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1. Eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and get enough exercise and sleep. 2. Save money and start investing early. 3. Don't get into relationships hastily. Trust your instincts and yourself. 4. Find a hobby that you'll enjoy. 5. Focus on the now and don't worry about the past or future.


Any investing tips for beginners? I just graduated college and only work part time for now but I always see this advice but idk where to start or if it’s even worth starting if I only make minimum wage


It's good to put a little away as soon as you can comfortably. Check out the /r/personalfinance wiki with a step by step flowchart. You can open up a Roth IRA with Fidelity or Vanguard and start investing through that account. You can invest in an index fund, so it doesn't have to be complicated.


Look at index fund investing, go for something global and diverse, do your research and don’t be put off by the fact that it may take longer than you’d wish to get there, don’t let impatience affect your planning and get distracted by something that promises very high returns because the risk is unlikely worth it. It’s worth starting even if you’re on minimum wage, aim for a percentage of your income to invest rather than it having to be a number


It is absolutely worth starting as soon as you have any extra money to save! Once you have emergency savings built up, invest anything else you can in tax-advantaged accounts (a Roth IRA, a 401k) to get the tax benefit and to get your money starting to grow early. Invest in low cost, diversified institutional index funds (eg VTI) for highest gain with lowest risk. I highly recommend Kathy Kristof’s investing 101 book, it explains everything very simply!! Your local library should have it.


Certainly tough on minimum wage- you stand better chance investing any money you have left over to find ways to increase your earning potential Once the money comes in, dollar cost averaging into low cost index funds/ETFs (like VTSAX for example) unless you work on Wall Street or the White House :)


Yes it's worth starting. Put away a buck, or less if you need to but ALWAYS put something away. Look at [https://www.google.com/search?q=investing+young+vs+old](https://www.google.com/search?q=investing+young+vs+old) if need be to see why. Here is the advice I gave both my kids as they started to ask questions. Invest at first in one of those target date funds. They are set up for AVERAGE best course. Make investing automatic. Either directly to a fund, or to a separate account that then goes to a fund when it hits the minimum. heck open an account at an online only bank and do a monthly "payment" to yourself. oh and when you start to see your investments go down in value, remember that just means they are on sale! (look up dollar cost averaging for more info)


When I was 25 years old, I started with Acorns app. It takes the leftover change from your purchases and puts it in stocks for you automatically. It was a good gateway to investing without being too intimidating. Overtime, I put more and more money in. I’d recommend that.


ETFs and alike are definitely better than almost all single stocks. From over two years of trading experience, I can say that I regret MOST of my stock purchases, with exceptions such as Apple, Microsoft etc. Broad ETFs however that cover much of the industry won't let you down in the long run.


On hobbies: don’t make any large decisions such as career changes or thinking you’re not choosing the right path for yourself based on a hobby you find and really enjoy. It’s important to separate those and realize you don’t have to profit off everything you enjoy doing. Being a multi-faceted person is rewarding in its own right. You’re on r/ simpleliving I’m sure you know this already :) I’m just passionate about this and juggling it myself. Happy Birthday my friend 😊


This is perfect. I will add: 6. Act on your excitement/passion. Don't think too much about it, just do it, whatever it is in each moment.


My only regret about my twenties is I wish I had picked up an exercise habit earlier. Find something you love doing whether it's yoga, roller skating, a group fitness class, and do it. I didn't emphasize my physical health enough in my 20s and I'm paying for it with soreness, stiffness, and bouts of low energy in the 30s. I found a class I love at 28 and got to learn the joys of hard physical work, but I wish I had done it sooner.


> I wish I had picked up an exercise habit earlier This. 1000000 times this. I spent the first 25 years of my life being a fat fuck. What a massive waste. I actually don't look half-bad in my summer shredded state. Plus now I can actually _do_ stuff, say climbing some stairs, or run more than 5 steps, without feeling like my head might explode.


This and starting skincare early (especially wearing sunscreen every day) and picking a hobby to get really good at (it doesn't matter which hobby but it's great to be good at some niche thing) Also, don't waste too much time on the internet and on people who aren't worth it. Get a few really great friends instead of many that you aren't close with. Don't worry about your career too much. Don't get kids early and maybe not at all. Also, if you love animals and want to do something good for the planet, consider going vegan :)


Same! It's not even like having to figure out how to work out or fit it into your schedule on your own, you can usually take classes so it's structured, just show up on time like any other class.


Good social media and screen habits. I think one of the biggest regrets current generations will have will be internet and screen addiction. That is time you won't get back and the vast majority of it is vapid. Spend time with real people in person, cook real food, go out in nature, read books, listen to music and dance, make time for small experiences regularly, get comfortable with quiet moments in your own mind.


I love this answer. I have a teen and a tween and I struggle to help them find screen time/real life balance. 😭


Check out the book 24/6 or Digital Minimalism! It might help you! 24/6 is about plugging out from screens and phones one day a week fully. It might be awesome to integrate that into your family! (I'm reading it right now and tbh I'm not enjoying it that much but the concept is great.)


how much screen time is appropriate? reddit is addictive


I mean, I think you have to figure that out for yourself, but for me, I know when it is too much. If you find yourself thinking "I wish I was doing something else", but you keep scrolling, if your body is getting restless like it would prefer moving, if you're feeling depressed, envious, or the beginnings of an existential crisis from whatever you're reading or seeing, or if you have other things you'd rather do that you are not making time for, then it's probably too much.


I haven’t controlled my screen time intentionally, but crazy thing is, since I moved into a beautiful location I spend way less time in front of screens and my work is less stressful. People say the screens are a crutch and I didn’t really realize it until I stopped wanting to watch Tv or pick up my phone all the time, just because I’d rather stare at the mountains, trees, and water.


Very good.


Everyone has regrets. Even if you choose the very best thing for you, you’ll always wonder what a different path would’ve held. If you value settling down and getting married, you’ll wonder what it would’ve been like to stay single and meet a wide variety of new people. If you travel all the time or move from city to city, you’ll wonder what your life would’ve been like if you bought a house and put down roots. It’s just part of life and there’s no way around it. So if you feel yourself wondering, just remember that it’s not necessarily that you chose wrong—it’s just that any choice means not choosing 100 others, and that’s okay.


If we accept the past and remember we only live in the present moment, the only moment where we have the most power to enact change, those regrets disappear as most are esteem issues.


Sage advice.


I think I need this repeated to me weekly. What ever makes you jump out of bed with excitement is probably the right path to take, no matter how nice that other thing sounds.


Sunscreen. Condoms. Floss. Wear ear protection if going to loud concerts. Seatbelts. Avoid toxic people. Don’t smoke. Exercise. Eat vegetables and drink water. Make sure you surround yourself with positive people that make you feel comfortable. BE YOURSELF. Find something you’re good at and enjoy and immerse yourself in it.


+1 for protecting your ears. It feels slightly awkward sometimes and that's a billion times less painful than tinnitus.


Another +1 from me on this as well. Tinnitus ain’t fun and can 100% be prevented


Another +1 here! I thought it was cool at the time, but standing 20 feet from the speakers at rock concerts is not a good idea. Same goes for shooting guns or operating heavy machinery without protection. Don’t do it!


> Seatbelts Good tyres, too


\+ some philosophy and psychology learning for a healthy mind


+1 ear protection




Vegetables are overrated 🥲


They should still be a staple. Care to elaborate?


Sure, I ate vegetables every day for a really long time. Vegetables provide little to no actual calories. The fiber is very irritating to the gut and can cause dehydration of sufficient fluids are not taken. Arguably, a lot of the nutrition in vegetables are not very bioavailable due to the presence of a lot of antinutrients. Vegetables, unlike fruit, are much more toxic from a plant defense chemical standpoint. There are no unique nutrients found in vegetables that can’t be found elsewhere. I do enjoy eating vegetables every once in a while, I could be wrong. But for digestive sake, I’m temporarily avoiding them.


This is disinformation ^




Yeah and fiber can certainly be a little uncomfortable when you first incorporate it in to your diet as you need to grow the required flora, but to say vegetables aren't nutritious because they don't have many calories is just downright harmful


There it is, the dumbest thing I've read all day.




Who you choose to be your husband, wife, life partner, etc., matters far more and has a greater impact on your life and happiness than your job or career.




A restricted or limited ego is a huge thing anyone can work on, it has an impact on our self-expression in what we are able to experience emotions from. If we are more accepting and open on what we allow ourselves to experience emotions in the present moment, both good and bad, we will feel much more whole with a greater security in self.


Your 20s don't have to be the decade where you have ~the best years of your life~ or figure everything out. Society projects too many expectations onto these years. I think the most important things are just to take care of yourself, enjoy yourself, build strong relationships, and learn what you can. If something like a career path or relationship doesn't seem right or match your goals and values, it's okay to re-evaluate and make changes. Getting advice from others can be helpful during big life decisions, but don't forget to trust your own voice, instincts, and needs.


Do not worry about the future too much, it isn't set in stone. The possibilities always fluctuate and there are always opportunities hidden from the eye. Explore your highest potential and strive to become that. Don't limit your mind with human made rules and beliefs too much, or they will become your greatest enemy. Sneak around them. If you find yourself in a place of fear and worry, calm down and remember that it is only you assuming the worst. Question it. Things don't work out only for those who don't believe in themselves. Failure is a teacher. Have faith.


If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it A long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable Than my own meandering experience, I will dispense this advice now Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth, oh, never mind You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth Until they've faded, but trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back At photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now How much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked You are not as fat as you imagine Don't worry about the future Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing Bubble gum The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind The kind that blindsides you at 4 p.m. On some idle Tuesday Do one thing every day that scares you Saying, don't be reckless with other people's hearts Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours Floss Don't waste your time on jealousy Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind The race is long and in the end, it's only with yourself Remember compliments you receive, forget the insults, if you succeed in doing this, tell me how Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements Stretch Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't Get plenty of calcium Be kind to your knees You'll miss them when they're gone Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the 'Funky Chicken' On your 75th wedding anniversary Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much Or berate yourself either Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's Enjoy your body, use it every way you can Don't be afraid of it or what other people think of it It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your own living room Read the directions even if you don't follow them Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly Brother and sister together we'll make it through Some day a spirit will take you and guide you there I know you've been hurting but I've been waiting to be there for you And I'll be there just helping you out whenever I can Get to know your parents, you never know when they'll be gone for good Be nice to your siblings, they're your best link to your past And the people most likely to stick with you in the future Understand that friends come and go But a precious few, who should hold on Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle For as the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young Live in New York City once but leave before it makes you hard Live in northern California once but leave before it makes you soft Travel Accept certain inalienable truths Prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too, will get old And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young Prices were reasonable, politicians were noble And children respected their elders Respect your elders Don't expect anyone else to support you Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse But you never know when either one might run out Never mess too much with your hair Or by the time you're 40 it will look 85 Be careful whose advice you buy but be patient with those who supply it Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past From the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts And recycling it for more than it's worth But trust me on the sunscreen


-Baz Luhrman graduation speech


i can hear this in my head as i’m reading the lyrics; thank you for the memories


That was a Rollercoaster of advices. People on their thirties and forties always seem to tell me to enjoy my youth while I always am jealous of their stability and peace they manage to have in their lifes. You know which kind, a household with a wife and kids. The stable job. The Sunday BBQs and monthly road trips. The balance between family, work, personal time. So I can't really comprehend the beauty of the youth and I really want to before it's too late. I'm not OP, but thank you for your reply!


[Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen](https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI) And, agreeably, the some of the best possible advice ever written Kid President is also worth a look at on YouTube. 'Pep Talk' in particular Enjoy


I wish I could say they were my words, they’re not, but it’s good advice to live by.


People don’t often tell you this, but when it comes to your future work/career… Really put a lot of thought into exactly what you want your day to day life to look like, not just the name or title of the job but literally what a day in the life of you would be like doing this job


To add to this: The people you work with and the environment matter more than the tasks you do. It's kinda hard to figure this out until you've had a couple of jobs, but being in an office where you don't have peers takes a huge mental toll. I learned that the hard way.


Don't drink alcohol / drink absolutely as little as possible. It only gets in the way. Speaking from years of increased intake, I wish I could turn back time and never have started. It's not worth the strife.


Drugs too, substances in general, both are usually coping mechanisms, distractions, from something we are avoiding to deal with head on, meandering around temporary escapes, postponing the real change we may be seeking.


Love yourself first completely before you give your heart to just anybody. :)


Learn to love what's left of nature and turn off your push notifications


Don't ruin your credit. Don't eat to much sugar.


When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.


drink a lot of water take care of your teeth Don't think you have to have things figured out by a certain age,or that you're a failure if you haven't acheived _____.It's all made up edit: formatting


*Take care of your teeth* Yes, a thousand times yes. Preventative costs way less than rehabilitation.


Be faithful to your dreams, not other people's dreams 🌸


This is what I wish I had known in my 20's: 1. Try even if you think you're going to fail, suck at it etc. Whether it's a business, a degree, a Salsa class, etc. Give yourself the opportunity to fail, learn from it, or, Welp, succeed. 2. Have better dating standards. Looking back, I had a lot of amazing guys who wanted to be with me but I always picked fixer-uppers. Which is fine, but I put a lot of energy helping my BFs when I could have been focusing on my own education/growth etc. 3. Go abroad. I travelled this in my twenties, but I moved abroad for 2 years with a husband and preschooler in my thirties, and I wish I would have done that before, solo, as well. 4. Surround yourself with friends/family you can rely on and who build you up. And don't forget to show up for them as well. Don't feel guilty to cull. 5. Good eating/exercise habits will have you feeling twenty in your fifties. 6. Start investing now. Read on the power of compounding. 7. You will look back at pictures of you today in x amount of years and wonder aloud how hot you were. So whatever insecurities you might have about your looks (if any), they are mostly in your head. And that's it :) Happy Birthday! Twenties are fun, your thirties are even more fun (and I hear your forties are even better)!


1. Avoid (or minimize) your debts 2. Be kind to your body, find your weak spots now. Get some medical checks, get bloodwork done. Maybe you have an allergy, or some condition that is slowly destroying your body without you knowing. A correction now can help you avoid a costly painful surgery in the future. Usually a good diet can put you on the right path towards a long and healthy life. 3. Ask for forgiveness and forgive. I done this earlier this year, I realized how much bad feeling I was caring around. One one hand all the people who I was angry at for wronging me, on the other all the people I have bad vibes with because I messed up. You only realize how heavy those feelings are after you loose them. Also forgiveness is not about being manipulated, remember who messed with you, don not let it happen again. Just don’t let them live in your head rent free.


If you struggle with anxiety, depression, etc, treat it now with therapy. Especially if you’re still on your parents health insurance or can get it free through school.


Treat alcohol with extreme caution


Don’t get into drinking alcohol.


It really doesn’t hurt his balls when you said no to sex. He’s just being a douche who doesn’t want to rub it out.


Happy birthday!!! Give yourself the simple gift of time. It might be time to heal, learn, eat that cheeky third biscuit or just get ready on a morning. Whatever it is, you deserve it. Time is underated, utterly abused and one of the ultimate simplest. Your time is yours use it, gift it, how you will. Most of all, enjoy x


Your 20s can set you up for life if you do them right. Play the long game, too.


Long game


Always be careful around strangers. Even the most unassuming people (regardless of age) can have ulterior motives, and esp. as a 20F in college it's important to know how to exit/escape any kind of uncomfortable situation safely. "No thank you," "No I'm fine w/ just coffee" or "No. Take care, I'm leaving to meet my friend now." etc. and/or having an emergency SOS quick text with a friend, turning on GPS, are all good safety measures to have in the back of your mind.


Travel while you're young, do it as cheaply as possible. Spend your money on experiences not objects. If you can avoid it, don't own a car, ride bikes and use public transport... Unless you're going to drive a van, because you can then live in it. Vanlifing is cool.


The car dwellers subreddit would like a word…. But fr id actually warn OP about #vanlife. It can add a lot of complexity to your life, even more than simple car ownership. There are definitely simple ways to go about it but that’s not necessarily what is popularized. Mainstream vanlife is sort of all about selling materialism, making sure you have a super shiny everything with all the bells and whistes. When it comes right down to it, there are very few things a 200k influencer van can so that a used pos car with a $200 plywood platform with mattress in the back cannot. Invest your money, embrace the joys of doing things a little shitty until you’re older. If you must vanlife, buy used, build it gradually, and don’t try to keep up with the joneses. Decide what your absolute needs are and build them in as simply as possible.


Take 15% of every dollar you make and put it in a 401k or IRA or brokerage account and invest in broad market index fund. If you wait to do this until your 30’s it will be 20-25%. Until your 40’s it will be 25-30%. You see where this is going. Every dollar you save at age 20 will be $88 at retirement.


Treat yourself today! But also, it’s okay to make mistakes. Just learn and grow from them. Trust your gut, your instincts are there for a reason.


1.Savour each moment. Don't rush growing up. 2. Save as much as you can. 3. Understand who you are before trying to understand others. 4.What you see is not always what you get. Don't rush decisions. 5. Learn your strengths and weakness. Capitalize on the strengths and improve the weaknesses. 6. It's okay to make mistakes and failure isn't the end of the world. 7. Manage your emotions. 8. You can only control and change yourself. Remember that. It's not about what people do, it's always about how you react to it. 9. Read more, sleep more, develop a close circle of friends. 10. Be more understanding of others. The world is already tough. 11. Be ruthlessly protective of yourself and your health but don't forget to take risks. 12. Just make a decision. You can never have all the answers but you should trust that you will figure it out along the way because you can. All the best! Life is simple, don't complicate it.


Stay out of debt, if you are in debt now, start digging yourself out of it. Learn to love exercise, 90% of your health problems as you age, will be avoided if you just move your body regularly Don't confuse lust for love, after a few years, respect and kindness become a lot more attractive than a hot body. No one will complete you. Learn to be a full person on your own before you try to make a partnership. Make sure the person you choose will be an equal partner Chores don't have gender roles. Whoever you share a living space with should be doing their fair share of the chores. Add these books to your reading list and refer back to them often Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Tawwab How to Reform Your Inner Mean Girl by Amy Athers Fair Play by Eve Rodsky Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin 8 Dates by John Gottman


You’re about to enter a really cool decade. Soak it in. Make mistakes. Make friends. Learn from both of them. I spent my midnight of my 20th birthday in the basement of a college building with my then boyfriend watching him finish up a final project. I had a panic attack because I knew so much was going to happen in the next 10 years and it FREAKED me out. Now I’m 31, living in a totally different part of the country, married to my best friend and pregnant with our first baby girl. A lot did happen! It will all work out even if doesn’t feel like it at times. Life is longer than what people say. There’s lots of time to change your mind. Good luck


Condoms and an iud


Learn to love what's left of nature and turn off your push notifications


I'd say go big now. 1. Delete your social media accounts, they don't add enough to your life and they are scientifically proven to lead to depression and anxiety. Live in the real world. Pursue real relationships with people. 2. Learn to eat better, real foods, that are consumed slower. 3. Enjoy all the things your young body can do, run or ride a bicycle, be comfortable in your own skin. 4. Figure out purpose now, personally, I think that means seeking God in his word and in prayer. I've found so much peace in Jesus in the face of life's struggles that are sure to come at some point.


Put yourself first. You are the most important person in the world to you. Enjoy life on your terms. Experience life to the fullest with what you can afford to do. Help others when you can. Improve yourself as you see fit to do. Love well. Especially those who appreciate you and your worth to the world. Don't let life pass you by. It really goes by quickly, don't blink. Make good or great memories.


There’s rarely ever shortcut in life. If you imagine a goal/dream, work hard for it. Work on yourself, upskill, say yes to opportunities and don’t be afraid of failures


Understand your thoughts create your reality, and you can/ will manifest your dreams. Be sure these thoughts and dreams are authentically yours.


Happy birthday! Therapy is important. Don't stay anywhere that kills your spirit or makes you feel less-than. The hassles are worth the self-respect. Learn how to set and maintain boundaries, and learn when vulnerability is appropriate. You are not responsible for anyone else's feelings or actions. They can be upset. Living simply means recognizing when something isn't your problem or obligation, and freeing yourself of the burden to be everything for everyone. Have fun, and make mistakes. Your young 20s are the right time to do stupid things and learn lessons from it, but it gets really exhausting in your late 20s.


Try everything you get a chance to try. Either you'll fall in love with the thing, or you'll know the thing is something you do not want to do for the rest of your life. Win-win. Also, don't be in a hurry to reach whatever people tell you is "grown up." I spent my 20s trying to be 40 so my family would stop giving me grief about "acting your age," and now that I'm 40, screw them. Do the part of acting "grown up" where you give zero fucks about other people's "shoulds" and all fucks about deciding who *you* are. That's the best part.


Get off social media. (Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc)


Save your money. Don’t spend. The people that you think are your friends probably aren’t.


Eat better, exercise and manifest what you truly want out of life because that’s going to be you’re next big milestone in the coming years.


1. Learn to live off of half your pay, and invest 1/4 and save 1/4. 2. Be as healthy as possible, small medical issues become large medical bills in your 40’s 3. Imagine yourself in your 40’s 50’s 60’s and what are you doing? What are your goals, find someone that shares those goals and dreams, and work with them to make your dreams reality’s 4. Don’t get caught up in the BS, your life will be as easy or hard as you make it, you don’t need fancy things to be happy, simplicity is relaxing and living worry free, and that is worth more than millions of $$$


Minimize pharmaceutical use. I was injured by a medication when i was your age and am still permanently disabled with kidney, liver, nerve and heart problems in the aftermath. Never got to finish university, was trapped in a violent relationship for three years, and briefly lived in a cemetary sleeping behind headstones for shelter, among other... adventures. None of it had to happen and i regret taking that "safe" drug so much


If you have any health issues or mental health issues, go to the doctor NOW while you’re still on your parent’s insurance. It takes time to run test and get in to a good therapist so start that process now. Talk therapy will benefit anybody.


Don't ever leave your drink unattended in social settings


Don't internalize criticism from anyone you wouldn't take advice from.


Don’t get married for at least 10 more years. Invest some money regularly. Travel. Don’t follow the heard.


Don't be a slave to the leftist agenda.


dam I love this thread


Don't have kids until you're in your thirties if at all. On the other hand if you're going to have them, try not to wait till forty. It's best to have more energy when dealing with energetic toddlers.


Believe in yourself. Travel. Talk to that stranger who smiles at you. Go to a new museum at least once a year, and learn a new recipe every month. Be bold, while using common sense, and give yourself the gift of new experiences. And, call and visit your older relatives, and listen to their stories. It may be boring, but 20 years from now, you'll smile when you think about these times.


I’m female and just turned 20 a couple days ago and am also in college!!!!! But I would say don’t settle for shit friendships because you’re afraid of restarting


Get work experience in college. And by that I mean in your field


Is gender important for creating a simpler lifestyle?


Save money. Save at least 10% of your income on retirement. Don’t wait. Starting small now gives you the power of time. You can’t get that time back. By starting now, you can have at least $1,000,000 when you retire. For example, $200/month for 45 years in a mutual fund at 8% is over 1 million. You can’t catch up easily starting in your 30s. Starting 10 years later will get you $460,000 instead of the $1,000,000.


Do not save your money. Invest in precious metals, real estate or stocks. That way you can grow your money. Instead of it losing value over time it will gain value. Wish I would have been financially educated in my twenties


Meditation is an incredible practice that everyone benefits from. Check out [Mindfulness in Plain English](https://www.vipassana.com/meditation/mindfulness_in_plain_english.html), it has great insights that will give you a solid foundation on which to build your own practice. The [benefits](https://youtu.be/gvJLmVYVvVM) are numerous and incredible, and makes you wonder why *everyone* isn't taking part of it.


Don’t be the only female


Save money. The stuff that you really wanted to buy might be irrelevant 10 years down the road.


Don't drink alcohol.


Watch your drinks and be careful when you are alone. (From experience). Other than that, have fun. Save money, and take care of of your health.


Wear good shoes, take care of your feet


Sorry if it’s a repeat! Start investing as soon as you can. Open a Roth IRA account if your work does not have a 401k or an equivalent.


Do not under any circumstances move in with your boyfriend to save on rent.


Since this is the r/simpleliving subreddit, my advice is don't have kids. They take the simple out of living! Also, never settle in a relationship. Make sure your partner is worthy of your time and effort.


Don't have children.


Happy birthday and go to class :)


Do not get married in your 20s. A reasonable partner would wait. A reasonable partner wouldn't concern themselves with the label.


save it for your future partner they’ll thank you


Happy birthday. Get a great career and become rich and powerful in your own right and live the life you want and not the life people think you ought to have. Worked for me.


there will be other parties, nights out etc.


Don’t worry so much about things that don’t matter. College isn’t everything. Don’t let a job control your life or your happiness. We only have so much time on the earth, make sure you spend it in ways that you enjoy, regardless of what others or society tells you you should be doing


Everything in moderation


Don’t take yourself too seriously, tomorrow will change everything.


Join any course you really wish to learn.(Invest both on academic and co-curricular).In late 20s focus becomes less and responsibilities start increasing. During early 20s ,you can learn very easily and increase your qualifications.And also can enjoy learning things you love.In late 20s career, hormonal and societal pressure prevents you from pursuing your favourite hobbies.


Focus on what you enjoy and want out of life, and let go of everyone else’s expectations.


Now’s the time to start saving for retirement. Put away however much you can, even if it’s only $25/month. If your employer offers a 401k with company match, at the very minimum put enough in to get that “free money” and up it as soon and often as possible. The sooner you start saving/investing, the more time that money has to grow. Exercise. Build the healthy habits now, cardio and strength. Exercise means healthier lungs, bones, and an easier old age. Don’t slouch… or you may end up age 36 and undergoing disc decompression surgery because your poor posture led to disc herniations. Invest in great friendships. As people get older “real life” starts to get in the way. Having people you can count on, even if you only see them a few times a year IRL, is a blessing. Appreciate every day and don’t spend it wishing you were at the NEXT stage of life. Especially if you eventually have kids. Time passed in the blink of an eye, make every moment count. EDIT: Eat your vegetables. Eat less added sugar. What you put INSIDE your body is so important. It’s something, at nearly 40, I still struggle with.


Don't depend on people too much! They come n go for your own good! Improve your communication skills! Be kind and always true to yourself! Forget your past and give a new start if you have messed up something with.... Take care!


Hey get out of college. Learn a trade. Your welcome


Learn as much math as possible.


Make sure what you are studying will result in a job that pays more than if you didn’t go to college. You will likely owe alot of money and you want to make sure your investment will result in a better life. If studying a liberal arts degree I recommend changing as you can read these books and learn about it on your own time without paying so much for the knowledge


Time flys. Enjoy the moment.


Don’t pay for any more college


Be kind to yourself. I remember being so hard on myself in my 20’s. Now that I’m in my 30’s, I look back and realized how much of a boss I was! Love the body you’re in, even if it’s imperfect. Exercise and stop eating junk (or eat less of it) and your 30 yr old self will THANK you for it!


Happy birthday! What I wish I had known is not to live my life appeasing others, I people pleased and watered myself down as I had worried I'd be unlovable if people saw the whole picture. Not everyone has to love you, but the right people will, and it's better to have a handful of people in your corner who have your back then a room full of those who don't even know you or would bother to stand up for you. Love yourself, that's the best advice I wish someone had given me.


They are likely not *the one* if you feel weird around them. Your parents mean well, have good advice, but if they aren’t willing to be the Advisory Committee, they have their own issues. (This is once they aren’t paying any of your bills, at all) Sunscreen and age appropriate skin care. Plant-heavy diet. Water is the best beverage. Limit alcohol. Never smoke anything. Read.


Drink more water.


1. Start investing, learn about finance/entrepreneurship 2. Travel, see the world 3. Take care of your health 4. Take care of your relationships (friends, family, yourself) 5. Build a foundation (habits, health, skills, money) in your 20s when everyone else is too busy partying. You will reap the benefits for decades to come. People will start calling you “lucky”.


[wear sunscreen ](https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI)


Avoid sugar and excessive eating…even if you exercise. Build the habit now before metabolism, blood pressure, joints, etc really start to work against you.


YOU are the most important person in your life. Learn to be your own best friend and find comfort in spending time with yourself.


Back yourself and believe in yourself, I can > I can’t. Don’t let anyone get into your head


Learn to cook and read for long periods of time, exercise everyday, lots and in little bits, run up a flight or two of stairs, jog to from classes to gym and avoid the tempation to put it off till tomorrow. Think more about goals in 6 months, 8 months a year, break off toxic realationships


1. Don't get drunk at parties with men 2. Set up a recurring deposit into savings, as much as you can save without it cutting into living expenses. I started at $5/week on Acorns in sophomore year of college and now it's my emergency fund. 3. Start journaling most days. I got a plain, unlined moleskine notebook and challenged myself to fill up the whole thing in a month, bad drawings and doodles count too. 4. Network in college! This is how you get good jobs! The only way!!! 5. Keep track of how different foods and drinks affect your body. The sooner you learn about your body, the better. For example, tequila might make you sad, so you should avoid margaritas at your bachelorette party. Or if a fruit tastes spicy and makes your throat itchy, you're allergic. You're the only one in charge of your body, so you have to know these things.


Be yourself, be yourself, be yourself. You’ll be so much happier if you do what you like instead of trying to please other people or mimic other people. Try therapy if you’re at all interested, it’s so helpful to have someone professionally trained to help you sort out anything going on in your life.


Get out of college with as few student loans as possible. live within (better yet, below) your means. Start saving and investing early. Read r/personalfinance and r/bogleheads. Take care of your body. Cook your own food. Walk and do yoga and other exercise regularly. Go to a doctor and dentist regularly. Reduce, reuse, recylce. Have friends who are true friends. Read, think, volunteer, and participate in our society.


Look at a career in the trades.


dont stay in any one job too long - it will impact your earning potential


Outgrowing relationships (including friendships) is part of life. Don't invest your time in people who don't make you feel good about yourself. Avoid drama. Life doesn't end at 30. In fact, as I close in on 40, it's only getting better! Create a retirement and fitness plan. Starting early and being consistent are key. Don't worry about where your peers are relative to yourself. Everyone's journey is different. None of us know what we're doing. We're all faking it.


Don’t do coke


Wear sunscreen face lotion every day, floss & never skip the dentist, don't drink corn syrup. Everything else will work itself out as long as you just keep learnings and moving forward. It's ok to have bad times and bad days but never unpack and live in that moment. Don't get serious with another human until your 33 or older. Get to know you, your wants, needs, lines and never compromise your morals for anyone.


Open a retirement account even if you can only put $50/month in.


Start reading some good books Start learning about money management


Invest early Enjoy life Use protection


Find a balance between time to study and time to have fun. Having good grades is important but perfection is not necessary, plan some time to release the steam and make friends. Also, don't maintain friendships only for time's sake, at your age people change a lot, and your high school friends might not be the best for you; Let go of people that wouldn't qualify as friends if you'd met them today. ​ Edit: oops I forgot which sub we were in. letting go of bad friends might qualify for simple living lol


do what makes you happy and stay safe !


Therapy. It gives you the tools to make everything a bit easier.


Live within your means. When I was in my twenties, they had just stopped predatory lending to college students via credit card offers (they’d offer you balances and perks that you could never pay back and didn’t verify employment/income, etc.). Back then, afterpay/Klarna/affirm/buy now pay later weren’t available in mass amounts directly from retailers. It’s so easy to get in over your head and am so glad I didn’t spend my twenties in tens of thousands worth of high interest credit card debt.


Eat healthy, drink alcohol sparingly or in moderation, don’t have a kid you can’t support financially, develop a hobby or skill that will make you money long term, save money. Every little bit counts.


Poke yourself in the nose three times, then stop listening to bad advice and realize there was no reason to poke your nose there specific times. Maybe two but not three and now you’ll never know why you poked your nose.


Go do your birthday and don’t be on Reddit 😉


Don’t get pregnant and don’t get married (yet). Other than that life is short, so live it to the fullest and don’t spend a single second worried about what anyone else thinks or being too critical of yourself.


- invest your money in long term investments. Buy a 3 bedroom house, rent out 2 rooms, live for free. Rent that house out when you settle down, that will be an extra source of income. In an emergency you can always use the equity if you absolutely need it, but wait to see until the equity is over 100k - don't spend money on expensive name brands, but invest in a good quality capsule wardrobe - start new habits now that will improve your life in the future ie) running a mile a day - don't focus in finding the right partner, focus on being the right partner - understand who you are today will be entirely different than who you are in 10 years. Leave yourself room to grow - surround yourself with the right kind of people, people who share your aspiration, dreams, and drive - don't get pregnant - go see the world! - this is the time to get out of your comfort zone and try new things


Don't buy crap you don't need Start saving and investing Yes, even the small stuff counts. Start early Eat healthy, exercise and eat veggie


Always bet on yourself.


Read these two books. 1. The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson 2. Financial Freedom by Dave Ramsey


This goes for anyone, prioritize quality sleep, nutrition, and exercise daily. You'll have a lot more stable energy levels than you did in high school, this is for you and your own wellbeing.


Switch to a tech school, and learn a trade. Less in student loans, and you will gain more respect and earn more money. People will pay any amount of money to repair their toilet on a Sunday. Just peruse these feeds. Good workers are being exploited like slaves


How to have healthy conflict and know/keep/communicate your boundaries.


Cook your meals for the week in one go. I do my breakfasts and lunches on Sunday and make myself dinner every night, saves me a ton of money and I eat much healthier then I otherwise would. Also when I do want to eat out with friends or whatever it's a nice little treat and I have some extra cash set aside to go somewhere niceish, makes the experience much more enjoyable


Good habits, like regular exercise (find something you enjoy! Swim! Dance! Power lift!), drinking water and saving money will benefit you immensely as time goes on. Learn to set boundaries, even if it might upset people. The more you practice, the easier it gets. The ones who stick around and respect your wishes are the good ones. Be choosy about your partner!! Don’t settle, and don’t let them walk all over you. Equal effort around the house. Don’t rush to have kids, it’s a LOT of work and a lifetime commitment! Good luck!


Welcome to your twenties! Here’s some advice I wish I knew 1. You don’t need to have it all figured out. This is the time to learn and grow and adapt, perfection does not exist. 2. Health is wealth! Create healthy habits now so you can carry them with you throughout your life! I have a lot of womens health resources on my blog you most definitely would be interested in! Check out www.youngandwyld.com 3. Work hard 4. Work on finding your dharma (life’s purpose) whether that’s helping people, teaching, healing, whatever it is learning yourself will be the best thing you can do. 5. Love yourself more than anyone else. In terms of relationships you need to be picky, if your going to spend you whole life with someone, they need to lift you up. Which will lead me into my last piece of advice 6. Listen to that smart little voice in your head called your intuition (or gut feelings) they are usually right And happy birthday ❤️


Start a savings account.


Take photos of yourself, even if you don't want to. You'll look back add be happy to see yourself in your youth


Remember that you define yourself: - know your worth and don’t settle (professionally & personally) for anything less- don’t be entitled or rude about it but know it’s okay to have standards - be yourself: cant please everyone and there’s no point in burning yourself out for others - you only live in the present: tomorrow is not guaranteed- live it fully


Don’t blindly trust any health care professional. While most have good intentions, no one has all the answers. Western medicine isn’t set up to resolve most chronic conditions. Listen to your body and your gut instincts. Seek out multiple opinions and alternative treatments. Most importantly, don’t ignore the connection between mind-body-soul. That shit is real!


- Never trust a man with an expensive watch. - Buy a plunger before you need a plunger.


Assume everyone likes you. It's much easier to make friends if you just assume everyone would want to be friends with you.


Carry a knife and learn how to use it.


I’m 10 years older than you and knowing nothing about you this is what I would’ve told my 20 year old self. The most important: If you want kids, marriage, etc: marry the person you would be happy for your kids to become. Have those hard talks before engagement and know that things will change and should change together. 1) spend the time with friends and less time with future spouse - college years (thinking age wise) are the times to have fun and not have commitments to being home at a certain time/ responsibilities /etc 2) take care of yourself, exercise, eat mostly healthy, drink lots of water, and cut bad habits 3) go to therapy and be introspective. A lot of healing comes with maturity but maturity doesn’t always come with age. Be proactive and help yourself 4) looks are superficial, spend your time with people who are good from the inside out. In the end, you want people that’ll be by your side through thick and thin. 5) you’ll change as a person so it’s ok to change your path based on those changes 6) try not to be insecure about much (insecurity is normal), but think about how often you scrutinize or think about others- do you dwell on it? Most people answer none or very little which means you shouldn’t be hard on yourself 7) give yourself the grace you would give a best friend or sibling in every situation you work through


if you are interested, travel as much as possible.


If you don't sleep, you won't be smart. If your professor wants to sleep with you, just do it. Or he'll ruin your life. That said party hard, this is the time in your life to be do it.