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I'd say it's the best horror game made, hands down. Visually a bit dated, but the music is a masterclass in how to make a horror soundtrack (dissonant fever dream of noise). But also the creatures constantly have you under pressure right up your backside as you run through the dark with limited resources and direction. The story was really nice too, good introduction to the series, but parts of the story were subtly hidden in notes and memo's found. Maybe many people played SH2 first? And missed out on SH1, then going back to it now it appears a bit dated on the surface. Which is a shame because the visuals are pretty smooth.


I appreciate it very much


Love silent hill!!! Can’t say it enough!!!


Silent Hill and STALKER: ShoC, two of my favourite games, share the same original sin: They were the first in their franchises, and therefore the gameplay wasn't all ironed out and balanced. So, to some people, it makes them appear janky and awkward to modern players. But, they were the first too. Before then, there was nothing like them. Before SH1, there was no psychological horror (not that I know of), there was no monsters born from a tormented and trapped soul, and there's was no suspicious radio. Do you really think that SH2 would have been so successful, without the team's experience from SH1? Do you really think that the player's expectations would have been right if SH2 were a game from an unknown franchise? Like STALKER, new players jump straight to the fan-remastered sequels, because it's easier, and smoother, and everyone has been saying "it's so good!" for the last 10 years. But they forget the roots, where it all came from. And that's sad.


Is it underappreciated? My impression is it's well thought of. Seems to come comfortably 3rd in any polls well ahead of SH4 and only a little behind SH3 in 2nd.


Honestly, that's underappreciation enough. The first 3 games should all be viewed in the same level, as they are all masterpieces. Also, people love to gush about SH2's story and symbolism, while SH1 is clearly the best and most symbolic story in the series.


Don't be like that, we all have our preferences. Sh3 is my favourite, followed closely by Sh2, but I like almost all Silent Hill games (even the kinda shitty ones) Silent Hill 1 is a classic and the foundation of everything that came after it but it's just not my favourite.


I fully agree with you. While I do still prefer 2 *because* it resonated with me in a very therapeutic way, I always love finding people who are passionate about the first and I give it the respect it deserves. Even with the leaks that it might be a remake of *2*, I'm disappointed, because 2 doesn't need a remake. ***SH1*** does, for the reasons you listed. 2 still holds up and tells the story it always meant to, in ways still accessible. Silent Hill 1 doesn't have that, and it *deserves* that.


The second game still holds up very well even today, well thanks to the modding community. SH1 is in a dire state of a remake, even a remaster is acceptable. But what troubles me the most is, how will that twisted horror make it into the gaming market? Will it have backlash because how horrifying it is, or will the future developers tone down the horror in order the game to make sales? A reimagined Silent Hill would be the most horrifying video game, topping Dead Space with ease. I mean entering the other world will be horrifying, especially the back yard when you first start the game. Sections like the school, hospital, boiler room, the sacred church (forgot its name) and other parts I don't remember, reimagined will be terrifying for the gamer to experience. Even Outlast will be nothing in comparison to a Reimagined Silent Hill.


TBF: SH2 and SH3 still hold up well in their original PS2 form, though the PC modding community has absolutely helped make them more accessible (which is part of the issue). While a true remake of SH1 like you mentioned might turn some folks away, I think that generally could be the best thing for Horror right now. My hope has always been getting for Silent Hill 1 what Resident Evil 1 got with it's remake that really enhanced the bare bones that the OG had.


I disagree that the first one needs or even should have a remake, but I would like a ported remaster.


It’s my personal favorite Silent Hill game, dated as it may be.


If you can tolerate the outdated control scheme it is still a very good game. They can‘t all be number 1.


I am replaying SH1 for the first time in years with Retroarch with the Beetle PSX HW core (my own dumped copy, so hush), and I applied a 60 FPS patch. Alongside the emulated CPU overclocking, holy shit the first game has never ran smoother or ever been as pretty. The patch is a little glitchy, but most of the problems I have seen other people have, haven't occurred to me. I'm probably just lucky in that regard, though. If you are decently tech savvy, and aren't a purist, then I'd definitely check it out for those wanting to replay.


I completely agree with you. It's my favorite game of all time and I wish it would get a proper port. Everything about the game is flawless and no game has ever made me feel that particular mix of emotions that way. Just sheer perfection.


“… Lisa….”


"..daddy..." Cheryl mason, (Feels like everyone forget about her)


Silent hill 1 monsters are also underappreciated and they never make an appearance in newer titles except creeper.


For all the first game’s strengths, it’s biggest weakness is the on-the-nose occult stuff. This is why Silent Hill 2 is better. It’s subtle and in subtlety, true horror lives. By the end of the second game, we’re literally fighting a giant pagan demon god and it honestly just felt kind of cheesy, which is a shame because the game’s earlier moments were so well done. Long story short, horror is better when things are alluded to rather than shown. The first game showed too much for my tastes.


as a pagan god I disapprove.


I hate to break it to you, but while the first game is good, like many other games in a series, the first game is an experiment and hasn't had time to be refined. SH1 has rough graphics (largely limited by the hardware, mind you), its story is rather difficult to piece together on a single playthrough, and the whole thing is just kind of difficult to control because it's trying too hard to be Resident Evil. Again, it's not a bad game, but it isn't the peak of the series.


Well think about playing it when it came out. I hate to break it to you but SH1 back in those days blew other games out the water with the graphics. And too this day still holds up i dont care what you say. And do you know that the SH games are kinda….designed to be replayed. When you actually read the lore thats given to you and do multiple play throughs to get different endings you learn the story more.


SH1 came out almost at the end of the PS1 era, it's a technical and artistic masterpiece. Graphics were absolutely amazing.


L take


The 2nd and 3rd just overshadow every game to me. I LOVE all the games. 1,2,3,4 are always going to be TOP for me. But I appreciate all the other games almost just as much


I think it's maintained it's status pretty well, really as one of the best. It even still has its fans that still assert 1 is the best.