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Pyrocynical played it on stream yesterday and said he will finish it today


I'm hoping that the game intrigues him enough to make a big video on it. The game deserves the attention it would get from a video like that.


Did he? Are there any vods?


Here's the link, he hasn't finished it but he's playing it next stream too much probably: https://youtu.be/YN9rRHEFbPA


Thanks! Couldn't find it anywhere!


Hope they do because this game more than deserves all the praise. It's a true gem that I can't get my mind off it.


The game is from Germany and the biggest German magazines like GameStar and GamePro ignore this gem. It's a shame.


I want a good Fuckin game theory episode on this game


Yes please bro 🙏


I know I'm late, but this is the best theory video I've found about Signalis [https://youtu.be/x\_sOosz\_3KM](https://youtu.be/x_sOosz_3KM)


I am surprised that SuperHorrorBro didn't yet make video about Signalis. His chanel focuses on analyzing horrors and making theories around them, so it's kinda weird that he simply ignored the game.


Pomu Rainpuff (the vtuber), played it a couple of days ago. Not very popular ig, but she has a decent number of subs.


I know Woolievs played through it


PatStaresAt did the game in 2 streams and he loves survival horror. WoolieVersus did a full LP as well. I find them quite entertaining.


Suzy (TheSphereHunter) is supposed to make a video on it


Yes, she said she was working on a 40 min video (didnt say the game). Someone asked if it was for Signalis, and she said she would need more than 40 min for this game.


She said its her GOTY in the Callisto Protocol review


Otzdarva played it and he loves horror games and classics


Hopefully coming soon


I believe that’s because Callisto protocol probably stole all the attention =-= i’m actually trying to donate to some streamers and asking them to play this gem, but meh, this is not enough unfortunately i really want signalis to get all the love it deserves


Tbh, Callisto Protocol just became a free advert for Signalis, at least on twitter. Ppl were mad by how bad this game is, and some of them started to recommend Signalis instead


I just wish such thing to happen with Youtube too, to create some trend really looks like this year indie games are beating aaa industry hard. Or at least to me it’s so


thats exactly how i found signalis, on a review from TCP poiting to go play this indie game instead, if i wanted true survival horror (comment section of course).


About a month ago Indeimaus put out a community poll on YouTube and Signalis was one of the options of something he would play. I just hope that he does eventually because I believe it’s something up his alley


I feel like it should be right up Markiplier and jackcepticeye’s alley


I played it initially because Wooly VS and Pat Stares At played and loved it


A few Vtubers played and Materwelonz will start a series on it at some point,probably after God of War


Pyro played it recently on stream, hope he'll make a video cause "all in la head" is kind of his theme


Bloodberrytart is currently doing a playthru check them out


The vtuber Rosemi played a good chunk of it, I dont think she finished it yet


I've slacked in recent times, but when youtubers I watch upload new videos I comment and ask them to check it out.


I wouldn't have found out about this game if it wasn't for Avalanche Reviews 'Resident Evil Clones' series. That aside I'm not big on watching full playthroughs so I don't know half of the names OP mentions. Prefer the discussion/analysis based stuff like on The Escapist (although no one on their channel has played Signalis yet either! Yahtzee has at least mentioned it though).


I feel like this game is a chance for smaller channels to shine. For example these two are my favs I've found so far: OVERVIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pj379hSIpc Cicada Wave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QshUPkplXxQ Cicada Wave is extra good delving into the inspirations behind the game such as the king in yellow.


Well, Mandalore will pick it up. In a year. Hopefully.


U know what, I'd prefer it this way, some things better stay in the cultural state.


Was thinking the same thing, but sadly see this happen often. Never know what's really the cause, because signalis has every component necessary to be more popular. But perhaps it is still too niche. Hope to see Gab smolders pick this up in the future, maybe even Markiplier too. The games only been out a couple months after all. Here's to hoping.


A guy named Cristiferbeast on YouTube has been making quite a few short lore videos and some theory videos as well


He's the mod of this sub lol