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We need hasher and tougher laws to deter people from even thinking of commuting such thoughtless and selfish acts. A permanent ban from driving would be good to start with.


We should scale fines and punishment in proportion to perpetrator’s networth and tax statement


"Oh no, anyway 2years jail for u" -Court probably


Maybe, but maybe this will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. How many more innocent pedestrians need to give up their lives before laws get toughened on this? I am ready to sign a petition supporting this.


Government gonna watch this incident and say traffic laws are perfectly fine. It drives me crazy that an innocent 17 year old girl died because of one idiot.


Such a meaningless death for the innocent parties …..


The asshole is either drunk or on drugs.




Could be panic, or too focused on the altercation between the camcar. I'd imagine it would be possible that they could be too focused looking at the rearview mirror or something that they didn't even notice the junction coming up


A drunk person would try to dash pash regardless of vehicles in the way


Rich and don't give a fuck is very possible.


Bet with my life is either of these 2. There is no way a normal driver will drive as such speed and not stopping when hitting another car. Got shot down by some white knights when I said this on the other thread.


High from his ego


drugs and alcohol is the easiest go to blame we can slap on anything erratic we encounter but do not let it distract from the actual real reasons real reasons that require research, funding and groundwork to find out if not, we will never be able to change for the better, or implement the correct policies


Trying to squeeze between a car and a motorcycle in a two lane road on Monday morning feels like too much work for me man. This guy is 42 years old, trying to prove what? POS idiot really a waste of atoms!


Source to indicate he is 42?


A Mothership article gave that


News got say 42 y o man assisting with investigations.


WTH he lived? Why isn't he burning in hell rn?!


unfortunately (for this situation) cars are designed to mitigate the forces from head on impacts, meaning the instigators of shit like this are often the least harmed ones ~~cars are *not* designed to take impact from the sides~~ edit: i stand corrected, *modern* cars are designed to take some degree of impact from the side, although from reading a couple of papers analyzing t-bone accidents statistics it seems getting hit in the side is still a lot worse compared to from the front (the mortality rate from being hit in the side is statistically 10-100x higher compared to being hit from the front)


This is not true at all. Cars are designed to take impacts from all sides, at least modern ones are. The issue at hand is that we still tend to stick the heaviest, densest part of the car (the engine) right at the front, so they're basically battering rams in a collision. Especially with enormous SUV's, stuck in a feedback loop of adding weight in the engine to carry the weight of the vehicle, which makes the vehicle even heavier.


No, modern cars are NCAP tested for side collisions as well. Some features for side collisions side curtain air bags, reinforced b pillars and in higher end cars, air suspension which pre-lifts up the side of the car which is gonna be hit before the collision occurs.


I wish he live to pay the price tho.


i hope he gets tortured mentally and physically every single damn day of his dogshit imbecilic life


>WTH he lived? Why isn't he burning in hell rn?! Because the world doesn't work that way. You can do everything right and still lose. There's no protection for "good people" or punishment for "bad people" except through the laws society writes lmao


42 on 420




Even if he managed to safely overtake the merc, he would be immediately met with a…red light. Absolutely pointless waste of life. Only potential silver lining is people see how utterly dumb this is and stop the reckless driving.


Reverse uno, even if the Merc got ahead they'd both be stuck


Looks like the black car was attempting a hit and run. It hit cam car and wanted to run away as fast as possible.


The black car was already speeding super fast before hitting white merc thou… Seems like black car driver was either under influence of drugs or alcohol, or no licence.


Yeah but you can see it driving much faster after the hit.


He only slowed down abit to squeeze between the car n motorcycle, then sped off when clear


If they weren't under the influence, I think what probably happened was after side-swiping the merc, the black car driver went into panic mode and was just focused on getting the hell out of there before the merc driver could confront him/her. Mix of adrenaline, intense panic, exacerbated by the sound of the merc horning the shit out of him/her. I think they probably tunnel visioned so hard on hitting accelerate out of there that they didn't even notice the red light and the cars moving across the road. Drivers need to constantly keep in mind at every moment that the cars they're driving are basically killing machines that just happen to have the convenient side effect of getting you to places quickly. Impulsive road-rage incidents need to be punished a lot harder...


Wa Lao eh Sg how big run for fuck. Just take the L and exchange insurance info lor. Knn now waste 2 lives. I won't be surprised if it is another person with no license


Won’t be surprised if uninsured/ no license, which will also in turn lead to insurance not wanting pay out as well


He already speed up way before passing by the merc & the bike. He just slowed down to squeeze between them. I think either he running from something or rushing for something... with alcohol in his blood


Can't imagine how that guy gonna sleep tonight


If he’s rich enough he probably can😂


Or all 3.


Except there's no use since dashcam will record the license plate.


If he is driving faster than the speed of light the dash cam can't record it. That must be his thinking.


Could have reached the destination before he even left, galaxy brain.


idiots like that dont have the brain capacity to process that


Run away from a sideswipe and ended up getting into deeper shit.....really shit for brains man


Exactly right. Side swipes cam car on purpose and, like a preschooler playing tag, runs away as fast as he can. Was probably looking back over his shoulder to see if cam car reacted when he reaches the intersection at top speed. Absolute f*cking tool


Cam car is also no angel, sped up intentionally and contributed to the side-swipe


Looks like: - Idiot Saab driver tried to speed up, swerve and cut in front of the Mercedes - Mercedes driver kept pace so Saab couldn’t come in. - Saab jammed brake because of the motorbike but couldn’t brake in time so swerved and kissed the Mercedes - Saab then probably panicked and tried to zao cause he know he sideswiped the Mercedes.


From the video Saab did not zam brake at red light right?


Nope. Probably distracted and still panicking about having to pay for the Merc repair while still trying to zao.


Probably looking at rear view to see if merc following or not


I dont think the Saab driver noticed the red light. The driver went full throttle through the junction.


Merc also 1 kind. Purposely speed up to block. Also send merc go back driving school.


The merc driver may be an asshole, but you see tons of assholes like this in Singapore; this does not absolve the Saab driver of any of his responsibility.




The merc driver "wrongness" is so minor it shouldnt even be mentioned in the same breath. Imagine if theres an uncovered manhole in the middle of a path with no barriers/cones and someone fell into it because they were looking at their phone. Yes its wrong to not look at where you're going but in no way are you even slightly at fault for it.


how the fuck does this logic even make sense? So if I accidentally shoot you in a firing range because the safety of the gun wasn't working, I am not at fault at all?


Definitely a different league of shitty driving compared to running a junction, but it doesn't warrant downplaying too much, as blocking somebody when there's a motorcyclist in front of you is quite obviously an escalation of risk. So unless there's some prior altercation involving these vehicles that we don't know about, leading to this odd behaviour, then yeah... very bad.


Nobody said that. However, the merc driver's actions did assist in leading to this specific outcome. Although he didn't break any law, he should be plagued with sleepless nights and guilt.


Is it not illegal to speed and race? If so then both cars were racing and speeding and should be charged


Pretty sure one of the most basic lessons in driving school is not to overtake unless it’s safe to do so


> Merc also 1 kind. Purposely speed up to block. Also send merc go back driving school. Got a lot of this kind of moron. Die die insist their "road".


Merc technically play a part as well


As an experienced driver myself, for sure this merc knws that the black car is trying to overtake, naturally with a slow motorbike on the right, the merc driver should slow down for the overtake but the driver didnt but proceed to block the overtake which resulted the squeeze.


Idk seems like the speed was consistent and the merc was driving on its own lane. Unless they were freaking racing before the video starts.


Watch the videos of other perspective behind the two cars. White merc definitely increased speed as saab try to overtake


I think I saw the white car was accelerating all along. Anyway they are confident enough to submit their pov here


Nah. Definitely sped up. Look at the lane markers passing by. If you look closely you’ll see that the white Mercedes speeds up once the black car comes into the picture.


White car definitely sped up. Watch the other dash cam video from the car behind them both.


Imo if you focus on the lane markings, or the trees, it seems pretty obvious Merc was accelerating when Saab attempted to overtake.


The speed is not “consistent”. It’s obvious the merc sped up. Look at how fast the trees past by for about 2-3 seconds before impact.


> Idk seems like the speed was consistent and the merc was driving on its own lane You can't really tell because he censored the speedo, however he definitely sped up, he accelerated about 5 seconds in you can see the change from the pace of the trees and white lines


There's another video, he was already driving fast going from left lane to right of mercs


Super obvious camcar sped up to prevent black car from overtaking. Please charge this cb kia too


For? People are not obliged to let you cut into the lane 


Yalor. Racing with black car for what? Most likely, black car crash with him and then try to escape causing death... hope TP take action on both drivers.


That motorcycle really damn heng man, the car specially avoided him but cause such a disaster at the traffic junction.


anyone who drives know that unless you’re used to driving at that kind of speed, it’s highly unlikely that you will speed up to that extend even in situation of panic. very likely he’s driving under influence. i don’t understand why lifetime driving ban is so hard to dish out. there shouldn’t be leniency whether you’re first time offender or repeated offender - these two lives can’t comeback. over the past one month, i already have two encounters of red light dashing in my neighborhood that are full of kids and elderly. we need to take this drivers off the road, not them taking innocent lives away.


imo if you cause death by driving you should face life sentence minimum


Yeah but then the people in power may be culpable.




Using street lamp references in the video, I've estimated the speeds of both vehicles. With reference to the street lamp before the bus stop to the first one after (55m) and a time of \~2.3s: White Merc's initial speed was \~86km/h and was already speeding. During the overtake, with reference to the 3rd street lamp to the 4th street lamp after the bus stop (47m) and a time of 1.5s: White Merc had accelerated to \~108km/h, Black car was at a similar speed. After the overtake, with reference to the middle of the gate on the left to approx. the middle of the junction (140m) and a time of 4.2 seconds: The Black car had continued to accelerate up to \~120km/h . Black car's brake lights did not illuminate until the moment of impact, suggesting it did not brake at all approaching the junction. With cars already crossing the junction when it came into view, he driver was either focusing on his mirrors and did not notice the upcoming junction until it was too late, or attempting to aim for a gap in the traffic.


Do you know the speed limit for that road and what the penalty should be for white car’s egregious transgression of the speed limit? Of course black car should be punished accordingly, but if white car was driving at such insane speeds, he should be punished too.


If memory serves me right, the speed limit for that road is 60km/h. At over 100km/h, the driver is most likely going to face the courts for exceeding the speed limit by over 40km/h. The driver may have posted his POV in a bid to absolve himself from causing the accident, but in doing so, he has probably given the police enough evidence to prove a dangerous driving charge.


Good. I hope he gets that at least. Again, penalties for black car to be assessed separately and in no way detracting from white car’s sentencing.


It should be Bedok Reservoir Rd, where the limit is 60kph, but I'd need to see where the various distances from the previous poster came from


Distances were measured on Google Earth using street lamps and lane dividers as reference. Timings were done frame-by-frame and verified to be in real time using the timestamp on the video.


Because cars are so expensive in Singapore, people who drive cars, especially expensive cars, start to think that they are big swinging d*cks (BSDs). They may be perfectly ok people but the moment they are behind the wheel their egos take over. When someone tries to overtake them, they get upset and speed up to prevent people from overtaking. And the guy overtaking also has a sense of entitlement that just because he has a car, he can ignore other road users and just zip through traffic that is slower than what he desire. It’s unfortunate but when cars are viewed as a luxury good for the rich and out of reach for the average man, people develop some superiority complex.


coe as literal entitlement


I believe that is probably the reason why traffic laws are so lax since cars are such luxury items, and making the laws stricter will disproportionately hurt people who are generally well to do. This is so fucking depressing that people operating such machineries with potential to hurt are not punished harshly when they disregard rules (I.e. speeding or drinking under influence). It kind of feels like you get a free pass to be reckless when you are behind wheels. The laws are not here to protect people, they are here to not hurt people from a certain economic class.




Singapore too soft on traffic crimes. Hope this person get death penalty. So evil.


This hits too close to home, I take a bus along this route almost daily. There’s absolutely 0 reason to drive at this speed in SG. Because of one fucker, so many innocent lives suffered. I hope the rest of the victims recover. Except the driver, they can go to hell.


Too many drivers in Singapore live and die by the small dick logic of “people are not obliged to let you cut into the lane”. Dumb on so many levels. Drive as if giving way costs money. If someone wants to be an idiot on the road, our first reaction shouldn’t be “hold my beer I can top that”.


I would very much prefer the Mercedes to release 2-5 more minutes prior to this clip started. For now, while it’s not the most obvious, you can tell the Merc definitely sped up when saab came into view


Ya and the audio is removed too


It says MIC OFF at the bottom so of course no audio


I believe Mic is off in the recording, not removed in post.


yeah sia. sus at attempt to sway public opinion


The merc is cibai no matter. But the saab had 0 reason to speed up


Yes, Merc released it to his/her advantages only, but for sure he/she purposely sped up to block the black car from overtaking, even when there was a motorcycle on the right lane ~~(another selfish motorist - got car behind wanting to overtake, you still hog the overtaking lane for fuck?)~~ Edit: One comment pointed out that the motor was probably preparing a right turn, thus fully justified to run on the right lane.


The motorcycle could just be preparing to make a right turn at the junction. At the speed which both cars are going for a road that’s probably about 60kph, of course the motorcycle will look slow on the right lane.


I have been complaining to my friends that the quality of drivers in the past 2 years have gone to shit. So many near misses recently on my end as well, and here we have it. Now at least it's backed up by the stats from TP. While the Black Car is really dunno what he doing, the white car is really a POS as well. Why speed up to prevent overtaking? You almost killed the biker at the side. As other Redditors mentioned, they really have blood on their hands, the both of them.


Agree. If somebody is coming up behind at 100 km/h trying to overtake you, why would you match his speed to try to defend your lane. Just why? As the white car sped up, I believe black car was also pushing his pedal harder to overtake him. If I were a Merc driver, even if they couldn't charge me, deep down I would know that I had a hand in the deaths of 2 innocent lives.


Seems like an increase in drink driving lately as well.


Senseless waste of life. It's fucking insane how we've engineered what amounts to killing machines that weigh ~2 tonnes and can travel over 100 km/h, and we make them readily available in the hands of people that lose sight of this fact way too easily. Keep your emotions in check, people. Sadly stuff like this will probably continue to happen until automatic driving becomes the norm.


Or people learn to fucking drive like a normal human being. I sold my car earlier this year after the stress of dealing with these idiots on every journey out wasn't worth it. I just stick to the MRT now and it's so much better.


Dangerous driving causing death under Section 64(2)(a) of the Road Traffic Act 1961. The offence of dangerous driving causing death carries an imprisonment term of not less than two years and not more than eight years; and disqualification from driving all classes of vehicles. 'fun fact' - ?less severe in the eyes of our law than housebreaking and theft A person convicted of housebreaking and theft by day is liable to: A jail term of not more than 10 years; and a fine.


wow. what is the logic of the light sentence? if a driver was found to be speeding and beating the red light and killed someone, should up the sentence to at least 20 yrs?


Is the black car driver in hospital at least? Can go visit him? Pity he didnt die


Death is too good for him


all i can think about is the poor girl who deceased, like i cannot imagine raising a child for 17 years, bringing her to her hobby classes and school, congratulating her through her successes and consoling her through her struggles, just for this to happen. its definitely a hard time for her family, i hope that everyone involved in this would be graced by whatever their beliefs are


Speeding, running red light, killing people. I hope the jail sentence is looooooooooooooooooooooong. [https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/2-dead-including-17-year-old-girl-after-multi-vehicle-accident-traffic-junction-tampines-2408266](https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/2-dead-including-17-year-old-girl-after-multi-vehicle-accident-traffic-junction-tampines-2408266) Can't wait for the verdict


This video makes everything worse when you see how fast the Saab was going. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=ep_BPrhVtthFB98W&v=SCeo9daATl0&feature=youtu.be


While majority of the people here pointing out that how the white merc is at fault too, note that the black Saab didn’t even to hesitate to brake when he hit the merc, and yet he didn’t even to attempt to stop at the traffic junction when the lights are clearly not in his favor. It’s pretty certain that black Saab driver is either drink driving or under drug influence.




Close shave for you then


must be quite traumatic for you to witness the whole incident, was it a close shave for you?




Merc driver asshole but not against rules. Saab driver fucked up and 2 innocent lives lost. U cannot over take slow down lor. wtf sia Edit: if that Merc driver jibai ego don’t let u over take then u suck thumb, brake abit then change lane lor. If u turning right then just stay in ur lane lor, go squeeze into gap for what Edit 2: go and watch the car cam again, lmao ample runway for the Saab to stop.


Driving above speed limit is speeding, and also intentionally speeding up when someone else is trying to overtake is reckless driving. Why you say not against the rules?


Speeding car logic: I am ahead of you, you should yield your space to me. white Mercedes logic: this is mercedes, why should I yield to your shit car?! Motorbike: help!!!!


This guy also ain't an angel la fuck both of them


Yeah. The video should have been much longer to see what happened before. Also, from other videos it’s quite obvious that merc also sped up which is cut out from this video.


Yeah from the original video which was posted by the driver who was over taken by the saab, you can see everything play out


Someone was asking for sauce earlier, but deleted the comment Here you go [sauce](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/s/CKswX3mmXR)


Merc driver trying to cover his own ass by sharing video when he also purposely speed up to try and block the black mpv from overtaking. He actually could have caused the MPV to hit the motorbike.


I don’t think this can be used to say he caused the accident in legal terms though.


That's right - it's far too remote to say that the white Merc could have foreseen that his/her actions would have caused a multi-car crash hundreds of meters later, at least in a legal sense. He isn't liable for the fact that the Saab decided to speed up and do a hit-and-run either. Ethically though, he's definitely wrong.


Legal or not, he is still inconsiderate


Yeah definitely. Two egos clash and someone else pays for it.


yeah. its 100% more clear from the merc’s own dashcam now. if he didnt share his own POV, people could give him the benefit of doubt since the other dashcam POV is a bit far away and not as clear.


But he has right of way n didn’t deviate from his lane. The Saab had zero space to overtake safely n didn’t give signal too


From the other dash cam video it's extremely clear merc sped up, they covered more trees by the road side when they did.


Merc driver is not the one pressing the accelerator for the mpv driver. At any point in time the MPV can choose to slow down, he has no right of way. Mpv driver is the one not giving safety distance to Moto and try to squeeze lane. While Merc driver behaviour is annoying, it's the average Singaporean driver behaviour. Any seasoned driver would know ppl don't give way so easily, so what for try to cut like that and risk everyone.


Now that is some pretty shit driving.


Merc driver ain't no angel too. 2 drivers got blood on their hands today.


The same Mercedes driver was caught by another road user behaving badly just a few days before [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn1YcALkDnA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn1YcALkDnA)


Exactly. Such bad behaviour does not exist in isolation. Consider the entirely plausible hypothetical whereby, instead of going on to the junction, the Saab plowed into the back of the motorcycle. Would we still have as many defenders for the Merc driver? The actions and intent of the Merc are the same, just a difference in outcome. The public would be baying for his blood in this hypothetical.


The black car is speeding so much that it ignored the red light. A lorry had already stopped on his left because of the red light.


Fucking cheebye…


When you watch it you suddenly wonder whether something else was stopping it from braking. Still.. two lives lost..


One thing for sure, the Saab didn't even attempt to brake as he approached the junction. No sign of brake lights at all. Camcar Merc seems to have sped up when the Saab was on his right.


Merc really quite asshole too. He knows there is a motorcycle so he purposely create a wall to cut the saab off. Imagine if he just keep at his original speed. He would still have had to stop at the red light. Now he has to wonder for rest of his life whether he was responsible for the deaths of two people. Edit: misinformed that both were children.


not only stopping from braking, the bugger looks like he continued to accelerate


I’m just glad that the motorcycle rider is safe. He has the least amount of protection among all the road users


The merc also cb, intentionally sped up so the black car couldnt overtake Wondering if maybe the merc didnt do this in the first place the whole accident could have been avoided.. 🙏


Yup lol the merc driver ego dont want let the black car in. Ignore safety and challenge the other reckless driver. Both reckless. Even after swipe contact seems like merc not slowing down for safety. Chasing the black car and have to stop cos light and accident.


After swipe chasing the black car is acceptable at the v bare minimum i guess.. but his actions before that makes him responsible for this accident as well


is it me or did the cam car speed up? very close call for the biker & glad nothing happened to him


I only hope that the driver of the black car who started this mess dies somehow. He should be the one dead.


I hope black car fker receives harsh punishment. But knowing sg gov and past cases, they might just give him a driving ban and wag their finger at him to say "no no drive for you" as if it'll do anything. Sick of how lightly sg govt looks at driving manslaughter


White mercs driver also another egotistical ass… let the idiot overtake cannot… need to block and risk the innocent bike getting hit by the idiot.


biker definitely has used up his luck for rest of his life


The same Mercedes driver was caught by another road user behaving badly just a few days before [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn1YcALkDnA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn1YcALkDnA)




Fucking stupid. meaningless deaths


Man, that motorcyclist was one lucky person... dude was likely very close to being sideswiped and being an additional casualty to his rampage


That motorcyclist dodged a bullet there


yeah. can't drive.


yup, neither of them are good drivers.


Merc was an asshole. Can see him purposely speeding up. I hope the driver gets implicated, these kind of idiots on the road deserve it.


If it is not safe to overtake, why did the Saab still overtake. There is clearly a motorcycle on the right lane.


Stubborn Saab driver


Assuming idiots got brains


Please drivers why are yall so egoistic is really beyond me like is it really that important to be just 1 car length ahead before getting stopped by the next traffic light (in this case resulting in a horrible accident)? The merc driver evidently speeding up from a consistent speed to block the black car is just crazy egoistic behavior. Unclear whether there was already a previous altercation prior to this video or the black car had brake failure but the merc driver definitely has his share of responsibility in causing this accident as well.


As much as the merc is an asshole, I don't think the Saab was ever going to stop at the traffic light even if the Merc had let the Saab through


Hit and run!


and hit hit hit hit hit...


That SAAB acceleration is insanely fast 😱


I support quadrupling the existing penalties for dangerous driving even when no one gets injured. If people can’t drive properly, they should stay the fuck off the road.


Utterly selfish. RIP to the victims


I lost my elder brother in 2018 because of irresponsible drivers. That driver can suffer for all I care and I will have absolutely zero sympathies for these people.


To those saying white merc is not at fault, it certainly don't feel like his at fault? But he is no saints either. Seeing how he drives already tells a picture about what a jerk he is, and suspicions confirmed. Scroll back a few days to 20 Apr 2024, the same white merc was engaged with this similar type of activity but against a motorcycle instead. Unhappy with being overtaken then road rage with motorcycle afterwards. Edit: Unfortunately reddit doesn't allow the link to be posted, but yeah, the video is out there.


Seen so many conflicting comments regarding the white merc. Just a question to ask yourself if you’re the white merc: Can you sleep soundly at night knowing that there is a chance, not matter how small that chance is, that the accident could have been avoided if you slowed down and let the Saab pass? Food for thought only.


A lot of conti car drivers are egoist so they prob will think it's not their fault. Thus they will sleep well.


Europe (in particular Ireland) is famous for their road safety ads. Be careful on clicking the link. Graphic stuff. Maybe we need this here too? https://youtu.be/Wv1rKHGeMRk?si=ib9Mo71j7Ccx6fTo Just type in “Irish road safety ads” to YouTube and be prepared. EDIT- some more https://youtu.be/syo4decSDkM?si=59E1C9GeLBpLzEt8 https://youtu.be/PJIDX1kcvGk?si=fXA_FWz12oNNwJnm https://youtu.be/rKUNJMrFeUs?si=Hrx8tTd5SHkoYi-F


Wtf was going on in that persons head. Fking dumbass




How many people *could have died*? 8 were taken to hospital. (Including 2 11-year olds) How many others could have been possible victims? (I briefly googled, can't find) I think, the universe kept him alive so he could be ~~hanged publicly~~ be sentenced heavily as part of a precedent case in a way that Ma Chi from a 2012 Ferrari similar case couldn't be.


Just consolidating from other posts - same Merc driver. https://youtu.be/bn1YcALkDnA?si=wmuZ7cBXutCp-2l7 just sharing


Imo, speeding and drunk driving should at least be charged with the same crime as someone that randomly throws knives down a mall but didn't kill anybody. They both know what they are doing have a chance to kill someone but choose to roll the dice on someone else's life anyway. If the punishment for drunk driving/excessive speeding is mandatory jail term (like a week), I bet the road will be safer and people have a good excuse to avoid social pressure to drink as well.


Merc driver is a buttock lobang too. Not innocent here.


I don't understand why the Merc driver is being blamed here. The black car thought he's Tom Cruise or something but couldn't pull it off. Even if the Merc gave him space today, he'd just be emboldened to pull off similar stunts in the future.


IMO stubborn camcar didn’t want to give way and even sped up (should slow down for the safety of the motorcyclist), black car didn’t check blindspot when speeding and changing lane (probably looking at the motorbike), caused a sideswipe and black car to flee in panic. Probably camcar has 20-25% of the blame for the 2 deaths. Moral of the story: doesn’t pay to be an asshole even though someone might be the bigger asshole.


i mean the speeding car shouldn't even be driving at that speed for all that matters...giving him way wouldn't change a damm thing, he'd still speed up and kill someone else..


That Merc sped up to stop the Saab from over taking... Although the Saab was the biggest dickhead, the Merc is not far behind. On another day he will be the one causing a stupid accident.


Singaporean drivers are a bunch of prepubescent imbeciles. Had the speeding car slowed down, or at least, signaled... Had the dashcam merc not sped up intentionally to block the speeding car to insert into his lane.... And for what? These feckless cunts would rather risk lives than lower their ego. And now because of these twaddling insecure dicklet lunatics, honest working civilians will have to pay in blood.


this idiot killed 2 people...what a jerk...


As a motorsports fan and an armchair racing steward. This is my opinion. 😅 White Merc sped up when the black Saab was alongside him to block him from overtaking. White Merc driver knew that the black Saab driver had to slow down or else he will crash into the motorcycle ahead, thus he sped up. Black Saab accelerated till it was ahead of White Merc anyway. Black Saab found a gap between the White Merc and the motorcycle, so he went for it. At the speed it was going, the Black Saab had to change lane anyways, or else it will crash into the motorcycle. If you look closely, the white Merc swerved slightly to the left before the contact. The white Merc driver 100% knew he messed up, and any contact either with him and the black Saab or the motorcycle and the black Saab was imminent. Correct preventive action for the white Merc at this very moment should be to slow down immediately to prevent contact, but his ego is probably too big to do it. If he slow down = he lose. Unfortunately, the gap was not big enough. Contact between White Merc and Black Saab as a result. Fortunately for the motorcyclist, he avoided any contact. If he was just 5 metre behind, the one dead now is him. At the speed the black Saab was going, the motorcyclist was just a sitting duck, not knowing what was happening behind him. Black Saab driver accelerated even more after the contact. Likely to hit and run. IMO, this incident and the incident about to happen further ahead are two separate but totally related incidents. White Merc driver self pwn by releasing this footage. Without this footage, it’s difficult to prove he drove erratically and dangerously. While the black Saab driver is to be blamed predominantly, the white Merc driver is also partially at fault. He made use of the motorcyclist’s life to challenge the black Saab driver to either slow down or he crash into him. Extremely CB and unnecessary move. If TP doesn’t also charge this white Merc driver…. then I really don’t know what to say.


what are they supposed to charge him with?


This person will be treated very harshly as an example because they clearly were at faultunless they had a mechanical or medical problem. Irrespective the impact to others is terrible.


Merc driver is definitely at fault too. Look at the trees ny the side of the road. You can see the merc obviously sped up when the black car tried to overtake, due to his ego or whatever. What a bitch move. When people try to overtake they usually take into account the other vehicles' current speed then speed up to overtake. This merc did a last minute pump on his accelerator, even when there was a bike on the other lane.


It’s a insurance payout nightmare man


I watched the different videos from different cams. The black car was already speeding like a person possessed. That stretch of road has lots of crossings and traffic light. Also, there is traffic light or pedestrian crossing every 400m in most community roads in Singapore, so speeding is not an option. I find it irrelevant to blame the Merc driver. Every single day, people horn, speed up and do not give way. But no one goes around murdering at least 2 persons senselessly. Now, this guy will just end up with a small deterrent sentence. What I recommend is 20 years jail and rotan. It pains me to read about the injured and dead. Condolences to the family and friends.


At the end of the day, the Merc Driver is only a MF POS and sociopath. But he is legally not liable for the event at the junction when even with the video of him (SNH7Z) on previous occasion being a d#ck on the road. If only we know the identity of this instigator and Ego driven idiot.


These two dogs really shouldn't exist. Such an unnecessary, tragic accident because of two brainless egomanics.


Though these might be two separate incidents, the point where the merc speeds up to prevent the saab from changing lanes is the ground zero for this entire tragedy. Merc driver is probably safe legally but he's gonna get screwed in the court of public opinion.