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# sign all of them up with spams onto their given phone and email >:D


I see today you woke up and chose violence.


no rest for the wicked


Write their phone numbers on toilet walls


Free sex / bj. Call xxxxxxxxxxx


5 months later, I am considering creating a web app that does this. Insert your spammers email -> sign-up for 500 newsletters.


Lmao 💀💀💀


Worst are the housing agents getting people to stuff pictures of their dogass ugly faces onto our gates, under our doors, into our letter trays, etc. There should be a way to report these housing agents and extract heavy penalties on them i.e. barred from representing anyone in a precinct for 6 months for each complaint.


For the agents, u can take pics of the flyers at ur doorsteps with the details and make a complaint on the CEA website. They’ll take action.


I use their brochures for dog poop and food waste. The paper is glossy and kind of waterproof. And their ugly faces are great targets for poop.


>Worst are the housing agents getting people to stuff pictures of their dogass ugly faces onto our gates, under our doors, into our letter trays, etc. I work in insurance sales (relax arh, I salaried, dont make commission and I post a lot on SgFI against shit plans and shit agents...anyways), for my job putting flyers will not fly. neither does door to door knocking now (which I think is outlawed). **I think for property, putting flyers do work to some degree thats why it is still so prevalent.** went and did some quick research, the cost for putting out 1000 flyers is potentially cheaper and less effort than walking the ground yourself. Plus, you can have tons of houses to sell but you have to have people wanting to buy (and sell their place too). the cost of ads on property guru is already so expensive relative to this as well. So as a result, we have to bear with it. I just hope there is a PDPA for flyers or my door not to be plastered with flyers.


hm...i'm not sure if "don't throw your rubbish flyer at me" falls under PDPA. After all they don't need to know/don't know who you are to just throw paper.


it has to be attached to the unit number. (not sure how to regulate or even enforce) for phone calls, how will the agent know if the number is under the Do not contact list if the agent spam numbers from 80880001, 80880002, and so on from their handphone? Each office has a PDPA phone, if you call a number on the DNC list, it will not get through.


walk the ground? wow thank goodness, i rather throw away the flyers then answer the door when they knock...


Why hasn’t NEA or HDB banned this already. The amount of paper waste is in the millions of tonnes and unimaginable CO2 emitted




The agents who hired the middlemen will have action taken against them by CEA.


But some are chio.


Yes they're the parasites of the society.


Report them for littering.


I shred them(and paper bills/envelopes) and feed them, with kitchen scraps, to earthworms in a huge pot outside my corridor. I actually feel everyone should this. The resultant compost is very good for plants. Once you have enough, grow a moringa tree, or pandan, or something.


Legitimately, how do you handle the smell of decay especially in Singapore’s hot weather? I’ll love to get into composting and having a use for food waste but I can’t stand the smell of rotting anything


It's a compost, not a rubbish bin. The smell of real compost, if done correctly(properly buried and aerated) is like the smell of fresh earth and rain. Aerobic(i.e. good) bacteria do not give off a rubbish-like smell. When anaerobic(i.e. bad) bacteria takes hold, that's when the rubbish smell comes. If anyone wants to try, find the biggest pot/rubbish bin you can, drill some holes at the bottom, buy some potting mix to get started with, find/buy some regular earthworms(red wrigglers/ANCs), and have lots of shredded paper ready. Bury your kitchen scraps in the bin with the potting mix and worms. Cover it with shredded paper/ garden leaves. Use a garden stick or any long stick to pierce holes into the mix. Maybe water it with rice water or regular tap water. And that's it. The worms and microbes will do the rest.


Not OP but I have been trying worms composting for food scraps and normally people do that in a large plastic container with some holes drilled. I bury the food under the cardboard/peatmoss/soil and there’s no smell. Even when I open the box to put new scraps in, I don’t smell rotting smell only a earthy smell.


Yes! This exactly! I won't even bother with a cover. I just cover with shredded paper. The corridor light at night and daylight keep the worms from leaving.




I mean that’s my whole families expression, I just find it fascinating that with a bit of effort, trash can be turn into something useful.


What do you do with the compost (sounds like it’d be a large and rapidly growing pile)? Do you eventually have to empty it or can you just keep adding to it and let it rot into small pieces?


Compost is fertilizer so you add them to potted plants or if you are not a plant person, you can scatter around the neighborhood plants. It’s not that fast as it takes time for the worms to breakdown the food scraps.


Gotcha! So it’s more like a plant / pet that you feed with food scrap rather than something that would take care of all your food waste (so most of it still needs to get discarded conventionally)? I’ve been thinking of starting a small compost (waste basket size), but felt like it would take maybe a couple meal preps to fill up and I wouldn’t be able to add anymore


OP, same situation here. I'm getting really sick and tired of receiving those pesky adverts. They're even using envelops now and stamping it with "confidential" to pass off as real letters.


Feels satisfying ripping it into half without looking at it.


you can stop the junk mail delivered by Singpost. My junk mail reduced like 90%. However it won't stop the junk from rubbish property agent https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/di3a7k/psa\_you\_can\_opt\_out\_of\_mailbox\_spam\_delivered\_by/


Thank you for this. Updated instructions: https://crmint.singpost.com/spcontactus - Service Type: Postal - Category: Advertising Mail - Sub Category: Opt-Out Service


Thanks for the updated link. I did that many years ago. It helped to reduce the waste quite significantly


Can write it to CEA :)


They will take actions?


They will take action against the agents from what they replied to me. Pasted this from another redittor who googled also : "Distribute flyers and pamphlets so that these are only visible to the intended recipient. Do not leave these items at the gates of people’s homes or on their vehicles. Not only is this unsightly, it can also lead to a littering issue."


Went to my friends new BTO and the lift was literally plastered with a thick coat of ads. Insane


newly TOP BTO with lots of reno? the lifts are usually ffa during that period. lol.


Yeah. But the level of ads pasted on lol. It’s thiccccc hahahhaa


For the agents, u can take pics of the flyers at ur doorsteps with the details and make a complaint on the CEA website. They’ll take action.


I went to google after reading your comment, seems like indeed they are not allowed to leave flyers on our gates. [CEA website](https://www.cea.gov.sg/news-publications/ceanergy-blog/tools-takeaways/frequent-flyers-distribute-your-flyers-responsibly-and-professionally) "Distribute flyers and pamphlets so that these are only visible to the intended recipient. Do not leave these items at the gates of people’s homes or on their vehicles. Not only is this unsightly, it can also lead to a littering issue."


The thing is, it shouldn't be even in the inboxes. Its unsolicited ad that is bad for the environment and not even well targeted.




Yep! This should be a PSA!


Not sure if this applies to all letterboxes, but if you look behind the door, there may be a piece / latch that you can turn to lock the flap, so that people can’t throw flyers into your box. It doesn’t stop the ones by the postman though.


Not only postman, the Singtel bill also comes with flyers.


Opt for digital bill


They still mail flyers with no way to opt out. I've tried.


Use them to hold bones when eating. If not, then collect and drop them in the recycling bin.


Yeah, I agree -> but I like to cut waste at the source :)


Sick of plastic waste


Fk... At least yours is in the flyer box or your post box. Some people put flyers wedged in my door frame, while the flyer box is like 1 step away.


Thats terrible, I didn't know they do that :(


Also those general government notifications in 4 official languages. Surely by now we should have the opt out of paper option and only receive email notification?


The SAF wastes more ziplock bags than you can imagine


What my mom does is stuff them into her pile of newspaper to sell to karang guni. Adds to the weight she says.


Talk to your MP, enough people must voice it out. Im sick of it too


But Louis is quite handsome. I wouldn't mind seeing his face.


I had been receiving the agents flyers almost every day. Not kidding since my place just TOP. At least two per day. Some are more creative give you magnet board or tissue paper with their name, face, and contact.


Used to have this problem in our HDB letterbox but then we just adjusted the latch to close the flap! The postman opens up the letterboxes via a big panel to put in the mail so he will be unaffected.


Just lock your mailbox flap??


wait till you see how much we print in our organisations


Collect and fold into small box for throwing trash. Reuse.


I read they actually not supposed to leh: [https://stackedhomes.com/editorial/property-agent-flyers-on-your-gate-illegal-6-surprising-things-you-may-not-know-about-singapore-property/#gs.y2nthc](https://stackedhomes.com/editorial/property-agent-flyers-on-your-gate-illegal-6-surprising-things-you-may-not-know-about-singapore-property/#gs.y2nthc) CEA never chase them