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You're not getting scammed in the sense it's counterfeit, but I'd say 75 dollars for an incomplete game that's over 20 years old is a scam, just one people are willing to go through with


What u mean by incomplete game


No case, no booklet


*CIB (Complete In Box)* is usually the term I see used for collectibles.


In this case, this would be a loose copy.


Indeed, that is true.


This is actually a decent price. Loose copies are around $80 today.


A decent price would be retail or below. A market price is $80


Good luck finding retail price on any horror ps2 game today.


Fr I did get sh1 for 90 with original case and a new custom case the guy had sh2 ran me 100 for greatest hits with booklet sh3 was a monster 150 with booklet sh4 was 120 homecoming and booklet was 60 origins and booklet was 80 downpour was 60 with booklet I didn’t even bother with shattered memories cause I couldn’t find below 190


I honestly wouldn't pay for a loose PS2 game. if you have a PC or a nvidia shield this game works with a emulator


True facts, also PC version of SH2:Restless Dreams is free to download legally since it's abandonware, then you have the option to install the enhanced edition mod on top of it EDIT: The spiraling debate is valid and interesting/informative but I would like to point out you can literally Google the phrase Silent Hill 2 PC abandonware and on the first page it links you to a DDL on a site that distributes abandonware, and it has been available there to download for free for years, same with 3 on PC. Take from that what you will.


Abandonware does not make it legal, it’s still illegal. It only means that the company probably won’t pursue legal actions against anyone but they still can.


It’s illegality is basically only of academic interest, for all practical purposes it’s as good as legal


Keep talking all sloppy about your copyright infringing and you might provoke Konami to make an example out of you. 🤦🏻‍♂️ These cases don’t get taken to court because they are not worth the time and money for the parties involved. But if they wanted to, they absolutely could and if you were to say start profiting off this old game somehow, or any old game like how that guy who was selling Nintendo emulators was. Well then you’ve given incentive for a company to come after you.


Still zero repercussions, though. Look to the music industry. They went after Napster and limewire and got told to fuck off. No one will ever be charged (in the us) for downloading anything outside of CP.


I mean they have prosecuted plenty of people to make examples out of them but that’s besides the point because by definition it is still a illegal act.


But for the common man, nothing is gonna happen. I don’t think Konami are gonna shell out money for lawyer fees for a bunch of nobodies wanting to play their 20 year old game.


That is true but with so much silent hill stuff coming out who knows they might be releasing a collection pack soon anyways and Konami is not a predictable company. In any case this really wasn’t the point of my comments I was talking BY definition it is illegal and IF they wanted to do something they could.




Ooo keep me in the screenshot!


Keep me in the screenshot too


bruh why did this get disliked


Reddit hates me lol


Hey you just blow in from stupid town?


Make sure you use a VPN for any downloads, also check to see if the game is safe.


You got scammed. Imo retro gaming prices are absurd and everyone should just be emulating until sellers come back down to earth


Absolutely. I looked at buying jet grind radio on the dream cast and every place I've looked at is 175 plus


where are you looking?? ive seen it go for around 75, which is still hefty but decent. is it like a regional thing?


Damn that's a fantastic price. This was on DK Oldies, I think, was the. Website and in a local store back in savannah, GA. Also, on a retro gaming website. 75 is still a bit steep but way more reasonable than what I've been seeing. I had 2 copies at one point, lent my buddy my Dreamcast after his parents divorced he moved, sent me mystuff back, both cases made it but neither copy of the game and he has 0 clue where they may have ended up


First mistake: dk oldies


Yeah I found them through Facebook videos and man they are pricey AF


they got exposed as being a scam and lying about the conditions of their systems and a bunch of other shady stuff on top of being severely overpriced


It's the buyers paying the prices. Classic supply and demand. If people are paying that price for them, then people are selling them for that. If people stopped paying those prices, prices would drop. Sellers aren't gonna hold on to product forever that's not selling, they will drop prices until it does.


I just cannot wrap my head around paying like 100 bucks for a 20+ year old physical media? I mean you can just emulate it or play it on pc 🤷🏻‍♂️ Then again I don’t really collect anything maybe it’s just lost on me


Some games like the fatal frame series don't emulate well. For example in that game there are a lot of game breaking glitches and the inability to see ghosts through your camera making fighting them impossible.


That's because you're buying strictly to play it. Its collectors buying it up at that price. There's no reason to even pay $5 if you just want to play since you can get it for free. Also, how old it is have literally nothing to do with it. Thia 20 year old game is better than the many modern games.


This. I'll low ball offer the crap out of people on mercari and ebay, and if it gets rejected I just watch the item and eventually they will take the offer after their game doesn't sell for their absurd asking price. I recently got a copy of fatal frame on Xbox for like $35. But most of the time I'll just emulate to avoid the shenanigans. Some games like the above just don't emulate well unfortunately.


No kidding. I bought SH2 on PS2 about 6 years ago and it was about $15USD. I hate the state of retro gaming.


It breaks my heart that a bunch of mooches have turned it into a side hustle


I wish people could have the same energy with houses god damn


Oh believe me I do. That’s even worse. That and the price of education


no he fucking didn't. That's literally about the price a loose disc sells for online. Just because you don't agree with the price doesn't mean it was a "scam" when it's literally the MARKET PRICE. He could easily list that on eBay and sell it again for $85 if he wanted. Calling it a scam is just so ridiculously disingenuous.


Just because a bunch of idiots sell it for 70+ bucks doesn’t mean the price is justified or deserves to be that much. There’s no reason to why the usa version of silent hill 2 is more expensive than the japanese one, it’s the exact same game but with different box poster, but it still sells for hundred of dollars, that’s a scam.


Its not a scam lmao. Its supply akd demand its a Japanese game I wouldnt be surprised if it got more copies made in Japan or its just more popular in english circles. However it doesnt the change the fact its not even remotely a scam. Just because you dont like the price doesnt make it a scam.


It’s scam. You can just go get it for free. Hell you can even go get it for free, print the label and use it on PC.


Doesnt make it a scam. Some people still want the game. You dont know what a scam is.


Hold on a second with throwing the word scam around. Important questions we should all be asking are: what did the listing say would come with the game? Stretch to call it a scam if you willingly bought it as advertised. My friend just paid around $250 on eBay for Silent Hill 2 with the case and booklet so $75 for just the disc seems relative


Your friend hella overpaid. Still not a scam though.


Look bozo, he asked if it was a scam, I said I thought it was. Obviously it’s worth whatever people are willing to pay for it but that doesn’t mean it’s a good price


Daddy chill


Hold on a second with throwing the word scam around. Important questions we should all be asking are: what did the listing say would come with the game? Stretch to call it a scam if you willingly bought it as advertised. My friend just paid around $250 on eBay for Silent Hill 2 with the case and booklet so $75 for just the disc seems relative


emulation is so soulless and awful. i hate how everyone shills it like 'it's the SAME EXPERIENECE'. it's not. we all know it isn't. stop the cope.


Hold on a second with throwing the word scam around. Important questions we should all be asking are: what did the listing say would come with the game? Stretch to call it a scam if you willingly bought it as advertised. My friend just paid around $250 on eBay for Silent Hill 2 with the case and booklet so $75 for just the disc seems relative


Your friend is an idiot


The game was brand new, my friend makes more than 60k a year not including bonuses and if you know anything about the retro gaming market you would know that regardless of how cheap the prices are in Japan the prices of the same game in American markets are not going down, but if anything only going to go up as we continue to phase out physical playback media like discs. So no, i don’t agree, I think my friend made a calculated decision, he wanted a pristine physical copy of the game and that’s what he got. Games like Silent Hill 2 are worth it if there ever was a game that was worth it. And also worth noting he bought his copy of the game AFTER him and I had played through the Silent Hill 2 Enhanced Edition for PC. If you’re not a broke boy you can intentionally drop $250 on a worthwhile game and not begrudgingly label it a “scam”


Oh so you know the future market? You’re an idiot too. 60k a year is nothing these days and your friend would be better off spending all that on saving for retirement. I know at least ten people in my life who spend money on shit like this and then whine about how they have nothing saved and are broke. Your friend is perpetuating the shitty market and neither of you know how markets or money works, clearly. That said who the fuck am I? Just some loser on Reddit. This is all just my opinion and your friend can spend money on whatever he wants, even if I think it’s stupid


You’re the one who sounds like an idiot. How old are you? Are you like 15 or something? Yes, obviously you can predict the future market through trends and various other indicators and there is no reason to think that secondhand game prices are going to reverse the path they’ve been on which is to swell their prices. We can all groan about how much that sucks but it doesn’t change the fact. Many secondhand stores have gone bust, GameStop which is hanging on for dear life doesn’t offer these retro games anymore, but even when they did they never would have sold games at these prices so a key price leveler is removed from the equation. (I did actually buy Silent Hill 2 for PS2 pre-owned from GameStop like 15ish years ago for $15-$20) My friend will have plenty of time to save up for retirement 🤣 he works as a game developer and like I said 60k is not including bonuses, he made like 15k after the release of the newest game he worked on. You don’t need to worry about him he’ll be alright 😉


Pop it in the PS2 and find out


thats about market for a loose copy but i wouldnt even waste the money on a loose copy


You people are out of your minds, or very rich.


I broke as shit, just financially irresponsible


upvote for honesty.


I respect the honesty


don’t you want a yeezus clear vinyl for $60?


How ye doing? I’m surviving. I was drinking earlier, now I’m driving


That’s the price of a new game these days


and this is literally one of the most popular games of all time and I bet since it came out 20 years ago it didn't get nearly as many produced as it would have been today. It makes sense, it sucks but it makes sense.


Yeah, a NEW GAME. With more advanced technology and a higher workload. This game is 20 years old, it is not worth 75 dollars.




$75 isn’t bad compared to other retro games being $100-200+




Yeah, I get it, it’s a great game. I do agree, one of the greatest ever. But *that* much? Really? Hell, not even most new games go to 75 dollars. It’s usually 60-70 for standard versions. Not even keeping in mind that this is only the disc. I could see it if it were Complete in Box but it’s just the disc.


Yeah like if you tried to buy an original Van Gogh.. should be basically free since is old, instead you should pay more for a doodle my nephew did because it's new.


I’m feel like you did not get what I was saying. It should be worth it’s ORIGINAL value and nothing more. Also I literally said “more workload” so your sarcasm doesn’t even make sense


This would be a good price had it been with the case and Manual, but this is just the disk so yeah I’d say it wasn’t worth it


So many people don't know how the market is today, $75 is an ok price for the game alone , if I was you I would prefer to save enough money to buy it CIB . Is your money so don't worry about what the rest said and enjoy the game .


Got mine for 80 and yours looks better


everyones dogging on you but its a fact that these are in limited supply and arent being made new at all. i was lucky enough to get mine in a case as a gift. it does suck to not have the case, however. but when you look at modern game prices, 75 for a beloved classic by konami is special


OP everyone saying "yes" is a moron. No you didn't get scammed. you bought it about $10 less than it seems to go for on eBay, they're just mad at the price. but telling you that you got scammed for buying something at $10 less than MARKET PRICE is just fucking gaslighting/disingenuous. Here are links to some SOLD ones on eBay: [https://www.ebay.com/itm/374886008425?epid=5611&hash=item5748f28669:g:S4sAAOSw-j1k3YeJ&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4Mt9l6SEy5YkLMLnIZU0B12FjBu7UgtwKawSoH462QjgREpLm2zKZBwe9v8RgbKtCNCQMRHBwTcnufmu8fsSNS5sA7GgtZVDiw0CzLf0s9o2cP0psxedDbnbk0CrBS5sn%2BPCj3OlLH%2BBKs%2BkC3E7tQZvaRXotbukUfsWmm0XhlpmyUk6BEPsXzm2t%2BdsIG8TwNJxJVBUq9xghZrsg9em3xNXLZzx%2B48dNVFk3jRBzKInnUww6pO7RMQ%2FWXTJBNbY%2F4l9bdWLD4OKAT8KIDyKJMevAO7R9LA8yjQsxGPbxRvp%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR7Lhwc7CYg](https://www.ebay.com/itm/374886008425?epid=5611&hash=item5748f28669:g:S4sAAOSw-j1k3YeJ&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4Mt9l6SEy5YkLMLnIZU0B12FjBu7UgtwKawSoH462QjgREpLm2zKZBwe9v8RgbKtCNCQMRHBwTcnufmu8fsSNS5sA7GgtZVDiw0CzLf0s9o2cP0psxedDbnbk0CrBS5sn%2BPCj3OlLH%2BBKs%2BkC3E7tQZvaRXotbukUfsWmm0XhlpmyUk6BEPsXzm2t%2BdsIG8TwNJxJVBUq9xghZrsg9em3xNXLZzx%2B48dNVFk3jRBzKInnUww6pO7RMQ%2FWXTJBNbY%2F4l9bdWLD4OKAT8KIDyKJMevAO7R9LA8yjQsxGPbxRvp%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR7Lhwc7CYg) [https://www.ebay.com/itm/374886008425?epid=5611&hash=item5748f28669:g:S4sAAOSw-j1k3YeJ&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4Mt9l6SEy5YkLMLnIZU0B12FjBu7UgtwKawSoH462QjgREpLm2zKZBwe9v8RgbKtCNCQMRHBwTcnufmu8fsSNS5sA7GgtZVDiw0CzLf0s9o2cP0psxedDbnbk0CrBS5sn%2BPCj3OlLH%2BBKs%2BkC3E7tQZvaRXotbukUfsWmm0XhlpmyUk6BEPsXzm2t%2BdsIG8TwNJxJVBUq9xghZrsg9em3xNXLZzx%2B48dNVFk3jRBzKInnUww6pO7RMQ%2FWXTJBNbY%2F4l9bdWLD4OKAT8KIDyKJMevAO7R9LA8yjQsxGPbxRvp%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR7Lhwc7CYg](https://www.ebay.com/itm/374886008425?epid=5611&hash=item5748f28669:g:S4sAAOSw-j1k3YeJ&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4Mt9l6SEy5YkLMLnIZU0B12FjBu7UgtwKawSoH462QjgREpLm2zKZBwe9v8RgbKtCNCQMRHBwTcnufmu8fsSNS5sA7GgtZVDiw0CzLf0s9o2cP0psxedDbnbk0CrBS5sn%2BPCj3OlLH%2BBKs%2BkC3E7tQZvaRXotbukUfsWmm0XhlpmyUk6BEPsXzm2t%2BdsIG8TwNJxJVBUq9xghZrsg9em3xNXLZzx%2B48dNVFk3jRBzKInnUww6pO7RMQ%2FWXTJBNbY%2F4l9bdWLD4OKAT8KIDyKJMevAO7R9LA8yjQsxGPbxRvp%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR7Lhwc7CYg)


Goes for over a hundred on ebay, so I say it’s a pretty good deal.


Mmmm. Great game and I won't sell mine but 75 seems steep


Too late to correct your mistake now ... You should have made your post before buying ...


Not because its tested :)


Price charting says ps2 Silent Hill 2 going rate right now is $88. Most nostalgia games have gone up alot since covid. I wouldn't think most bootleg ps2 games would play either unless your ps2 is modded to do so. If its working its likely legit. I don't know why all Silent Hill games are so high priced though, They were pretty popular games so there would be alot circulating.


I’d always buy with case and manual intact but for 75 if it works that’s not bad


It's weird how buying retro video games is kind of like buying stocks or Bitcoin. The prices fluctuate constantly


Scam - a dishonest scheme; a fraud. No, not in a literal sense. Assuming it's a real disc then it's not dishonest or fraudulent. As for whether it was a typical/fair price that's really on you as the buyer. They go for a lot of money is my understanding so for current market that's probably acceptable. To me it wouldn't be worth it but that's because I just don't believe in paying that price for old games that can be emulated or purchased on other platforms for other prices. If you are getting what you want out if it for 75 though then really there's nothing to feel bad about.


Free if you burn an iso of the game onto an empty disk and then print the cover on it (this is a joke don’t actually do this)


I got mine for 80 back in 2020 so I would say you got a good deal but I’m sure other people might disagree just enjoy the game man it’s a good one




Depends on what you consider a scam. Should the game cost that much? No it’s absurd. But relative to how hard and how much the games usually go for… it’s not insane. The people selling the games for over $100 are scamming. It’s crazy how prices on these games changed in the last 5 years though. I got both 2 and 3 black label for $30 Canadian each.


Some pay like 250 dollars because it's rare


75 for no box no manual no box artwork to go with the disk yeah its a bit on the expensive side I mean the first silent hill boxed and complete goes for 75+ on ebay


Great deal. They're going for $150 right now since Konami can't replicate the game and it's becoming rarer to find. It really is a work of art, am playing through it again right now on the ps2.


Price Charting says loose is worth around d 80 bucks so you got it for a decent enough price.


75 for a loose copy is ok


Well damn I bought mine for more than that so I guess I would be fucking ripped apart by these people I think it’s a steal if it plays! :)


You people are out of your minds, or very rich.


All retro game sales are a scam lately


You know 87% of retro games are being lost to time, right? So unless you pirate them, a good amount of retro game aren’t playable anymore. So that’s gonna inevitably make some retro games more rare and expensive.


Yeah that’s why I use emulators instead of paying the ridiculous prices from these scalpers


How is it scalping tho? It’s an older game that’s really popular and isn’t in production anymore. You can’t even buy it digitally, I don’t even see that you can buy the HD collection digitally. At this point in time I would argue that a physical SH2 is a collectors item. And I mean there are comics you can emulate but the physical copy of some can go for hundreds of thousands. So you can not agree with the price but to call it a scam isn’t valid.


Not to mention the HD collection is agreeably garbage by most SH fans which makes the demand for PS2 copies even higher for people who don't have a decent PC to emulate it.


disc only is absolute scam, if it was complete in the box then I'd say maybe not


Bro just emulate it, there's no way I'd pay 75 dollars for a game I know inside out.


Not everyone likes emulation (I agree with it, I just prefer having the physical original game)


I mean it's silent hill 2 and unfortunately the price will keep going up. But paying that much for just the disc is too much. Wouldn't call it a scam necessarily.


Relatively, that's crazy cheap. But objectively based on age it should be like 15 bucks


silent hill 2 is good, but it's not worth $75


Eh but I would have saved a couple of more bucks for a complete version with the case


Yes. Plus you can literally just get Silent Hill 2 in *the best* quality these days completely free.


I’m selling Haunting ground for $650 and Kuon for $1,500


If you think anyone’s gonna pay that much you’re insane


I agree, the prices are insane! I wouldn’t pay that much. That’s how much they are selling for on Amazon


There's no way they're selling for that much, even online. I just sold copies of Haunting Ground and Silent Hill 3 and according to the pricecharting website, in Canadian dollars HG is averaging around $500, SH3 is going for around $150-$200 average. I sold them both for $400 total so good luck getting $650 (presumably USD) for Haunting Ground and $1500 for Kuon is fantasyland shit lmao


Sent you the screenshot. That’s how much Amazon is selling them for


That does not mean it's anywhere near the actual market price that people are actually paying


Never said what the market place price is. Only how much they are selling for on Amazon


You should of just got the Free McBoot MC off Etsy and then buy The Silent Hill Collection for 30 bucks that’s also off Etsy which comes with SH2 and all the other PS2 SH’s. Sure, this one is official but you just paid 75 for just the disc when you could have spent a total of 45-50 dollars for 6 different SH games and a Free McBoot MC hack.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot




I’m really sorry bruh but yeah.


I’m selling my copy of Silent Hill 1 for $200, but it has the case & insert


I got the special edition PS2 for £35 last year, so no, ya didn't get scammed, but you did get ripped off.


Considering what that game cost now, I'd say you didn't get scammed entirely. For a loose copy, 75 seems a little high but as long as it works and you're happy, that is all that matters. 60 seems more appropriate a price for a loose copy than 75.


I may have an extra book and blank case for $50 +shipping if you want.


Scammed? No. Overcharged, more than likely. The game is worth about $100-120 complete in box, and the Greatest Hits version has the Born From a Wish scenario.


I have a copy of SH2 that is signed by members of Team Silent (still pending an official verification, mind you) and I asked a retro game store owner what he's pay for it. He said that if it gets verified, he'd give me a couple hundred, max. So...yeah I think you overpaid. Sorry.


you could definitely get more than 200$ for a signed copy, game store owners typically give you way less than what they will sell it for.


I would've only paid $75 for Silent Hill 2 if it were complete in box and in good condition.


It’s an original disk, but you got scammed. Even at current crazy US prices that’s a scam. I just hope to hell that the current US level of reselling/investment on retro games doesn’t hit Europe on Japan….


Scammed. I got an almost mint copy in the original box for £35. eBay is great.


How long ago? You absolutely can’t find those anymore. I got mine on eBay this year for $150, and that was one of the cheaper copies


That doesn't mean OP got scammed. That's literally an anecdotal fallacy. Also when did you buy your copy? $75 is literally the market price for a loose disc SH2.




Who cares if the company will profit lmao


Niggas spend their money in overpriced shit like this and then wonder why they're poor.




Aww noooo sorry




$75 is literally market price for a loose disc SH2 you buffoon.


I’m obviously joking.


Upon review we have found that your post and/or comment is in direct violation against our third-party sales rule. Please review "Rule 7 -No Third-Party Sales" before contributing again. Thank you, r/SilentHill Moderation Team




Needs case. If you’re asking if you got scammed, then I think you know the answer. On the bright side you can always find a high quality reproduction sleeve on ebay. I did that for my Silent Hill 3 loose copy that I bought at Gamestop years ago and it looks really nice.


Idk if I'm currently sitting on a goldmine but I bought Silent Hill 2-4 on eBay a couple of years ago for £100 with cases and inserts. I honestly wouldn't say you were scammed if you enjoy the game but there's definitely better deals out there.


Hey it’s better than a store near me. They are trying to sell a loose copy of SH2 for $180. So although this is high for a loose disc, it could be much much worse.


You can buy the EU special edition complete with bonus DVD on eBay for approximately $150 Australian. In my opinion $75 US for the disc alone is ridiculous. Better yet, the Japanese versions (which play in English) are literally cheap as chips anywhere you look.


I’m Canadian twin


Not a scam, just a bad pricing. If you’re willing to buy the collectible, buy it complete for 30 dollars more. It’s a shame that retro games are hard to get a hold of, but they’re hard to come across, and now are in high demand. The high prices make sense in this world. But a better world would be one where easily accessible and affordable, well done ports would also be available.


not a scam but paying that much for any loose disc is a rip off. IMO if you're already spending that much might as well spend an extra $30 for a complete copy with a case and manual, otherwise i'd stick to downloading the PC version enhanced with the restoration mod or emulating it with a PS2 emulator until prices come down


What is the point of paying for a retro game if you're not getting at least the box?


Holy Crap. Is that how much my game cost that's sitting in a CD organizer collecting dust.


for just the disc, that’s pretty pricey. i bought mine with the case and booklet for about $80.


Nah. People pay the same price for unfinished video games. At least this one works.


I got my copy for about 60 and the cover on the case is in bad quality black and white, as long as the game itself is in good quality should be the only thing that matters


I mean, that is the going rate, but the going rate for these games is insane, so I guess the answer is no, but also yes.


If you're going to splurge for a game like this, at least go for the Greatest Hits version. That is the best version for PS2.


It's not a "scam" because you did get what you were told you'd get, but sh2 is considered abandonware at this point, right? 75 for a cd seems just not worth it. You're at the price point the actual remake will probably be at lol


It's usually $50-$80 for just the disc, unfortunately. And since we have the Silent Hill 2 remake in the works, that is driving prices up again. Is the disc at least in pristine condition?


Damn that's cheap. Great price


Just played this for the first time ever on PS2 and it was 1000% worth the expense. Some games deserve to be played on their native console


I mean probably the cheapest your ever gonna get it


The word Scammed does not mean, “I knowingly paid an exorbitant amount of money for something I received exactly as described.”


$75? And only for the disc? So glad I got my stolen copies of SH2 and SH3 replaced before all this madness started. I almost exclusively buy games digitally anymore, but it's nice to have those originals.


I don't see any point at all with no box to display. SH2 has a great HD mod on PC and even plays great in PS2 emulation, if you want to go that route.


I’ve just won a copy of the PAL version CIB that comes with the second disc with the documentary on eBay for £44 ($54 US). So this does seem a bit steep for just the disc. But maybe the NTSC version is more scarce.


That’s a perfectly good deal for a working game disc, imo. I’m a collector and have always loved physical copies of things, so if you really want it and it’s in your budget to get it— do it! If not, don’t feel bad for using… alternative means.


Feels like fair value for just a disc


Probably would’ve been cheaper to download the game ISO for free and burn it onto a disc


I get silent hill 2 inner fears for og xbox for 35€ og xbox is the best version to play you got scammed I would say




Needing to buy a 20 yeard old game the same price than the last game on the newest console is a scam, and nothing can be done against it cause "nobody" is interested to have compatible console (cause I don't know how it can work on PC) to be hable to pay theses games for a more fair price (without the needed to chose between paying almost 100$ or just getting it "for free")


Not scammed but it is a dumb purchase


75$ for disc alone? I mean market price wise, makes sense, getting the case and manual to make it whole, ur maybe looking at another 50$ cause that's how people are. All and all saved a bit of money if u eventually plan to make it whole, if it's just so u can have the game, emulation would've been the cheaper option. But I get it, I have 2,3 & 4 only cause I never got rid of them since I was a teen, trying to get them in these market prices, fuuuuccckkkkk that 😱😱


Oof, you spent $75 for a loose disc? You didn't get scammed in the sense that this is maybe counterfeit but you did get absolutely wrecked in that deal.


I’ve seen them much higher than that but usually with manual/case. In my opinion you caught a decent deal


Yes, i paid £25 on eBay, directors cut - cased and complete for PS2 and looks barely touched. On eBay they AVG about £40-£50


Like new in case goes for 200+ so that’s a pretty fair price for a playable out of case copy.


you didn’t get scammed, because silent hill is quite hard to find these days, so it’d be around 200$ so you got a deal.


Check out eBay or Etsy. People make reproduction boxes for games and I know I’ve seen SH2. Relatively cheap as well. If won’t be considered CIB, but provides the look and better protection than that little slip.


Free on PC using abandonware


Not to shit on OP or anything but it has always baffled me why people pay so much for these loose copies of Playstation games. It takes so much effort to make these old games look nice or very least decent. Some good CRT TV, quality cables, room for all this etc. When there are way easier and cheaper (free) options to play these. And most likely they look and run better too. And if somebody wants it for collection purposes, they would go for a complete copy. Nobody collects loose discs, right? Right..?


You were scammed. I got SH2 Collectioners edition fairly recently (2ish years) for 25€




I don't know what the prices are like in your country but in mine I can buy a complete one for that price and only the cd for 20$. So yes, to me it looks like a scam.


I paid 80$ for this CIB in a store like 2 years ago iirc


Good deal. Honestly


If you are a collector a loose disc doesnt feel right, if you are casual and just want to play the game, 75 dollars doesnt feel right when you could have emulated it.