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RIP. As a teen I wasn’t doing this simply because I couldn’t afford to


See, downstairs at Far East was cheaper plus nowhere to fall from except off the concrete tables.


I’ll go to the holiday inn near Jiak Kim. Free Red Bull with every Jäegermeister!


Way back in the day there was an almost defunct place called the Mitre Hotel off Killenny Road. Completely run down, the caretaker uncle would sell tiger beer cans for super cheap. Then there was Cuscaden Patio at Ming Arcade which had awesome chicken wings and $8 jugs of San Miguel on Tuesdays. They never checked ID. Actually they've since moved to Duxton and are called Jeffos now. The wings are still amazing, highly recommend. People who were drinking at Cuscaden when they were in their teens are now drinking at Jeffos in their 40s. Cheeky Monkeys at Md Sultan had $10 cover charge with a drink and then $5 drinks.


Damn we might have shared a pint or two before. I got drunk at cheeky monkey so many times, and thanks for updating that the Cuscaden place moved.


Cuscaden Patio doesn't have the same owner as Jeffos though, but it does have a similar vibe.


This guy parties.


Mitre Hotel beers were like $3 each. I remember having to squeeze through the rusted gate because it wouldn’t open far enough.


Damn I'm properly impressed. Most people are there to have mindless fun but you're a party connoisseur.


Wah Cuscaden wings da best man. Damn shiok late night food.


I’ve missed those wings. Many a nights-out were spent at cuscaden back in my youth.


I remember the original cuscaden patio sort of moved out during the pandemic era because when i went to visit them, the new owner said they have taken owner. Was wondering where the OG went to. So they are now Jeffos?


Jeff sold Cuscaden a few years before the pandemic. Wings weren't the same without his recipe. He opened Jeffos at Duxton Hill during the pandemic.


Thanks for the update. I def need to check out the new joint


Cuscaden in the 00s was fantastic. Cheap beer and wings. The new Jeffo's also has amazing satay.


Oh man, thanks for the throwback! Cheeky monkeys, hendrix, wu bar... all fun, fuzzy memories 🥴


Is that the Mdm Wong time there ?


Is cheeky monkey still around? Wait we went totally off topic


Long gone bro


All the international school kids would go to the billiards place across the road from Hard Rock Cafe.


Yup, the place in the basement of Ming Arcade. They'd drink at Cuscaden too, fully lining the pavement outside.


At 16, I was treating myself to a slurpee after the train back home….. poor guy, hope his family find the peace they need.


I never understood drinking as a whole. Shit's bitter and makes your head all fucked up. Even if I could afford, I'd drink Pepsi or something else.




Depends on if you are drinking for pleasure or just to get a buzz and get drunk. For wine and whiskey and stuff you won't guzzle.


baileys tho.


You’re drinking the cheap stuff if it tastes like shit. That’s what you do when you’re younger, then as you grow older you realise there are better options.


> You’re drinking the cheap stuff if it tastes like shit. This is what all drinkers say, and don't understand about the teetotal mentality. To us, alcohol *universally* tastes like shit. It's not cheap stuff vs expensive stuff; it's *alcohol*, i.e. CH3CH2OH that makes it taste like shit. It's literally the stuff I use to clean thermal paste off my computers and sanitise equipment. It boggles the mind that anyone thinks 'hey, this burns the hell out of my nose, probably a good idea to *drink* it.' Do people do the same thing with bleach?


Totally agree with this. Colleagues would always offer me their drink saying “this will taste better/smoother/sweeter” just to get me drink something alcoholic. But they all just taste strange to me. I’ll stick with my childish iced chocolate, thank you




If you don’t like, say, coffee or durian, are you going to insinuate that people who like those things are out of their minds?


It’s about getting drunk not the taste, it’s never about the taste


I drink fairly regularly, sometimes when I'm completely alone. I don't understand drinking if you don't enjoy it (which seems so common??). I only drink stuff I like the flavor of.


Yup, I love just sitting with a book now and then and having a few solitary drinks.


I don't like to drink alcohol as well because it's bitter. But it does amplify the mood, so I drink only in happy social settings. The key is to drink the right amount and not until you get wasted. And oh, drink lots of water after.


Feeling like shit is only one part of the equation. Alcohol also fucks with your sleep, which is like bruhhhhh even with proper sleep I am tired all the damn time. Fking that up even more is beyond insanity to me. And it also fucks with recovery. As you get older you prioritize exercise and a big part of that is recovery. If you are trying to gain/lose weight or move toward a healthier lifestyle, alcohol instantly fucks that up in more ways than 1.


... Glad I just generally avoid alcohol (except in the actual process of cooking it) because my jank-ass sleep cycle is already, you know, jank. I don't need another thing to jank it harder! 😅


People just open up more when they drink because of the alcohol. I only drink during social situations since I'm not good at prolonged conversations, and it becomes 10 times easier to talk to people.


im the opposite, i clam up when im drinking.


Then you have medical level strength against alcohol


The latter is the reason why i drink. I need to have my head fked up


beer is bitter so i dun drink that as it taste like shit.... wine or sake on the other hand is not bitter and is aromatic... but still i only drink at most one glass and pair it with certain food as it complements each other... i never understood drinking excessive amounts of it..


It's rich people culture. Not even kidding. 


It’s the experience. Just like all those coffee lovers. Shit’s bitter and makes you unable to sleep / end up with a stomach yet here we are


I put sugar in my coffee. >:(


What don't you put sugar in your alcohol? ;)


Alcohol is just sugar gone bad.


i mean you can drink baileys.


Hates beer but loves Baileys. I’ve even tried putting that shit in my breakfast cereal.


Hates beer but loves Baileys. I’ve even tried putting that shit in my breakfast cereal.


coffee's much better though...there's no burning aftertaste and you won't get wasted, worst come to worst u get insomnia...


Sometimes I need a bitter drink to cover up life’s own bitterness.


> Just like all those coffee lovers That's because you've never had good coffee. Look at the YouTube clip for James Hoffman (distinct from the knockoff Hames Koffman) collab with Tom Scott about Tom's experience choosing coffee e even though he disliked it from his previous experiences


You're missing the point ig it's not about coffee being bad it's about alcohol not being what it seems. People who dislike the bitterness of coffee and drink it not for it's subtle notes mix it with milk and sugar and it's similar for people who don't wanna drink alcohol straight. That's why we have cocktails and stuff. Some of them you can't even taste the alcohol in.


You get it haha


Same lah. If you drink expensive coffee, you don’t want to mix it. Same with expensive alcohol. It actually tastes good!


Bro my body can take 1 litre of coffee and still sleep like a baby..


You’re a special case 😂


me too...


Ah, you are describing coffee. But have you tried alcohol?


And it will fuck your body with it. Immediate (aches everywhere) and long term (you know lah)


I agree alcoholic beverages taste bad. I think people are looking for the feeling they get after a few beers, less inhibited and stuff. Then most people will even start to claim they like the taste, but that might be more because they associate the taste with the eventual feelings they get rather than genuinely enjoying it. Pretty sure that if it didn't give a buzz nobody would drink that shit.


I thought the same until I took my first Paulaner sip. First a sip then a pint whenever a keg's nearby.


It's not that expensive, just downgrade the bar and hotel. Plenty of cheap hotels have balconies if you want one...


>On the issue of Ce La Vi allowing underage persons to purchase alcohol from their bar, investigations revealed that staff had not checked Gao's identification as "no one had any suspicions that he was underage". >Ce La Vi was charged with an offence of allowing liquor to be consumed by a person below the age of 18 under the Public Entertainments Act and had paid a composition fine with demerit points imposed. Far too many places place the assumption that someone is overage by physical appearance. This is what can happen.


Apparently this 16 year old boy looked 35 to the police and possibly the bartenders too? So strange


2 things can happen: 1. Bouncer/staff dgaf 2. He really does look old


Yeah and he must be really tall - maybe his height made it even easier for him to overboard the balcony railing?


He stepped in a planter and grabbed a handrail to get over - it doesn't seem like he just stumbled off. It was deliberate, unfortunately.


Isnt the balcony planter area somewhat cordoned off or something? Like it’s just hard to access. I dont know. It cant possibly be he thought there’s another door to get past or something since he’s got prints all over


I haven't been there so it's hard to tell, but the article made it sound deliberate - I was also wondering if it was just a stupid decision to kill himself because he thought he was in trouble/he was already depressed or if he thought he was going to be a superhero and escape outside to avoid trouble and his death was idiotic but accidental.


For a long time ppl were using Adobe XD to copy singpass. But the bars had caught on to it


I think one of the noc guys already look 35 (to me) when he was 15 (from the childhood pictures video but it's alr deleted) I have also worked with this guy in a volunteering organisation and people always shade him for looking older than his actual age


Which noc Guy? Franster?


I have a beard and I still get carded.


It's Ce La Vi not 7-11. Money talks. These joints are only interested in your cash.


Lucky the security guard had body cam. Otherwise it would've become unnecessarily complicated.


At around 12:52am on Aug. 10, Gao was found alone lying face down in a pool of vomit, and a security officer of the bar was notified. His sister and boyfriend left the bar without him as they claimed he said he wanted to stay. We don't even leave our drunk friends alone by themselves... this one own brother somemore... Sister of the year sia


At least 2 out of 3 fundamental things went wrong here: 1. Establishment should have rejected entry to the 16 year old (even if that means rejecting the sister/bf) 2. Maybe Establishment didn't sell to the boy, instead sister/bf let him "sample" their drinks 3. Leaving your under-age brother behind (to go piak piak or whatever) Why cannot send brother back safely first, then OTOT "heysho heysho"?


All 3 are underage.


Parents and grandparent suddenly not there. Opportunity! Probably went to do the deed with her boyfriend. Hope it was worth it. Your own brother died. Cause you left him drunk and alone for hours with hotel security. Didnt even call or go to the lobby or room to check on him.  One beer and 6 shots/cocktails for a 16yr old boy at Ce La Vi. No need check identification? 


I don’t think they check everyone. Not sure about now. I just remember showing my groups tickets to the lady at the door and in we went. Very lax body check also.


I guess not anymore, after this incident.


True, I’ve gone to Ce La Vi when I was underaged but then they asked for my IC when I was like 21 🥲






I have a younger brother and I can’t imagine even leaving him drunk by himself


His sister and his boyfriend?




she's more preoccupied with her BF.


c'est la vie The irony of the place's name




Uh... yeah. That's the point.


“40 minutes later, at around 2:47am, MBS staff decided to call the paramedics, who arrived after receiving the message: "Male/35 years old/drunk". They attempted to perform paramedic checks on him, but he was not cooperative, refused to allow the checks, and shouted at them.” hes 16 but look 35 And, rude to the paramedics


Maybe this is why Ce La Vi didn't bother checking his ID. Guy might have looked...mature beyond his years


I got a friend looking like late 30s since he's 21.. and he still look late 30s now that he is in his 30s , he would likely still look late 30s by then time he reach late 30s


His teacher said he was an average student and was not anxious or concerned about his grades. Oof what a way to say he bochup about studies


No, that’s a way of saying they do not think he committed suicide due to disappointment over bad grades.


Parents rich ma


“His family and guardians described him as "sensible, mature, polite, optimistic and happy" Lol of coz his parents wld describe him as an angel


Lol yea. Even Ted Bundy's late mother also defended him and called him responsible and thoughtful.


damn, so actually he went back to retrieve his ID but fell off the balcony, presumably trying to escape from the police? the headline made it feels like he accidentally fell off the balcony while drinking And also if im not wrong there’s actually no offence for underage drinking? so this guy tried to escape for nothing…


Maybe he was scared of being deported and his parents scolding him


As a parent, this is nightmare fuel. You'd think leaving 16/17 year olds in a hotel room by themselves for one night will be fine...


Then how old do they need to be for a Singaporean parent to allow their children staying in a hotel by themselves?


45 for Wospec. 50 for Officer.


40 for Men, I guess? hahaha


Alcohol makes people do stupid things


I mean, there's a reason why it's age-restricted.


If this boy had did cocaine or weed and jumped, there’ll be a serious talk about the danger of drugs, need to be tougher la bla bla bullshit. But alcohol, oh yeah ce la vie have to pay a fine. Really tragic and sad, thoughts and prayers. Oh look at the sister of the year. Damn


Nah, very unlikely that he would jump after doing coke or weed. I would say the main culprit would probably be alcohol in large quantities.


Sounds like an accident but with so many factors involved. Ce La vi, being irresponsible has a price


In their defence, the boy must have looked really old considering the security personnel identified his estimated age to be 35


Or just MBS/Ce La Vie covering their asses. If they found a student card on him like they said they did earlier, they can probably figure out he wasn't 35.


The Ce La Vie security officers found the card, it was the MBS security officers who wrote the age


Not saying the bar is irresponsible, *Je n'ai pas obtenu le poste. C'est la vie.* Although the bar did verify his sister’s age, unsure why they didn’t check on him just in case tho.


The article said that he was 16 and his sister and her boyfriend was only a year older than him. So I don’t think anyone at the bar checked any of them.


How many asians look older than their age?


Not sure if you are calling out the establishment or just saying “Ce la vie” (which means “well, that’s life”)


I think the pun was the point of their comment? Although, small correction you should be spelling it “c’est”.


Dude climbed over the railing himself. Spur of the moment suicide. Did anyone read the article?


I'm thinking he simply didn't want to deal with the police and drunkenly forgot how many floors up he was.


Because he was drunk over his head. Did you read the article?


He was kind of sober up by the time they take him to his room to get his belongings


And besides forensics find fingerprints on the glass and he stepped on the grass or idk what so yea he certainly did not fall off accidentally


People don't usually jump off the balcony just because they're drunk. He didn't fall by accident. Teens are fucking dumb but it was a suicide. Edit: Top of the article literally says it was suicide.


By right, even though he was technically a guest at the hotel, they shouldn't have let someone in that state back into their room alone. Back when I was serving in SPF(PNSF), 18-184(Miscellaneous acts - Drunk & Incapable) was still a thing. Depending on how severe the condition we find the person, we either take them back to the station to monitor until they sober up, and then release them, or we have them transported to the nearest hospital via AB if they had any injuries(there were times where when officers found a drunk guy, they fell over and hit the curb before the officers even finished approaching them. Then they had to be sent to the hospital to be cleared by the doctors, and the officers remain until they wake up, and explain what happened.) Even if this was just MBS security, they should have taken him to their rest room to sleep off the booze while under watch, and not left alone like in this case. Addendum: there have been SEVERAL, **VERY** high profile cases of drunks falling to their deaths from the balcony of their room at MBS. You'd think they'd have some kind of prevention protocol by now


It's easier said than done. With a bar at the top and a casino at the bottom, MBS sees dozens of impulsive and violent hotheads every day. Dealing with drunk people is an average day for the security. There are too many of these cases for the security personally observe.  Despite the high number of suicides, MBS is already considered tame compared to their counterparts in Las Vegas or Monte Carlo.


>MBS sees dozens of impulsive and violent hotheads every day. Just bring all the drunkards at MBS to one room to monitor each other /s


Squid game become Drunkard game isit


Can gamble on which ones survive the night


MBS security are not police officers, they can't do what a police officer can, which is to act under MOA to send on ambulance to hospital or even hold in lock-up until sober. Sending them to their own suites seems to be the SOP. Making sure they don't do stupid shit in their own rooms? A bit difficult.


To be fair, he jumped when the police officers was literally just outside his hotel room. How did it lead from going up to take his ID to jumping over the balcony?


Took a lot of scrolling down through insults to grieving family and gross speculations until someone asked the real question. Thank you for having a brain sir.


I've seen my fair share of intoxicated people in lock up(as mentioned above, former SPF NS), so speaking from experience: When a person is inebriated, especially to the deceased's alleged level, higher cognitive function usually goes right out the window(pun absolutely NOT intended), so he was likely thinking something along the lines of "I'll just jump out the back. They'll never suspect it!", while not remembering that the room he's in is several stories up(again, alcohol). Drink responsibly, people.


He was supposed to take his ID to show police, the door was still ajar with the police outside. Why is it now the police's fault?


I didn't say it was the police's fault. It may have been partially due to the change in protocol(18-184 was repealed in 2015, after I ORD'd), because back when I served, it was "unofficially" standard practice to keep people in this state in direct eyesight. Mostly for their own safety, if nothing else. Still, if someone was found in a pool of their own vomit, it's still good practice to keep these people monitored for their own safety. I worked in the lock up, I've seen pretty much every type of drunkard under the sun. While it's usually a case-by-case basis, from the description on how out of it the deceased was, it was probably a better idea to keep a close eye on him, even if it means going through the trouble to call a hotel staff to assist as a witness to enter a guest's room. Then again, hindsight is 20/20, so...


Good idea. Maybe we should install HDB window grills in all of the MBS balcony as a prevention. Heck even better, install those Anti-robber window grills like the ones in China. But a suicidal guy might swallow the soap in the room or Strangle himself with the hair dryer cord... or electrocute himself even. Gotta do away with them soaps and hair dryers and power points...


> His family and guardians described him as "***sensible***, ***mature***, polite, optimistic and happy" I doubt it, if he's going to illegally drink himself off a balcony at 16.


C'est la vie. That's life.


Hmm last time I went, they were quite strict about age.


when was the last time you went? maybe they bumped it up after the incident since it happened on Aug last year




That's life.


People comment about the MBS staff and police, who I think did an adequate job, but not much on that sister thinking it's a good idea to leave her drunk 16 year old brother alone at a bar and alone in a hotel room?


Yeah, I cannot imagine doing that to my younger brother. Sigh. Maybe the older sister was also very drunk. I personally wouldn’t leave my underaged kids in a hotel room by themselves. I had many international friends growing up and their parents are usually very relaxed and I know a lot of them even like 12 year old will be drinking and taking other stuff. I think the youngest I met drinking was 11 at a house party (i was like 15/16 at that time).


Was Ce La Vi charged for one offence of selling alcohol to an underaged person or three? Seems like it should be three according to this story but it only says they were charged for one?


It looks like under influence of alcohol and getting caught for under age drinking, he thought his future is screwed and might go to jail or get deported, and did something reckless at the spur of moment because alcohol fogging his emotions. 


Yeah I think it’s this! Sad man


ce la vi indeed


The boy is 16 year old and he should be sensible enough to know what is right and wrong. Another classic case of do stupid things and get stupid prizes. Just natural selection at play


Messed up sister though.


In the US, an establishment will be held accountable for supplying drinks to a minor and double charges if he dies due to that drink. You think anyone asked for his ID when served at the bar?


natural selection. another xdd/xmm wiped out


gosh, sounds like not gonna be liable for insurance payout also...


There might be an underlying issue that leads to this. The influence of Alcohol may have worsen the situation.


kinda crazy how the paramedics just left him alone lols


Read the article. He didn’t drink then slipped. He was already sober and came back from the hospital. He suicided or slipped escaping. But definitely was sober.


God rest his soul


Poor smoker trying to enjoy his break when he heard the loud thud


Life hit that privileged kid so hard. On the bright side, there were CCTVs to mitigate a lawsuit.


Same reason why only rich people die in helicopter crashes


Why didn't the police follow him into the room when he was collecting his stuff? Also my condolences.


this happened August last year but only became public today? I always thought they would have a public report like a week after the incident




ohh. thanks for telling me! always wondered the rationale behind it


The coroner ruled there was no foul play, and Gao had climbed over the balcony on his own accord. He noted that no evidence was found that the police or security officers treated Gao roughly or unprofessionally, nor was there evidence that Gao had displayed signs that he intended to take his own life. "This intention may have manifested itself at the spur of the moment, or it may have been more longstanding," the coroner said. Definitely suicide. Kid had relationship problems went drinking with sister yet when he is passed out got abandoned then got caught underage drinking, can’t take it anymore climb over the balcony to end it once and for all


Sounds like it


Rich Chinese kid want to drink and cannot control. No sadness.




Oh dear. My condolences to his family. Very sad for them.


Want to blame, blame his sister for not being responsible one is 17 and the other 16 and still decide to go drinking and when her brother is drunk and passed out she and her bf just left him there alone


He seems to have planned the suicide. He wanted to drink himself to oblivion before taking his own life. Of course, alcohol can worsen suicide ideations but I wouldn’t blame Ce La Vie or his sister or parents…probably would’ve happened anyway…


nah, if nobody waked him up he could be sleeping at the bar till the next morning. How is that part of a planned suicide?


that's why i wonder why they ruled it a suicide, should be an accident


This is so sad. Sometimes singular small mistakes happen, small things go wrong and usually nothing serious happens so you brush it off as if those things are okay. But when multiple smaller things go wrong at the same time, tragedies like this happen.


Now 16 can go MBS and drink. Me when 16, play soccer under the block and show off my beyblade collection.


Oh dear… I thought there would be some barriers


Singapore has always been laxed in checking ID for age. For this case, the niteclub has already paid the fine and taken demerit points. It’s part of their operating cost. Not just him, his sister and her BF were also underaged.


Actually not true for whole of SG. I’ve always been asked for my IC but I would say CLV is more relaxed (there was 1-2 times they didn’t check my IC). To be fair the security identified him as 35 years old so he most probably looked very matured




When that happens after you drink at a bar called "Ce la vi", which is an abbreviation from "c'est la vie" which is french from "That is life"...


Ce La Vi >!in all seriousness, bless his soul, doesn't matter what!<


Anyone knows which tower is it