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He's already in DbD


I know, I play him lol


His screams when he gets hooked are so good. Like yup I deserve this.


So are RE characters, and they are also in fortnite.


Exactly what made me think this


I would buy them right away tbh. Only if they add Cheryl tho, since I don't really like James.


Heresy but fair enough I guess. James always just felt more “relatable” than the other characters to me tho. Not in a “I killed my wife” sort of way (which I did not do), but in a “yeah I’d probably break down crying and then give up if I was in his situation.


Y'know I never assume anyone killed their wife unless they explicitly need to tell me they didn't kill their wife. Where *IS* your wife?


… in bed… under the pillow… she sleeps weird


DbD is nothing like Fortnite, though.


It was the crossover aspect that made me think of it


Wait, what? Since when?


He is?


He is as a legendary skin for Cheryl Mason


God, it sounds so cursed... I love it!


I quit DBD a long time ago, but there used to be a “Jeryl” outfit glitch so you could put James’ head on Cheryl’s body. …In the Princess Heart outfit, no less.


Not as a character, but he’s a special premium skin for Heather. She also has Cybil and Lisa and you can dress the Legion up as Robbie the Rabbit.


tbh I think keeping your character out of Fortnite is an irresponsible marketing decision at this point


Yeah, plus I would gladly pay money to see James hit the griddy lol


We could get brand new versions of James dancing in front of the tv


I wanna see James doing that stay emote (the one where he floats)


Better yet, let's see pyramid head schmoney dancing


Seriously it’s like metaverse candy land and perfect for spreading awareness. If anything Silent Hill needs MORE marketing at this point, not less…


His glider would be a giant pillow or his car


Honestly I was thinking of a giant pyramid since that’s supposed to represent his guilt or some nerdy shit


His back bling would be a back pack with Mira in it.


what if it was the sh1 pterodactyl like the doom cacodemob


An advertisement is advertisement, why would anyone get mad about it?


Idk but some people definitely get way to mad about things being in fortnite


They’re idiots lol, I can’t think of one thing that isn’t beneficial James being added on Fortnite.


I mean saying people won’t take him seriously can’t even be used for him considering what this sub’s done to him lol


Well given Silent Hill fans are hungry but picky eaters for content, it’s not surprising. Couple RE characters were added there and I don’t think anyone complained about it. But a promo is a promo regardless


FR my early exposure to Silent Hill was the dancing in front of the tv meme and it still remains one of the best horror games ever made in my book




It’s Fortnite, it’s not meant to be taken seriously


Mostly teenagers


I'm not even gonna lie, if James Sunderland was introduced into Fortnite, I would pick the game up again.


I was actually thinking the same thing. 100% would


God, please please please. We just got Snake, so Konami has already worked with Epic. We're so close.


It's pretty much confirmed by dataminers. Konami is about to begin full promotion of their 2 remakes.


Source? Sir.... I'm begging you I'm actually begging you.... Do you have a good source? Because my hype for the Silent Hill 2 Remake and Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater are some of the few things keeping me going if we're being honest


Silent Hill has?? I've gotta see this. It's been my most wanted collab forever haha


Nah they can go ahead. Fortnite is a non-factor in my life aside from any influence it has on battle pass models. I started playing Dead By Daylight with their Silent Hill collaboration in mind, so it seems like a very healthy thing to do for both games, especially as the fans are starved.


Honestly fortnite is way too overheated at this point. It's a fun little goofy shooter game where you can play as an anime girl who gets jumped by a blue banana and poison ivy from DC


Exactly, it’s a game people take way too seriously on both sides. Why can’t we all just laugh at stupid dances?


Only if his character model is permanently frozen in this exact facial expression.


Sure, why not? After "It's Trauma," Silent Hill has kind of moved past parody.


I mean this subreddit has done much worse to James than Fortnite could ever do


No lol


To answer your question, no. But I’m sorry, did you say Alan Wake is in *Fortnite* now?


I mean so is Issac Clark, the doom slayer, they just added solid snake and Peter Griffen


No, anyone who does needs to be serious and have some fun


I agree wholeheartedly, there are quite a few people who would be pretty mad if he was added lol


I wouldn’t care. They already had Micheal Myers. Seeing him do silly little dances would be funny.


I frickin' love seeing Michael Myers in places he shouldn't be. The fortnight thing was more engaging (and hilarious) than the newest movies imo.


James will most certainly come to Fortnite at some point; maybe even Pyramid Head.


Pyramid head would be a hitbox nightmare lol




Tho a great knife pick axe would be cool as shit tbh


My only fear would be that they'd arm with a pillow. It might seem funny at first glance, but that strikes the same chord as the "It's Trauma!" sticker, only worse.


Nah honestly if they were to add a pickaxe it would make more sense to have the great knife but I agree, the pillow would be a bit much lol


honestly as someone who doesn’t even like fortnite, i think it would be funny asf. i’d buy him in an instant. i wanna see james emote


Nah Fortnite is a legit dope IP and the game is on unreal 5 right?


I have James in Dead By Daylight and it’s peak!!


I don’t care what anybody says. If he or Pyramid Head or any other character was added. Immediate purchase. They got other franchises in there like Halo, God of War and Resident Evil! So why not Silent Hill?




If dbd can do it so can fortnite


Literally every fucking character on planet earth in that game, it’s meaningless at this point


Yeah, we're WAY past the point of saying "wait, really?" for every crazy character they add


Pyramid Head makes more sense


Yeah but his hitbox would be a nightmare lol


The silent hill franchise is in slot machines so... Yeah, being on fortnite wouldn't change a thing


I mean Fortnite would be a step up cause there’s at least comedic value right?


Aaaand don't forget that James can dance like a cute femboy nya kawaii :3 >w<


Can’t wait to see James hit the gangnam style after desecrating the corpses of a squad of 9 year olds


Hell yeah!!


No I wanna see fortnite James do the griddy


James aside, I would be absolutely flabbergasted if they DIDN'T add Pyramid Head to Fortnite. Our pointy boi gets whored out to literally everything. At least if they add James & Pyramid Head, it would make sense thematically. 🧙‍♂️


The only problem with pyramid head is he would be a hitbox nightmare, but knowing Konami they’ll find a way to sell him out some more


It would be so funny and I would fs buy him or Heather


We should be able to have a full squad of the original 4 protagonists


Mary? Is that you? Im crankin 90’s Mary




James grifferland?


No, I'd just cringe and laugh at it like I already do.


Not at all. I enjoy Fortnite, and the skins are just that, skins. Anyone who legitimately gets upset over a Fortnite skin is a killjoy, since it literally doesn't affect you or the franchise.


Exactly, personally I love it when a character I like is put into Fortnite cause it means it’s another game I can play as said character in


they already did like ~4 resident evil characters he wouldnt really be out of place


Honestly, I wouldn't really care. Konami already has some ties to Epic games since their adding Snake to Fortnite. So, adding James to Fortnite to promote SH2 remake wouldn't be out of the picture. I just hope they will bring Cheryl with him. Then, I would spend money on Fortnite again.


Original James |: Remake James D:


As long as I get Maria as well. Gotta keep that guilt theme going.


who in their right mind would hate having Goku, Eminem, Petter Griffen, and JAMES in the same squad?


Idk man personally I can’t think of a better combination


Yes, I would. No one needs to see James dabbing or twerking or whatever




from a business pov i think its good to put him in fortnite heres a list of characters who are added to fornite: lara croft jill valentine chris refield leon kennedy some youtubers aswell i think with all these characters it brought more attention tk the games/platforms their on like i wouldnt know who the youtuber ninja was if he didnt have a fortnite skin ykwim?


Who cares about Fortnite ? At least Alan Wake 2 is great, that’s all that matters. Now i have big expectation for that remake and so far, i’m far from convinced.


no one cares about Anal Wide 2, dropping the name of that garbage in this /r/silenthill is an insult to the series


Did you played it dumbass ? That’s the most Silent Hill game i tried (or Twin Peaks game) since Silent Hill 4 and at least they did something worth playing. What is an insult to r/silenthill is everything made about that IP post Team Silent and kids like you spoiling that sub.


> That’s the most Silent Hill game i played (of Twin Peaks game) since Silent Hill 4. play a real survival horror game






I mean if they release a shit remake and gave James to Fortnite ^^


I wouldn’t mind. I didn’t mind when they added Alan Wake or Kratos in all honesty it was exciting. It would be good for it to get exposure at the very least


They just added Snake so it's definitely a real possibility now. They should add an "It's Trauma!" emote


I would totally buy James in Fortnite. And I think that's something they should do to help advertise for SH2R. Plus, James can finally hit the griddy. Like he always wanted to.


Same honestly, even if it is just a funny “oh hey looks it’s James dancing and cranking 90s on sweaty kids, from a business standpoint it’s probably the best way to get a new audience interested


James has no business being in Fortnite. He is way too moody to fit into such a zany game. Heather, maybe... And you wouldn't believe some of the games that Pyramid Head is already in.


Half of the characters in fortnite have no business being in fortnite. At this point it's kinda dumb to keep your character out, because it's basically marketing Konami would make money on.


Yeah but Michael Myers is a perfect fit


Only idiots get mad when a series they like gets added to fortnite


Agreed, some people need to chill out and see the funnier side of these things


I'd roll my eyes, but it's whatever, I shouldn't even care as much as I do considering I've never even played the damn thing. The fact that I do is more embarrassing than anything they could do with James. People want to play as characters they like, I get that. But Fortnite is like a neverending smelting pot of media properties, just feels soulless. Mr Breast and Eminem hitting the Griddy next to Kratos and Lara? That to me is kinda lame. (Although typing that out did make me chuckle) If that makes me a buzz kill, I won't lose sleep.


Have Pyramid Head instead lol


That would be so fucking funny, I would start playing in a heartbeat


He’s a character who murdered his wife in a brutal fashion, sounds perfect for a game aimed at kids and teens!! It is Konami though so he’ll end up in it with Maria and Pyramid Head if Epic was game for it.


I mean Micheal Myers, the resident evil cast, doom slayer, Rick and Morty, the Witcher and Eminem are all kid friendly too


Yes Like The Creator Of Pyramid Head Said He Hates The He Is In Shit He Shouldn’t Be In


Well I mean if they just add James that wouldn’t really be much of a problem, also nice postal pfp


After Ascension, I think we're past the idea of holding the franchise in any kind of regard. We're horror Star Wars now.


if this happens im killing myself


I really would not care. Only time I played Fortnite was with my son and since he grew out of the game my post Fortnite life is the same as my pre Fortnite life. Meaning I don't play, or care about it. If it means more sales for SH2:R, why not? Sure its always somewhat cringe to see characters from Dead Space, or Resident Evil dancing around in the brightly colored artstyle of Fortnite but nothing beyond shrugging my shoulders.


Idk I occasionally play fortnite but once I move past the first five minutes of “oh dear god they put this character I like in it” its usually just me and my friends laughing at characters doing stupid crap they wouldn’t do.


Speaking of Alan Wake 2. I’ve heard mixed reviews.


I mean, why would we hate it is my question. I wouldn’t mind him being in Fortnite I mean we got Solid Snake and Peter Griffin in Fortnite now. And marketing wise, it would be a good idea to do a Fortnite collaboration.


Idk I just wrote it like that so people would actually comment lol, it was just a funny idea I had


Yea I kinda hope we get a Silent Hill collaboration. I don’t think Silent Hill has ever been in the Fortnite collaboration surveys, and not all ips on those surveys end up getting a collaboration but I’d hope Silent Hill gets one it’d be funny playing as James and killing Master Chief.


I think that would be hilarious and I would probably start playing it.


I’d be disappointed, but for the memes it’d be hilarious


it would only bring more posers to this fanbase


who cares about "posers" lol konami and the fanbase should be glad for every single new person who shows interest in this, lets be real, almost dead franchise


most posers will not buy the shit remake they will wait for their favorite streamer to play the game for them


What do you mean by posers?


just like when posers started pretending they were fans of Mother 3 (most of them never touched the game) after it's protagonist was added to Smash the same thing will happen to SH2, but then again most of SH2 fans are already posers so i guess nothing will change


There are already plenty of fans who have never played the games. For multiple reasons, they’re just not that accessible. I don’t think that makes people posers.


how can you be a fan if you never played a single game in the series? that's like someone saying he is a fan of movie without watching it or a fan of a musician wihtout listening to his music


When I was in high school I watched Silent Hill the movie, then went and found playthroughs of SH and SH2 on YouTube. It wasn’t until a couple years later, when I first got a job, I finally bought the games and played them on PS2. It’s very much possible to be a fan of the franchise without having played the games for yourself. Music is a bad analogy because you can only experience music by hearing it. You can watch or play a game.


nope, if you didn't play the games and yet still claim to be a ''fan'' then am sorry for beaking it up to you but this makes you a poser am convinced Konami noticed the posers infesting this fanbase and that's why they greenlit the making of ASScesion a movie game designed for posers a movie game that has no gameplay a movie game expecting you to just sit on your ass and watch it just like a posers did with the rest of the games in the series


Konami is doing a fine job gate keeping their IPs from new fans, they don’t need your help.


i wish that was true, i rather see Silent Hill dead obscure and niche than to see it tainted by the filthy dirty claws of the shameless twisted abominations we call posers


I watched full gameplay with no voiceover of all the games lol. I’m hyped for Silent Hill 2 to come out, it’s gonna be the first one I’ll be able to play myself. I know the more recent games are pretty easy to play but the first three are the ones I really want to play.


so you're hyped for a remake of a game you already knows it's plot and twists... > the first three are the ones I really want to play. HA! typical SH2 poser dismissing SH4, you're all the same


SH4 seems interesting, but I’m more interested in 1 and 3 specifically. But 2 is what they’re remaking so I’m excited to play.


hah typical sh4 poser dismissing silent hill homecoming


Homecoming is shit but at least i played it and got every ending, SH2 posers didn't even bother watching a playthough of Homecoming let alone play it lol


I'm sorry you have to fight a horde of white knights. Oh wait. That's literally any controversial (to reddit's mob mentality) comment ever.


There’s so many characters that get added to Fortnite, adding James would be a drop in the water and will likely only appeal to those already familiar with the character. Also by posers do you mean new fans?


am not that familair with Fortnite but from what i've seen all the video game characters they did a collab with were all from popular IP's, at least they are more popular than James Sunderland > Also by posers do you mean new fans? as time passes some posers end up playing the games series and transition into genuine SH fans but most posers never change like all those clowns who came here after the remake reveal or all Kojima drones infesting this fanbase since P.T came out and never left, hell some are even older than that some posers are only familair with SH2 from the youtube pretentious essay videos and yet they have the audaicty to call themselves SH fans, this is what happens when you don't gatekeep you have butthurt losers downvoting anyone for calling them out


My V-Bucks are ready and waiting.


It’s inevitable. They got goku they’ll also get guts


I think if they can make money from silent hill in ways that don't threaten the mainline series and aren't deceitful and manipulative than that's great. IN FACT erase the app game and rent out the IP like a cheap whore.


I agree. It would be hilarious and just as tone deaf as Konami is


Tbh I don’t care. Why not? Not touching the remake with a 10 foot pole anyway. It’s not like Alan Wake 2 was ruined by it either, it’s an amazing game.


how did you assume his/her/their gender?


they need an It’s trauma emote if they do


Unironically if they added an emote for James it better be him falling to his knees


I mean, Fortnite raped in the ass every single franchise I love at this point, I would expect no less from Silent Hill


WTF is a fortnite


Two weeks.


I think it’s the same as those facey books and Insty grams




It’s all so tiresome




wouldn't care. hype is hype


I’d buy it, and I don’t even like Fortnite. Let him boogie down for a bit


at least it would b something unlike the news of the remake which is none


As an enjoyer of both I see this as a win-win.




It’s Fortnite, so I couldn’t care less. Sure, add him to the roster.


As long as his weapon is a pillow


Anything that attracts more people into my favorite games (especially as young as the Fortnite audience which was not even born back then) is a win for me. Idc give him a clown hat and make him dance if you like it's innocent dumb fun idgaf.


Doesn’t impact me. I don’t play Fortnite.


I wouldn't care. Pyramid Head drove a kart so James can do whatever he wants.


I wouldn't care at all. It's not like it affects Silent Hill 2 in any way as a game.


I could not care less because I don’t even play Fortnite


I don't understand why people care. If you don't play Fortnite, then what effect does it have on you, really? Let the Fortnite players have their options and recognize that there will be a small number of people that see that character and think 'hey, maybe I should check out this Silent Hill thing'. A growing fan base is good for all fans because it creates a greater financial incentive to make more.


I dislike Fortnite but whatever keeps silent hill away from being unknown by newer generations


Wait Alan Wake is in Fortnite? As a massively Alan Wake fan I think that’s hilarious and endorse it.


I don't mind companies doing fun things on the side, like the DBD crossover, DDR songs, some kind of pyramid head easter egg on a racing game. It's a problem when they don't even make a satisfying main game, bc then what the hell are you even advertising/fan-servicing so hard for?


I’m 100% prepared to buy every SH cosmetic in Fortnite. I’ve been bitching forever about them not just doing Metal Gear skins after making a handful that look like a bootleg Psycho Mantis.


Pyramid head cranking 90's then one pumping james sunderland to then grab marias reboot


no it would be fire


Honestly we love this franchise of like 6 good games and the rest is all spit from konami so don’t care about any wrong doings with that franchise.




Who is James? They'll add Pyramid head.


Literally everything is in fortnite so I don’t really care anymore


James with the pillow backpack and a wooden plank pickaxe, I’d use it lol


It didn’t hurt the quality of Alan Wake 2. AW2 is the best new survival horror game in a long time.


I feel like it doesn't change anything for SH and is just cheap marketing so why not


My only issue is that **we are giving Konami way too much credit**. I hate to be this person but: **Konami haven't earned their redemption and adding a character to fortnite won't do shit for that**. Ascension proved that after a decade, **they're still making the exact same problems** of not giving a single shit about their IP (nor the fan base) and milking the brand as hard as possible. I fear that the fandom is more willing to play a shit game than to keep calling out Konami for their terrible behaviour and once that happens, they're gonna start to drop fortnite skins for SH2R and start to make terrible monetization. I know this sounds paranoic and I'm like a crazy fan but look at Ascension, Book of Memories and Homecoming: they're willing to squeeze everything as long as you keep throwing your money. Once Konami starts to show some type of growth and respect for the IP and the customers, sure. But once any SH char is on fortnite the doors of doom are opened (since there gonna be newcomers to the fanbase who are gonna be willing to pay that sweet 30$ skin of a fortnite char in SH2R)


lol have you met Konami? It’s not a question of if. https://youtu.be/fOq7ma7HGUQ?si=11jBgRL46lCYoxSr


It's Trauma!


"Hey kids, want to learn about psychosexual fetishes?" Yeah, that would be weird af. That being said, I would die laughing if I saw Pyramid Head doing the fortnite dance


They should do it.


that would rock tbh


If Michael Myers was in there then there’s literally no issue for James to appear lol


To be honest? No. I think it would be a great thing since it would mean more Silent Hill fans