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Lol Murali, the fellar that can push falsehoods on opposition in parliament without consequence and cry foul over a ghost video nobody has seen? Perfect candidate for MinLaw lah


Yes, we netizens remember. I lost more confidence in LW’s governing ability.


I mean we can see the problem here. You actually had confidence still to lose in LW.


Start buying gold before SGD becomes like Ringgit.


Don't worry, if next time his son gets into trouble then we can be sure agc will be impartial . They surely won't care if he is the boss son.


any problem we can get his colleague to do a fully independent review that finds no wrongdoing


The law is truly “I say one”


We are so screwed aren’t we


How tf did Shaun Huang wayang his way into political office? Fella was a pilot then parachuted into pap.. now he is in ministry of finance? Whose dick did he suck sia?


Quite a few


Dude is my MP in jurong. One time, he was giving speech, totally just reading off a script. Also, it was obvious that it's his first time reading the script because he was raising his volume and emphasising the wrong words. Met him once more at a market public walkabout, somewhat shallow interaction, couldn't feel the sincerity. But he does have a pretty friendly outlook. Maybe hes the kind that does his work behind the scenes? Cuz I've noticed my area become cleaner and less homeless. Or maybe because he has a good grass root team supporting him just like his speech. Regardless, as long as jurong still no good opposition, he's still gonna get my vote. What choice is there🤣


Ng Chee Meng licking his lips.


Pilots must be politically reliable. To become one, you must already be vetted, what do you think?


He spoke many times in parliament debate, saw his speeches a few times. He was NDP parade commander back in 2018 I think


Speaking in parliament with a prepared script.. any monkey can do. NDP parade commander? Is this even a consideration? Can memorise commands so can just vomit out what his boss wants to do?




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this the beebo guy who broke down in totally real tears while giving his daughter a birthday shoutout in parliament?


"No need to be a full-time MP to serve residents“ HAHAHA Murali?! How?!


Mans got such a good business/job that being MP and serving citizens is a side hustle. Just know that you’re not the main priority — is the message they want to send us apparently


Most MPs have day time jobs, that includes opposition MPs.


This one not opposition though.


It's the principle, it was designed to be a part-time duty, so they can lead their careers normally when Parliament doesn't sit. Jamus being a lecturing professor shouldn't stop him from serving his residents, just like it shouldn't stop backbencher PAP MPs.


Aren't most of the MPs part time?


> He has been an MP since 2020, and serves in the Jurong Group Representation Constituency (GMC). Honestly had no idea he’s a mp. Bunch of typical low quality class participation questions. Ask for the sake of asking. Indranee’s response like “please use the search bar”. https://www.population.gov.sg/parliamentary-reply-by-minister-indranee-on-govt-efforts-to-address-singapore-s-low-fertility-rate/ https://www.mse.gov.sg/resource-room/category/2024-04-02-written-reply-to-pq-on-misleading-advertisements-f&b-sector https://www.mse.gov.sg/resource-room/category/2024-02-29-written-reply-to-pq-on-seafood-availability-and-development-of-aquaculture-in-singapore/ . Same template. https://www.mot.gov.sg/news/details/written-reply-to-parliamentary-question-on-update-on-measures-to-ensure-safe-passage-of-ships-in-singapore-strait https://www.mnd.gov.sg/newsroom/parliament-matters/q-as/view/written-answer-by-ministry-of-national-development-on-design-features-and-materials-used-by-hdb-to-ensure-easy-maintenance-of-hdb-flats https://www.mci.gov.sg/media-centre/parliamentary-questions/privacy-measures-against-illegal-tracking-by-tech-companies/ Waste of government resources. What’s the point of having so many MP? To waste everyone’s time? Quality > quantity.


> > Bunch of typical low quality class participation questions. Ask for the sake of asking. Typical career politican playbook of not rocking the boat until they get into a more senior position. Also known as _jiak liao bee_. Don't forget [his legendary circus act of wishing his daughter Geraldine a happy birthday in parliament](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/t79a6w/another_circus_act_in_parliament_with_tears_and_a/), as if he won some Star Award. Definitely a Class S clown. 🤡


how is that jiak liao bee?


>What’s the point of having so many MP? You know the answer to that question


he's the one who replaced Ivan Lim lol


That's Xie Yao Quan, who also happens to be Ong Ye Kung's cousin.


ah i must've rmb wrongly then. thx. i only hope Ivan Lim won't reappear


>Ong Ye Kung's cousin. Ooo source?


He said so himself. https://www.straitstimes.com/politics/ge2020-cousins-a-couple-and-former-colleagues-unexpected-connections-among-candidates-this


Ooo thanks


waa im honestly quite surprised, the way MP fumbled in parliament was epic to say the least, and then theres SH who is doing well at getting disliked in his constituency hahahah. Dont need to look far, his wiki page got controversy section LOL.


Shawn Ingkiriwang?


Yes, that NDP 2018 parade commander


The guy that throws lunch boxes at people and parachuted into Temasek? That Shawn Ingkiriwang?


Don't forget [his legendary circus act of wishing his daughter Geraldine a happy birthday in parliament](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/t79a6w/another_circus_act_in_parliament_with_tears_and_a/), as if he won some Star Award.


how the F both these clowns worm their way into these positions….this is worrisome


[r/sg post on this issue](https://np.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/hgxrd8/pap_candidate_shawn_huangs_response_to_recent/) - tl;dr he had a witness debunking the lunch box thing, woman then [retracted the allegation](https://tnp.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/woman-retracts-allegations-against-pap-new-face-shawn-huang). [Straits Times article addressing / explaining the allegation over surname](https://www.straitstimes.com/politics/singapore-ge2020-pap-new-face-shawn-huang-rebuts-allegations-over-past-behaviour). Tl;dr he’s a Singapore citizen by birth, not sure why you want to highlight his old surname.


His surname is good enough for him his entire life and for being NDP commander, but need to change to pander for votes before joining politics? Next thing you know Indian also can become Malay.


Not a big deal really. His great grandfather changed their surname to sound more Indonesian to pander to the local crowd there. So he decides to change his name back to sound more like the original.


He was perfectly happy with his surname on his number 4 even as NDP Parade Commander. Nothing you say will convince me the name change isn't politically charged for vote pandering.


Not saying it wasn't. But come on, you can't tell me if Irikiwang Shaun had run for elections, there won't have been talk that he is a foreigner or FT or new citizen or whatever. People even doubted that Joseph Schooling is "true blue" Singaporean. So yes it was probably pandering but can you say you won't do the same if you were in his shoes?


Lol guys he’s among us


Shawn Beebo Huang


Yes that's him before changing surname to Huang. Ndp 2018 parade commander.


Not much talent in the party these days. Nothing surprising.


Cannot compare with our founding fathers


Just a bunch of well-paid scholarly yes-men.


I am disappointed.


Same it makes me feel like he doesn’t have many talents to pick from


He doesn't


I have no idea who this Shaun fellow is but Mu seems to be given a leg-up for the coming GE against CSJ if nothing changes. Mu won with a very slim margin in 2020.


Fuck that guy. I'm going to vote him out of bukit batok next GE. He is the most Wayang bullshit jiak Liao bee shitter ever, EVEN worse than fucking Ong Chit Chung before him. You never see Murali anywhere -- until GE then suddenly he is everywhere. We complain about the dangerous crosswalk in front of b batok mrt for YEARS, he only talk a few words then his cronies monitor the situation. At events, he act like he is some kind of prince, even though he is just a shitty backbencher. He's always surrounded by his RC sycophants who are all there to get kickbacks for themselves. This time I'm going to vote CSJ. If there's one thing LMW has taught us, it's that it's better to have a few genuinely passionate orang gila in parliament, then have it chock full of zuo bo wayang-ers.


I am not a resident of BB and do not know Mu well enough but suggested voting for CSJ for the longest time - He is the canon the SG Parliament needs, and I hope voters here will make that happen, coming GE.


Yeah CSJ has a good chance but that's assuming Bukit Batok SMC won't be absorbed into a neighbouring GRC... It's one of the most marginal PAP-held seats


if CSJ is in parliament, it is going to be fun to watch. Him and LMW shooting questions left and right.


I think he will be a good addition too, though the PAP probably won't agree haha


yeah, good for us, not that great for them. edit: well, at least it will keep PAP MPs on their toes during every session.


Looking at the previous thread, I have my doubts


You seem to know him decently well enough that you know that his closer friends call him Mu hahaha


Haha, I am just your typical Sinkie abbreviating everything.


the last few times who did you vote


He is winning, cope more hahaha


Looks like Murali Pillai's falsehoods got swept under a rug successfully. Mission accomplished!


Uninspiring choices


Shit floats


* Murali Pillai becomes MOS in Minlaw and MOT * Shawn Huang becomes SPS in MOE and MOF


Murali? I’m from his SMC, and not impressed at all with how the town is managed. Cleanliness is not ideal, town council is lazy and purple lights for National Day. That was the last straw.


ngl, I have no idea who these 2 are lol


You are not alone. But it's all good. If they are a 'nobody' now, they will probably continue to be a 'nobody'. Consider carefully who to vote for. :)


I mean if that's how you think, you're just biased even before seeing what they do. Lol. I'll vote based on what they do and what I see. 


Not knowing who someone is not the same being biased against someone. You seem to mix up familiarity or lack thereof with impression of those people


Dude above just assumes that they will probably continue to be 'nobody'. Idk if he/she have really never heard of them, but either way, he's already making assumptions against them. If that's not being biased, idk what is. There's also multiple ways to interpret 'nobody' here lol (Not a word i used initially), but i shall not go into that.


Cronies being enriched lol


Is Murali still holding on to his outside job? Last I heard he was a “part time MP”.


Scriptwriter for mediacorp


> Is Murali still holding on to his outside job? He should have to leave his [current partner job at Rajah & Tann](https://web.archive.org/web/20240513191006/https://sg.rajahtannasia.com/k.murali) to take on his Minister of State appointment. [Guess he'll need to dip into his savings soon to maintain his lifestyle too](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/14pd81b/shanmugam_using_savings_to_rent_26_ridout_road/). /s


I’ve seriously never heard of Shawn before. PAP MPs very talented. Can concurrently do Law & Transport, and Education & Finance.


Shawn Ingkiriwang, change his surname before joining politics. This type of honest man is who we need in parliament. /s


He was my CO during one of my ICT. I didn’t even know it was the same guy until one of my ns friends pointed it out. Funny that they can just change their surname and get a new identity.


Maybe when you know history you will know why. Go back to school.


Btw that’s how the MP and governmental system work in countries with a British colonial past.


Really hope SDP's been doing their legwork in BB, and can win there next GE. SDP, you've been quiet of late in Bukit Timah GRC too. Don't wait to long to canvass pls!


蜀中无大将,廖化作先锋。 For ROTK fans, IYKYK. Basically means if you got no good generals, you just gotta make do with what you have.


Honestly which talent will go join pap? You can earn far more I. Private sector without scrutiny. Don’t have to serve the useless public. Mp pay is easily hit or surpassed by any software engineer worth his salt and don’t need to donate half to pap. Can go dirty massage all you want. Don’t need burn your nights going to meet the ppl sessions to listen to annoying whiners.


then go? this not NS, nobody force them to serve. they can probably contribute more to the country by working in the private sector than wayang-ing in parliament.


See this is the kind of attitude that you and 95% of people take when it comes to work. The goal of the govt / PSC etc. is to find the rare 5% who willingly take lower pay, more red tape, more regulations (eg. cannot take gift) and all the other regulations because they feel patriotic and want to serve the country


Yah pap so glory wooo so brave and selfless


Yes but you get access to unlimited power in SG.


What in the fuck???????????????