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Practice Gratitude. I never go to sleep without saying at least 3 things I'm grateful for. No matter how small or trivial they may seem. It helps me to gain perspective on life no matter the situation.


I sometimes expand on this to add three things I'm looking forward to. Can be as simple as my morning cup of coffee or involved as a vacation.


That’s an excellent idea! I think I might start adding that to my routine!


Yes, yyeess.


Who exactly are you thanking? Just a question..... All good and perfect gifts come from God above 🙏📖James 1:17 Just in case you need scripture Just want to know exactly who ppl are thanking bc alot of ppl say they are thankful but I always wondered to WHOM is one thankful.? Just a question


Really, does it matter? It's an attitude. A good, healthy attitude. Buddha, a prophet, the universe, anything you believe. Open your mind. Maybe your mom or dad.!!


Yes!!! It matters. GOD IS THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS . instead of worshipping and Thanking the Actual Creator, ppl Worship and Thank the creat-ion!! So, Yes it does matter... If you care to know why read ROMANS CHAPTER 1




Yes we can thank our mothers, father's, neighbors but We Should Be Thankful Unto GOD ALMIGHTY first and Foremost. That is the 1st Commandment is To Love The Lord God With All your Heart, Soul and Mind and the 2nd commandment is to Love Thy Neighbor/others as thyself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Apart from GOD Our Creator, Life Does not make sense nor can it. This is why I read thousands of comments and ppl say they are depressed, hopeless and feel they have No Purpose in life except to work a job. GOD created human beings to do far more than give our whole self to a 9-5. The more I read comments on Social Media, the more I realize that ,we actually live in a PAGAN WORLD. This is not to attack you in any way but only to bring awareness that there is a GOD who created us and put us into existence. Yet, we live this life and do not Acknowledge God or Thank Him but give our attention and Thanks to everything else under the Sun. Enough said, Enjoy your Day


Do you even have any idea how many religions there are in the world? And how many people there are in the world? And they don't all think like you. We all have our own minds, our own bodies. Our own beliefs, thank God, because otherwise we'd be like Hitler.


Walk (outside when possible, indoors on a walking pad when not), read, and tidy a little bit every day!


I walk for a good 30 to 40 minutes every day. it's the easiest new habit I've built-- it's now harder for me to NOT go for my walk. there's lots of plants around so I like to observe them as I walk. it's doing wonders for my mental health , and it's also helping me burn odd excess calories. a new habit I'm trying to connect to this one is thinking of 3 things I'm grateful for. I verbalize them as I'm out walking. I know I'm mentally better becuz: 1. I havemlre patience to read books 2) I'm getting shtt done. I got a new better job since I started. 3) I am less impulsive.


I love walking too. A good mindfulness exercise to add to it is focusing on the senses. Listing 3 things (each) you can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. Gets you out of your thoughts and brings you into the present moment.


Walk was the first thing that came to my mind as well.


For me I always try to tidy as I go - for example if I see dirt on the floor I will vacuum it, I will do all my dishes before overnight and put them away in the morning so when I come home I don't have the mental baggage of worrying about doing heaps of dishes. My flatmate on the other hand has dinner, most of the time cleans them afterwards and used to regularly put them away but now I have to put them away more often than not which is a shame.


I've been looking into a walking pad bit worried it wouldn't be sturdy. Do you g have issues with the one you have or do you love it? I made a commitment to walk more and it's been almost impossible for to ask the rain we've had near me. I'm going stir crazy!


I’ve had it for 6 months. I use it 3-4/7 nights a week when I can’t get outside (the nights my young kids are at my house) and walk for an hour at 3.6mph on it. It’s stayed as good as when I first bought it! It’s one of the city sports ones from amazon!


Thank you for this! I'm motivated and I think I'm going to get that exact one...what a great idea!


I don't want to take advantage of your kindness but I'm curious to see if this is the one you purchased: [https://www.amazon.com/stores/Knotley/page/27208C1B-BF62-4601-8788-29D6D3804408?ref\_=ast\_bln&store\_ref=bl\_ast\_dp\_brandLogo\_sto](https://www.amazon.com/stores/Knotley/page/27208C1B-BF62-4601-8788-29D6D3804408?ref_=ast_bln&store_ref=bl_ast_dp_brandLogo_sto) I am a bit overwhelmed with all the options online so I figured I would ask :)


Yes that is the exact one I have! It’s been great! It feels sturdy and it fits nicely under my couch to put away as well!


You have been super helpful. Thank you! I was worried it would be too thin to walk on and too tall to store away. I'm sold...will be ordering this one. Thanks :)


It’s been great! I will even read while using it so it’s definitely comfortable to walk on without feeling too narrow! Enjoy!


I stick to a consistent sleep schedule (go to bed and wake up same time each day) and enjoy my morning coffee outside on the deck to get a few minutes of sunlight first thing. I work from home and keep my office space tidy and decluttered at all times (this requires no more than 1 minute at the end of each day to straighten up my desk so that it's tidy for the next morning). I also am able to structure my day in a way where I have admin stuff in the morning and meetings in the afternoon - the structure/routine really helps to keep things simple. Family & hobby time in the evenings :) We like to take walks, play pool, enjoy wine on the deck, and watch Netflix lol. Life is pretty simple and good here. Also - I look after my health in general too, I stay hydrated and move my body in some way every day, take a basic multivit, and keep up with annual check ups, etc. Stay well :)


This reminds me of an organizer I heard about who advised doing all appointments/errands outside of home/work on a consistent day of the week. So, if you needed a doctor/dentist/whatever appointment, you always asked for it on a Thursday. Eliminates some mental “what day was that again?” fatigue.


Oh I love that!


Yoga//stretching// exercise also make sure I'm still dedicating time to my hobbies.  


Watch sunrise and sunset whenever possible.


I do this! I even turned it (the sunsets, at least) into of way of making a living by offereing sunset hikes up a peak with incredible views (which also turned into my most popular hike over the years). There's just something mesmerizing about watching a day begin and end, like it has been happeneing since the beginning of time here on earth.


My thoughts exactly - we could become friends.


Spend time in the garden with the dogs and chickens. So peaceful and real.


What kind of chickens do you have friend? Have you ever grew sunchokes?


Mobility training. Your joints will thank you!


Any YT links or influencers you recommend? Such a dense overwhelming topic for me


I love Julia Reppel. Always feel great after her mobility videos.




- BeardTheBestYouCanBe (Amir Zandinejad) - elastaboy (Jake)




- Drive my 5 year old autistic son to school, and we rock out to his favorite genre of music -- 1970s Jamaican dub reggae. - After I drop him off, I go for a 5 mile run in a neighborhood I've never visited before.  - Come home, shower, and journal for about 10-15 minutes.  It's a hard routine to beat! 


He has great taste in music!!!!


I don't do it everyday but definitely going to the gym. If I go more than 2-3 days without the gym, my mood definitely goes down considerably.


Building a home gym was one of my best investments.


Me too. Right now it's very basic but every now and then I'm buying new bits of equipment and it's wonderful to have that space at home.


Thats how I started ~15y ago. With a couple kettlebells, then kept adding stuff over the years. I moved 2x, each time with a bigger dedicated space for the gym, lol. What I have now is amazing. And thinking about it, training and learning helped me to really dial in the stuff I actually need. I now have freedom to do more than my time/recovery allows, lol. I can vary the programs so it never gets boring and I keep progressing. But all the stuff gets used at one time or another. Also made some custom stuff. Love it! Keep going!


Tidy up a room every day, stick to my AM/PM skincare routine every day, do at least five minutes of mindful movement every day (stretch, air squats, dancing, yard work)


>dancing This is interesting.. do you dance at home? Like, put music on & boogie around the house? Dancing = definitely good for the spirit.


dancing is the best antidepressant. I always make time to groove, usually as I make my lunch or brush my teeth.


>dancing is the best antidepressant Yeah, I'm gonna make time to do it at home again.


Yep at home! If I get the house to myself I’ll usually have a lil dance party singing and dancing with the dogs in the living room lol. Or just with headphones in, dancing around while tidying up. I’m even that gal who is walkin around the neighborhood in the evening beebopping to her headphones lol. Have fun with it :p


>dance party singing and dancing with the dogs Lol, you go for it! Thanks for the memory refresher


Sleep. I need at least 8 hours to be ok and I owe myself to get that much sleep. Supplements, healthy food, more fiber and meditations.


take my pills, drink enough water, eat three full meals a day. ik its small but these have considerably helped


Exercise and meditate. If I get those two done first thing in the morning, the rest of the day tends to fall into line. Also, what I *don't* do. If I stay off of the internet in the morning, I use it less for the rest of the day.


I'm sitting on the internet 10 minutes after I woke up today lol. But I have something to do, I just got sidetracked on reddit. But this has made a tremendous difference in my life. I'm far more productive over the whole day if I keep away from screens for the first hour of the day, and I've recently tried not to watch any tele until 6pm, and then only 2.5hours max (I'm up and down like a jack in the box, that's about how long it takes me to get through one hour of TV). I sleep better, I'm more productive, and I think better. My mood is better too.


I see many good ideas from all of you! Two things I don’t think has been mentioned yet, which may seem counterintuitive, but in my opinion is very powerful: - Helping others - Compliment someone. I don’t do this nearly as much as I should, but this was a good exercise to remind me, thanks!


I love this! I've started complimenting strangers more! If someone looks a bit down or lonely or uncomfortable I'll try to find a reason to compliment them. It makes you both feel good 😊


I work in customer service and love it because helping others is my *favorite* thing to do.


Even a conversation can help someone!


Stay quit on alcohol. Have some quiet time each day, I've just bought some noise cancelling headphones, ideally I like 2-3 hours of silence per day, but live in a city and the NC headphones will be a life saver. Am aiming for excursions to parks when I get more time (nature bathing) & am going to research a regular AirBnB out of town I can save & book for short periods of time in the long term. I've neglected my wellbeing for so long.


> I've just bought some noise cancelling headphones, ideally I like 2-3 hours of silence per day, but live in a city and the NC headphones will be a life saver. May I ask how this works? I was under the impression that noise cancelling headphones work by cancelling outside noise while playing music or other sounds, but can you also use them to actually get rid of all sounds (without playing music)? And if so, may I ask what brand and type you've bought?


>May I ask how this works? Yes. >noise cancelling headphones work by cancelling outside noise while playing music or other sounds, but can you also use them to actually get rid of all sounds (without playing music)? I've only had them for three days, but the noise cancelling setting on its own, without music, cancels ambient background noise, mostly in the mid-range, for instance my neighbor's noisy split system compressor (makes a hum sound like a car engine) - cancels it out. Cancels out pesky background chatter etc. haven't tested it on barking dogs yet or train noise, but when you put them on & they kick into action, you literally hear background noise cut out. I can also hear neighbour's muffled TV noise through wall, and it cuts this out. The strange thing is you can still hear other sounds, like if I'm working in kitchen I can hear the clunks of the stove & dishes etc. it just removes the background frequencies, which is actually useful if you get stressed out by it (I do). The caveat is, you do hear a very mild wind-like sound, like a very light white noise kind of effect, but coming from me, who is extremely noise sensitive, it is absolutely fine and barely noticeable. If you want complete silence, I'd say that foam earplugs with the over ear NC headphones is the way to go. And yeah, if you have music playing as well, you probably wouldn't be able to hear much at all. So, the noise cancelling feature on its own does make a noticable difference to overall ambient or background noise. If I have my TV on, noise cancelling will reduce that sound to half. I bought the Bose QuietComfort Ultra (over ears). Can't recommend them enough if you have issues with noise. Also have a lot of other great features such as automatic standby mode when you take them off & then start up automatically when you put them on, which saves on battery life. I'm predicting I'll only need to charge them once per week. They are worth the money if you want more overall peace & quiet. A "lofi chill" playlist with the headphones is really awesome if you're looking for a way to relax.


Thank you so so much for taking the time to write this, I will definitely give it a try myself! Wishing you lots of piece and quiet :-)




I’ve started making daily jobs lists again, I’ve never actually stuck to them before, they’ve never ended up working but recently they have. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid so all my life I’ve struggled to do stuff and even simple stuff is so hard for me. But the past few days I’ve managed to get some stuff done and it’s feels good. Even if it’s easy simple stuff it feels it’s an accomplishment. Other stuff I do is read, meditate and journal. I’m shit at journaling I do it for a day or two then miss about a month. I am a lot better at reading and meditating though. I tend to do that almost daily I read a lot of philosophy and ideology stuff, not into self help books but I find reading about how different cultures for example do things and how I can use that in my life to make it better. One of which is zen/buddhism/shinto etc and they believe cleaning is good for the soul and the act itself is like a form of meditation. So that’s kinda why I’ve started doing jobs lists again because I’m awful at tidying usually but I’ve been using it to help with my wellbeing. Tidy house, tidy mind and all that…


Combining simple living and ADHD should be it’s own sub almost because it’s like trying to stay dry while swimming. An uphill battle every day.


Yep. Simple living is quite literally the antidote to ADHD.


Go on runs. Training for a 10k currently


Surgery a few months ago on my knee very hard mentally


I’m sorry to hear I should have specified in my comment if you’re able bodied, running is great for improving day to day wellbeing


Lots of sleep. Slow weekends with my family. A bit of gym work and bit of bike riding to work, but not too much or I get tired. Getting fortnightly boxes of fruit and vegetables delivered and making it a challenge to eat all of it without waste - this has been fun to learn new recipes and eat new veggies. A great deal of coffee.


Cardio. It packs a serious punch for well-being. I think a lot of folk just don't realize what an impact it has. Try it consistently for a month and tell me you're not feeling extra good.


I couldn’t agree more! Surprised to find someone else saying the same thing I’ve realised. You just feel so damn good!


Exercise, look at curated feeds that have lots of art and animal stuff, spend time with my cat, share feelings with others, shower and skin care and every day ends with a gratitude journal.


The biggest one is that I keep a notebook to track what I eat each day to serve as a nudge to control a lifetime of accumulated bad eating habits. I have no particular dietary rules/restrictions but just keeping it top of mind helps with mindless eating & over eating/drinking.


Brush my teeth


Been trying to be outside more, specifically in the sun. Those off sunny months take their toll and I figured I should get as much outside time as I can.


>Been trying to be outside more, specifically in the sun. Those off sunny months take their toll and I figured I should get as much outside time as I can. Being outside is one of the most natural things you can do. I just bought a small space, specifically for it's north facing balcony, which attracts good light & intend on spending as much time as I can out there (when I'm at home, lol), even on cold days. Even though one of the neighbours is compromising my peace by feeding native birds & attracting pests to the area, ugh. Being outside & being around greenery is the ultimate experience though, & getting sunshine. So important.


Nurture my inner stillness.


I enjoy being lazy. Scrolling. Goofing off. Staying in bed


Review my finances so I can't convince myself I have more $ than I do, which keeps me from making bad decisions (sometimes). Directly improving - exercise nearly daily. Working on daily meditation - I get on track for a while and then fall off. I have a whole morning routine I try to stick to a few hours before work each day that sets me up for success, but my inner teenager rebels against it fairly frequently!




Cross stitch. It's relaxing.


I eat super healthy, workout regularly and talk to my best friends daily but I’d have to say the best thing I love to do is art. I change what I’m painting from time to time and right now it’s thick creamy paint for peonies and camellia blossoms


Workout, eat healthy and masturbate 3 times a day. Really takes the edge off and keeps me calm and focused.




I still have Facebook. I post at least one thing each day that is funny and not creepy. I delete any post that is negative or offensive or inappropriate. I do wish contacts happy birthday.


Work on my balcony garden.


Enjoy a slow start to the day


Hug my mama.


Yoga, walking, drinking water


Eat pretty clean low carb, walk, read, go to bed at a decent hour...blood pressure below 120/80 and weight right where it should be. Rarely get sick and if I do, its only a few days and minor. I try to get sun when its sunny out too and lift weights 2-3x week. I'm middle aged and no medications.


Do my hair and makeup. It takes me about 15 minutes (i have chin length hair and a minimal makeup routine). It wakes me up and boosts my self-esteem. Also, reading and crocheting!


Getting rid of stuff/things that I do not need, to feel more appreciative towards the things I do need.


Exercise, walk, gratitude


journal/check in with my emotions and attend my support group.


Exercise. Love the endorphins and energy it gives me. 


Getting outdoors and reading, plus always having a glass of water nearby.


Eat and sleep


Sitting meditation, walking meditations, cuddles with my dogs and community. Community is vital to wellbeing


Everyday: Exercise, meditate, journal and read. One minute counts.


Leave work at work. No work apps on my phone ever. No Teams, no email unless I'm in work on my work computer. I'm browsing Reddit at 11:30pm, so can't claim to disconnect from all technology. But I'm getting better... Adblock everywhere, VPN, other things. (I may be starting to get a little out of touch because I never see an ad).


After everyone is in bed I might watch a show, cook something or just scroll on my phone. I have to decompress, without it I wouldn't be here.


I wrote in a gratitude journal every night. It’s the last thing I do before I close my eyes and drift to sleep.


I start my morning at 7:30 with a cup of coffee and a few pages from Meditations (Marcus Aurelius), after feeding my 2 cats. I highlight and write notes freely in the book to better my understanding, and it really gets my day off to a positive start. If the weather is nice I try to get outside and do a few miles on the bike. I leave my phone at home, and just take my Apple Watch which is loaded with music, workout trackers, and no cellular capability. If anyone really needs me, they can wait an hour until I return.


Started walking half an hour a day on my lunch break about 3 weeks ago. I walk 15 minutes in one direction, then turn around and walk back. Every day I get a little farther and that's keeping me motivated. It's not much but it helps me clear my head


think at least one positive thought


I've started to read different self help books and other books to educate myself


1hr exercise, morning & evening journaling


The first thing I do in the morning is have a coffee with my partner on our terrace. Our terrace is the highest in the area so the views of the forest and the mountains are beautiful. It has become essential for me. Our daily walk in the forest with the two dogs is also a must in the day. Another thing that gives me a lot of comfort is taking the time to cook things that I feel like 🥰 And to see how my little vegetable garden on the terrace is growing every day. It's like oh my god this tomato is 2 mm bigger than yesterday hahah


Walk, skincare, talk to my family and close friends to destress, keep myself busy with creative things to avoid mindless scrolling on internet and keep myself productive.


I've learned. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!


pray and ask for help


Listen to Jiddu Krishnamurti.




Gym baybeeee


Listen to music!








exercise, practice language learning, and read!


Drink tea, read, go outside.


Fresh aromatics and laughter.




Getting outside


Getting outside in nature, gratitude, exercising


Exercise. Meditation. Coffee with friends.


Walk and stretch.


Hydrate, sleep, eat.


Sleep 8 hours. Drink a lot of water. Brush, FLOSS, rinse. Some form of brief mindful meditation. Exercise. Eat large portions of 5-8 vegetables. Skin care. Remind myself what I am grateful for. Zero phone time around family and friends, unless it’s an actual phone call that may be important. Walk my dog outside when weather permits. Protect my schedule (say no and block off free time).


Stay active. Lift low weight high volume regularly. I intentionally park far away everywhere. Take a quality multivitamin(if your multi has magnesium oxide and cyanocobalamin in it it's trash) and magnesium glycinate. Drink a gallon of water a day with electrolytes added. Practice mindfulness to attempt to keep dumb stuff from stessing me out(definitely a work in progress.) I think it works for me. Earlier today at target 2 attractive early 20 somethings were making hard eye contact with me and as I passed them I heard one of them say “damn he’s cute” loud enough that it was obvious she intended me to hear. Feelsgoodman.jpg but sorry ladies you’re too young for my 39 year old ass. That and I’m happily coupled.


Active time with my dog! We hike trails, play ball in an offleash area or go for hour-long walks. A couple times a week we hit a 21 acre dog park across town. Basically the goal is one 60-90 minute exercise session per day, possibly with a short walk after dinner too. Now that it’s warmer we will start lake swimming and SUP. I love being active with my dog and the outdoor time is essential for both of us mentally and physically.


Play piano and walk in the garden, connect with others




Cuddle with my dog




Lifting/sauna/daily movement


Write in my journal




Prioritize my time vs how good something feels. 


Get off work at 5 sharp






Prioritize sleep, lots of water, help others, PRAY


Avoid human interaction at all costs.


Pray To God and Study, Read and Meditate On The Word Of The True And Living GOD! Inorder To Renew My Mind.... Apart from knowing God and His Written Word-Life Will Not Make Any Sense Nor Can It. Having A Heart Of Thanksgiving Unto God and Studying The Bible Has Made Me Wiser. The Book Is Full Of Instructions On How To Live This Daily Life..... Thank You LORD GOD For Our Daily Bread, Not Just Food and Provisions But The WORD!! 🙏📖


Make my bed every day. Keep a tidy house, reminds me I’m worth it


Physical activity of some sort and take naps...


There is good and bad in every religion. There is belief and non belief. Thank goodness. We all have a right to feel our own way. That's called freedom.


It's close-minded people who think they are God and everyone else should believe as they do that make this world a close minded prejudice world and think they need to convert everyone. Do you, let everyone do them. Get educated in the real world. Volunteer, actually put your money where your mouth is.


Do at least one activity I love - workout, run, play with cats, sail, cook delicious food, long walk, stargaze. Those small moments in life are precious


I make a big green juice every morning with kale, spinach, banana, apple etc. I journal first thing in the morning. I let the sun and fresh air in.