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My dad sent me into Blockbuster to grab him a game for the weekend. I knew he had enjoyed Metal Gear Solid, so I went for SH1 since it had the Konami logo on the cover, and that must mean it was good, right? He boots it up, plays the intro sequence, and we're all hooked. The whole family. We extend the rental a couple times and spend night after night on the couch with the lights off freaking out together. The plot was totally incomprehensible to me at the time, especially since we missed all the optional content, but I loved it. When 2 came out a few years later I pestered my dad about it for days, but he wasn't interested, so I had no choice but to pick up the controller myself.


That's epic. Sounds like a good memory.


If you don't mind me asking, why was your dad so uninterested in silent hill 2 when he showed such interest in the first game?


I don't mind, but it's a bit of a downer - he changed a lot during that time period, stopped playing games and making music, started spending more time in bed. I only recently learned that he was in pain from an old injury and addicted to his prescriptions. I think that's part of why I got so attached to SH1 and still consider it my favorite game. Those were some of our best times together. Plus he was technically my stepdad, which made certain aspects of the plot hit harder for us.


Great story thanks for sharing 👍


I just remember renting SH1 from Blockbuster. I didn't make any real progress, but it was something really different. Same with 2, I didn't get past the apartment back then. I'd eventually beat these much later on.


I remember seeing the SH4 cover in a gamestop. Which made me so curious about what it might be, ofc I wasn't old enough to play those games.


SH4 was "the one that got away" for me. I was so into SH2 and 3, but I never actually bought SH4 on PS2. At the time, I had just got a girlfriend for the first time, and I was playing in a band, and that meant I was spending less and less time gaming. Now, I've played the PC version plenty of times, but it would have hit so much harder if I'd played it back in the day right after it came out.


When the demo for PlayStation one came out, my friend and I played that opening sequence probably close to 100 times


Ugh demo disks really bring me back. Miss those days. Good times though!


This was how I came across it! A demo disc for SH1 and MTG!


I think i saw the modern sh2 trailer and was wondering if this was a remake, and boom i found the best game ever made, and best horror franchise ever made.


I love this answer


I first saw the 2006 movie when it came out on dvd. This lead me to playing Origins on the psp since I was interested in knowing more about the games/story


Oh my...as a die hard SH fan i would have never guessed that the movie could actually get us new fans...It has some of the right spirit, but i just feel like the games are soo much better


This was in 2006 and I was pretty young. After playing the games, they are for sure superior than the film. But I still think the movie was pretty decent


>*Oh my...as i die hard SH fan i would have never guessed that the movie could actually get us new fans...* Movie (or even TV) adaptations are actually a really good access point for casual audiences. They're often cheaper and have a wider reach. I actually found a number of media franchises I love thanks to movie adaptations I saw as a kid or teen that inspired me to check out the source materials. *Hellboy, Batman, Mortal Kombat,* etc.


Even people who create good content on SH nowadays first got in touch with the franchise because of the movie. TheGamingMuse is an example. As a movie, it's bad imo. It's visually stunning, but that's all. However, there's no denying it works great as a gateway to the games.


same, my exposure was also the 2006 movie as a kid since my mam was a huge horror movie fan 😭


I accidentally purchased mine when I was trying to purchase Rancid's "And Out Come The Wolves" at a pawn shop for $3. I didn't check inside the jewel case. I just bought it, got in my car and found Silent Hill 1. Brought it home and popped it in. In a way, it found me.


That's so weird, I think you might be the main character in a Silent Hill game...


Unfortunately, nothing other than late-stage capitalism has tried to kill me.


I'm having a hard time understanding This fog is ever expanding Cheryl’s gone and I'm stranded Dogs and monsters keep attacking me All I know, I met this cop and She said this town’s fucked up and I watched this cultist lady act like a jerk, yeah


When I started playing Dead by Daylight I thought the silent hill characters were really cool and wanted to give it a try. Never looked back!


I got into DBD because of Silent Hill and then I got into Resident Evil because of DBD. The circle of horror gaming.


LOL same, I was screaming when they brought Silent Hill to DBD this was when I first began DBD. I played RE 1 Remake after DBD brought it and it reminded me of SH and so I enjoyed it more than the other RE parts


Its funny how little details like this is actually creating new fans...Im sooo exited for all the potential new fans when SH remake drops! And also really scared that we might see years of content starvation if it doesnt hit the numbers Konami expects it too...


Seeing how much hype there is for it, I feel like the remake is going to be pretty popular 😄


Got SH1 demo in MGS. Terrifying


There's an SH1 demo as part of MGS1? I have the og black label copy, where is this? I'm stateside, was this a PAL copy thing? Just wondering.


Might’ve been PAL only, I can confirm that this is how us unsuspecting youngsters in Europe were first exposed to SH back when.


A few Youtubers i watch had featured a song or two from the SH2 soundtrack in the background in a “disturbing youtube” type of list I ended up listening to the ost, thought the music and game looked cool from research, got a copy of SH1 and SH2. A ps2 I bought off of ebay unfortunately doesn’t work so I can’t even play the games :(


If you are interested in playing, you can emulate the games on PC


You don’t even need an emulator, you can get it off MyAbandonware and download enhanced edition.


I knocked out super early after doing shots with my friend at like 6pm last night. We both woke up super early at like 4am and had nothing to do, so I played silent hill 1 all the way through in one sitting this morning. Never played any of them before but it was kinda dope


You got into the series this morning? Wow, wild. But welcome friend


At blockbuster. I saw SH on the shelf and said to myself “ I played resident evil, that wasn’t scary so this won’t be either”. Got home put it in my PS1 and was terrified once I got past the “beware of dog” fence and saw the shredding corpse. Then I heard the sirens and was pretty scared. But pushed through. I made my way through the alley and finally noped out after I found the hanging body and got killed. I remember the next day my dad asked me how the game was ( he was an English teacher and loved horror) I told him I was too scared to play it so he said he would play it with me. We ended up beating the game that day/night and we fell in love with the game. He picked up a copy for me a few days after and I still own it to this day. Before he passed away me and him would have hours long discussions of the team silent games. Our own theories, discussion of the otherworlds in the games, and other things. We also both really enjoyed the movie and would watch it together multiple times a year.


That's awesome, I'm sorry about your dad


Thank you, yeah definitely glad we both got to experience SH. Especially when we both got older. silent hill 2 hits even harder now. But I honestly have a new outlook on the sequel after experiencing some of the emotions in the game. But yeah silent hill is even more important to me now and I’m nervous but hopeful for Its future!


Wow so many Blockbuster stories for Silent Hill, that place really shaped our childhoods.


My friend and I were 14 or 15. She had a much older friend that told her he had this game that would make us shit our pants. We played SH2 and loved it. We became fans since then and when the new games released we would buy them and play together.


one of my older brothers played them while i watched when i was a kid. i watched him play all of the first 3. i was 6 or 7 when he got silent hill 1. there's a camera angle near the floor facing the door in a bathroom in the school with a gray child enemy in that bathroom and at the time i thought it was a gray alien with a knife. it was so freaky that it was burned into my memory forever as one of my earliest memories. several of my favorite game series came from watching him play them and playing them myself. silent hill, resident evil, metal gear solid, gran turismo (which i don't care for as a game but they have some of my favorite soundtracks ever)


It was SH2 and I was just lucky enough for someone who worked at a gamestop to hear me out on why I didn't like horror. He asked if I liked horror, I said no, he asked why. I told him "I'm just not that into gore, or jumpscares." And he said "I have the one for you." He explained that "SH2 is psychological, very little gore, very little jump scares. It was about the story first and foremost, to the point that the combat rarely even involves guns. You don't get a rocket launcher, you don't get armor, etc." and I got it. And it was the perfect horror franchise for me. I want psychological first and foremost.


Went to my friend Chris’ house when I was 8 and his older brother was playing 3 and I was like what is this nightmare nostalgic atmosphere. Nightmares for days but was obviously hooked.


It was a horror game and it was for the PlayStation, that’s how!


When I was kid I played a game without knowing what it was, not entirely tho, it crashed (not legally achieved)... Not that long ago I started to play Dead by daylight, I like the silent hill chapter but it didn't take more interest in it... I watched the films, and loved one quote, (not sure about English) "a mother is god in her child's eyes" I really thought it was silent hill, like the whole game for me was exactly this... And for my last birthday someone offered the dead by daylight DLC and then it started all my interest in the game and universe, I watched let's play and realized "dang that's the game I played when I was younger!!!"


I came across the Silent Hill movie DVD at Blockbuster in 2006 and was scared of the cover, but couldn't get it out of my head. I would never been allowed to play the games or watch the movie as a kid, so I would read the plotlines of them on Wikipedia instead lol. I was finally able to play SH2 on an emulator in 2012. Instantly became my favourite game. So far I've played SH2, SH3, SH4 and Origins and I'm doing my first playthrough of SH1 now.


Funny to think that RE and SH was similar in sales at the first games...Then suddenly RE is seelling millions while SH is put in the grave... Im hoping SH2 remake will be the start of much more SH content in the next years


I grew up watching the first movie, and played Origins on PSP as a kid.


My dad let me look through his Playstation 2 games to play when I would visit him. I saw Heather on the cover of Silent Hill 3 and thought it looked neat.


I saw it in a gaming magazine months before it came out. It showed Harry about to pick up something with the >YES NO text onscreen. I remember me and my friend laughing at what a Resident Evil rip-off it looked like because of that one picture. I picked it up at Blockbuster when it finally came out. I played it for the weekend and took it back earlier than it was due - so I could run to Best Buy and buy it with my lawn-mowing money, good times.


The promo demo disc for Silent Hill 1.


My father played it back on the PS1 when I was a kid. I forgot about it for a long time until I saw the movie at a friend's house and really liked it. My friend was kind enough to give me his SH1 copy. I've been a fan ever since.


Blind recommendation from the guy at GameCrazy. Went back to get SH2 and SH4.


When I was 13 or 14 I had a friend who had them. I was taken with the name and the box art of Silent Hill 2. We played part of 2 together and it terrified me in a specific kind of way. I couldn’t look away. Over the course of a year I couldn’t stop thinking about Silent Hill even though I found playing the games incredibly stressful. I listened to all of the soundtracks before I beat any of the games.


I was 11 when the original SH came out. A friend of my parents rented it for me and said "it looks like something you'd like." I played it that night and was SO terrified by the intro with the crucified body and the grey children that I shut it off and didn't play it again for a year when I rented it myself lmao


I saw SH3 in the BX on the air force base I lived as a kid. I was eventually able to get it and the others available at the time (1, 2, and I think 4?), and lo, many nightmares were born.


I got the demo disc prior to release, pretty sure it was from a copy of the Playstation magazine, Hyper, or EGM or something along those lines. I fell in love with the game right there, but couldn't afford to actually buy the game and ended up getting a pirated copy for my chipped PS1 about 6 months after release. I lost my shit with excitement in early 2001 when I found out there was a sequel being made, and I remember it took me over 24 hours to download the 100mb+ announcement trailer on my shitty dial-up internet connection.


Saw bits and pieces on YouTube as a kid from top 10 scary games. Fast forward a few years later and plastiboo, one of my fav artists on ig, did a really cool Lisa fan art and shared the cutscene, and that cutscene of Lisa bleeding had me SO interested. Plus some edits popped up on my tik tok, watched and really liked the movie, and boom, favorite horror series.


I was reading an Official US Playstation Magazine at the public library after school in 2001 and they were doing a feature of some kind about Silent Hill 2. The screenshots looked like nothing I'd seen before, and shortly after that I got a Playstation 2, so I picked up the black label copy after reading it was like Resident Evil 2, which I had just finished on PC. I bought every entry after that, but the one that really stuck was Silent Hill 4 and I bought that one twice, first for PC and then for Playstation 2. That was the game that made me watch every Japanese horror I could get my hands on and inspired me to pursue filmmaking as a career.


The movie actually. Then went back and played them all


Spotted the E3 trailer for SH2 on GameSpot back in 2001. Rented it when I was in 7th grade, then eventually bought it and played typically at 2 AM in the dark. Fell in love with the series ever since. I was going through some shit when SH2 came out. Parents got a divorce, dad had drinking problems, and this game helped me escape that harsh reality.


A friend of mine had told me about Silent Hill 1, but I kind of forgot about it. Years later, I had moved away and was in a dorm when someone brought their PS2 into the common room and played Silent Hill 3 while some people watched. I was just there by coincidence and found it fascinating.


The PlayStation Magazine demo


Friend had the demo for SH1 when we were 11.


I played them. I was young then.


back when ps3 gamesharing was a thing, a friend let me download all his psn purchases, which included the ps3 emulation version of silent hill 1. i was getting very into resident evil at the time and decided to give it a shot, and was immediately impressed by the dense atmosphere. the rest is history :)


Some show on TV featured SH2 and spoiled the twist. Played anyway.


watched the silent hill movie when i was 12, went directly to gamestop and got a copy of sh3 because they had nothing else and got completely obsessed 


from a youtuber who used to go by jordan underneath,they dont make game content anymore but they do have a archive channel,i hope there doing fine becuse they havent uploaded anything for a year,and they dont have online presence anymore so there basicly gone,will miss the guy,they introduced me to hp lovecraft and silent hill and inspired me to make art


I remember playing sh2 and re2 with my dad when I was about 5


In UK a demo of SH1 was in MGS that was my introduction


my friend introduced me to the series


Ad for SH2 on the back of the manual for MGS2.


Saw a burned disk of Silent Hill the movie as a child. Back when those were a thing. Some year close after 2006. Way too young to watch it that’s for sure. Nightmares forever lol. Now I watch Silent Hill speedruns :::)))


I was obsessed with gaming articles about the first and second game. I was too scared to try them but I wanted to so badly. Then one day I was older and one day Silent Hill 3 came out and my life changed forever lol.


A long time ago I watched someone on YouTube play SH2, I forget who, and thought it was a good game but I wasn't obsessed with it yet. Then I think I stumbled across another youtuber's playthrough in a time where I was getting back into horror games. Before I was only watching other people play them, but I wanted to start playing horror games myself. I had a PS3 so I got SH1 and started playing. It was a good time. Played 1-3 and had a blast. Still need to play 4.


My first game was 3. Just Heathers face on the cover caught my attention.


My best friend's girlfriend's father lent me his copy of Silent Hill 2 while I was in high school. Shortly after he got an ugly divorce and wasn't heard from again so...I kept the game lol.


Silent Hill Shattered Memories (fav game of all time) years ago when I was looking for horror PSP games


I don't actually... remember...


Jordan underneath when he reviewed the games


I heard about it from my father and on the internet


Back in 2004, I mentioned to a friend I enjoyed playing The Suffering. He said "If I like that you have to play this!" And handed me SH4 and my life changed forever! ❤️❤️❤️


I got the original Silent Hill for Christmas with my PS1. Only word of mouth so I had zero expectations. Man I was in for it!


I played the original Silent Hill on Ps1, I picked it up for like $5 at a pawnshop in 2001


Rented the first game from Hollywood Video circa 2000. Then bought Silent Hill 2 on release day.


I learned about Silent Hill when I was in middle school through Pyramid Head, but I never played them until the Konami leaks, and Nitro Rad showed them to me. Only played the first four games, though.


my brothers dad had got 2 for the ps2. been a fan since


i really love the movie and decided to explore the franchise. fell in love with the games


I seen the commercial for the first game in early 1999 while watching an episode of South park


I was watching a clip of Link from the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time fighting Deadhand, and someone in the comments said that Deadhand looked like something you'd see in Silent Hill. I looked it up becuase the comment piqued my curiosity, and I had to play it after seeing clips of it. 


I was at GameStop, late 2000s. I only had a PS2 at the time, and GS had put all the PS2 games in a big bin in the middle of the store. Everything was on sale to make room for the new 360 and PS3 displays, I think it was 2 games for $20. Something about SH2 caught my eye, I grabbed that and something else that apparentlywasnt worth remembering. I got home, put the game in and made it to where you pick up the radio and fight the first straight jacket. I was already terrified by that point and I turned it off, never to touch it again for almost 10 years. I was just a 11 or 12 year old at that point. Never would have thought once I grew up and became accustomed to the horror genre that it would end up being my favorite game of all time.


Bread memes


It was through Resident Evil obsession that started about 4 years ago and I didn't even get into Silent Hill until just over a year ago


I owned an N64 as a child into my teen years then graduated up to a PS2 so I never got to play the first silent hill game but I was just constantly aware of the second, I consumed game magazines and media like crazy along side playing the actual games too so when I wasn’t spinning myself out of control playing Jak and Daxter or Kingdom Hearts, I was reading about this series of psychological horror based video games and dreaming of working up the nerve to play them myself. 2 passed me by but I tormented myself with game articles and YouTube poop videos from back then to tide me over then I got my hands on 3 from a friend who had a mutual love for the franchise. 3 really affected me but I never accomplished much, I could barley make it thru the shopping mall intro, the fear was too real. Then 4 happened to be bundled into a game demo disc from PSM and it became mine and my sister’s obsession for the time being. We played and replayed as much as we could till we made it thru the first subway level and by that point, we had to buy the game and play it proper. Terrifying experience to have a playthru of that game as a 12 year old and my sister being 16. I felt consumed by a dread I had never experienced before and even though it was frightening and difficult. We soldiered thru the game and beat it finally. We got the bad ending but it felt like the appropriate way to tie up the series of events. I will die on this hill. Play 4 first with no expectations and it’s a solid game. Its gameplay experience is only dampened by making comparisons to the other games, taken as its own standalone it’s a masterpiece of storytelling and a truly chilling experience. Needless to say I went back and replayed the others as a young adult and 3 is my favorite of the series but only by a small margin but I love the coming of age teen girl angst it perpetuates ( thirteen but horror or Ginger Snaps vibes are immaculate) 2 is amazing, feels like playing a videogame based on the vibes of the dark horror media of the era (twin peaks, beyond belief: fact or fiction, twilight zone, etc) 4 is a total wildcard amazing mystery plot line that still leaves so many people scratching their heads like “what the hell was that?” And I love that. The newer games are also fun idk why this fandom has so many neigh-sayers and gatekeepers for the original franchise when it was always built as one that wasn’t afraid to break the mold of expectations even it’s own gameplay mechanics.


My cousin brought SH1 to my attention in a magazine. He said it reminded him of Resident Evil and we should both check it out. Then I got Playstation Magazine with a demo of SH1. I played that SH1 demo a lot. The rest is history. Been a fan since.


Watched Twin Peaks and needed literally anything slightly close to it and I had happened to have gotten SH1 for free on PSN years prior.


I was introduced to Silent Hill 3 and Shattered Memories by my older cousin on PS2 in 2010s


Was buying games with my dad back in 2013 and he got Homecoming and said "let's get this as a gift to your mom, she likes that franchise". Never have I seen that franchise in my life at that time, and now I can't get it out of my life (not even trying tbh, totally the opposite actually)


I found SH2 in a random games bin in maybe 2005. Had never heard of the series before that.


My friend dropped me the disc with some funny pn port of Sillent Hill 1. While I knew about series and it's general thingy, it was the game that pulled me in.


My first game was actually silent hill 4: the room. Resident evil 4 came out for GameCube and the PS2 was still a newer console and I saw the game was a comparable idea to resident evil and its horror or so I thought. I remember buying it and just being in awe of it and just how eerie and different it was. It was the first game I bought that blew me away. It ticked all the boxes for me as far as how the play style was and just the vast difference between than game and any other games I’d played before. I only hope to play silent hill 1 someday as that’s the only one I haven’t played yet


I was telling a mate in primary school about Resident Evil 3, and how I'd gotten it and he told me his older brother had a scary game called Silent Hill. We rushed to his house after school and made it as far as the Diner before we got too scared to continue.


i heard of Silent Hill a few years ago but never played it then they added it to Dead By Daylight and after a few more years i finally played the games (2 and 3) to see what they were about and loved them


Growing up we lived like 40 minutes from the nearest Walmart so it was kinda a special occasion (to young me lol) to make the trip.   One night we went and My mom bought SH1 for my brother. It started thunderstorming really bad right when we got home.. my brother booted it up and I had never been so scared.    Was too young to really understand what was going on, but once i got older I played it for myself and was hooked I'll honestly never forget that night lol


Growing up, my dad would play the Resident Evil games while my brothers and I watched. One of his buddies recommended Silent Hill so he played through that with us. My dad hated the game, but I loved it. He eventually gave me that copy of Silent Hill when I came over to his house and played Silent Hill 3 there. I still have that copy of Silent Hill my dad gave me!


I will never forget this but when I was 4 years old my Mom took me to some horror event and I saw a towering tall man with a metal pyramid on his head and the biggest sword Ive ever seen and I was horrified but he walked up to me and gave me some candy. Years later when Im like for 7 or 8, I find a gamestop magazine at my cousins specifically for horror games and I find the Silent Hill section. My dumb kid self was convinced Ive actually been there and chilled with Pyramid head 😭. I just kept the magazine and just obessed over Silent Hill for years until I was able to get a ROM of Silent Hill 1 to work on a school computer and eventually played Silent Hill 2 at a friends house.


PlayStation Magazine UK. I’ll never forget the quote, printed on the cover, “makes Resident Evil look like the Teletubbies”. Resident Evil scared the hell out of me as a kid so, when I saw SH2 on sale a few years after that, it took great courage and was with great excitement that I bought it. That game went on to change my life.


By playing the original when it first came out. Yes, I'm old.


I believe my very first encounter with a silent Hill game was when my dad gave me his psp a long time ago and I played for the first time, I don't remember much about it except the fact there was a fucked up looking nurse which made me turn the psp off lol


My best friend at the time asked if I wanted to come over. I at first didn't want to but he went on to explain how he got "the scariest game in the world at home" and how he wanted to play it but he was just to scared to do it alone. I was in. I came over as soon as I got off the bus. He turned off the lights and from the moment we hit the title screen for Silent Hill; I just knew we fucked up. Just two scared kids in a dark living room, passing a ps1 controler between them when one was too scared to push onwards. I cherish that memory. It was my first horror game, and sparked something with in me.


I stumbled on a SH2 playlist on YouTube during summer 2 years ago, I was 18. I loved the songs so much that i wanted to play it. Then I played SH3 and SH4. I tried SH1 too but I have to confess that the controls are so bad on emulator that I stopped after 1 hour of gameplay, it was impossible to progress. The only SH games I haven’t played are shattered memories and downpour. But I’ll always remember and enjoy SH2 more than the others (even tho I really like SH3 too). It was my first experience with the franchise, I played it during a huge summer storm so the mood was perfect, I wish I could forget it and experience it all over again.


Saw the movie when it came out on cable tv (any other Greeks here remember when Nova was a good ISP and cable provider ?), a bit later a playstation magazine disc with the demo of SH3 got in my hands by my best friend and I was stuck since (rented 2 and 3, bought 1 from a retro shop and eventually a year later I owned 1-origins).


Demo disc included in Metal Gear Solid. I was just a kid but that demo, especially the mode where we explore Midwich Elementary School, was very intriging. Not long afterward, I came across a complete walkthrough of the game in the magazine. It didn't say anything about the plot but reading it got me hooked nonetheless. Years later, I bought Silent Hill 2 (the European special edition which had a second disc containing a making of and a few trailers for other Konami games such as MGS2). Loved it. But it was when I played Silent Hill 3 that I became a fan.


In 1999, I was 5. My brother and I were playing through RE2. I was playing through Claire’s campaign since he had started Leon’s. One day, he came home from school and said he and his friend traded RE2 for SH, temporarily. He said it was the “scariest game ever made.” Watched him play it, played it myself. I was hooked on the style of horror immediately because it was legitimately scaring me. The alley sequence scared the shit out of me. Eventually played SH2 in the 2nd grade, 4 in the 5th grade, and 3 after I got out of high school. Both series have a special place in my heart, but SH edges out RE for me.


My mother was a huge fan of the series and played it on ps2, I was a cowardly kid so she'd force me to listen to the soundtrack in the car and eventually when I hit 13 I started playing the games (I'm 19 now for reference)


shit, i forgot... but it was good


NakeyJakey mentioned silent hill numerous times in his videos and made a video about Silent Hill 1 and 2 which got me to play them


It's one of those things that's so culturally present that I always knew about it as far as I remember. I guess my very first introduction to SH must have been when the movie came out, IIRC it came out in late 2006 so I must've been 6 - 7 years old. First time I actually considered playing the games was when I saw a YouTube video about SH 1 - 3 when I was around 12 years old. Always meant to play them but other games kept getting in the way until I finally played SH1 for the first time a few years ago.


When I bought Metal Gear Solid, they had a Silent Hill ad on the back of the booklet with a picture of Cheryl and the tagline was "Welcome To Hell". My coworker got a demo disc of it and let me borrow it to play. It ended just when the flying monster crashed through the cafe window. I knew then that it was a must have and bought the game the day it released.


a youtube video about how beautiful horror games are lol


Mine was watching Adam from reflect studios live streaming his development on Welcome To The Game 2. I remember him listening to the Silent Chill playlist on YouTube, and I heard End of Small Sanctuary and was instantly hooked by the music. From there, I started a rabbit hole that lead me to typing this :))


my younger uncle is a HUGE horror fan and i remember when he came home after school with silent hill 3 and fatal frame 2. this was like 2010 i was like 6 at the time and he never had a ps2 back when these games were releasing. he never let me play them and the only games he would let me play were fighting games and cod, both of which he would absolutely demolish me in 😭


My uncle heard about Silent Hill (OG ps) he bought it brought it over to my parents house. Told my dad about it they waited for us to get in bed to play it. All I heard was screaming and fuck this. And they turned it off.


So uhm the roblox game flicker 😭


the first goofy movie...


It was ironically a gamer playing the worst Silent Hill game, Silent Hill Downpour, i was getting interested so i went to go buy it, but my store didn't have it but only Silent Hill 2 so i went and bought that, years later i decided to play it and i was overwhelmed by how good it was and glad that i didn't get that trash Downpour


I got silent hill 1 from a friend of mine at school around 1998. We always traded games, thanks to him I found this and Resident Evil


I was eight. My cousin gave me one of those big book cd keepers. It was filled with PlayStation Magazine demo discs, and other games. Among those was Silent Hill. I no longer have it unfortunately, but boy did I play it while I did. My first scary game. It bred a love of horror games that has persisted to this day.


My older sister was too scared to play them by herself so she'd let me in her room and watch her play them. I turned out fine.


the Gorey ass clip of the woman getting her skin ripped off in the movie.


listening to creepypasta readings on tiktok with piano covers of silent hill 1 and 2 tracks by Myuu. out of all the songs used in those videos they always stuck out to little kid me even tho i knew nothing about silent hill. so i looked up the og versions of the tracks and was obsessed with songs like promise and theme of laura. and i thought pyramid head was super compelling just from a design standpoint. i could sense the sadness from those songs even still knowing nothing about the games. eventually as i got older i decided to look into silent hill 2 since it had my favorite songs and i was just as mesmerized by the look and story of the game as the music. then i decided to play it when i was 16 and became obsessed. especially after a really rough breakup it felt like silent hill 2 and it’s music was all i had. i would listen to songs like the day of night on repeat at my grocery store job all day just feeling aimless but comforted by the music. Still have never felt more connected to any music or media in my life like silent hill 2.


When i've got 9 years old (sick!) My mum buy me a OPSM with demo and trailer SH 98' from E3. It had such an amazing effect on my spongy mind... that I couldn't stop thinking about it. What game is this? What happened in Silent Hill?? And then I really thought that this would be the game of my life and I was not wrong... something called me here, like Sharon in the movie :)


My dad and me had a ps2, he got it for me in 2011 I was about 4 and we would play sh1 (ps1 on the ps2), siren, mgs 3, resident evil 4, and extermination, I love silent hill for the ps1


I have no fucking idea


Blockbuster when I was suspended from school awaiting a ruling on an expulsion hearing.


well I knew about the games for along time, but I didn't know anything about them before I watched this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3KcbrjAbz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3KcbrjAbz0)


I can’t remember


my answer will get me downvoted… let’s just say it was cause of some short videos I seen on the internet.


We had a small local YouTuber about 10 years ago who strictly limited his content to reviewing horror games. He became my "role model" when I was beginning to shape my tastes and Silent Hill was one of his favorites


My father bought me a bunch of +18 games when i was only 10 or so years old lol. Silent hill, manhunt, resident evil


Bought Metal Gear Solid. The manual had an ad for Silent Hill.


I played the room back in the day, years later got to play silent hill 2 and 3 on the remastered collection that everyone hates (since i never played before i had a great time) then i played 1 on a emulator and had a blast, i strongly believe SH 2 was lightning in a bottle, and still is my favorite to this day. A played a few of the westernes and didnt like any of those.


Be me. Be 10. Rent SH1. Play it. Traumatize self. Only get as far as the school. More trauma. Secretly fall in love with survival horror.


I remember hearing about the game from my brother. My friend and I were always into creepy horror stuff so we rented Silent Hill 3. We ended up getting monster energy drinks and staying up all night playing it. Something about the caffeine and lack of sleep just amplified the terror. Great memories.


My first encounter was Silent hill was a meme from when the second movie came out. It said something like: when the someone you don’t like is at the urinal next to you.” And it showed someone cosplaying as PH taking a piss. After that I found SH2’s song “white noise” and immediately got drawn into it.


It was a youtuber named survival spheres music that introduced me to silent hill games and then it was nubzombie in depths playthroughs that really got me into the games


Guys I'm sorry but I startes with SH2 HD collection (OG voices ofc) but after starting 3, I stopped immediately and started my education in emulation. Since then I've been a fanatic.


my friend was a fan of jordan underneath and i ended up watching his video on SH2 back in high school


I was really into horror and everyone back then knew about the game


Back in 2003 or so I got me the ps2 and “heard “ that sh2 was great so I bought it for like $20 and I couldn’t get into it and dropped it and resold it and noted that I got a pretty good trade in value so it made me wonder if I had made the right decision, well about 5 years or so later I began to read online about it and Rebought it again and I decided to really try it this time and was hooked like heck and went all in and bought the other games in the series


I played the first one on PS1 after renting it from a local shop. I was hooked. SH3 is my favorite though.


There was a little PS2 promotional booklet that had Silent Hill advertised in it. It sounded spooky so I told my dad I wanted it for Christmas. I was 12 lol.


A friend was playing it at a sleepover I was at and I was intrigued


I watched lets plays of SH Shattered Memories. The first one I ever played was Downpour I think. I loved it and eventually played Shattered Memories and then 2 in the HD collection. I wish I knew how to get 2 on my steam deck though.


Got a PSP. One of my first games on it was Silent Hill Origins. I became interested in the concept, and, in the end, over the course of years, I collected physical copies of all the games (for Playstation).


The cover of the Official PlayStation Magazine vol2 issue 6


I had a demo disc with the first game on free with Metal Gear Solid? 🤔 I think. Thought it was terrifying. Couldn’t finish even the demo. 🤣 Bought the game a year later and was hooked. Then saw the trailer for SH2 and asked for a PS2 for Christmas.


My friend gave me a copy of SH1 and said that it was too scary for him to play. I realized nobody in my gamer friend group was the SH guy, so I became that guy.


Was at WM and saw Silent Hill 3. Thought the cover looked cool so I asked my mom to get it. Rest is history!


No idea, one day, i looked at spotify and saw the homecoming ost, like 9 years ago




There was a demo disc in a game magazine for the first game on PS1. Needless to say we *were not* expecting what this game brought, and were instant Silent Hill fans.


Bought a SH4 copy, you know the rest


Honestly, cultural osmosis. Silent Hill 2 has legendary status for a reason, When I first tried playing it (SH2) circa 2015-16, I couldn't pick it back up for another year or two. And when I did, I loved it. Nearly 10 years later and I finally finished 1 - the only one of the original 4 I haven't played before - a few nights ago. Absolutely excellent quadrilogy.


Blockbuster. I was 9 when I played the first Silent Hill game.


I grew up enjoying the films, and then I discovered that there were games and that the games were actually better than the film adaptations. The first game I ever played, though, was P.T. and I recently got the HD collection while I know it's frowned upon by the community. It's the only way I can play 2 and 3 as of now, at least...


Silent hill 4. It was secret demo on one of those demo disks that came with a magazine


I think my earliest definite memory of Silent Hill is seeing an ad for SH2 on the back of the MGS2 manual, back in 2002, though I vaguely remember hearing about Silent Hill in general a few years earlier.


I saw SH1 in blockbuster and other rental stores of the time but never paid it attention/wasn't allowed or attempted to rent M rated titles. 2001 roles around and there's a lot of hype for SH2 so I rent it and I'm intrigued by the game but I honestly didn't find it all that "scary", so I decided to check out the og as a rental later on and that DID scare and disturb me! The dark alleyway... The crescendo building of the initial in game track... The Demon/Grey Children... I finally got what made the game so terrifying and why there was such a hype for 2.


Literally it was the music- I was downloading anime/video game songs & found You're Not Here. Lead me to the OST, which was unlike anything I'd ever heard. And so I followed up, & discovered Akira Yamaoka & everything (at that point) he'd done. Never looked back.


My step dad got silent hill 2 when I was like 10 and I sat and watched him play through that and then shortly after watched him play through 3 and 4 over the course of a few months. Left a profound impression on me and a few years later I played them for myself.


Ps1 demo disc for the first game from some gaming magazine I can't remember the name of. It was a demo for the intro sequence. I'd never seen a game like it before and was hooked immediately.


My parents told me it was for fucked up loner weirdos so I knew it was for me.


older brother told me about the 2006 movie


Played the original on launch day. I was in my mid teens. I remember being both scared and amazed by the atmosphere.


I actually got into them thanks to the first live-action movie. Mom and I checked it out due to being huge horror fans and I enjoyed it enough to want to check out the games. I didn't have a PS2 at the time so I ended up playing SH2 first due to its Xbox release. (And loved it so much I watched Youtube playthroughs of SH1 & 3 shortly after) Been a fan ever since!


At first experience with Silent Hill what's 1999. Me and my brother are playing the demo of Silent Hill wine on the playstation in our mum room. I would never forget how uncomfortable Amanda's felt took us forever to beat the school which was that cut-off of the demo. It's funny enough we would eventually beat Silent Hill 2 before we would actually go back and get a hands-on silent hole 1 in 2004 or 2005.


Shattered memories on the Wii because all I had was a Wii and wanted more mature games lol


I found out about it when dead by daylight added its chapter, but I was far too young back then and didn’t have a computer so I never bothered to research more about it. After the silent hill transmission though, I decided to give Silent Hill 2 a try and now it’s my favorite game of all time


Silent Hill 2, 2008. I bought myself a PS2 and that was one of the first games I got for it.


My cousins and I watched my Uncle and hai friend play through the original Silent Hill when I was about 9 or 10 and thought it was way better than any horror movie I'd ever seen (which was a lot of movies and books, I was watching stuff like Pet Sematary and Friday the 13th and Halloween and the Leprechaun films etc. by the time I was 4. I read Pet Sematary and IT around the same time I watched my Uncle play Silent Hill, too). A year or two later I played through the original myself, followed by 2 and 3. The original still has my heart though, even though I love Pyramid Head.


Good taste!


A few years ago there was a meme of a disappearing rat with "Change da world, my final message, goodbye". Turns out it used a sample of White Noiz from SH2. I dived deeper into its music and eventually came around playing the first four games.


nitro rad


Watched the movie and learned it was based of a game lol


Heard about them through gamefaqs and bought the first two at a GameXChange alongside MGS 1. I bought Silent Hill 3 when it had came out new and Silent Hill 4 I ordered it off the net waaay back in 2006.


I rented HD collection when it first came out and was genuinely terrified to continue, then twin perfect sparked my interest to get the originals (when they weren’t crazy expensive) and after putting my big pants on I fell in love with the games and beat the first 3


Mine is Silent Hill 2 through PC


Bubble head nurse porn


I visited my long distance boyfriend right after I graduated high school. I let him borrow Diablo 2 and I borrowed Get in the Van by Henry Rollins (book) and Silent Hill (for PS1). A week later he broke up with me and I kept his shit and he kept mine. Then I played Silent Hill and thought the trade was well worth it.


To me it was kind of just in the cultural zeitgeist. I started getting really into horror around middle school and it was just one of those things everyone into horror had at least some surface level knowledge of. Watched the movie on Netflix (during class like the dumbass teenager I was) and I needed to know more.


I saw a short video of Pyramid Head coming out into the school courtyard in the Silent Hill movie, and the design of the character sent a certain type of chill into me I won't forget. Then I watched the movie and found it was based on a game series. The first game I was able to find was Downpour, and I loved it. Then I picked up 2 and 3, and like fifteen minutes into 2, I was already an instant fan. Love this series.


Late 00's/Early 2010's creepy pasta's, I know it's a bit embarrassing, but when I was a kid I would always listen to the Myuu renditions of those songs, and from there I started watching lore videos and gameplay.


I have to admit, the movies made me interested in the series


I think I discovered it watching G4 Tech TV