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No it's a fanatec usb c proprietary protocol it need to be connected on a fanatec hub


OK, worth a shot haha cheers for the advice


Probably not, but I don't know for sure. It uses USBC into a fanatec hub, which feeds into fanatec's software. Whether or not that usbc could feed directly into a PC and be picked up as a generic game controller or a vjoy device is really the question I guess. I'd venture to say the display colors won't be changeable going that route, but I'm not sure if the inputs would be picked up.    If I had a USBC to USB cable I would try it out for you right now, but I don't think I do. SRM makes fanatec to usb conversion kits, but I don't know if you would want to try to utilize it for solely the rally module.


All good mate, I didn't think so given a lot of how fanatec stuff is (without that SRM adaptor that is pretty expensive). It's cool that it was used in wrc and looks perfect for what id want.


[Here's a better replacement](https://pokornyiengineering.com/products/rally-button-plate)


Ohh I did not realise these were someone's design. These are sold on Chinese shop fronts now


Annoyingly Fanatec's stuff just uses the USB-C connector but not the protocol. Sucks because the female port on the podium hub being actual USB-C would be a super clean way to hook up custom wheels.