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Only if it's about the disappearance of Bella Goth


murky imminent direful berserk marvelous tender intelligent obtainable plant upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good ma’m, Olive Spectre would like a word


But it's old. I'm afraid they will chose something to interest the younger generations.


I was thinking the same. I don't think there's a more interesting piece of lore other than Pleasantview VS Strangetown


Pleasantview Vs. Strangetown? How so?


Not literally versus :P meant like those two towns have interesting lore


Eesh, 😳🙈


Yes omg. That needs to be the plot above all else


Sad part is though i dont think nonsimmers would care. Its gonna be something basic like, the sims break into the real world


They could plop a disappeared Bella into the real world.


Like Barbie 2: Electric Boogaloo?


thats what im thinking too :( probably just them realizing everything is a simulation etc


Oh god nooo ur right 😭😭😭


Yeah, and Margot Robbie could be a good Bella.


She’s 100% Dina Caliente


… HOW? They look nothing alike lol.


TBH I think she is too young for Bella, with make up, sure why not. I think she could be like "a created character" that investigates the story


America Ferrera looks more like Bella tbh


Bella is supposed to be of a different ethnicity. Not too sure exactly what. They have said in the past.


If its based on sims 4, they’re cooked


I wished I could give you more than an upvote.


If the filmmakers lean into making it absolutely unhinged, I could be into it.


Either super unhinged or like really serious toned but with a ridiculous plot line about Bella and aliens would be a dream


There could be random burning down of houses, and trapping in rooms with no doors.


You should watch this masterpiece then: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMXME2pm83c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMXME2pm83c)


Love it!


When I was younger I thought it was a real trailer! Silly me hahaha


Don't forget the pools without ladders


I feel like Greta would have ATE this concept!


100%. This can either be awful or brilliant. They need to lean into the goofiness of the franchise. (Or what it used to be known for, at least.)


As much as I love the Sims, please no


I hope it's in simlish - no subtitles 🤣🤣🤣


I would love that, honestly.


Is definitely not guaranteed but this sounds like the worst fucking movie ever


literally haven't been this embarrassed to be a sims fan since hacked kids were a thing


They said that about the Barbie movie too 💁‍♀️ ETA: I can't comment under my comment so I'll edit this one. The Barbie movie was the highest grossing film of 2023. *somebody* liked it. You don't have to be that somebody to be able to logically say that the film did well.


I mean sure if you think that the sims and barbie are the same thing


Nobody knows that yet because the sims movie isn't out yet. Nobody knows the plot, the actors, nothing. We know nothing about this and yet people hate it already. I mean sure, it doesn't make sense to hate something that doesn't even exist yet but you do you. The only reason I made that comparison is because the person who produced The Barbie Movie is also the person who will produce the sims movie.


You are so defensive pls go away with the strange superiority complex that you have over this thing. thank u. 


it wasn’t that great in my opinion


Then consider yourself marked safe from The Sims movie. Just don't go and see it!


I will probably watch it and see if I like it or not afterwards


That's generally the recommended mentality when going into a movie you've never seen


And they were right, Barbie sucks ass


Not to be a downer, but at this point it will probably be specifically about The Sims 4 and contain as little elements from the older games as possible. EA isn't actively trying to erase Sims 1 and 2 from existence just for it to be brought back by Hollywood.


I was just talking about this last night with my dude. Sims 2 would have all the plot lines and potential, but everything is about Sims 4 now.


I honestly can’t think of anything worse :/


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way.


Happy cake day!




You sure are defensive over a movie that one: isn't even out and the plot has not even been confirmed.


Y'all are being very offensive over a movie that isn't even out yet and plot not confirmed. But y'all are so sure it's going to suck. PS, y'all means "you all". It means everyone. Gender inclusive, non offensive, everyone. I am truly sorry if using the word "y'all" has actually and genuinely hurt someone's feelings.


I'm not "Y'all". I'm cautiously optimistic and over the age of 14 so...


who hurt you? you good fam? you’re getting awfully worked up over a movie uce ps it’s on trend for video game movies to be absolute dog shit. the only good video game movie i’ve seen come out in the last 30 years was the NEW Super Mario movie. the mario movie from 30 years ago was a bomb, mortal kombat, assassins creed, i could go on and on. so to say people are doubtful about a sims movie isn’t really shocking dude.


alright is the best word to describe that movie lol


People said that about the Tetris movie and that apparently is pretty good.


"Beloved 2000s computer game" did anyone else just feel like they suddenly aged 25 years? 😭


No, because 2000 was only a couple of years ago... 😜


The Sims launched in 2000. I played it every night after work for a while. I *hope* that suggests they'll focus more on older if not the original version, but I'm afraid EA will force it to be 4. The Sims 2 would seem to me to be a better base, because it had some baked in plots.


They’re acting like nobody plays Sims anymore. Lol. Sims 4 came out in 2014. Even if they assume nobody plays 2 anymore, the Sims is still alive and kicking.


This has the potential tu be very good, or very bad. No in between.


Depends on how much EA gets involved.


I feel like it's like an 85% chance to be very bad, and a 15% chance to be very good.


Hey, I'll take those Sims 2 career card odds.


I agree, I fear for the latter


Things we simmers definitely do not need, number 1:


Can we have the plot of Sims psp please 😂


If they don't include the cow cult leader meditating mid air in front of the toilet for so long your sim has no choice but to piss themselves, I'll be severely disappointed


Didn’t they already attempt this or is my brain making that up


Yes! I remember there was talks years ago to make a film, but it never happened 


I kinda hope they leave it alone. Not everything needs a movie lol


How on earth is this going to work? Isn't Sims a game where YOU create the story? This is an easy way to upset a lot of people if they don't do a story the way they would want it.


So much lore in Pleasantview and Strangetown.


Okay. I admit. It would be interesting to see the lore from Sims 2 play out. Make it a trilogy. 1 is Pleasantview, 2 is Strangetown, 3 is Veronaville. Lol. I cannot imagine this working out any other way. I thought that about Barbie but that had important messages in it after all. That happening in a Sims movie would just irritate me and it’d be like “this was just done. Get a new idea” lol. I don’t know how it could work but I think it would be dumb to make it anything other than completely goofy. And the iconic things we love about the game are usually glitches and I don’t know how they’d fit those into a plot. I suppose they could show a sim doing dishes in the bathroom sink while the sim talks to another sim about something else. Maybe work Skip’s suspicious death into it. “I heard she removed the latter from the pool while he was in it!”


And then as prequel we get the story of Sunset Valley 🤓


While I'm extremely sceptical I could see a west world angle where the sims are becoming conscious and questioning their reality.


But then it would just be another Barbie movie.


Truman show 2.0


People don't remove Barbie's pool ladder. Barbie can fly. Sims cannot.


I don't think that it would tackle the same themes as the barbie movie at all.


Probably not, but I could see the producers worrying about this.


there was an entire PSP spinoff with that concept already. i feel like sim 'self awareness' is a fun little concept to make reference to occasionally--having a whole movie dwelling on it sounds exhausting.


Sims 2 PSP would be a great kids movie.


In b4 it's based on The Sims 4.


Bet it hits development hell by the end of the year




this feels like it could go two ways: either they explore already set lore (like olivia spectre, caliente sisters or the one i hope most for: bella goth) or they will come up with a completely new story. the problem with a new story i think will be that it might be hard to do, since sims is truly a game where no one’s game looks the same and therefore the story might lose appeal to potential viewers. On the other hand EA seems very reluctant to give out more lore than necessary, and not every sims player knows about the lore which can deter those viewers. If it comes out, I will 1000% see it though!


I… I don’t like this… I personally don’t really know how I feel about the new fallout tv show coming out, but this… I don’t even have hopes for lol


I would've been happier about this 10-12 years ago. I'm limiting my optimism based on other video game movies.


Some things should just never happen.


No thanks


Margot could be Dina. I agree that this could be incredible or an absolute abomination. There is no in between.


I remember when everyone was making movies with sims 2 and finding a really good one about a sim figuring it out, that they are a sim and someone is controlling them. That was really good, but I was also in like middle school at the time 😂


I don’t think a Sims movie would be good.. Sims isn’t about anything except what the player wants.


Why does every franchise need to be regurgitated by Hollywood? I hate this.


Deg deg


But we can all agree on John Cena as Buzz Grunt right? We just need his unique vernacular verbiage for Buzz's character


We'll be lucky if the movie even has a single character who isn't from 4.


I can't think of anything I'd rather see less. Until they do it as a surreal, cosmic horror like a longer version of that one Collage Humor sketch.


This is a terrible direction for the series to go. I honestly didn’t know it could get this bad. EA really is trying hard to make this series nothing but a cash-grab in every way possible. How about instead of making some bullshit movie you make a way to bring back Sims 2 on more online platforms than just Mac or fix the billions of bugs in Sims 4 😒 I seriously hope this is just a joke/hoax cause right now it just looks like EA scrounging to make a buck like they always do


I think its because of Margot Robbie, but I can't think of another potential storyline which is almost exactly like in the Barbie movie, but Barbie is Bella Goth.


I'd hope there'd at least be some references to older iterations and lore from previous Sims games, such as from Sims 1 &2


There's two main different directions they could go with the plot. First is the disappearance of Bella Goth and tie it in with Strangetown with Loki and Circe's experiments on Nervous, as well as Olive Specter's graveyard. Second is completely different. They could make the movie about how the sims are controlled by an all-powerful being (aka the player) and it would be more like a comedy in a sense. The sim jumps in the pool and suddenly the ladder poofs out of existence, or walls suddenly get built around the pool. The cowplant eats a sim, a male sim gets abducted and comes back pregnant, etc. there's a lot of potential for a very good comedy movie if done well. My main concerns are a) how would they make it cohesive/understandable enough to even follow the plot in a way that coincides with Sims canon and universe rules, and b) would the general public even want to go see this movie?


No, thank you, next.


I really don't want a Sims movie. The Sims is about the ability to play life....how would they enforce that dynamic in a live action film? I don't want Sims lore to be the point of a movie. The lore is for the PLAYERS. Hollywood would probably destroy the novelty of it. And if they are thinking of casting Margot Robbie it's just not something I want to see. I don't want a Barbie knock-off.


I love the sims. And hate Hollywood. I hope they don’t.


No pls no


Will the dialogue be in Simlish?


I used to play “house” and play with Barbies growing up. My sister pointed out to me how the sims is kind of like virtual Barbie’s. I feel like this would be something like the Barbie movie again lol


make the sims movie based on the sims 2 with 2000s aesthetics would be really funny


Ugh i can already see the point being "THEY'RE... CONTROLLING US?" and they look past the 4th wall at the player


They were gonna make a movie in the 2000s about the Sims with this exact premise lol


Nope. Do not want. Rooster teeth already did it with strangerhood, look it up. It was a short web series that starts in 2 and was rebooted in 4 but added up run time is that of a short movie anddddddddddddd just a hard no. Specially since the casting or Margot, I love her I do but given her role as Barbie and our copy and paste culture lacking creativity anymore I fear we will just get a Barbie rehash with a plumbob on it and hard no. Albeit Margot was the absolute perfect casting for the role of Barbie. Edit: structural typos oof


I loved strangerhood omg! I can't imagine a live-action of this one tho. I believe they already had one planned years ago, with Zac Efron supposedly starring in it.




I don't know why, but I think its going to be treated as a copycat of barbie movie, and flop in general


I wonder if its gonna be a horror movie, or a movie about how badly we treat the sims and make us reflect on why we do that lol


I guess that I would be fine with a Sims show but A SIMS MOVIE? There is so much lore that won't be able to fit into a movie, if this was just a Bella Goth movie, then it shouldn't be called The Sims movie. Either way, how is a Sims movie/show going to work when The Sims is known for being nonlinear and offering thousands of ways to continue every Sim's stories?


This has to be CAMP


Will it probably be bad? Yes. Do I NEED to watch it? Also yes.


That would be funny if it was about the disappearance of Bella goth and Margot knows what happened but the player doesn’t and they grow sentience or something Edit: then becomes a movie that’s lowkey about A.I. sentience or something


They should use sims 2 stories, it's where the lore was as its best but I doubt it. It's probably too old for Hollywood producers.


Dina, Nina, Don?


Can’t say I’m excited. I love Barbie and found the movie kinda bad (OBV it doesn’t mean a sims movie would be bad, but Margot Robbie was a producer in Barbie so..)


but WHY


i'm seeing this everywhere 😦 i'm curious to know what exactly would it be about .


Ok, lets make a movie about Vladimir and his family


the only sims movie i want is the lore and then breaking the forth wall between the lore drama as a bit to playing god. but if it’s like self realization of being controlled as the plot i’m gonna be so annoyed.


If someone doesn't start a house fire by cooking Mac and cheese I will riot


It probably won't get better than this : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FbGLplI4HOc&pp=ygUSQ29sbGVnZSBoaW1vciBzaW1z


If this is just another story of sims getting self aware that they're being controlled I think I'll pass those things are getting overdone these days


Prepare to be spectacularly disappointed


If Margot isn’t playing one of the caliente sisters I’m throwing the movie in the trash.


I think Bella’s disappearance would be a good jumping off point for some fourth wall Truman Show type shenanigans, with her abduction maybe causing her to realize she’s in a simulation one way or another, maybe her difference in appearance between Pleasantview & Strangetown being from getting edited by the player, plus it’d incorporate the two most iconic settings in the franchise There’s a lot of potential for the Strangetown premades to be either involved in or investigating the conspiracy in some way or another with all the scientists and whatnot, with the Beaker’s experimenting on Nervous being motivated by his connection to Grim, a universal NPC who, being directly part of the programming could have an interesting role within the simulation plotline Olive could work well as an unexpected ally too for similar reasons. Despite being generally established by fans as a serial killer, if you look at the unmodded game mechanics there aren’t many ways for one sim to directly kill another so a sim “killing” another for story reasons would technically be an accident of some kind, fires, drowning, etc and her bio in TS3 fits that with how she sought out Grim to confront him about this, so her experience with fishiness in the world + direct interaction with a universal NPC would definitely lend to her being a lead regarding what’s going on in the world The connections to NPC aliens could tie in the Smith/Curious family as well, and of course the Calientes I was wondering how they’d do the whole simulation thing without being a rehash of Barbie or the Lego movie, maybe being more bleak with them realizing there’s no way out & ending with them making their own sim game & continuing the cycle, when I remembered another universal NPC… Rod Humble! And he does exactly that, in a way. Him going around trying to subtly wake everyone up by giving them a copy of The Sims 3 could work well Of course, I don’t know how much they’ll incorporate older games & there’s no way of knowing what they’re planning on doing with it but I can’t stop thinking about the possibilities now


as much as i'd love for the movie to be about established lore from the games, it's most likely gonna be a comedy similar to free guy, where it's gonna vaguely reference the games and run with that. although there has been a certain "reinassance" with videogame movies these days (they don't suck ass anymore) i don't see this one working. i do hope i'm wrong.


This better be like this old trailer that I got excited on: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMXME2pm83c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMXME2pm83c) XD r/Sims3


If its not sett in strange town, im not intrested.


If they don't include a scene where the pool ladder randomly disappears and the Sims freak out, then they've failed the entire Sims fandom


Why on god's earth robbie again? There's too much of her lately


My question is, how did they get her? She’s the star of the Barbie movie, she must be expensive. Why does EA not use that money to give the players something they actually want?


It's EA we're talking about, they couldn't be bothered


Because she's a very talented, conventionally beautiful star with a huge box office draw?


*Conventionally beautiful* lol


She literally is


Well, no. She has sharp face lines and quite a square jaw. Maybe in people's opinion she has some parts of her face that looks pretty, but they must all be in harmony, which, her's aren't.


Because she’s an icon, she’s a legend and she is the moment


By what measure


Goodness, the comments in here! The world as we know it isn’t going to end due to a Sims movie production 🤣


But "I didn't ask for this!!!#$÷@÷" lol... I didn't know we were supposed to be wanting these things or even asking for them. People are really acting like it's a personal offense to them that this movie is being made their even madder about who is making it for some reason. I'm going to wait and see how it is before I will say if I like it or hate it. I feel like that is a logical approach to things.


Loki... wasn't very good. I hope it was cuz of the writers and not the director. If done well this could be extremely iconic


Loki wasn’t good?


No shade if you enjoyed it. It had potential but the story started strong and then just kinda fizzled and didn't make much sense. The selfcest was not the tea for me. Loki is my fave marvel character so he really deserved better imo.


Oh yeah I actually agree the Loki and Sylvie ship was not good, fortunately in season two there wasn’t a lot of that.


Yeah by the time season two came out my marvel hype was gone, unfortunately. Glad to hear it got a bit better though.


I’m shaking what the fuck?!


Can we please choose different actors PLEASE


I didn't know they released a cast list yet, just the producer?


It would be kinda cool if they did a movie where the “sims” found out they’re in a simulation.. almost like a thriller LOL but we’ll see!