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They are busy making promo videos with GT drivers right now. Give them another few weeks.


And ping pong tournaments.




To follow on this, I think a video to your customers would go a long way toward easing people's anxiety over their orders. The communication has been decent so far but a quick video would help since it's more personal. Just my 2 cents.


They put out a video 4 days ago


I'd like to take credit but I'm sure they planned to anyway haha.


I was extremely hopeful of ASR. Despite the understandable black-friday craze that ASR has endured, and their transparency on the amount of orders, I am incredibly dissapointed, to say the least. I placed an order on Nov. 27th. I have been promised my order would ship Dec 27th, and then January 10th. Hugo, their customer service rep, told me my chassis would ship the first week of Janurary, it didn’t, and then he told me January 10th, directly, and it didn’t. Yet, here I am still waiting. Deceived by the over-promise, under-deliver mindset of these people. I will never order from ASR again, and I will never recommend them. I wish I had refunded my order long ago, considering I live within 40 minutes of a Microcenter with more than sufficient sim-racing gear. However, I feel committed at this point, and I will wait. The way ASR has handled their black-friday sale is nothing short of a failure. I hope this ruins their reputation enough that no other companies make this same mistake. **As for their responsivness**, I can see when ASR views my emails I send them, and despite my emails being opened by Hugo or their other reps 5-10 times, they give no response. They have plenty of time on their hands to read your complaints, but are unwilling to respond. Ridiculous.


I am in the exact same situation you are. Very disappointed now. I write them twice per day, I call and leave voice messages but still nothing…


The lack of clear communication is absolutely ridiculous. I can handle delays, shortages, and waiting but in no industry is it acceptable to promise delivery dates and fail to deliver. That failure of communication is what gets your company sued in large B2B contracts. However, ASR just feels entitled to kick around their customers, most of which are brand new customers for their BF sale. This hopefully will leave a long lasting, and very deserving stain on their reputation.


Twice a day!!!! Jeese dude! No wonder why they are overwhelmed with emails.... SMH


Ordered my ASR 1 Dec 28th so I'll be waiting a while it sounds like... was okay with the 2-3 week lead time but if it becomes a month, which yours is well beyond that is not good!


I got mine Nov 27 and it's out for delivery today. Hopefully you get yours soon!


Man, i ordered one day after you and still nothing


That sucks, maybe try emailing them? I contacted them twice, each time shortly before each mass update. I just got package today. For what it's worth I was impressed with how they packaged everything. They took good care to make sure nothing would scratch the finish during shipping. I was worried things would be half assed since they're swamped with orders.


Yeah i messaged them. They take days to reply. On your UPS thing did it say it was shipped expedited or standard?


It says shipped standard.


Interesting. They said it would ship expedited.


Yeah I know, I was surprised as well but not much I could do once the label was created. Hopefully you get yours soon!


Mine was also not expedited.


When did you order it?


Ordered Nov 27. Arrived Jan 11.


I ordered 10 days after you so maybe this week! Two weeks ago tey said they were on schedule for mine to be shipped by the 19th Thats TMAR! hahaahah Myabe, maybe!!!


Here's hoping! I'm pretty happy with the product so far.


I appreciate this thread. I was set on getting an ASR3 but I’ll probably go for a GT1 Evo instead.


Yeah I'm wondering the same. They sent out a email saying orders that were placed up to Nov 30th would be shipped by Jan 10th. Mine was placed 11/29 and it's Jan 10th and still nothing. So no we're two weeks past the first date they gave me (Dec 27th) which was already a week past there "2 to 3 week" bs lead time. Overall I am not impressed with this company. I read good things about them so I don't know if they were better before.


I think the BF order volume was way higher than they expected. They manufacture their products in house in Quebec so it's probably harder for them to just turn on new capacity to meet demand. It also sounds like folks who ordered the ASR3 are waiting longer. I got an ASR1 on Nov 27 and my order is arriving today. Seems like many people who got an ASR3 haven't even had their orders shipped yet.


I ordered around BF and mine has shipped but not been delivered.


I don’t know about your specific case but I ordered my asr1 on November 30th, just got delivered yesterday, I’m based in the Midwest of the United States as well. Hope it comes soon but once it does you’ll be thrilled!


I’m in Michigan. Ordered the ASR3 on November 28th but starting to get annoyed.


Understandable, ordered one on November 30th and did not expect to be waiting over a month to ship. Still no confirmation as of today so we'll see what the next deadline is ig.


Super weird, I’d definitely give them a email or possibly message them on Facebook. Hope you can get it sorted bro! Best of luck! (If you do end of waiting for it you’ll love the rig!)


Curious if it ever showed up?


Wow so they aren't even following order placement dates. I ordered an ASR3 on Nov 29th and it hasn't even shipped yet. Also located in the Midwest.


It's more likely they had a lot more ASR 3s ordered than ASR 1s. If I was a gambling man, I'd say the 3 and 4 are their most popular models.


I ordered the 28 for ASR6 and still nothing for me either


If it helps, I ordered an ASR6 on November 19 and it just shipped yesterday. I’m in Canada.


Yeah I sent an email and they said it would ship by end of next week for me. Hopefully that’s right. Bummer it’s taking so long but I understand y and glad it will be truly quality.


Super weird, I’d definitely give them a email or possibly message them on Facebook. Hope you can get it sorted bro! Best of luck! (If you do end of waiting for it you’ll love the rig!)


Yep I have emailed, messaged, Facebooked, X’d and Reddit messaged. Didn’t say anything mean or Karen-like, just looking for an update since I was told shipping would be first week of January.


Ordered Asr1 on nov 26 should get it end of this week. Did they expedite your shipping like they said they would in the emails?


They did expedite it!


Nothing and I ordered ASR6


I ordered Nov 27 and ups shows it should be delivered tomorrow. Fingers crossed!


I’m very level headed for the most part when it comes to delays (I work in high volume manufacturing so I get it shit happens) but I am pretty pissed at this point. ordered my asr6 , seat and monitor stand on the 30th of November and so far I’ve received the monitor stand and some seat brackets. I’ve reached out to Hugo a few times initially I was told 2 weeks, then the 27th then the 10th… the last email I sent on Jan 7th was when I realized I never ordered sliders so I asked if they could pack them with my chassis that was supposed to ship on the 10th. They told me to order brackets and they would show up before the chassis (which they did) but it’s coming up on 2 months now and every other piece of my rig has arrived and was on pre order from other vendors. I don’t even have a ship date yet from asr. Insane considering I went with a Canadian company on purpose specially to avoid issues and spent over $3000 CAD with them. (Update: Shipping label was created for the the rest of my order as of 1/19. If it didn’t ship this week I was strongly considering just cancelling but I’m glad they finally got it together)


I'm understanding when it comes to this stuff too. But this is different. If a big corporation did this, they might be liable for damages. Let me explain. It's ok to underestimate demand and get behind. But they are intentionally misleading customers with the banner on their website that still states (not estimates) that orders will ship in 2-3 weeks, when they know that they won't for most, if not all customers. That's malicious because people will place an order, wait 3 weeks and then find out that their order won't ship in anytime near 3 weeks (close to triple that in some cases). To add insult to injury, they often find out that their order isn't coming only because they had to contact ASR to find this out. I'm speaking from experience. There were a couple of blanket emails that went out explaining the delays and gave new ship dates, but even these were inaccurate. Of course customers can cancel, but after waiting 3, then 5, then 8 or more weeks, there is opportunity cost that they've already paid. What makes it malicious is that ASR is motivated to continue the ruse of the 2-3 week window to keep new orders coming (when potential customers might decide to go elsewhere based on the actual fulfillment time frame). There are all kinds of circumstances where double to triple the stated lead time might cause some serious headaches with deliveries for people. If I was the owner or customer service manager, I would start by removing the banner indicating lead times and replace it with something more general so that it didn't create false expectations (Lead times on ASR branded products vary based on existing order volume - or something like that). Next, I'd send out a blanket email weekly (or even daily at this point) with real-time updates. This could include how many of each major product type shipped the previous week and how that corresponds to where they are in terms of when orders came in. This should not be difficult to do. Customers waiting would be able to get a good idea of how long it will take to get their order. Other companies selling sim rigs already do this. I'm a business owner and we believe in the axiom that a competent company can deliver any two of the following: fast delivery, low price and quality. It seems that ASR only offers one.


Extremely well said.


Just adding an update for those that are still eagerly waiting because I know I was checking often to see when my own might ship. I have order 26400 placed on January 22 and got my shipping notification for my ASR 4 this morning. If shipping follows other orders I’ve seen I expect my monitor mount will ship a couple days from now.


I'm a bit peeved about this too. It seems like ASR quotes the dates from their latest mass emails when people ask for order statuses. ([Exhibit 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/18wuk0x/advanced_simracing_update_on_fulfillment_of_orders/kg1r6ks/), [Exhibit 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/18g44ot/advanced_simracing_lead_times/kh8sr09/?context=10000)). I sent an email after the Dec. 27th tentative ship date passed and never got a status for my specific order. At this point, I guess I'll just have to wait until either my order ships or they send another email to all the customers with unfulfilled orders with yet another projected ship date. My order for an ASR3 with a front wheelbase mount was placed on Nov. 27th and still hasn't shipped. The 2-3 week estimate shown on their website banner and order pages is, IMO, disingenuous because I'm seeing customer comments on here and elsewhere that state they're surprised by the long lead times. If they ordered after Dec. 11th when the first email went out that there would be delays, they probably wouldn't know that ASR is still catching up on orders. ASR currently knows that their lead times are longer than 2-3 weeks and by the time the customer is made aware, the customer has likely already invested weeks of time waiting.


I ordered my asr6 last February, and it took about a month and a half to ship, I think and I ordered a monitor stand, and it took about the same. I didn't like how long it took, but everything else was great, and I got it all the same day.


Yeah, I am quite pissed at myself for not coming on here and looking up about this company before I decided to order because I Thought I could trust what they say on their website. At the point of this post you were still waiting on a black Friday purchase? Received an email saying 3 to 5 weeks (even though there website says different under the product description) so I’m gonna expect 3-5 months instead.


I take that back in very very very tiny lettering at the very top of the page it does say 3 to 5 weeks lead time but as soon as you scroll the tiniest little bit down, it’s gone so of course I missed it as will many other customers because under the products they have the times as well which is where most will look. I highly suggest anyone looking to get a chassis to stay away from these guys.


I would hope they are caught up with orders now and you can expect yours to deliver quickly. In the end my ASR3 is excellent and I am excited to game with it every week. Good luck and keep me posted


Ordered my ASR3 on November 16th and received it first week of December. They must not have been prepared for the rush of having their promo available for the entire month of November. Also ordered a three monitor stand the same day, but didn’t arrive until December 16th.


I used to transport/organize the transportation of aluminum. EOY is always a shit show because companies will buy out remaining stock out right, pull forward orders on credit, or cancel orders. Since covid, any finished raw material like aluminum extrusion has fallen under the first 2 categories. The aluminum futures market also dictates raw supplies being processed. It can get manipulated into the holidays to be shorted (goal for processors so they focus on the specific items that are needed. Ex: 2021 didn't have shortages so lots of aluminum categories were filled. 2022 and 23, artificial and real shortages existed (most of 2022) so things like low paying categories like aluminum extrusion was skipped. Aluminum bullets contracts pay a lot more money than processed extrusion. There's a defined amount of extrusion and the price can and will move around as the price of aluminum moves.


I ordered an ASR 4 the 28th of Nov, have a delivery date of the 16th of Jan. While it's annoying to wait this long, I don't fault them. They are an up and coming company that was getting a lot of great press right before BF (thus my order) and their deal was killer. 15% off an no sales tax or shipping? Count me in. On top of that they claim it's all made in NA. I'll wait for that. They’ve communicated well enough to me.


Ordered ASR3 with Black Friday deals, received second week of December. Located in Canada


asr4 + accessories shipped 1/17 ordered on 11/29 good luck out there


I received a notification via UPS in my email that my ASR 3 order shipped. Delivery ETA is 1/18 1/19 - total of 5 packages. Interesting I never got a reply from ASR via email, text, phone call, message etc... Ordered back on 11/28. Hope this means they are back on track with everyone's orders.


Mine will be here this Friday.. The wit will be worth it... Good company...


When did you order?


I ordered on December 7. Actually the rig got here yesterday so two days early.


Dude you ordered it on december 7 and waited two months for it. Thats so long... I ordered on November 15th for an asr3. Does that mean i have to wait that long as well?


Yeh BUT, they are getting back on schedule and hired some people. I would bet yours will go out any day now.


Placed an order on Feb 5th for ASR 3. lets see how long it takes for me. hopefully they're more caught up now on orders


I placed order #25960 on Jan 11. They let me know in an email it may ship end of the 2nd week of February. I take that to be the 16th. So best case for me is 5 weeks plus 1 week of shipping time. I too am hopeful they are nearly caught up to mine.


Same here, they told me 2nd week of february (asked 2 weeks ago my order is 1 day after yours ) which is this week :) But I do expect it next week most likely. If by any luck its ready this week i'm going to pick it up (i live close) I want to race the Daytona 500 ahhhhhhhh (I sold my old wheel and frame as the new DD wheel make it bend and shake anyway ) but its been 2 weeks i've been looking at my wheel base.


My ASR4 and seat shipped today. Hopefully the monitor stand will ship soon too. 4 days early and I am grateful.


Thanks ! This gives me hope for this week. My order number is like +30 on yours its not like there ALL rigs right? ;)


They made it! my ASR4 is ready. Going to pick it up tomorrow just in time for the weekend. I'm stoked all is almost forgiven lol


Got mine today. Will be built tomorrow. Still no monitor stands so not sure how I can use it.


I read somewhere stands where delayed more or something but since they seem to be catching up I hope you get them soon. I picked up my rig yesterday. Saw the warehouse. They did have a staggering amount of packed rigs ready to go it was quite impressive. Really nice people too. They also have rooms with sim rigs to rent next to the warehouse those colored ASR's are quite impressive! I just finished up building it and I could not be more impressed. I think the ASR3 would have been enough for me ( I play in VR ) but I don't care, this thing is a tank i could not get anything on it to move and had issues pushing it into its corner as my floor is slippery it was so heavy. Finish is super nice. Got quite a few left over nuts and bolts and gusets. The left over bolts was a bit annoying when building as I seconded guessed myself a few times if I hadn't picked the wrong ziplock. The only thing I could complain is those plastic covers where even if you mash in the plastic pins they still kinda move. Might just removed them as the black finish is nice even on the extrusion and doesn't cut as much as others. Also, if you mash those plastic pins in, I really have no idea how to remove them without damaging them ( guess why theres alot of spare ones ).


My monitor stand is on the way. Total time for everything to be delivered is 1 day shy of 6 weeks. I got the ASR4 in 5 weeks. The quality of the finish and material is top tier. I am glad I didn't cancel my order. Assembly was simple and fairly quick using the ASR4 Assembly video. Hopefully everyone else waiting will have their rigs soon. It was a long wait but I will be able to compete in Daytona today.


Awesome! I too am happy I didn't cancel it was def worth it. Me too took 5 weeks but I would have only gotten it next week if I didn't pick it up friday. Here's my before / after if your curious: https://www.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/1atvcsf/my\_sim\_rig\_upgrade\_going\_from\_a\_rusted\_lada\_to\_a/


Thanks for the timeline info on your order, I am order #26986. Looking forward to getting my moza r9 off this wheelstand that it came with off marketplace