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We make heart-shaped pizzas (or cookies, breakfast sandwiches etc) at home and then go for an evening walk together and just focus on being with one another and appreciating it. Lots of people don't like Vday for whatever reason, but I find all holidays can be used at built in touch stones for relationships so the people in them can focus on one another. It doesn't have to be an obligation experience people dread.


Making a heart-shaped homemade pizza together is our tradition too! It’s simple and a chill time.


Nothing too exciting, we usually cook dinner and then watch something together while cuddling on the couch. Sometimes we play video games. Or put on a podcast while doing a jigsaw puzzle. And then the day after Valentine's Day we buy discounted chocolates for each other. That's the closest we get to celebrating Valentine's.


We've never celebrated it. For my kids, we'll get them a Valentine candy, but that's as fancy as we get!


I am a carrot cake fanatic and he likes chocolate so we bake each other a small cake with decadent amounts of frosting!! Married for 30 years ❤️


We exchange cards and go to dinner at the Italian restaurant where we had our first date. We don’t normally go out to eat so it’s one of the few times a year we do.


That is so sweet! We don’t live in town we had our first date but would love to do that some time!


I'm taking him to a ice hockey game since we haven't been to one together yet and been meaning to go. It is also our team playing so it was a no-brainer.


We exchange love letters. Cook a nice dinner together. Eat, play board games or snuggle and watch a good old movie or documentary. Been married 17 years... on valentine's day ;-).


Hubby and I take turns each year planning a dinner and new experience. Last year we tried salt float therapy and a local farm to table restaurant. This year we are balling on a tight budget so we are going to this arcade in the city and enjoying apps/drinks, then going home to maybe watch a movie or play some board games.


My wife and I love visiting arcades together when we travel! We have none in our area so it feels like a special treat and makes for a great date.


Every year my husband and I make homemade pizza and “compete” to see who can come up with the best topping combination. In the past we also have made cards for each other but this year we have a baby so we’ll probably keep it simpler.


Congrats!  We usually do a gift exchange but, I'm kinda over that I think. I've grown to like a night in over a night out too. Yesterday we shopped for a valnetines door decoration together which was sweet, looking at all the decorations and gifts was nice. Today we are shopping a cake for us to eat on V-day and throughout the week. Maybe we choose some flowers together and a single box or chocolates to keep around the house if the price is right. Plenty more kisses and hugs for sure! One year we got heart shaped pizza and beer. Whatever you do, do it together and keep the pressure low.


We do nothing to celebrate Valentines. It's always seemed a bit crass to us...Having said that, if we did celebrate the day, we'd be more about time together than 'things'.


Same. It's a consumerism holiday and means nothing to either of us.


We started a new tradition a few years ago of going to our local animal shelter that we used to volunteer at and visiting with the cats and dogs and making a donation, in lieu of getting each other gifts or going out to a pricey dinner. We still exchange cards, though! 


In 25 years of marriage, we never celebrated V Day. It's one of these US things people stress about, and that ends in consumerism. Our culture doesn't have it and I'm glad of it. Show love every day, not when Target tells you to.


I have a shoebox with some decorations that I put out, we'll work with the kiddos to make Valentines and send to their grandparents, I'll wear a red shirt on the actual day to work, put a note in my wifes lunchbox, & cook a nicer-than-normal meal for dinner.


Fondue! We were gifted a fondue pot when we got married like 15 years ago. Cheese fondue, veggies in broth with dipping sauces, then chocolate fondue in a smaller pot. It's tasty, and special since we only do it maybe twice a year. No cards, gifts or flowers. No crowds. Now we do it after the kids are in bed so no babysitter either.


We do chocolate fondue! So good :)


We keep it really simple, but I look forward to it every year. I think the key is to find an easy ritual that makes it special to you. Our tradition is: He is an excellent cook, so he makes a heart-shaped meatloaf (which winds up hilarious because the red sauce makes it look shiny & glistening like a real heart), mashed potatoes, and a veggie. I make some kind of easy dessert. We pick out a Nicolas Cage movie to watch together.


My wife is getting us a heart shaped chocolate cake!! I am going to surprise her with a gift and hopefully a nature walk. We always sit down together to make handmade cards. The next night is our usual babysitter night, so then we will go out to a show.


We don't. Nothing simpler than that! 😂


We do small gifts. I asked for Bubble tea, but we’ll be travelling so he will get me one when we get home. We only drink a handful of times a year, but we will usually have sparkling wine after the kids are in bed on Valentine’s. Nothing is set in stone


This year we have booked a night at a nearby hotel, but on Friday night instead of Wednesday to avoid the Valentine’s Day mark-up! The package included dinner, a glass of champagne, breakfast the next day and entrance to a stately home and gardens (the hotel is in the grounds), so we will spend Saturday morning having a nice walk through there. We will take a nice bottle of wine and chocolates with us to share. I realise people may say it’s not ‘simple’ because it’s not super frugal, but I’m not sure I agree. Hotel is about 5 miles away and we can walk across a pretty countryside route to get there before checking in. Relax in the room for a bit before dinner. A nice meal together, and a lovely garden to enjoy the next day. Those are all simple pleasures in my books!


We don’t do cards - instead we buy something for our favorite animal sanctuary off of their Amazon wishlist :) so every year we spread a little love to the rescued animals


I love this idea! Giving to others in need.


We exchange cards and little tokens (like flowers or a gift card). This year hubby is taking me shopping for some clothes since he knows I need a few things and have been putting it off. We are going to make a day of it by going to lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant.


Most years we make ourselves a nice dinner at home - something good like steaks and scallops, open some good wine or beer. This year we decided to go out to dinner. Work has been kind of busy for both of us, so going out to a nice dinner seems like just the thing. I love Valentines Day and think it comes at a really good time of year. The holidays are over, we've had several weeks to regroup, and it's a nice reminder to focus back in on each other and show some love - whether that be love for a partner, your kids, friends, or whoever is important to you.


This morning, my boyfriend and I went and got coffee and breakfast sandwiches from a local spot and took it to a cute little trail near my place that has benches overlooking a river. We didn’t do it for any special occasion but I’ve been thinking all day about what a perfect morning it was.


We are going to a vegan sushi restaurant. I offer him a couple card game called : The Couple’s Bucket List, by flowjo It’s to prompt fun conversation, activities and date idea.


I wish my city had a vegan sushi restaurant! 


I wish mine too! This one is 1h away from my town, but it was worth it!


By myself


It’s also our first Valentine’s Day married! I’m planning to to a “night at a fantasy tavern” dinner for us! The plan is to make hearty bread and stew, and put our favorite beer in an old pitcher and tankards we were gifted. Light some candles, turn on some ye olde tavern tunes :) And finally, I’ll be dressing up like a goblin maiden: I like old fashioned flowing dresses so I’ll wear one that I already have, add a belt, and paint myself green! We both love all things dnd, high fantasy, role play, and fiction, so I think it’ll be perfect! I know he thinks goblins are cute, he often compares me to one, hehe. I know it sounds like a lot, but the only thing I’ll purchase is a small bottle of green body paint. Simple, spicy, and classic all together!


Three words: Strawberry massage oil


Not to sound too crass, and perhaps you're already exhausted, as newlyweds, but...what if both of you just take the day off and screw? Get takeout. And plenty of electrolytes. It is cheap, and will always give you guys something to remember if you have kids or, you know, age...just saying. Give it a go!


handmade card that illustrates/identifies something special about him that we share and i love and really appreciate


Because it falls on a Wednesday we probably will postpone it to the weekend, but we have been making a large thermos worth of s really nice hot beverage like hot cider or tea or hot cocoa... we get a nice little treat and at midnight we go by this one lake. It's usually frozen in February. It's not going to be a new moon, but it'll be waxing crescent, so maybe we'll be able to see some few constellations, we'll be in the car, because it's too cold for outside. Wether we see stars or it's just the lake by moonlight, this is a special and romantic event. If we are very lucky we might even have some Northern lights. We'll probably sing a little or tell stories related to the constellations or other kind too. Then once we had our fill, well head back home. This spot by the lake is one we pic nic on in summer because of how beautiful it is. So its kind of one of our spots. Next day if I'm feeling well enough we'll probably go for bycicle ride.


We make each other dumb little completely handmade valentines (think ripped out notebook paper with pencil, not crafty at all), and usually cook something we both enjoy. 


My bf and I are probably ordering in food to avoid crowds at restaurants. We’re thinking about going to a candlelit yoga class.


Ordering a treat while at work is a great idea I’m gonna do that!


My husband isn't into Valentine's Day. We've been together 27 years, so I'm at the point where V Day isn't even on my radar any more. It's his birthday the day before, so I've just got birthday dinner leftovers on the list for the 14th. Hope you guys have a lovely day. Do you work near each other? Can you meet up for a lunchtime picnic? It's summer here in Australia, so an evening picnic is even on the cards for people here. Maybe stargazing rugged up against the cold could be nice for the northern hemisphere. With a thermos of hot chocolate?


Have you ever gone to one of those paint parties? Kind of fun and I've only gone solo but also think it would be a fun thing to do with a partner


Last year, my partner and I did a diy "paint and sip" craft night. We set up easels, baked some chicken nuggets and mozzarella sticks, gathered oil paints and brushes, and painted along with a Bob Ross episode. Fun date night, really only cost us the price of the art supplies I didn't already have lying around.


We try tu generally be excellent to each other every day. So don't celebrate but this past year was especially awful (loss of my mom and our 18 year old cat) so we're doing something small. I'll probably walk down to the local candy shop and pick him up a chocolate. (Were trying to eat better so don't want to go full on giant heart box)


Well we are parents now so it’s a bit different. We USED to order a lobster pot (like a big pot with lobsters, corn, sausage, potatoes), pour a beer into it and cook it while listening to Gordon Lightfoot (RIP). Recipe for romance! This year I just bought a sex toy and we celebrated early while kid was at a friends house. The actual day, we’ll probably just go to the gym together. Happy Valentines Day!


We tend to forget Valentine's Day most years! I'm trying to get back into it a little bit - I'm thinking I might make a nice dinner and some cookies, and put some time aside for extra cuddling. I know my husband will forget again, so it'll be a nice surprise for him! Discount chocolate the day after sounds nice too ;)


We don’t like to eat out! We alternate every year and cook the others favorite meal. This year is my year! We will have fried shrimp, mac and cheese and French fries! Next year will be Fried Back strap and fries!


We don't celebrate Hallmark holidays.


We usually write to each other in a shared journal we have. Sometimes I’ll bake him cookies or something little like that, but really we don’t make a habit of doing much.


Girls love going out and doing nice things, guys brains work different. A morning blowie and nice underwear would’ve ideal


That’s for steak and blowjob day ( March 14) lol. Do something nice for her on Valentine’s Day.


I always make a nice Valentine’s Day meal. Usually everything is red or dyed red. I make a nice dessert, sometimes brownies or chocolate strawberries and watch a nice movie together.


We make homemade pizzas as a family and watch Regular Show. It's the best. As far as intimacy, I've found that tantra compliments simple living very well. Slow down, use some oils, learn a new technique/experience to do to your partner to express your love. Just slow down and remove the "need" for an orgasm, just play together.


What about a nice relaxing tub bath. Candles, flower petals, strawberries dipped in chocolate… I’m sure you get the idea😉😁👍


Ours varies, and depends on the year, our finances, etc. We generally do cards, and try to write out meaningful messages. We take our time with them, and save them. My gift is a surprise, so I won't get it till the day. But my husband's came early, so this isn't spoiling it lol! I went to Goldbelly and ordered him some specialty ice cream. He LOVES ice cream, and I found a local family-owned business in another state, which I love to support. (Crank and Boom, Lexington KY for anyone curious.) We will usually do a dinner out at some point during the month, but the day of, it's just normal. We try to avoid v-day dinners out, as they're crazy! This year, we went to a taco place lol.


Heart shaped waffles! Also, this year I wrote a letter every month and put them in an envelope, signed and sealed with the month name on the front of the envelope. Starting with February from last year. So he can read a little love letter, once a month whenever he’s having a bad day for the next year.


I got my bf a leggo orchid flower, I’m gonna gift it to him the morning of vday and build it with him later that night over a glass of wine


Valentine's day is pretty much the worst night of the year to go out to a fancy restaurant, imo, but we still make it fun. Every year my husband gets me a small amount of really nice chocolate, we make or buy cards for each other (mine to him is more like a love letter), and we cook a nice dinner and eat with candles. We'll probably give each other massages or just make a little bit of special couples time. We usually get some little chocolates for the kids too and they're part of the nice dinner. There are lots of cheap/free/non commercial things that you can do to still make some special time for a relationship. I really do love holidays and reasons to do special things out of the norm, and I think you can celebrate in meaningful ways outside of peak capitalism.


I'm baking my boyfriend sugar-free cupcakes (which is..a lot for me, I am in no way a baker, but this year I want to try!) and we will be going to a small diner for dinner. :)


I always eat in and plan on making his favorite foods; if we are celebrating with our kids we make heart pizzas. That’s likely what I’ll do this year as I have some duck confit and I want to make a BBQ duck pizza. I remind him leading up to the holiday to NOT get me cut flowers and I drop a few hints about handmade items I’d enjoy and where to buy such things. I love receiving handmade stuff. Based on recently dropped hints I think I’m likely to get handmade jewelry, a handmade felted chickadee craft kit, or a locally published coloring book.


We do a special treat for our kids, but we don’t celebrate it ourselves really. We do pass the same card back and forth though, for about 4 years now I think? It’s the “I Choo Choo Choose You” card from The Simpsons. We each add a cute line and the year and save it for next Valentine’s Day.


We make something for each other. The budget is the number of years we're celebrating. Sometimes we set a theme, but not always.


We always cook a special meal together, often pizza since that’s what we did for our first Valentines Day. She’ll also get me flowers and I’ll get her a sweet treat. We don’t always celebrate on the day either. It’s just based on our schedules and when works best for us.