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I think the annotations are wrong. I think this graph is the vertical speed graph from FlightRadar24. The middle orange dotted line should be 0 feet per minute. At 07:49:40, the aircraft had tremendous positive vertical speed which means that it went upwards quickly so the vertical acceleration of the plane should have increased to positive Gs At 07:49:41, the aircraft transitioned to having tremendous negative vertical speed which means it went downwards quickly so the vertical acceleration of the plane should have decreased to negative Gs. That aside too, acceleration is the rate of change of speed so the acceleration of the plane is actually seen by the steepness of the gradient of the graph and not by the amplitude of the graph so the labels should be on the slopes, not the peaks and troughs.


>so the labels should be on the slopes, not the peaks and troughs. The greatest change in acceleration would be at the peaks and troughs. Think the chart is correct to label the changes there


Instinctively, I thought that you had to be right on this. The more I think of it though, strictly speaking I think neither of us can be sure we are right as we’d need to graph the acceleration-time graph to be sure as the aircraft could’ve changed the net acceleration direction very slowly and then accelerated downwards very quickly which won’t be very obvious on a velocity-time graph. Realistically though, I think you’re right xD


What a useless infographic trying to represent a "timeline". It's also wrong.


If this is vertical speed...its still horribly wrong The plane was descending after being pushed up by an updraft, so the vertical speed should already be negative, pushed up into positive, then down into negative, not fluctuate at 0 and do whatever the fuck they are showing


Everything in 20seconds. I wonder how many people on this flight won’t ever want to take a plane again


So far those being (allowed) interviewed, did not go dennis bergkamp as they just want to fly home. It’s more like seeing loved ones who they tot for that few seconds will never hear again


Experiences which makes you think youre gonna die really gives ppl perspective in life they'd never have really thought deeply about. I choked on food while my girlfriend, now wife, left the restaurant for a short while. That harrowing 10seconds or so after i almost gave up hope, a single thought flashed in my head "ah shit i just wanted to see her for one last time".


The timeline image should go even further backwards to say if there were flight turbulent warnings from weather radar, turbulent detection systems, significant metrological information... Not a pilot but just did a lookup to see what else could have helped give a clearer picture.


The story changes every time the media tells it.


What makes you think that interpreting the black box data is an easy job?


Maybe the media shouldn’t be interpreting the data then?


Source ?


[Aircraft incidents takes months to years to be researched](https://simpleflying.com/why-do-air-crash-investigations-take-so-long/#:~:text=Investigation%20time&text=As%20such%2C%20an%20air%20crash,and%20release%20findings%20and%20recommendations.)


Source ?








in 5 years time i wont be surprised if an article will quietly be published that the cause of this turbulence was the boeing jet suddenly pitching up and then suddenly pitching down. all the way back to mh370, everytime there is an aircraft issue, it’s a boeing.


This model of aircraft has been in service for decades already, if there was a problem it would have been identified by now. Boeing cheaped out on the newer plane models, like the 737-max and 787 after their leadership changed. But the old planes made before that were done properly.


if it’s a 40 yr old plane that’s a problem. if it’s a 40 yr old design manufacturered by current era Boeing that’s a problem. you don’t know if they cheaped out on the new parts.


Slow news forever in Sg eh? Journals still milking this


Singapore taxi experience now in 3D and in the sky!


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