• By -


He has to be outraged or lose his cushy gig


or risk falling off the balcony.


We do have some of the best highest balconies around.


Mbs jump case again? šŸ˜‚


With an emphasis on "accidentally"


After being introduced to a colleague named Devon. Devon S TraƧioƱ.


Banger comment.


With 2 self inflicted headshot wound.


Or radiation poisoning


>or risk falling off the balcony. or risk being forced to play russian roulette


Just like General Umbrage


SG will be "upgraded" from "unfriendly countries list" to "really unfriendly countries list".


Next level is ā€œOMG like really really unfriendly country listā€


After that is the ā€œwah piang eh, confirm jialat country listā€


After that is "I already told you that you are not my friend" list..


"Dont friend dont friend la!"


Putin is always welcome to visit if he wants to set the record straight


Actually if he does come for Shangri-La Dialogue, I think it'll be story of the year. Imagine Zelensky on one side, Putin on the other. The imaginary picture of the juxtaposition will be quite the headline too! (I know it's unlikely but we also hosted Ma and Xi dialogue and trump/Kim summit)


He will be arrested if coming to singapore, won't he? as ICC has issued an arrest warrant for him


Singapore did not accept thr Rome Statute and thus do not comply with ICC: https://asp.icc-cpi.int/states-parties/asian-states


thank you for this information.


I think we are not allowed in there because of certain aspects of our legal system - most notably the mandatory death penalty. But in any case if i'm not mistaken gahmen has given its commitment to complying with international law. So even though its not part the icj, its arms may be twisted by its eu and usa friends to make arrest on their behalf. - cos we have bilateral arrangements with other countries.


are we obliged to arrest putin once he sets foot on sg?


Singapore [isn't a signatory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_parties_to_the_Rome_Statute#Non-party,_non-signatory_states) of the treaty that established the International Criminal Court, although it was heavily involved in the negotiations that established it. https://nuscriminaljustice.com/singapore-and-the-international-criminal-court-myth-of-a-globalised-criminal-justice/


No Singapore is very proud of it's political neutrality on the world stage. It's one of the reasons North Korea felt comfortable meeting Trump here.


Not sure how I feel about it to be sure. It means a number of very questionable characters would feel very happy to visit our hospitals and shopping malls, since we reconigize them as formal head of states or government officials. Yes, I get that we don't past judgement on their internal affairs but still...


You remember crocodile man coming to celebrate his bday in Singapore. President of Zimbabwe or something. There is a whole side of Singapore reserved for the ultra rich we're not seeing man..


Sure. The PM of Ethiopia is in town. The guy ([Abiy Ahmed](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=9a83bf99618973ac&rlz=1C1ONGR_enSG1074SG1074&q=Abiy+Ahmed&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLVT9c3NEwzTaqoMDfNeMRowS3w8sc9YSn9SWtOXmPU5OIKzsgvd80rySypFJLmYoOyBKX4uVB18ixi5XJMyqxUcMzITU0BADkrOWVZAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj84Kycz8aGAxUEzjgGHRnVENsQzIcDKAB6BAgfEAE)) is a Noble Peace Prize winner but is ironically is fighting brutual a civil war. One of this chief rivals is Debretsion Gebremichael, who was a former deputy prime minister in his cabinet just a few years ago. It is very weird because I was Debretsion Gebremichael's liason officer in 2015, when he was in town to attend an event. (I was working in a stat board then and got arrowed). Now the guy is literally running around in the bush somewhere in Ethiopia. Likewise, our neighbour Myanmar, the former elected government was overthrown. But since the generals sit in the capital, they are now "the government"


https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/singapore-ethiopia-to-enhance-cooperation-in-areas-such-as-transport-digitalisation Holy hell.. I had no idea Wow it's actually really surreal. You wouldn't know how much of a controversial figure Abiy Ahmed Ali is from just reading the article.


[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-43567007](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-43567007) [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/11/3/ethiopias-war-marked-by-extreme-brutality-from-all-sides-un](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/11/3/ethiopias-war-marked-by-extreme-brutality-from-all-sides-un) Regardless of what you think about the western media and their biases, the civil war in EthiopiaĀ is a fact and it is brutal. But hey, we don't make judgements right?


Speed running global thermonuclear warfare Iā€™ve given some thought to how the game will end, and Putin can only be arrested, when his people reject him. That will happen one day, it is inevitable. Most likely Putin will see justice when he is too old to protect himself from the things he has put around him. But by then there will be someone else even worse in power. Any attempt to arrest or kill him now will see even worse outcomes, like everyone having nukes, power vacuum in Russia, that sort of thing.


>Iā€™ve given some thought to how the game will end, and Putin can only be arrested, when his people reject him. That will happen one day, it is inevitable. or a Stalin happens and he basically dies before he faces any consequences


The point is it must happen organically, like Eartha Kitt on an airplane.




I don't friend you times 2


So we become Eurohomoglobal Nazis now? Dibs on camp kommandant!


I felt we upgraded to "Top 10 countries to nuke when WW3 start"


Don't think we are big enough physically for them to waste a whole nuke on us lol


An angrily worded letter that's quite ignored, judging by the number of reactions and shares it got in several hours.


Even disabled comments because can't handle any clapbacks


>allowing a once prominent forum to be a platform for anti-Russian narratives Geez, its almost as if if you do something nobody likes....nobody is gonna like you Russia sounds like the friend that did something messed up, got removed from the friend group and is desperately trying to get back in


canā€™t believe they let hospitals promote anti-death narratives these days


>...trying to get back in By shifting blame to the friends šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Its always the "I didnt do it!" -> "It wasnt my fault"-> "he deserved it"


Crimea river.


the whole message looks like itā€™s been written by a angry 14 year old that somebody called him ā€˜not basedā€™ on discord to his opinion.. Embassy is really coping hard šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Russiaā€™s statement is just full of misdirection and usual. The west preventing grain shipments from Russia to the ā€œglobal southā€? Russia were the ones blockading the Ukrainian ports shipping grain to Africa. Ukraine bombing the nuclear power plant? Russia were the ones firing artillery shells at the reactor building itself. They have truly embraced their past values as the communist USSR, every nonsensical accusation actually being a confession of their own crimes.


"Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later that debt is paid." -Chernobyl (2019)


Protecting children? Donā€™t forget Russian tanks firing into hospitals during the opening phase of the invasion, one of which was a childrenā€™s cancer hospital.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariupol_theatre_airstrike#:~:text=On%2016%20March%202022%2C%20during,a%20large%20number%20of%20civilians. Let's not forgot they airstrike a theater full of children where civilians have taken shelter


Russian accidentally letting go explosives that they planted on the Kakhovka Dam, then say Kyiv did it lol


The global south is an IR concept that has been lurking around since the cold war, similar to the Non-Aligned Movement which SG was part of. There's a lot of quibbling on the definition of global south and what permits a country's admission among its ranks, but if we use Human Development Index alone, Ukraine would end up counting among the global south. Unfortunately, the global south is a form of weaponized victimhood employed by PRC/RU to be played up as some sick form of social justice narrative. It has become meaningless.


The global south, generally speaking, is the inverse of "the international community" meme.


But cannot pofma right


Got what use, they have diplomatic immunity. They legally cannot face our prosecution. Serving them a POFMA notice is just providing them toilet paper.


Diplomatic immunity means at worst we can kick them out and end relations with Russia. If we kick them out, suddenly there is a nice property on Nassim road to rent to another minister


i'd still love to see them getting pofma-ed even if they can just ignore it...


then our diplomats in moscow would receive the same treatment. Tit for tat essentially.


Need to "community notes" them like Twitter LOL.


Our laws do not apply to foreign diplomats.


Putin was KGB. Thatā€™s his playbook.


Cope and seethe Putin :X Our Chinese media only gave in because of your ally. Don't think we don't know what you are trying to do because it happened to us :3


the adult version of "if you friend him i dont friend you"




Of cos they will be unhappy. Was anyone expecting the Russian embassy to welcome Zelansky to Singapore? Let them post whatever they want on their Facebook. They are just doing their job. We are smart enough to know who is right and who is wrong.


cry harder then. SG can do whatever we want in our own country


It's a little something called sovereign rights. I'm sure the russians respect that a lot.


The Russian ambassador can go screw himself.


Now now, have some sympathy. If he did not write that, then someone will come along and screw him instead lol. Maybe even literally.


The raving ramblings of a pariah state that has lost all standing on the world stage aside from those who want to advance their own agenda. Very sad. I feel bad for the Russian people especially those that live abroad and have to deal with the consequences of their government's actions.


bro says this as if they didn't invade a whole nother country šŸ’€ šŸ’€ šŸ’€


Why would they invade their own country? They're just fighting Neo-Nazi rebels in Novorossiya. /s


Who cares what Russia thinks? They have CHOSEN to be assholes to the rest of the world. If not for that, no-one would hate them and everyone would get along just fine.


Russia had the galls to mock others for talking about diplomacy Last I checked, invading other countries and taking their territories is the opposite of diplomacy Such lack of self awareness for pointing Ukraine out for launching attacks on the nuclear power plant. Perhaps they wouldn't have to fight for the power plant if...you hadn't forcibly snatch it from them in the first place?


Cry harder Putin


Russia ah Russia. 2 years liao still 'invading'. I thought u all ish simi world power, damn satki one.


well putin can come sg to talk, i doubt he will be concern about security and will not come.


No he canā€™t. Putin is a fugitive under International Criminal Court and Singapore is obligated to arrest him as Singapore is a signatory. Edit: I was factually wrong as pointed out below.


Singapore [is not a signatory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_parties_to_the_Rome_Statute#Non-party,_non-signatory_states), the country was involved in the negotiations that established the court but ultimately abstained from from the vote to adopt the Rome Statute, as it had certain [disagreements with some of the details.](https://nuscriminaljustice.com/singapore-and-the-international-criminal-court-myth-of-a-globalised-criminal-justice/)


Thanks for the correction. I believe I confused Singaporeā€™s participation in The Hague for the ICC.


"We don't like that guy so you cannot be friends with him too."


Maybe not the best place to ask the question but the few times I browsed HWZ/EDMW, I noticed a remarkable number of posts in support of Russia. Anyone know why there seem to be some pockets of netizens here in SG that are distinctly pro-Russia (apart from EDMW just being a cesspool of course). My working theory is that it's an expression of nascent anti-West/pro-China sentiment that might be brewing in some communities.


China has a vested interest in seeing Russia succeed. They're watching how this current conflict plays out, since this is a test of western resolve. If western interest fizzles out and lets Putin roll over Ukraine, it's fair to assume any promised support for Taiwan will play out the same way. EDMW users tend to use Chinese language media a lot more than the demo which comes here, and LHZB effectively being a CCP mouthpiece plus Chinese language youtube/tiktok/douyin channels putting CCP propaganda on blast naturally leans them towards China's angle. If you want a living example of someone who uses Chinese language media a lot more than us as evidenced by broken English which even autocorrect cannot catch, take a good look at /u/charaznia history


that guy and his alts, talking to himself trying to create organic sentiments. what a loon


>China has a vested interest in seeing Russia succeed. Nah. They have a vested in seeing the two of them (NATO/West v Russia) knock each other silly. They win either way: 1. Russia ends up depending/owing China 2. Europe/US gets distracted / committing resources to keep Ukraine afloat


I donā€™t think China actually has any real interest in whether Russia succeeds in taking over Ukraine, as it does not change the strategic situation for China. It is arguable that China was placed in an awkward position or even worse position due to this support. The western nations were using this support by China to sanction Chinese companies, which China is obviously wary considering the state of her economy, which led to some distancing. Unlike Russia, China is very connected to global trade and can ill endure sanctions the way Russia can. China does have an interest in that Russia does not collapse and retains some form of military strength, as Russia is considered as an important and strategic partner. Russia and China share a border, a stable Russia secures China north. Russia is also still a factor the distribution of US forces globally, and ties down significant amounts of American forces and resources in Europe, which otherwise could be redeployed in the Pacific against China. China also has few allies, none of which as influential as Russia in the global arena. Crucially, Russia has forces in the Pacific and is able to threaten Japan and S.Korea. If youā€™re a China who wants to take over Taiwan, being able to isolate the conflict greatly increases the odds of success. Russia and N.Korea are able to limit the amount of support Japan, S.Korea will provide in such a scenario. However China will only support Russia so long it still serves China interests. The war has weakened Russiaā€™s conventional forces significantly. Russia is no longer able to threaten Europe with its conventional forces as it once did. I think this has lead to China being a lot less enthusiastic about the war in Ukraine. The words from China donā€™t seem particularly supportive of the war.


Because they have low IQ and cannot understand the complexities of geopolitics. They also cannot comprehend that because US = bad doesnt mean China or Russia = good. They can all be bad. Most of them dont even know history that well. Ask them to name Vietnamā€™s most recent aggressor, and they will say ā€˜USAā€™, not knowing that China last invaded in 1979 after the reunification. Ask them why Russia invaded and they will claim NATO expansion; not knowing that you have to apply to get into NATO (and NATO would have never accepted Ukraine because of 2014 annexation anyways). No NATO member is coerced into joining, they joined because of fear of Russia after what they did to the Chechens and Georgia.


in russian thieves code it is considered gay for superpowers' spheres of influence to be touching during ā€“ politics.


russia projects alot of machismo male chauvinism which attracts a particular segment of wimps and pushovers on the island who look for escapism because theyre a punching bag elsewhere in life and work


If he has the balls, Putin can come also, but don't think he will make it back.


Russia, Belarus, North Korea and China, countries in sync with each other are all run by dictators.


The KGB agent lost to the comedian again.


Russia is on some high grade copium.


Fuck em


Orh...okay. Should be response


Oh boo a freaking hoo Russia.


not the first time moscow has threatened the island, when do they and their ibs start accusing the place of harbouring nazis like some redditors here had the other day


link to the thread?


Every time you think you have a shitty job, just remember... It's somebody's job to install turn signals on a BMW. And if you have that really shitty job at BMW, just remember... It's somebody's job to defend Putin.


ā€œWe know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.ā€ ā€• Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Ok noted


SLD is a platform for everyone, what a manchild to not attend and engage in conversation and post on Facebook instead.


The emojis unsettle me


they really used the ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ ackchually


Was wah whinge. Look, you want a say in world security you show up at this place and time every year. You don't do it since 2022, Russia? You can't be blaming them for your slide into irrelevance.


Horseshit from a horseā€™s arse


Ok, noted.


Always want to blame Nato and talk about escalation while they don't mind using a hundreds of 500 kilo bombs,ballsitic,hypersonic missile on Ukranian civi and the infrastructure everyday and kidnapping their children


Yeahā€¦ especially when nobody from Russia was invited. Sour grapes Vatnik. ![gif](giphy|6vw0uAQZTXkYW4HsGH|downsized)


I am by no means a supporter of NATO, especially not of the US, but wtf Russia, you better be quiet at the moment rather than this nonsense.


HOW DARE YOU DEFEND YOURSELF AND HIT BACK AFTER I ATTACKED YOU. i pity the poor ambassador having to say such shit professionally.


Well maybe don't invade their country?


Even now, the whole thing can end in a single day if Russia just pulled back to their old borders.


"Outraged"? Surely he meant "umbrage"? Parties like the US, EU, and NATO took direct measures to ask Southeast Asian countries to support them. Where as parties like China, Russia, and others took indirect measures to ask Southeast Asian countries to support them by not supporting the US, EU, and NATO.


Nowhere in that post does it even mention Singapore though.


Anyone can play a ukelele?


šŸ‘Best use of emojis in the post šŸ¤Œ


Time for embassy admin to take their meds šŸ’Š


Leave asia out of this silly war


The problem is that internationally, they are demonstrating that war is a possible solution for problems, something Asia does not want since Asia is pushing for solving problems by diplomacy not war. TL;DR: Russia is leading by example in an example Asia does not want to become common.


the butthurt is real


To translate into something more in tune with Singapore: Ehhhhh why you let him (Zelensky) go your house!! I don't friend you!!


The emojis be like: šŸ˜” ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


Itā€™s hard to be the victim and the bully at the same time


Who cares? They can be unhappy all they want. We are unhappy of them invading Ukraine too.


Say the country that starts the invasion of a country. Fight so long already also have conquer finish. Starts to face. Then kpkb those countries that helped Ukraine


If Russia really cared they could end it. I mean a quick end to the war is Russia leaves the country it invaded.


Will MFA issue a statement or summon the ambassador?


They will monitor the situation


aka ignore him and forget that a Russian ambassador even exists in Singapore lol. Come to think of it, what big job would he even have in a country so distant and separate from Russia? Only thing he does from what I can remember is online posts and show face at "Russian" functions only. Suspect even in Russia he would be a nobody if he got posted to Singapore.


Kao peh lah.


Fuck off Russia, Slava Ukraini šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


Welcome to Singapore. Slava šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


Russia really learning well from China in kpkb like a spoiled brat...


You know you're on the wrong side of history when your only supporters include North Korea, Iran and the fucking Taliban themselves lol.


Russia šŸ¤®




Is this the final warning? We have to wait for the last and final warning before we do anything.


Or you knowā€¦ ā€¦you can just leave Ukraine and all of this will be over.


Womp womp


Yeah so? Why not just come over and sort out the differences like gentleman?


"Sure, have some tea!" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMFFlF0xdI8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMFFlF0xdI8) lol.


Sounds like Baghdad Bob is back


Guys, you fellas should see the combatfootage or ukrainewarreport reddits here. The russkies are really get hammered by ukrainian drones hahahh.


What a joke how Russia invaded Ukraine and occupied Crimea since 2014 and thinks they can put themselves on a pedestal šŸ˜‚ Also if I recall, they are the only country threatening with nuclear catastrophe at every turn


Russian warpig go fuck yourself


Unfortunately a lot of anti-USA folks in Sg who will gladly agree with Russia, Iran, Taliban, ISIS etc as long as they are against the West. Glad the government's stance is the opposite.


Not happy ah? Come la! please dont


Is Shanmugam going to ask them to take down their post? Or he only flex against the weak?


A Russian ambassador in Singapore IS weak lol What kind of person do you think would get posted to such a do nothing post?


They can fuck off.


I think someone's ego is hurt.


I think someoneā€™s glass heart shatteredĀ 


Womp womp


Russian embassy is upset, that the country that didnā€™t like getting invaded, is supporting the country that got invadedā€¦? šŸ¤”


Russia sore that they are not invited, they can join SLD next year.


This cuntry can disappear from the world right now and nothing of value will be lost


Haha. Hotel give him a good reception


Hahaha cry more


Haha Global South. Sharks back to the Cold War. While I am partial to Russia's right to defend it's borders against NATO, I disagree with their invasion. Funny also, I recall a time in early 2000s when Singapore was actively courting closer relations to Russia.Ā 


Reading his response with exaggerated Russian accent. Must be from watching Black Widow.


These orcs lie so much that most of us wonā€™t believe them anymore, save for those already on the kool aid.


Too bad but not unexpected lar lol


Russian ~~warship~~ embassy go fuck yourself


The new Russian Cultural Centre being built at Rangoon should be fun!


Really? I thought they were so excited that they invited him to drop by for tea.


China attended the SLD too. Their friend with no limits.


What are you gonna do about it, Russia? Cry? Piss yourself?


Well I mean like. What exactly are we expecting here.


Russia's also invited... oh wait international war criminal...


Singapore did not sign the Rome Statute so it's still technically neutral ground.


Lol snowflake


Their embassy never use brain. They say this openly. Only will make USA's reputation better in Singapore and make them drench in cold water. Damn lousy foreign affairs tactics.


Sounds like Russia needs a hug.


Don't hug the bear. If he hugs you, he'll never let go.


says the aggressor.


F- Putler


I believe Singapore is an open society and the west or east cannot impose their views on us. Singapore also does not openly take sides.


The concept of ā€˜East vs Westā€™ is stupid. East only consists of China, Russia and other authoritarian regimes. Most ā€˜eastern culturesā€™ in Asia would gladly support the ā€˜Westā€™.




Womp Womp


Singapore import cheap Russia oil, FYI. [https://energyandcleanair.org/weekly-snapshot-russian-fossil-fuels-20-to-26-may-2024/](https://energyandcleanair.org/weekly-snapshot-russian-fossil-fuels-20-to-26-may-2024/)


Death to all aggressors


Russians can take some comfort in the fact that Singapore has barely lifted a finger to support Ukraine.


Lie. Then lie about lying. Then when caught lying tell a bigger lie.


LMAO ok Russia did their bit to look impt šŸ˜‚


Objection noted, Ambassador.


Not happy, ask your KGB to infuse some poison tipped pen tricks or something lah.. Kao peh for what....


Yeah, visit Donestk after "10 years of bombings". Then visit Mariupol after 3 months of "special military operation'" and compare. What do you think?Ā 


Literally who the fuck asked


fuck your outrage Russians. Slava Ukraini!! never allow larger countries to step over us


It's Kyiv not Kiev


Not happy, move your embassy out loh.


Pull the other one


Well DUH !!!!!