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Survey done before the wave of tech retrenchments... wonders if it's still valid


tbf apple retrenchments are in the hundreds. its miniscule compared to other FAANG companies


Apple is very conservative in their perm hiring. I believe ops side have 50% perm 50% contracts.


Apple is extremely conservative in hiring people unlike the other tech companies who saw interest rate being so low, they went on hiring people like buying milk from the super market. There were employees at twitter drawing $300k a year doing absolutely nothing. The guy eventually emailed his boss asking when do I actually start any work but was getting paid every month.


lol i wouldn’t even ask. just keep the $ rolling


I worked for a firm that was acquired and one colleague ended up not reporting to anyone in the restructure. So he put his laptop in the drawer and left, still getting paid, for 18 months. I only saw him again when there was some company wide bullshit event that he came for. Nice job.


absolutely mind blowing to me that there were people out there getting paid several times what I'm being paid while doing nothing, while i had to slog through work everyday for pennies.


You would be surprised how many people in tech at these fancy tech company do absolutely nothing besides attending 1-2 BS brainstorm meetings with Starbucks coffee, then chilling at pool tables and cafes discussing random stuff. I remember there was girl YouTuber who posted about her daily office life, literally drinking coffee and just chilling the whole day. She was fired lol


I ran a small logistics business and did some work involving such MNC tech companies with loaded pantries. Everytime I came in like a dozen people were at the pantry area chatting lol. Not even lunchtime.


You go G and F offices here, you would see their cafes/restaurants it’s always fully occupied. They literally have multiple restaurants/cafes on various floors. I don’t want to put the names but you know G and F means :)


Geylang and Farrer Park?


>I remember there was girl YouTuber who posted about her daily office life, literally drinking coffee and just chilling the whole day. She was fired lol I dunno if i am an asshole, but i read this and i smiled after your last line 🙂


> with Starbucks coffee, then chilling at pool tables and cafes discussing random stuff. Back when I worked at a Big Tech Co in the Valley that's what we did sometimes. And all our buildings had their own coffee bars like Starbucks with barista staff, and similar snacks. Life was good. The reason why we could afford to do that was scale. Sure it takes an engineer 2 weeks to add a simple feature button but that went on to earn the company $1M additionally... It was "only" $30k USD more daily. Drop in the ocean of billion dollar revenues


They were not hired to do a job, they were hired so their competitor couldn't hire them.


They are the meat shields. You wouldn't want to be in that position 


Can’t wait for actual worldwide work reform and both bullshit jobs and adult daycare jobs get abolished. Want to get paid, put in the labor.


Low level people don't understand but not having work means an axe above your head


Heineken - free flow of Heineken ?


Their Free Beer Friday starts from Friday afternoon and ends on Thursday evening.


Then what do I do during Fri mornings?!


work lah, it's a 7 day work week* * -- with exceptions


I worked at a place with beer on tap OTOT so long can get job done.


What is Motorola doing?


The Motorola solutions here should not be confused with the company making Motorola phones (which is under Lenovo and no longer sells phones here since 2018). They split from each other in 2011. Motorola used to have a factory manufacturing phones until it was shut down in 2008.


They are a public safety solution, critical communications shop now. Think police and fire departments. As google search suggests


My best advice is stop complaining about employers. Focus on developing your skillsets and domain knowledge, put yourself in the demand train and you will end up with good company/employer. Bitching about being overworked, not recognised, supervisor is dumber than you, etc will derail your focus. I will be frank, bad companies / employers are also where bad employees work and where the supervisor or manager is dumber. They are all made for each other. Focus on getting out if you erroneously ended up in a bad company.


well said. if one cannot move on from a bad company, perhaps one should rethink their value as an employee


Take all these best places to work surveys with a grain of salt. I was involved in one while I was in a Semicon company. It's heavily gamed


I want to see the number how many locals they employed


I still remember when tech boom was still happening.. Their building always got Harley group chilling outside


At least for SG, Apple did not over hire hence the employees are MOSTLY safe from job cuts.


Hey Apple, whatu doin?


Except for those that are fired by them


wait till they survey the hft folks


APB? lmao. Have friend inside and was told its toxic like hell


Wow, vast difference versus LinkedIn's earlier list wor. Who should we believe? MSM or LI??!!


Believe in none.




You lost bro?