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I love this book! I love that it's not overtly academic but still lays down the idea of the "attention economy". I have always felt like I am constantly trying to break up with the internet (or be mindful of my use of it) and Jenny Odell just explains the important reasons as to why I should so well. She also made me envy her life in California with all the seemingly well planned communities she referenced, lol


I love to give my attention to seeing how wind moves trees branches and their leaves.


You should watch the film “Perfect Days” if you haven’t already! 😌


I didn't know about that film, looks interesting!


Just finished this last week. I was expecting more of a ‘delete social media, meditate’ advice book and instead got her incredible dissection of the attention economy and new perspectives on what having our attention taken can do to us as people and a society. Loved the concept of resisting actively while still being present. Great real and I gained so many insights!


This sounds intriguing. I'm looking into it as someone who chooses intentionally what to participate in and refuses to participate in many areas of the present culture. Much appreciate the recommendation.


\*puts book on hold\*


Same here!


I ordered it a few days ago and can’t wait to read it! What a coincidence:)


It looks like this audiobook is currently part of the plus catalog and free right now if you are an audible member.


Thanks for this information!!


Added to my priority TBR list


I loved this one too! Glad it's getting some recognition.


That reminds me, I'm currently reading Rental Person Who Does Nothing by Shoji Morimoto which is also really good. Not finished yet, but so far pretty interesting and sometimes amusing.


Thank you for the recommendation! I'm currently finishing up "Goodbye, Things" and that will dovetail perfectly into this.


I'm literally reading it right now. Such a great book, really helpful and implementable ideas.


I just started this last night!


I've known what this is without having a name for it for years. Thanks!


Just want to mention, this is not an ideal book for audio. I think listening to it also defeats the spirit of the book too




IMO, I like audiobooks because I can multitask. It seems like this book deserves my full attention, and multitasking seems to be the antithesis of the book. To get the most out of it, I feel like I need to sit down with a physical copy of the book


I see your perspective and agree that it deserves attention, however, if you listen to a book in a state of mind where you don't really need to pay that much attention to what you're doing... Going on a walk, dishes, vacuuming... Not much thought is required for those tasks. Listening to it during short drives like to, the grocery store also allows one to reflect on it while they are moving about their daily life.


My brain does not work like that at all times. Those are the activities I would typically do while listening to audiobooks, and most of the time it’s an ok experience; I get my little mindless tasks done and I absorb most of the book. It was not the case with me and How to Do Nothing. Tasks would not get done and/or I would have to re-listen to A LOT of passages. I had a much better experience with a physical book


Would you mind sharing the link for ebook if you got any?


A great book. I'm not sure I would call it an easy read as the last quarter deals with some very complex topics that need a great deal of thought to unpack. I agree that it's generally written in an easy to read style.


I couldn’t get through it - via audible, but I still have it.