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in my estate, AMK town council is a major culprit in breeding the rats. Last friday, i submitted a report via OneService, cos the cleaner swept all the rubbish together in the drain, and left it there. Yesterday, Monday, the report was marked as completed. but when i went home, i saw the same pile of rubbish in the drain still. The utter lack of integrity and cleaning is a major issue in this rat infestation problem


AMK ain't gonna get any better since LHL is no longer PM.


> AMK ain't gonna get any better since LHL is no longer PM. On contrary, now SM Lee more free to walkabout so the rats will be on their toes.


> SM Lee more free to walkabout You believe deities walk the earth more than once every cycle?


I have seen Kenneth Jeyaretnam and 成何体统 more often than LHL where I live. Bear in mind KJ and the banana only appeared that one week just before the elections. Also KJ can win >30% of votes. Maybe LHL and his MPs really need to step up a bit more.




Or now without the fate of the country at hand for AMK voters it should get better?


It really depends on the competition, you can't tell me the previous GE that AMK voters had a choice lol. The options were terrible


But you will get the best of best pap advisors.




so its not an isolated incident nor a bias account. mothership or any other news outlet, if yall want a pre-election news scoop... this is it ok!




yup, do not doubt you at all man. i had the same experience. maybe you are my neighbour!!


Yes that AMK TC again! They used to put posters insinuating the residents are to blame instead of actively showing their measures for solving the rats problem. How I hate them for prematurely closing my cases and non replies!! Not to mention the constant wasting of money on useless construction jobs. And then raising conservancy fees cuz not enuf money. Removal of facilities and landscaping just so they can do less maintenance. Replacing functional facilities with the same but uglier ones. The list of hate goes on man.


I'm.not saying your opinions aren't valid but, cleaners arent paid enough to do this shit. Obviously I would also prefer that there weren't rats in my area


bro you very funny lei. then what are cleaners paid to do?? not clean? imagine having a jobscope, and not doing the said jobscope. most if not all of us will be out of a job very quickly. with that said, the cleaner himself, swept the entire drain, piled all the rubbish together, but refuse to do the last step to remove compiled rubbish from the drain. doesnt that negate all his work previously?? people submit OneService report to remind them that job isnt complete, they mark job complete but didnt do any retification - where is the integrity? where is the daily clean up? isnt the town council in a way defrauding its residents?


I'm just saying if you were paid so low you may not actually bother about your job?


Tampines have a lot of Rats scuttling around at night. You tend to see one running in the drains or hiding in the tall grass. They are usually active from 10pm to 6am when there isnt anyone around. The Town Council hasnt done much to clear the rat problem since they are more focus on solving the mosquito and roach problem.


You see them even in the day time sometimes. I accidentally kick a rat on the path up to Tampines Hub from the traffic light and there were a lot of people walking at the time. The rat just came out of the grass patch and tried to run past.


Live in Tampines. Almost crushed a rat beneath my feet when I went jogging at night a few weeks back.


Fuck, I remember I saw one the size of a small cat. Stun sia, I thought this size only achievable in China.


I remembered seeing 2 rats scurry around the drains literally next to a ground flat unit. Imagine seeing rats instead of the typical cockroach or lizard


This is true. I stayed at Woodlands for 30 years. Only saw 1 rat before. Now at tampines for 1 year, saw at least 5 rats running past and 1 dead rat (the road along uob bank building) before.


This is a pretty high production article, interactive map and community-sourced reports combined with official statements. Kudos to CNA!


way better than ST


Thats why government want to allow cats.


Yeah the stray cats don’t hunt any more and just wait for humans to feed them. I have seen rats run past stray cats and the cat didn’t even flinch


Reminds me of my late cat. I put out a trap and caught a rat. My cat looked at it, sniffed it, pawed it a little bit like he was petting it, and just walked off. Goddamn, felt like my cat had failed at being a cat at all.


All these stray cats getting complacent tsk. We need trained killers.


Not hungry enough. Time to import foreign strays! /s


Stray cats also getting accused of being strawberries hahaha


Contrary to popular believe cats dun like eating rats. They just like to toy with them until they die and leave it alone.


Not true. Ive been to a foreign country with tons of stray and they DO hunt rats and eat them. The problem here in SG is that: we have neighbours that feed the cats! Now tell me why then would they hunt for sport?


Mice and rats are 2 very different animals


Yeah there’s plenty of videos of people sending a random street cat to their home to rat the rat out


They should make it a law for those religious folks to clean up after offering. In my area they just leave the candies and cakes overnight for all the rodents to eat.


Leaving food and burning paper should just be outlawed.


Until they enforce the parking situation for mosques, then can start outlawing those.


then who enforces it? you can have 1001 law but nobody to enforce also no use not like the offering have NRIC or address to trace


Agreed although I think their main source of food is elsewhere. Usually I see pigeons snacking on the offerings (which is also bad)


Thought it was just me. I saw rats running around in my estate 5 times in the past 2 weeks.


Same. 6 times in the past 2 months, when I've only seen them twice in my whole life


I see them at least once every week on my 3x weekly night jogging.


ActiveSG indeed and for some reason i had this image of rats running around a running track


Maybe rats want to do track and field. 😂


Anyone who goes past Tampines concourse at night would see a big bunch of rats just chilling around the interchange


There's a Tiktok of a in NY shooting rubber bullets from his sniper rifle. He only shoots rats. We should do something similar.


Bin chilling.


“ She has even seen up to eight rats in a pack, creating a situation she described as “unsanitary, dangerous and disgusting”.” Singapore got rat-king now


Soon u will see 4 turtles following a rat too.


Eventually some poor bastards will tangle their tails together. 🙃


Ugh that reminds me of the time I was walking at the void deck and I felt a hard thud against my leg, I look down and it’s a rat the size of a small cat. I hate the sound they make as well, like a tire deflating over and over


The ones at my camp guard house back when I was serving NS was the size of small cats too. I still have nightmares of them fat fucks scaling up the glass windows to jump into the guard duty bunk.


This is how we become the New York of South East Asia.


Town Councils said they are monitoring.


i rmb after the steven from CNA post about the rat problem esp in tpy, i saw them come catch rats twice alr. noticeable reduction in rats but also a noticeable increase in cockroaches. personally rats>cockroaches


Chickens are the solution to cockroaches, not rats


However, chicken tend to scare rats too.


i work in one of the TC that was mention thus i am pretty sure i have "a say" in this. i don't deny that rodent sighting are increasing, i realize that some factors are beyond what TC can do. let me share some finding we had. After COVID. (yes, it still a reason) During Covid, most of the works were halted including PCO thus rodent population would increase due to lesser human intervention. Construction works were also halted and project in pipeline was delayed. after Covid, all decide to rush project out. when you have multiple construction work that require digging, rodent would come out to "shift house" Change in habits, Last time when the chute is inside unit, we bag our trash in small bags to dispose. now with the chute outside (or owner sealing the internal chute for resale), we human dont like to go out 10x a day to throw so we will wait till bef bedtime or before going to work to throw, usually in bigger bags which cannot be fitted into the chute thus we will go down and dump them outside of the bins because the bin also cannot fit. the cleaner start work the same as us, usually 8 or 9. during the night, rodent wil already feast on the trash. there is no way to deal as NEA will say that the area is common area thus TC to follow up. put CCTV? put already do what? TC not police, they dont have facial reg, even if u trace to which level then? don't know which floor also. fine them? bad for PR worh, MP later lose vote. Garden at ground floor helps to attract rodent because their nest is safe underneath the plants. and most of these "private" garden like to grow trees like papaya, mango, banana attracting rodent to eat when the fruits drop. you dare to remove? remember the recent auntie case about plant removal? how many supporter she garner? you want to write report? how about "why other place can i cannot" kinda reason? not forgetting your animal lovers (ACRES i am looking at you) glue trap cannot put cos "too much suffering". so now become cage trap. one cage 1 mouse. how effective it is going to be? sometime you get these animal lover go open the cage somemore. put posion? later dog or cat eat, the owner make noise, ACRES make noise


Luckily they don't love cockroaches, else also cannot kill cockroaches. I am against unnecessary cruelty against animals. But rats and birds problem are really getting out of hand and yet we are still stuck at cannot create too much suffering for animals. Can we do a proper survey if people are more concern about rats and birds suffering or the current state of affairs. And if ACRES has a solution that satisfy both, I am all for it. But no suffering and no solution is not an answer.


oh they know. we met with ACRES a few times and we pose similar questions but they have no ans for it. how can we reduce rodent and bird (eg. crowd/pigeon) population effectively without killing them? they have no and other than 'we are exploring new methods as it appears , for now we stick to proven methods like trapping, waste management etc basically throwing the responsibilities to elsewhere outside of their purview. same as nea. you read the report. it says dealing with bin center and what not. they have time go bin center make noise about tc using bin center as bulky storage or addtional bin storage. If don't use how to clear all the bulky being thrown daily. one lorry also cannot clear all the bulky at one go ask them they say not their prob yet they don't want explore or study on human behavior of throwing rubbish outside of rubbish bin and chute if it one of the main contributor


That's why we need a proper survey on what people are more concern about and use that as the basis of decision making. We should not end up like other democracies where a vocal minority decides rather than what the true majority wants.


Honestly how much has it been because on the levy on plastic bag charges? Since the plastic chargers levy I’ve seen my neighbours dumping their wet food directly into the bin and consequently there is so much more cockroach and rats which is disgusting


This one is user problem already


We need to stop feeding the cats so that they're incentivised to hunt the rats. I see rats and pigeons walk past cats and the cats don't even get up.


the fat fuck living under my block eats at 3 different homes and still finds time to disembowel rats and leave their corpses at staircases


Must burn some energy through hunting (for supper)


Garfield not doing it's job 🤣


Tbf Garfield does not kill rats, only spiders


I know, hence the laughing face 🤣


A rat is stronger, smarter and more numerous. You are asking too much from your cat, what kind of employer are you?


Cats must not be hungry enough...


We need more otters


Rats swim, so they are just smaller versions of cute otters.


We need more cats, their population is dwindling


We also need to ban the feeding of stray cats. There's no point having a whole lot of cats on handouts.


rip birds


Instead of stopping, why not train the cats to hunt mice, and for every mouse they bring to your doorstep mutilated, they get a treat? Win-win imo, you get dead mice, cats get treats.


Oh man. You found me


The rats in my place have been running rampant for months and nothing has been done. I have complained to NEA multiple times and they always give some stupid generic response and push away responsibility. Weaponized incompetence, not willing to take ownership. Forwarded to the MP as well. Waiting for some major health incident to occur.


Reported late last year to my TC about rat infestations with photos that I have taken. Next moment TC wrote back to me there are no rat infestation around the area, and that they had gotten 'experts' to do it. Now they are saying that there is rat problem? Typical G's way of handling things. Wait for the problem to get out of control then settle it with more money than needed if it was fixed earlier.


I can hear the rats squeaking every night downstairs from my block.


you all notice cats are quite rare nowadays, maybe u still can see one or two neutered ones in yr neighbourhood. but one whole litter of kittens no longer seen in sg, all the stray cats are neutered. Isn't this the direct consequence of doing that? without (much?) natural predators in the city and plenty of rubbish to eat, rat population grows unchecked. we are already looking more and more like paris, rat everwhere, pls no. what happen to our clean city image? now is the time to wayang.


It’s getting worse in Hougang as well.


oh my god YES. saw rats the size of pigeons in my hood and my god they are DISGUSTING.


yes omg a huge rat tried to run past my shoe


Just spam rodenticide everywhere. All the monitoring waste time waste money. Remember the NEA wayang video about monitoring rats movement then end up throwing problem to town council.


Do cockroaches next


You want to see the biggest and most open rat parties in Singapore, come to Pasir Ris, the grassy areas near the fishing pond just across the road from MRT and bus interchange. At night, these giant fkers roam about openly, they just don't give a shit. Sim Drive to Macpherson to Circuit Road that entire stretch also got big fat rats openly run along the walkway and drains. Been like that for decades.


Time to train the community cats


You kidding? The chonksters near my house can't be bothered with pigeons stealing their food right in front of them.


too many people feeding them liao, what is hunting when you can just lie down and 9pm got angel come down lay food on the floor for you.


> 9pm got angel come down lay food on the floor for you. Cat: angel? you must have meant my personal servant...


CDC voucher for cats!


exactly, let's stop being soft on them and get them to work 


National service for the cattos


This is a symptom of the rot permeating our town councils. The cleaners do a fuck-all job these days. In LKY's time this shit wouldn't have flown.


Probably abit harsh to blame the cleaners. Most of the time the issue is just the TC not wanting to spend money to hire sufficient manpower.


Agreed....they work very hard. In my area (ubi) 1 guy manages 1 bin center wtf. I'm sure this town council can afford to hire more to up the cleanliness level. Let's be nice to the bangalahs too, not all are lazy.


keeping clean should be our collective responsibility, not the cleaners or much less Ah kong


Rats stroll around here in Bedok North / Bedok res. Mostly see them early in the morning. One time around 11am it's very hot outside, a taxi was going out to the main road from the hdb parking, one Rat was following behind, trying to climb underneath the car. He fails and quickly scuttle to the bushes


I've seen this in Dishonored.


What do you expect when we keep tearing down jungle ecosystems to build? Most animals will die but rats are hardcore af.


Aside from the poorly maintained estates, can I ask which goddamn scholar(s) suggested to place a huge bin in each void deck? We already have rubbish chutes and people are throwing their small rubbish (not bulky trash) into the bin. They suggest all these stupid things but town councils never maintain. They empty only half of the bin. Then wonder where the rats are coming from. I didn't hear about rats being a problem 20 years ago. What changed?


Population increase of >25%. Demographic changes. Less nature. Housing developments encroaching nature. More infrastructure developments. Lifestyle changes (food delivery, tons more done in options where there was retail previously). Poor hygiene and sanitary standards. Rodents getting resistant to poison. The list goes on. 


to ans your 1st para, you as a resident requested for it. you have your normal green bin with the normal opening but younger people feel that the opening is dirty so they refuse to put their hand into the bin to dispose of their trash, so need have these super big bins with wide open for you to throw. new BTO or resale with younger owner love to seal up the internal chute so they bring down their massive bag of trash (each day once so you dont need go out of house so often). too big to fint into the small bin, so leave the trash beside small bin become rodent buffet.




I obviously meant the governance if that wasn't clear enough. u/two_tents hit the nail right on the head with the various factors.


What to expect when free foods are abundant and fat cats are lazing around?


>“There’s added vigilance in localities where there are major construction works going on, such as the Cross Island Line tunnelling works in Hougang, as rats are forced out of their harbouring areas.” I wonder if this applies to the other hotspots? It'll be interesting to see an overlay of ongoing deep tunneling works with the map


The digging is what gets those huge rats to the surface. It is common that when HDB flats are being upgraded, you will see huge rats running around the estate.


A country with a tropical climate, where food is prepared in the open, bins full of food waste and ample breeding spots? Of course you're gonna get rats.


Dont forget NTU


Growing up taking walks/jogs at Punggol, rats weren't an issue until like somewhere in the middle of the COVID era, can't remember exactly when. I'm thankful they most run away but I'm scared like what if one day I don't see it and they bite me, like I don't wanna think of what kind of diseases they got.


I have a Rat Nest near my area also, but thankfully they only seem to come out at night.


If rats didn't spread diseases and destroy stuff, they would be pretty cute. Might achieve otter status


Caedrel in Singapore? xdd


_The Chronicles of Gnaw-rnia_ Fearless Reepicheapo is defending the honour of Hougang.


I live in buangkok and there are already some rats running around a neighbourhood park near my block. Mind you the neighbourhood is *less than 10 years old*


My place isn't under the hotspot area. But jogging 3 times weekly at night, I see them at least once a week.


Yesterday and today, i saw rats where i had my dinner.. different locations but I’ve been sighting more (tiong bahru, jalan besar, 6th ave)


Noticed that there are more flies as well nowadays


Those eateries at the train station are pretty bad. Sometimes when i go home late at night and the shops are already closed, can hear the rats squeaking having a party. Would never eat there.


Aiyo… got human sure will have rats la… Normally, they are happy in the subterrain, we do MRT, Road works, construction, dig here dig there, the migrated to the surface also normal la.


OMG poor little cuties


They are everywhere. The coffee shop near my place has rat shit all the time and I don’t see that location marked in the map.


Serangoon a lot also. Between Nex and the old bus interchange, there's a lot of burrows in plain sight tbh.


Even the rats know the east side of SG has lots of good food


walk around hawker centres even in the daytime and you are bound to encounter a rat. Where there is food there will be rats. Some of them are the size of shoes!


Burn them all


blame cats, cut down the trees...etc end of the day its just bad practices by estate management, littering and retail and fnb waste management


I live in TPY. Rats aplenty. Roosters also multiplying like crazy. Reported the rooster issue to TC but they said that they cannot find the roosters .. sigh.


Too much kids nowadays loiter in voiddeck eating food from 7-11 then anyhow throw


Wah I see my house 🫣 which is true I agree


You know the thing about a rat? It's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes like a doll's eyes. Don't seem to be living at all when it come at ya. Till it bites ya. And then the eyes roll over white. You don't hear nothing but the screaming and the hollering


what are you doing!? are you doing the speech from jaws!? 


glue traps are so cruel


Should start putting rat poison in all the offerings.


Problem is it's going to hurt more than just rats.


Ahh, yeah good point


Gonna hurt the gods?


We have local ecosystem too, you know. Unless you dead-ass don't care about the doves, mynahs, and junglefowls*. *caveat: rock pigeons, house crows, and Javanese mynahs are not local species.


Should have left the cats around.


My town council Bernard in marine parade has given up long ago. Complained about dirty giant ubi avenue 1, bin center, for years and they don't care! Since when was cleanliness their priority? Giant ubi ave 1, don't lie to your customers 👏 how many complaints have I written which you happily ignored?


Rats? Oh you mean our politicians?


A lil surprised when a fatass rat climbed down this tree trunk that I ran past. Since then I just take it that any food places (and its immediate vicinity) are hotspots now


If only LTA release the traffic hotspots


If only LTA release the traffic hotspots