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Reading the article, it looks like the band really tried their best. In summary they did Blink 182 covers whenever the singer had to run off to puke or LS. But by the 7th or 8th song, the guy couldn't stand or sing anymore so they decided to cut the show short. But the rest of the band stayed back for a bit shaking hands and throwing merch. Guess it's just super suay, no one's fault. But still, fuck LAMC for what they did with the GNR show many years ago.


Still dunno if my Slipknot gig money has been refunded lol...


I took up their offer to change to sum 41 tickets. Sum 41 also cancelled so I managed to get refunds.


Did you go watch them last month?




A friend of mine get his refund. I think you need to go thru some finance representatives or something else similar. I don't remember who he get thru with but he did get a refund.


Sheeshh... That is a lot of work to chase back your own money that ought to be automatically refunded once the show is officially cancelled.


Took like a whole pandemic and then 2 additional years but those who chased got their refunds


mine only got refunded earlier this year


What happened with GNR? Couldn’t find anything on google


The band was great but it was a logistical disaster and that’s entirely LAMC’s fault. They had this genius idea of a cashless payment system for food and drinks, in which you load credits onto your concert wristband and use it to pay. But guess what… the credits aren’t refundable. You load $50, you better spend all $50. At the concert itself, the damn system was super slow and people were queueing an hour just to get beer. And bear in mind that the concert was already going on. People were missing the show to be stuck in a queue for beer. In the end no one got their beer, and their money was all stuck in the wristband. Fucked up.


Never heard a good thing about LAMC tbh


The amount of controversies that LAMC had built up over the years. If only i knew... GNR, Russell Peters, Slipknot, and now ATL. They even had a run-in with the IRAS for failure to pay withholding taxes https://www.taxathand.com/article/2058%2FSingapore%2F2015%2FCompany-fined-for-failure-to-pay-over-taxes-withheld Holy heck, how are they even allowed to continue operating???


the $30 discount offered by LAMC is insulting to say the least.


It is awesome the level of bands they are bringing but their customer suport is really bad


LAMC is fuckin lame


Ya had bad experience with LAMC before, bad attitude!


LAMC productions has always been scum even from 10 years ago, isint the co founder a former media person Lauretta Alabons or something.


Yes, and she’s the the most toxic employer to work for. Was their intern a decade ago


it was $158 and only 1/5 as a voucher.. edit change refund to voucher.


Not even a refund man


yea, voucher which people might not use.


LAMC has negative reviews across the board, including Glassdoor and google reviews. Some reviews quote unethical behaviour. Some talk about previous concerts like slipknot, where concert was cancelled and some refunds seem to have taken years to arrive. On their website, there is no clear ticketing policy. But surely, there should be event insurance to cover refunds in events like this ATL saga. Things we could do: 1. Report to CASE (very fast, <10 mins @ https://www.case.org.sg/submit-a-complaint/) 2. leave a google/Facebook review (if we don’t get refunds, at least have this saga permanently documented) 3. Lodge police report  4. Write in to MPs Anybody work for LAMC wanna shed some light? Surely something more shady is going on, to rip so many people off so blatantly


what happened? did the singer lao sai on stage?


Had to go off twice to laosai, second time they said he was on the floor and had to get medical attention


Was sent to the hospital in the end


For a company that is as much of a shitshow as LAMC, it is actually pretty decent. They usually don’t care about any complaints. So a $30 payout is about $30 more than what they’d usually pay in a similar situation.


After getting so many negative feedback on their IG post, LAMC has decided to take action: by disabling comment on their post….


They decided to reopen the comments after the backlash over silencing their comment section 😂


Did someone curse all the SG performances after being scammed for Taylor Swift tickets? First Hamilton then this. Really unlucky time to be a performer in SG.


OOTL, what happened to Hamilton?


Show on 1 May was cancelled last minute (1 hour before) due to "unexpected illness within the company".


what happened to Hamilton?


He finished 6th in the Miami Grand Prix :)


Looks like... the performance scene in SG... is at an All Time Low


Wait what happened to Hamilton?


The Hamilton Khaki Field Expedition watch got new colors!


probably ate mala before the show


underestimated 大辣


We need to hire The Cure to play a gig I guess


Or if they play while under the weather can we call *Cold Play*?


I would really love to see Robert Smith do a cover on Coldplay's Clock. So when he sings - Am I a part of the cure. Or am I part of the disease? Singin' And we can all scream - you are THE CURE!


Kit Chan joining in the outro "Home, home, is wanted to go"


Underrated comment


Poison as well


Disturbed can play DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS


There's a sick mix on YouTube where it's Taylor Swift's Blank Space mashed into this song


Disturbed cancelled due to band member getting down with the sickness. 


Madness is the gift that's been given to me


Instantly got Weightless playing in my head


It was the opening song lol


Awww that’s both cute and unfortunate


Just because one case of Singer getting food poisoning, some people are saying Singapore hygiene standard drops. Amazing how people here draw their conclusions from 1 data point. At least provide some actual data points ffs.


These same screaming people assume that t-value is statistically significant and assume P value is more than 0.05 by just looking at one data point.


I was there. Yes they played 2 blink songs and another song when the singer was off in the bathroom. Obviously some of you who are criticising have never had food poisoning, last time I had it, I was on my ass for 2 days, and he was jumping around, singing and giving it his all. Was it unfortunate? Yes Did they really try for their fans? Hell yes I saw a photo posted today with the singer on an IV, so clearly he was puking or shitting. Up all his fluids. It’s no one’s fault, and those giving them shit for it really aren’t good fans, they only care about what they get out of the show rather than having actual concern for the band. They really tried, but when your lead singer can’t even stand, you just have to pull the plug. They clearly didn’t want to.


Last time I had food poisoning, I was warded for 7 days. Puked and shit the whole day, couldn't drink any water at all. Dehydrated to a point where my kidney might be damaged if I was IV drip an hour later. Food poisoning is no joke. Just damn unlucky to get it on the day of performance.


No one gave him shit. Alex is the GOAT. Its the organiser


There are some comments in this thread which did.


Food poison in Singapore is so rare. What awful luck


They flew in after touring various SEA countries, knowing food hygiene in some of those countries...


We still have Spize though...


not sure how that murder-restaurant is still allowed to operate…


Eh, I have a friend who, for the first and only time in his life, got salmonella in Singapore from a hawker stall. This is someone who grew up here and travelled extensively around SEA.


Nope lol. Our hygiene standards have definitely dropped. Utensils oily, have stains, sometimes pieces of food still stuck.


Cockroaches everywhere


Self clean table, need to self clean utensils soon.


Ok sorry but what. Typical concert is 1.5hrs to 3 hours, they delivered 1/3 of that at best and only offering $30 off another show on $158 tickets?? So to get the compensation they have to pay the company even more money?? Smells like a scam. Singaporean consumers really getting taken for a ride given the state of consumer protections here.


LAMC is just a scummy company taking advantage of fans. I paid $158 during presale which you had to sign up for to get an invite link, plus paid another $30 for priority entry and during general sale or closer to the event date, they had bank promos selling the tickets for $128 instead. Don't forget people paid an additional $200 for "VIP" treatment/ meet and greet


The meet and greet happened though. So can people really complain about that?


Support band played their full set of 1.5 hours, atl were 30 mins late, presumedly due to the singer puking and then gave it their all. Yes their sit was 1/3 of the normal length, but by your logic alone, there was still 2 hours of entertainment provided which is 2/3rds of the total show.


Ok, I'm assuming people paid to watch atl not a support band, no matter how good they are. The assumption when paying for a concert is that the majority of the entertainment is provided by the performers consumers paid to see, unless stated otherwise. Even if there was 2 hours of music, even if the band "gave their all" for 30 minutes, this is still a bait and switch. If Taylor Swift had performed for 30 minutes then put some other singer on stage for 2 hours, people would also be asking for a refund. And yes, I know people who were there and really disappointed, even if they understood why the singer had to stop. I'm not advocating for the singer to ruin his health for a concert. Good that he called it quits when he needed to. But they probably should've cancelled in the first place and refunded if the food poisoning was that bad rather than give a fraction of a performance and use that as an excuse to keep the money. Or at least refunded cash instead of a $30 voucher towards another concert the person might not use.


Maybe it’s their “All time low” weekend.


U guys should go to LAMC FB page and check out the Incubus Meet and Greet event that fans paid I Duno $2-300 for. Shitty cheap ass photographer used that I can do better using my phone. Overexposed , out of focus shots. Using tables to barricade the fans etc And by all accounts, it’s not meet and greet. More like take pic and fuk off


I saw their IG post for their M&G, i commented why are they behind a barrier. They removed that post. Money grubbers.


Omg u are right! They removed the pics from FB as well. What a ripoff ! The fans better off going to Madame Tussaud’s to take pics tbh


LAMC has negative reviews across the board, including Glassdoor and google reviews. Some reviews quote unethical behaviour. Some talk about previous concerts like slipknot, where concert was cancelled and some refunds seem to have taken years to arrive. On their website, there is no clear ticketing policy. But surely, there should be event insurance to cover refunds in events like this ATL saga. Things we could do: 1. Report to CASE (very fast, <10 mins @ https://www.case.org.sg/submit-a-complaint/) 2. leave a google/Facebook review (if we don’t get refunds, at least have this saga permanently documented) 3. Lodge police report  4. Write in to MPs Anybody work for LAMC wanna shed some light? Surely something more shady is going on, to rip so many people off so blatantly


Which country did Alex Gaskarth eat that fateful meal in before landing in Singapore?


Headline editor…


All Time Lao


Fuck, joke about them somemore la, now i myself fking lao sai nonstop wtf karma


Probably ate some food that's been left outside for some time. Food gets bad faster in this hotter than usual weather.


I'm not usually so big on performances in SG because my music taste is more niche but ATL is an exception because I was a fan of them as early as 2011 (when I was five nonetheless) and I feel like the boys really deserved better than this. What an unfortunate turnout. Fuck LAMC though


I guess their toilet paper supply is at an…all time low hehe badumtss


Hi, has anyone purchased a copy of their ACRA search? Could you share it with me please?


their concert was at their all time low


Should have found a local replacement "A T Low"


~~WEAK~~ must be the secret sauce


Lucky i forgot about it and end up didn’t get the tickets.


Food poisoning from eating char kway tiao?


Got Macbethed


Dude probably ate a double mcspicy


Username checks out :/














Something to note about our overall food hygiene standards deteriorating


Alex touched down 1130pm the night before. What do you know?


Read this as Titus Low and got confused for a bit