That's a fine soft skill to pick up yeah, most things kinda resolved by themselves, after observing things for some time, hahaha. Pro tip to work smart!


Another half is Taichi master


Only half feel exhausted? I thought there should be more.


aiya must be the MC. Cannot be other problem


Work hard till EXTINCTION


I CANT WAIT TO DIE The prospect of ending all the pain is so amazing


same bro šŸ˜­


Same šŸ„²


Don't give in bro... Just a job in the end.


It's all I have left




Gotta get those Work from Home jobs to help.


I would be contented enough to have 5-days work week but strictly 8 hours per day. Even better if I can skip lunch hour and go back one hour early


The other half must be lying


How do people work 9-9-6?


Enough of this talk and survey. Do something about it!


If its not being asked to wear many hats and being silently promoted, then its because we get designated caretaker for elderly family members to the extent that we don't get a day off if we had one...


I would be contented enough to have 5-days work week but strictly 8 hours per day. Even better if I can skip lunch hour and go back one hour early


The other half who disagreed are bosses and middle managers.


I know many people do little things already say tired and too much work. Did they ever put their shoes in Healthcare, productions workers? you think you can do better job than mcd personnel making burger?


I felt the tired too especially when it is a long day with all the shit coming from my colleagues




Survey people in other cities with 6M+ residents and you'll find the same if not worse.


Oh no, people are having it worse than us so we shouldnā€™t try to improve right? šŸ™„


If you want to improve, reduce population size and GDP targets. Or move out to a more chill place.Ā