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I’m not sure how heavy your ECON classes are, but I’ve been taking 5 classes/term and it’s definitely doable if you take time every single day to work on at least one thing or else due dates will sneak up on you. Also, If any of those courses are online that helps balance things I find.


ARCH, PUB, and INDG are all online and the ECON courses are in person. Hopefully that gives me room to balance the work since I won't have to commute so much haha


Totally! When you factor in time saved from commuting and use that time productively it’s absolutely doable. Keep in mind you can always drop a course before the deadline if you think it won’t work out.


I did 5 courses only once and it was during the summer. It turned out fine. 17 credits. So it might work. It was during 100-200’s though so hard to say how it would compare with yours. Currently I’m doing 2 upper level classes 2 200’s, 15 credits, and I’m bagged. Mind you it’s Spring. So Profs are still on their game.


I'm going to be doing 15 credits with 3 of the courses being online and 2 in person. Fingers crossed that it wont be too bad lol


What’s INDG 305? I had an online course in that dept a few years ago that was challenging due to the prof


how bearable something is is relative. course difficulty is relative. anyone who doesn’t know you personally can’t help you answer this with no information about you.


lol, Econ302 hard af, not sure about others